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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

Noah gave a heavy sigh and nodded before getting Keaton put to bed. He sighed heavily as she came back once Eden was bathed "What do you want for dinner?"
She sighed a little and glanced into the lounge then back at him, "What I want for dinner is gonna have to wait until our daughter goes to bed." She winked at him, "But I do need to do a grocery run here soon." She told him, watching him go right past her and to Eden, "What are you-" She just shook her head as he she watched Eden get lifted over his shoulder and carried up to bed
Noah went a bit wide eyed but smiled widely and picked Eden up "Come on! Time for bed!" He said quickly as he ran up the stairs to her room. He came back a few minutes latwr though and sighed heavily "She made the point of she was hungry....so I guess we have to wait." He pouted
She smiled and shook her head. “We’ll hop to it then, make your daughter dinner.” She told him and went up to Edens room. “Right young lady, what color do you want for school tomorrow?” She asked her. “You’re not gonna have the mean teacher I promise you okay?” She coaxed when she started getting upset.
Eden frowned and shook her head some "You promise?" She asked before getting up and going to pick out her purple shirt and pants "Purple Mommy, that my favorite."
She nodded and kissed her head. “Promise okay? I’m gonna take you in and pick you up and if there are any problems you tell me straight away okay?” She told her, pulling her in tightly. “Oh I love you so much.” She smiled, kissing all over her face. “I could just eat you up.” She smiled as Eden giggled and protested. “I can’t eat you for dinner?” She asked, picking her up to take her downstairs.
Eden giggled and tried to wiggle away from her "Daddy save me!! Mommy try to eat me for dinner!!" She squealed loudly

Noah laughed and gasped as he stole Eden away "Noooo!!! Don't eat my princess!!"
She smiled and shook her head watching the two of them. “Okay fine but what is on the menu then?” She asked Noah, going to get herself a drink
Noah smiled as he sat Eden down "Pork chops, mac n cheese, and brocolli." He said before getting Eden a drink as well "That sound good to try Princess?" He asked her with a hopeful tone.
She smiled a little, watching Eden promise she would as long as nothing was touching. “You got it.” She told her.

-5 years-
Carmen pulled up to the airport, ignoring the kids bickering in the back and finally parked, taking them inside. “Right. Keep an eye out you two for your aunt max okay? I don’t know which exit she’s gonna come out of.” She told them as they’d gone to pick up her and the kids to come spend a couple weeks with them over the summer while Noah was away on tour.
Max was holding Iris's hand while the other was pulling her luggage behind her. Rory stood beside her insisting that he roll his own suitcase even though it was almost the size of him. "Okay look out for Auntie Carmen, don't go running off though understand?" She explained smiling widely though when she heard Eden's excited voice yelling for them.
Carmen smiled and waved them over, going to help Rory in the back who was clearly struggling with his suitcase. “Here bud let me get that.” She smiked. “Oh look how tall you’ve both got.” She smiled at the kids, “how was the flight?” She asked max, taking Keaton’s hand again and heading out with them towards the car.
Max smiled widely and hugged her friend tight before letting go "Thankfully it was good, kids slept most of the time." She said before turning her attention to Keaton and Eden "Oh look at you two!! You're so big!" She said happily giving them each a hug before she headed out with her making sure Rory was close by while she held Iris's hand "How is Noah doing?"
She frowned and shook her head. “Oh there’s not a drink in my hand yet to discuss that.” She smiled, getting the kids in the car and headed to their place. “I’ve put the kids in the same room but if they dont like that we’ve got more than enough space to move things around a little.” She told her, eventually pulling up at the house and for everyone inside. “Right before we all go running off, Eden you’re in charge of making sure the little ones stay away from the pool if you go outside.” She told her seriously then let them run off and she got the bags in with max, finally sitting down with a glass of wine with her. “How are things at home? Rory settling into middle school yet?”
Max helped her inside and smiled some "Iris may end up in my room but I think Rory should be fine." She said as they got the bags inside. By the time they were sat down she was finally relaxing and gave a nod "Yeah I think he's doing well, lots of new faces. His best friend has moved though so thats really taken a toll of him." She explained before sipping her drink "How is Eden doing? And is Keaton getting on in school well?"
She nodded and sighed a little. “Keaton is doing good as he can right now. They initially said he wasn’t gonna need anymore surgery but they’re thinking he might need one in about six months. We just have to wait and see.” She sighed. “Edens doing good, hee and Grace are still tied at the hip. Those girls will go to the same college at this rate if it’s up to them.” She told her then took a big gulp of wine and sighed again. “Noah’s not good. He’s been distant with me, a little with the kids even but work is running him ragged. Did you see the videos? Passed out on stage the other night.” She frowned. “But I think he’s worrying about Keaton so much that he’s tryna keep distracted as much as he can.” She muttered
Max nodded as she sipped at her wine "He's a fighter that little one is." She said softly before giving a small smile "You let me know if you need anything if that comes up okay?" She said before frowning when she mentioned Noah "Yeah I did see them, has he even been talking to Nick or Jolly?" She asked frowning when she shook her head "That man is just as bad as Ricky was sometimes with how he bottles stuff up."
She sighed and nodded. “Oh trust me I know, how did Keaton do with this last birthday? Is he still finding the cards too difficult?” She asked her, getting up to grab them some snacks until she heard the kids all coming downstairs and saw Eden ask for snacks for them, “here. You guys got juice and snacks in the fridge down there, Eden make sure your brother shares.” She told her, handing her the key to the snack fridge for the basement, going to sit back down again. “Thought we could order in a pizza tonight.” She told max; smiling as she saw both the little kids go down the stairs to the basement on their butts together.
Max gave a heavy sigh "Its still hard for him, I think even more so because he is fully aware now that his dad is gone." She said but smiled when all the kids came running up asking for snacks. Once they were gone she gave a small laugh "I'm so glad they all still get along." She murmured then bit her lip "So I uh...have I guess some exciting news. I may have met someone."
She nodded and sighed a little, "He'll be glad when he's older that he's got those though." She pointed out. "Oh yeah? Have you intoduced him to the kids yet?" She asked her but stood up when her phone rang "Hold that thhought, I'll be right back." She told her, stepping into the kitchen to answer it "Hey babe..... You okay?" She asked frowning as all she could hear was him breathing heavy on the other end. "Noah?"
Noah was taking deep shaky breaths trying to get himself under control "Hey....uh...how...how did everything go? Did you get Max alright?" He asked quietly trying to distract himself "I...
Fuck I'm struggling right now."
She frowned and leaned against the counter "Yeah, her and the kids are here, we're gonna order pizza tonight.... Noah... Honey I know that you are dedicated and you are always working to do your best.... But baby come home.... I know about you passing out on stage... Come home." She coaxed. "Maybe what we need as a family isn't distance but a holiday together." She suggested
Noah sighed heavily and closed his eyes "I can't.....the label needs this..it'll put us in jeopardy." He murmured before letting out a small sob "I just want to be home....with my kids." He whispered truthfully to her.
She frowned and shook her head "Noah fuck the label. You keep on like this and you're gonna make yourself seriously ill.... Don't make me make the call.... They wanna fuck around and find out with me they got another thing coming... Please... The kids miss you too." She sighed quietly. "Noah you gotta make a decision cause either you come home or you stop calling me like this every other day.... Puppy please." She murmured.
Noah sighed heavily and nodded some "I'll make the call tomorrow....finish out the week and cancel the rest of the tour." He said softly "How are the kids? They having fun?" He murmured

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