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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

He chuckled quietly. “I’ve traumatised you too much huh?” He murmured, gently patting the spot next to him “There’s space if you want it.”

She smiked a little and rolled her eyes. “You’ve certainly kept me on my toes.” She mumbled, moving with him to the main entrance hall when the lights dimmed, staying for cake and the speech before quietly slinking away to go home again, sighing at how quiet he was the whole way back.
Max laughed lightly and moved to sit beside him "Mmm I wouldn't say traumatized." She murmured cuddling him just a bit "Can you eat anything? I can bring you something."

Noah was still sulking most of the night. He went inside their place and sighed going straighy to their room to get out of the damn monkey suit he was in.
She sighed heavily and got dressed down to go to bed, getting snuggled in close once she turned the lights out but moved away when she felt him tensing. “Get some rest. I love you.” She murmured, falling asleep.

He nodded. “They’ll bring me lunch a little later.” He smiled, wrapping an arm around her. “Next time I see you out the club it’ll be somewhere much fancier. Promise.” He winked at her.
Noah got into bed with her and nodded some "love you too." He muttered barely above a whisper before falling directly to sleep.

Max smiled a bit and nodded "Oh yeah? I like the sound of that." She said softly while she played with his fingers
She woke up a little later than normal, frowning as she noticed he was already gone but with no more, no text message, nothing. Just an empty cereal bowl by the sink so she headed downstairs into the small makeshift studio that they shared and got to work on her own music. Vastly different from bad omens songs and much smaller an artist but she was pouring all of her frustrations into her current works.

He smiled and nodded, trying to stay awake so she wouldn’t get bored but he was still struggling to keep his eyes open with how much he’d put his body through in the last 48 hours.
Noah was sat in the studio rubbing at his chest. It was hurting worse than before and his breathing was getting worse too. He looked at their guitarist Nick and took a shaky breath "Dude I think I need to go to the hospital...I...I think my lung collapsed again.." he muttered still trying to regulate his breathing. He'd had this happen before when he was younger, and this was all feeling way too familiar.

It was another 4 months before she saw Ricky again. She was sat at work on her break scrolling through her phone when she felt a pressense in front of her. She placed her phone down and smiled widely when she saw him standing infront of her "Hey! I didn't know you were coming back today!" She said happily before standing up and hugging him tightly "Oh you've cut your hair! It looks really good."
Nick glanced over at him and frowned. “Are you… shit you’re serious. Okay okay uh… hold on. Hey Jolly! We gotta get Noah down to the hospital. Like now. Here, let me call carm and let her know what’s go-“ he paused when Noah shook his head. “You sure? She’s gonna be worried if you don’t go home tonight.” He pointed out, helping him up and getting Noah to lean on him all the way out to the car, noticing his breathing getting worse “Alright we can get there in ten minutes. Just hold on.”

Ricky had had a long four months and he was still struggling to keep himself in check but he was finally feeling better enough in himself to go see max, grinning when she finally noticed him and pulled her in tightly. “I uh… I got back about three weeks ago but it’s been a little rough. Getting there but it’s taking time…. Couldn’t wait to see you any longer though. How’s everything been here?” He asked her, pulling away just a little and smiled as he looked hee over.
Noah nodded some and tried his best to get his breathing under control. He shook his head when Nick mentioned Carmen "No....she'll worry too much...leave her be." He muttered before they helped him to the car.

Max gave him a small smile and shrugged a bit "Been busy, but nothing special happening." She said happily watching him a bit "You look good, keep up whatever it is you're doing." She murmured still staying close to him
He frowned but helped him in the back, chucking the keys at Jolly and getting him to drive them down there as quick as they could, helping him inside and not liking how he was practically dead weight by this point, “hi, I need help! We think his lung collapsed.” He called towards the front desk, frowning when his phone pinged right as they were taking Noah off of him, answering all the questions and watching them get him on a gurney and take him away, finally looking down to see it was Carmen who had texted him to tell him she was pissed at Noah, showing it to jolly while they waited and frowned. “She’s gonna be more pissed when she finds out he didn’t want her to know about this.” He muttered.

He smiled and nodded. “I uh… I was gonna make one change though. If you’d let me.” He told her. “I wanted to come ask if you’d go on a date with me. A proper one that I don’t pay you for.” He chuckled. “I was hoping you’d like to come over for a movie night? I make great popcorn and I know you like 80s movies … I’d like to see you more. And as corny as it is, I’d like to be your boyfriend if you’d like the same.”
Jolly looked down at Noah's phone and frowned deeply "You better call her. She deserves to know whats going on." He muttered before going to sit down in the waiting room.

Max smiled widely at him and gave a small nod "I'd like that a lot." She said softly before leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. She pulled back just a bit after and cupped his face gently "I'm off tomorrow and the next day, but if you'd like to wait a bit longer we can."
Carmen frowned a little at her phone and all the ignored texts she’d sent to Noah, starting to get more than a little pissed off until Nick was calling her. “Hey. I swear if he’s being a child and using you to talk to me I’m gonna kill him.” She muttered. “Nick spit it out what is going on?”

he smiled and shook his head. “I think we’ve waited long enough. Tomorrow sounds great to me. You want me to pick you up?” He asked her quietly.
Nick frowned deeply at how pissed she sounded and was starting to second guess his decision to call her. "No Carmen its not like that, we're uh...we're at the hospital. Pretty sure his lung collapsed again. He didn't...he didn't want us to call you because he didn't want you to worry." He explained down the line to her.

Max nodded happily and smiled at him "Yeah that would be great, I'll make sure to text you my address." She said sweetly still watching him in a bit of awe.
She didn’t respond for a minute and swallowed back tears before Nick asked if she was still there. “Uh yeah…. Yeah I’m still here….. he didn’t want to tell me?” She asked frowning. “Nick I gotta go, I’ll uh… I’ll call you later, text me if anything happens to him though will you?” She frowned, thanking him when he agreed and she hung up to go start packing her bags.

Jolly came back with a couple snacks and sat down frowning, “how’d she take it?” He muttered.

He nodded and smiled at her a little again “I better get going, Ryan will start tracking me if I’m too long but I’ll pick you up tomorrow. Seven pm sharp.” He told her, leaning over and pecking her lips a little shyly before heading out
Nick looked at him and frowned a bit "Not well...I don't think she is coming down." He murmured shaking his head some.

Max giggled softly and nodded pecking his lips back before letting him go.
He nodded slowly. “We’ve all seen it. We know he’s private but he barely talks about hee at the minute let alone brings her over…. Here. I’ll head back to let everyone know what’s happening.” He muttered as a nurse called Noah’s name.

Nick nodded in agreement, following the nurse to the room they had taken him to and sat down sighing a little. “Hey, they said they’re gonna keep you overnight but you should be good to go tomorrow.” He muttered frowning, not sure whether to tell him about Carmen or not.

By the next evening Ricky had cleaned his whole apartment top to bottom and kicked Ryan out to have some space to get ready, eventually leaving to pick up max and letting her know he was on his way, a little jittery with nerves even if he knew this was the right thing for the two of them. He liked her a lot and it wasn’t the first time he’d thought about them as a couple, he just didn’t wanna screw it up.
Noah groaned softly and nodded "Glad they were able to fix it quickly." He muttered taking a deep breath and closing his eyes "Can't believe it happened again.."

Max smiled happily as she stood outside of her apartment. She was excited to finally be taking this step with Ricky. She'd been wanting to for a while but she knew he needed to be the one to make that move. When he finally got there she rushed over to him and hugged him tightly as he got out of his car.
He frowned but nodded and leaned back a little. “Jolly said he can go over to yours and grab some clothes for you. They cut yours off.” He told him frowning. “And uh…. Noah I don’t think Carm is coming down anytime soon…. I think you need to call her. Like now.” He told him frowning

He smiled and pulled back a little. “Your ride is here m’lady.” He chuckled, opening hee door for her and getting back in once she was in the passenger seat. “Work go alright last night?” He asked smiling.
Noah frowned and looked at him confused "What do you mean? Is she alright?" He asked quietly reaching for his phone and dialing her number "She isn't answering..."

Max smiled happily and got in the car with him. She sighed and shook her head some "No, slow ass night and tips were shit." She said giving a small shrug "But its okay, hopefully my next day will be busier."
“You need me to come down and be a hype man?” He chuckled a little, glancing over at her.

He frowned and nodded “she’s alright she…. I don’t think she’s gonna be there when you go home.” He mumbled, knowing it was sneaky but called her from his number and handed the phone over.

Carmen sighed heavily, answering finally when she saw it was Nick calling. “What? I already sent you where the spare key is so jolly can grab his clo…. Fucking Nick… hi Noah.” She muttered after hearing Noah’s confusion.
Max laughed and shook her head "No no, but thank you though." She murmured before taking his hand in hers as he drove "So what movie are we watching?"

Noah frowned deeply when he heard what she was saying "Huh? Carmen whats going on? What do you mean spare key?" He asked in complete confusion about what she was doing.
“Spare key so jolly can get into your house and get you some clothes. Cause I won’t be here…. Nor will I be here when you get home… I’m leaving Noah. I can’t…. This was my last fucking straw today and I’m gonna go back to my apartment.” She muttered, frowning when he went to argue it and just shook her head, interrupting him. “You have ignored me for months. You barely let me know what you’re doing or when you’ll be home anymore and I’m not a pet to keep around for company. Dammit Noah when was the last time you told me you loved me?!” She questioned, giving him time to think before answering for him. “Two months ago. And it was because I gave you that Naruto mug I found…. Im done. Good luck with the record and have a nice life.” She spat, hanging up.

He smiled and shrugged. “I didn’t know what you might like so I’ve got some options laid out on the coffee table. Wasn’t sure what soda you wanted either so I got a selection of that too. No alcohol in the apartment for obvious reasons.” He smiled some, pulling up at his place and parking, getting out with her and took her hand. “Hey you think I could come down to the club at some point in the near future with my camera? Take some photos for you?” He asked. “Not to be creepy but the lighting in there would make for some dope photos.”
Noah sat there in shock until he heard the dial tone. He gulped and handed Nick his phone back "She uh....she's leaving...she broke up with me." He said quietly trying to keep himself together and not stress too much.

Max smiled happily as she got out with him and followed to his apartment. "Yeah that sounds like it could be fun." She said as they walked hand in hand. As they got to his place she followed inside and glanced around "This is a nice place." She said softly before giggling when she felt him pull her into him.
Nick frowned and nodded slowly. “I kinda gathered that already…. Hey try and rest alright? I know this is a lot all at once but maybe you guys just need a break and she’ll be back when she’s calmed down.” He suggested with a shrug, “I’ll leave you to it for now but like I said jolly is gonna bring your clothes soon.” He told him and left him to privacy.

He smiled and nodded. “I hope so I cleaned all day yesterday.” He chuckled, swaying with her a little, taking her to the lounge and letting her pick out a movie. “You want sweet or salty popcorn?” He asked.
Max laughed lightly and sat on the couch looking at the movies he had for her to pick out "Salty, not in a kettle corn mood right now." She said as she picked out the movie. She smiled sweetly as he came over with popcorn a few minutes later "How does The Goonies sound?"

It was eight long months later when they were ready for tour. The album had been out two months now and had blown up bigger than anyone expected. But while Noah was happy to see them finally getting their big break, his mond was clouded. He'd tried in the begining to call her and get her back. Even showed up at her apartment once, but all it did was end in a very loud arguement. He missed her, way more than he would like to admit and it was killing him. He was always keeping things of her close to him. The body pillow she had left, or the gold chain she had given him for his birthday which before he would never wear because it had been so expensive. Now though, he was doing anything to feel like she was close to him again.
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Carmen had been struggling. They’d had arguments before sure but in the almost 13 years they’d known each other they’d never not spoken for this long and all she wanted to do was pick up the phone and ask him to talk it out but her pride was getting in the way. It didn’t help that now that Noah had deleted his socials and was no longer interacting with fans, she was getting a huge influx of hate comments on her socials. She’d deleted all the posts of him and to any bystander it was obvious that they were no longer together. It was the only reason she was calling him right now to ask him to put out some kind of statement or anything to get them to stop. “Hey…. I need you to do me a favour. Get your fucking fan base to leave me alone. They all seem to think you’re mother Teresa and I’m some murderous bitch who used you for clout…. Noah I need you to fix this.” She told him, sounding pissed off but mostly desperate.

He nodded and smiled, going to sort them drinks and snacks. “Yeah that sounds good.” He called to her, making his way through just a few minutes later and set everything down, setting up the movie then finally took a seat next to her and pulled her in a little closer. “If you get uncomfortable just move. I promise I won’t be offended.” He smiled, leaning back and enjoying hee company.

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