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Fandom Fallout: Los Angeles (WIP)

Jubinhof said:
Since many of you just want to stay in the Boston area, we will stay here for RP and I'll write up a new storyline in the mean time, for now, keep the posts going.
Well, I mean it your turn
well it is your turn unless your saying skip you well most of the order is out right now
I understand why the post order is in place, but it hinders rp
Seriously, drop the turn system for gahd sake. Scenes where two characters meet will be ridiculously slow and it will take the fun out of it, not to mention if someone stops for a long time we're screwed.
People will get skipped constantly when there is more than 4 people, usually I'd take it away, but in this case, 7 people, 6 people to skip over 1 person that has to leave for an hour and come back to the entire RP in an entire different place and in a different circumstance. Which leaves the person behind and confused. Not only that, in RP they'd just be standing there doing nothing while we RP and they'd be out of place to comeback and start posting again.

The order stays on.

FIRST I thought it takes place in LA

now it's in Boston

but now it's first at Boston then L.A.

Now it's Boston

I need help
Jubinhof said:
People will get skipped constantly when there is more than 4 people, usually I'd take it away, but in this case, 7 people, 6 people to skip over 1 person that has to leave for an hour and come back to the entire RP in an entire different place and in a different circumstance. Which leaves the person behind and confused. Not only that, in RP they'd just be standing there doing nothing while we RP and they'd be out of place to comeback and start posting again.
The order stays on.
If I may quote Star Trek, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. If a person is only gone for an hour, we can't possibly post enough to set someone back so significantly, forum RPing just isn't that fast paced. However, If a person is gone for several hours or days, they deny every other role player here their turn. I understand it is your forum and you can do what you please, but turn-based role play can only really work if we all synchronize and keep all focus on the role play so we can post in rapid succession.
I also believe that I can quote every respective person that there is this thing called respect. This isn't Star Trek, we aren't sacerficing people to their death, we also can live with waiting to post. If there's an issue with it, the only thing I can say is live with it.

You wont die from waiting for someone to post.
I understand post rotation helps keep people filled in, but:

1. Your post rotation makes the roleplay go by so slow that you get 2/3 of a page in per day

2. People, if we were to at some point diverge story arcs, would have to wait for the people in the other story arcs to finish posting before continuing

3. PC-2-PC conversation would be ABYSSMALLY slow. Waiting for the turn to come back around would ruin a conversation and cause people to avoid PC-2-PC interaction, defeating the purpose of a roleplay.

4. It'll take a month before we even get to LA.
Karcen said:
I can honestly live with turns and all through yeah I do worry about conversations
It's not if we can live with it; it's if it's good for the role play. I can live with it, but it can very well ruin the roleplay.
Maybe we can find some sort of middle ground? Keep the Order, but allow conversations to go unhindered?
Beaurmont said:
Maybe we can find some sort of middle ground? Keep the Order, but allow conversations to go unhindered?
Non conversation Player to player interaction would still be an issue.
Guys, let's face it. The turn based system is the roleplay equivalent of the No Child Left Behind Act. It tries to keep everyone in the loop, but in the process holds everyone back.
jole875 said:
If we can get the roleplay moving faster this wouldn't be an issue. Just waitn for @pridedzoey to post so we can move on.
Pointed this out a few moments ago. Problem is we would have to schedule a time to do this where all of us had all focus on the roleplay, which I highly doubt we can do.

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