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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

Noah took a deep breath and gave a small nod "They're going to put me on more medication....for the panic attacks." He whispered as he stared at her.
She frowned. “Honey I don’t think it was the panic attacks that did this…. I don’t think they helped but I think it’s gonna be a bit more medication than your anxiety meds.” She pointed out, squeezing his hand. “Get some rest okay? I’m not going anywhere. Promise.” She murmured to him, waiting til he was out and she moved to the chair until Nick got there and she stood and hugged him tightly. “What happened?” She asked him quietly.
Nick hugged her back and gave a heavy sigh "He's been having so much stress lately from the label. I've made the suggestion to find another one possibly because they're looking all about money and not seeing that it is clearly fucking up his health." He explained quietly
She frowned and sat back down shaking her head. “He’s worried sick about Keaton as well…. He was with him when he had that seizure and it spooked him something fierce…. But I don’t think this is stress Nick. I don’t think it’s helped and sure it’s sped things up but look at him. This is more than stress.” She muttered, frowning as she noticed he’d started sweating bullets, getting up and pressing the call button
Nick gave a heavy sigh and nodded some "I think its time we talk to him about stepping away. He needs to relax and being in the band is not giving him that." He said but frowned whem he noticed how pale he had gotten "Shit...let me get someone." He said before running out of the room while she pressed the call button.
She frowned as he started waking up clearly in pain. “Hey, it’s okay, nicks gone to get help, just breathe slow alright?” She coaxed letting him grip at her hand as much as he needed.
Noah looked at her terrified as he gripped her hand tightly "My chest....tight....can't....tight." he grunted giving her a pained look.
She stayed as calm as she could, trying to help him focus on breathing until staff were flooding the room once the alarms started going off, having to step out with Nick and just sat with her head in her hands.
Nick sat with her and rubbed her back sighing "Hey its going to be okay. He'll pull through it." He said trying to be as positive as possible
She just sat there quietly for a while until her phone rang with Edens number, picking it up. “Hey baby, everything okay? You guys being good for aunt max?” She asked her, “I know I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was leaving but me and dad are gonna come home soon as we can okay?” She told her quietly. “No… dads resting right now okay? I’ll get him to call when I can.” She told her, finally hanging up when Eden was satisfied with her answers and stood hearing them call Noah’s name. “Is he okay?” She asked quickly
HIs nurse looked at her and frowned some "We're taking him for a few tests, it looks like he may have had another heart attack." She explained
She just nodded slowly, trying to keep it together, glad she hadn’t listened to him when he said don’t come down, waiting til they were moving him out of the room and she walked with them, taking his hand when he reached for her, seeing how out of it he was. “I’m here. I’m here baby.” She promised, following as far as she could and waited til he was out of sight before she let herself cry, leaning against nick when he came up to her.
Nick held her close as they wheeled him back and took a deep breath "Come on, lets go wait in the room." He said quietly coaxing her to walk with him to the room
She nodded slowly and followed him, going to sit down and had some water, ending up falling asleep in the chair from the stress of the past 12 hours.

Nick sighed quietly and called max from her phone “Hey, sorry she’s fallen asleep. They think he had another one. She’s not gonna be home for a few days but Jolly is gonna be back today and I’m coming back tomorrow so I can come take the kids for some time. All of them if you want me to.” He told her.
Max frowned deeply and shook her head "Shit, yeah some help will be great but you don't have to take all of them." She said sighing heavily "Just keep me updated okay? I'll try to keep Eden distracted."
He nodded and frowned. “She said to stay at hers if you want though, don’t stress over anything.” He assured her, “give us a call if anything comes up alright?” He finally hung up and took a seat to wait for any kind of news.
They brought Noah back about an hour later his nurse giving a sympathetic smile to Carmen "His doctor will be in soon to talk with you both. We were lucky again to catch it early."
She was just waking up with nick nudging her and thanked her quietly, moving to sit right by his bed, taking his hand tightly and sighed a little. “I just wanna get him home and resting.” She muttered, sitting up more as he started waking up. “Hey, hey don’t move…. Just relax Noah.” She murmured
Noah looked around confused when he came to and sighed heavily "I...what happened?" He asked quietly squeezing her hand as tightly as he could
She frowned and gently smoothed his hair back. “You had another one baby.” She murmured. “Just try to relax okay? They said the doctor was gonna come in soon.” She murmured, kissing his knuckles.
Noah frowned deeply and shook his head some "I don't....why is this happening?" He asked her letting a few tears fall "I just...want to go home."
She shook her head and frowned "I don't know honey, we're gonna get you home soon as we can but you're not going earlier than they suggest." She told him, "After your doctor talks to you you wanna call Eden? I think she'd like to hear your voice." She smiled some, looking up when he came in and just gave Noah's hand another squeeze.
Noah looked over at the doctor and gulped quietly seeing the saddened look on his face "How....how bad is it?" He asked quietly
She frowned a little and kept close to him while they listened.

"It's not the worst case scenario but it's certainly not best. You're heading towards heart failure at this point Mr. Davis. Now we can get you on medication to slow it down but that's all it's gonna do is slow it down. I understand you only have one side of your family medical history. It's likely that this is prevalent on your father's side. Right now the important information is that we're gonna keep you here for another couple days, run a few more tests and get you started on some medication but you'll need to get set up with a specialist where you live as soon as possible." He explained to them, "I'll leave you to some privacy for now but any questions just let your nurse know." He told them and headed out.

Carmen frowned and just stared at him, holding his hands tightly, worrying more than ever now.
Noah gulped and took a shaky breath before looking at Carmen and bursting into tears "Oh god....Carmen....I don't...I don't want to die.." he whispered reach9ng for her needing her close to him.

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