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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

She rolled in a little closer and yawned, already on her phone and checking a few things on her socials. “Morning. Do you know if your black suit still fits? If not we gotta go get you something cause it’s black tie dress code for this party.” She told him.

He had woken up and immediately spent the next two hours by the toilet, fonally
Heading out to his room and glanced at his phone sighing a little before responding.
Noah groaned again and nodded some "Yeah it should still fit. I'll check it today." He murmured before pulling her in close to him "How did you sleep?"

Max smiled a bit when she saw him respond, though it was only an 'I'm fine.' response.

Chris looked over when he heard the door to the studio open and saw Ricky standing there "Good to see you show up." He muttered
She shrugged. “Not awfully.” She mumbled yawning again. “What Tim you gotta be at the studio?” She asked him, stretching out before finally getting up.

“Don’t fuckin start man im not in the mood.” He muttered, rubbing at his face and going to take a seat and get to work. All he wanted to do was go home but he was stuck there for at least a few hours, glancing at his phone every so often and half wishing max would text him again
Noah sat up and ran a hand through his hair "Noon, what time is it now?" He as he went go grab his phone.

Chris sighed heavily and frowned some "Yeah alright, look its your day to lay down some tracks for new songs." He explained before he got up and left to go grab a coffee for himself.
“Uh just after 10.” She told him, smiling. “We got a little time for some fun.” She said, watching him a little but sighed when he shook his head. “Fine. I’m gonna go get some bills sorted. Could you make sure you at least try on the suit?” She muttered. She loved him and had done for years but lately it felt like all his attention was on the band. Even through lockdown when they were forced to be on top of one another the whole time she felt like he was ignoring her.

He shook his head but got to work for a little while. Far from his best work too and the moment he got a chance he was heading out of there and down to the nearest liquor store, sneaking away to go get another drink. He didn’t want to be dealing with reality right now. No matter how successful they were getting he wanted to be out of the spotlight. Everything f that had happened hasn’t been his fault but he still felt responsible.
Noah gave a heavy sigh and shook his head some "Not right now babe, I'll do my best to get the suit on." He murmured before getting up and going to get ready for the day. He was excited for the new album, the band was really experimenting with their sound for it and he was hopeful that this could be their big break.

Max smiled some when she saw her phone light up with Ricky's name. "Hey there, you feeling better today?" She asked softly as she answered the phone.
She frowned and shook her head a little, heading downstairs to her mini office to get some stuff done, frowning more when she heard the front door go and then his car starting g but he’d never even said goodbye, muttering to herself a little.

He frowned a little, sat outside his house with the bottle in his hand “I was just calling to apologise if I got you in any kind of trouble. I know they give me a lot of leeway there and I didn’t mean to pass out.” He told her frowning.
Noah got back later that day and immediately went to their room to try on that suit before he took a shower. He walked out to her and gave a small spin around for her "Well? Does it look good?"

Max smiled softly and shook her head a bit "Oh don't worry about that. I just wanted to make sure you were alright." She said before biting her lip gently "So how has your day been?"
“Yeah it’s been in… it’s been. I might come by tonight. I got something I wanna give you.” He smiled. “No ulterior motive just a small thank you.” He smiled a little again. “I better go but I’ll see you later.” He told her.

She stood in the kitchen, on the phone to hee mom and turned to face him nodding. “That works perfect. I’ll be up in a few minutes alright.” She smiked, pecking his cheek and going to finish the conversations she had been having with her that Noah would have seen if he’d bothered to go see her soon as he got home.
Max smiled happily at the mention of seeing him again "Okay, well I'm in until the weekend. I finally got one off." She said with a small laugh "Alright, you stay safe handsome, I'll talk with you later." She said sweetly before hanging up with him.

Noah mouthed a sorry for interupting her but gave a small nod. He went over and pecked the side of her head quickly before he disappeared back upstairs to start on a shower.
She sighed a little and watched him go frowning some. “No mom I’m fine just… been a long week. I’ll let you know how dads party goes and we can discuss Christmas.” She promised her, eventually hanging up and going up to their room.

Ricky never showed up that evening and it was Chris that got the phone call, sighing heavily. “I gave you this number for emergencies. What is it now?” He muttered, frustrated that half his life had been taken up by Ricky and his problems ar the minute especially with having to handle everything else as well
Noah smiled some when Carmen came into the room just as he was getting out of the shower "Hey babe, sorry I interupted your call. I had remembered the suit and didn't want to forget so I came in to get it done." He explained before pulling her into him "How's your Mom?"

Max gave a small frown hearing how tired Chris sounded "I know, and I'm sorry to bother you. Its just I talked with Ricky earlier and he was sounding odd. Saying he had something for me as just a thank you for everything? He hasn't been here yet but I think something is wrong Chris." She explained before giving a heavy sigh.
She just nodded a little and rubbed at her face. “She’s fine. Complaining as per usual. Wants all the details from the party. Wants to have dinner with us when she’s in town next.” She told him, sitting on the edge of the bed and watching him. “You got that gaming stream today?” She asked him, leaning back a little.

He groaned and rubbed at his face. “We’ll be left the studio early. No warning no nothing just left.” He muttered. “I’ll go check on him max but I can’t keep doing this. You’re that worried about him call in a welfare check.” He muttered, hanging up and heading out of his place.

There was no answer at Ricky’s door. He couldn’t hear it and once it was finally opened it revealed Ricky passed out on his kitchen floor next to a puddle of sick and barely breathing, almost cold to the touch. The culprit was on the kitchen counter. Three large bottles of the strongest liquor he could find. All bought today and all empty.
Noah chuckled softly and nodded some "I bet she does, she always loves his drama." He murmured before shaking his head some "Nah not tonight, I was thinking we watch some anime together." He murmured as he started to sway with him "How does that sound?"

Max had gone to work and didn't have her phone on her when Chris called the first three times. It wasn't until she finished her first set when another girl came out to tell her that her phone had been going off multiple times. She frowned deeply seeing who had called and immediately put a robe on and stepped out back to get away from the loud noise "Chris? Hey everything okay?"
She nodded and smiled some. “Sounds good to me.” She told him, kissing his cheek. “I love you. Go get dressed I’ll get some snacks sorted.” She told him, pulling away gently to go get set up downstairs.

He sighed and shook his head a little frowning. “You were right to be worried. Hes been taken to the hospital. I found him in a puddle of his own sick passed out it’s…. It doesn’t look good right now” he told her. “It’s uh county general if you wanted to come see him.” He told her frowning.
Noah came down a little later and smiled happily at her "So we watching more Naruto?" He asked as he plopped down on the couch beside her.

Max went a bit wide eyed and nodded some "Shit uh....okay I'll get over there after I'm done at work, I get off in an hour." She said before going back inside and trying to finish up her shift.
Mark headed over to check on her after a little while and frowned. “Everything okay? You seem very distracted.” He told her, handing her a bottle of water.

She shook her head and rest it up against his shoulder “We got a lot of catching up to do on Bleach.” She smiled a little, cuddling into him
Max gave a heavy sigh and thanked him taking the water from him "Yeah just....Ricky is in the hospital. I just hope he is okay." She explained to him

Noah wrapped his arms around her and smiled "Ooo nice." He said happily before kissing her cheek gently "You wanna come to the studio next time? I want to show you the new songs."
She shrugged. “Depends on when it is. If I can I will.” She promised, feeling a headache coming on and feeling like even if he was right next to her, there was an ocean between them.

He frowned but nodded. “Go. You’re too distracted. Go see him.” He told her. He’d allowed Ricky being as relaxed as he was there with the interactions cause he could see it was something more than a client dancer thing happening between them.
Noah gave a nod and turned his attention to the TV "Sounds like a plan." He murmured before he started the show not even noticing how distant he was being.

Max nodded and hugged him tightly saying thank you before rushing to the back to get changed. She arrived at the hospital around 30 minutes later and bit her lip hard as she got into his room seeing Ryan in his room instead of Chris, she guessed the guys in the band were taking turns being with him.
Ryan flanced over at hee and smiled a little. “Hey, he’ll be glad you came.” He mumbled, pulling up a chair for her. “He uh… he’s not doing great right now. They said him being so skinny isn’t exactly helping with everything…. We don’t know if it was on purpose or not. He’d take a few tylenol that morning as well.”

She frowned but sighed a little. Noah had been such a huge part of her life for so long now and if anything she cared about more every day but it felt like he was going the opposite way and she was worried. She stayed curled up to him til late into the evening and finally got up. “I’m gonna go to bed but we need to be at my fathers by 5:30 tomorrow evening.” She told him yawning g a little.
Max gave him a small smile and sat down giving a heavy sigh "I don't know whats been going on with him. He's been closed off every time I ask if anything is going on. I just know he is very stressed." She said softly before taking Ricky's hand in hers.

Noah sat contently with her barely watching the show as his mind went over the new album in his head. He had such a good feelimg about this album that it was his main priority right now, even more than his relationship, but he wasn't realizing it.
Ryan nodded and frowned. “He’s uh…. We’re dealing with something right now. All of us. But he was the closest to the problem and he’s feeling responsible even though it wasn’t his responsibi…. Rick?” He got up when Ricky started moving around a little and groaning, going to grab a nurse.

Carmen just rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers at him. “Hey. Tomorrow. Be ready to leave at 5.” She told him. “I’m going to bed. Try not to stay up too late.” She sighed going up to bed
Max gave a small frown as she listened to him but then quickly turned her attention to Rick. She gave his hand a small squeeze while Ryan left quickly "Hey....stay laying down okay? We're getting you a nurse." She told him gently

Noah jolted out of his thoughts when he saw her fingers snap infront of his face "Huh? Yeah, 5 p.m. got it." He said before blowing her a kiss as she made her way up to bed.
He groaned a little and frowned seeing her sitting there. “Hey…. Hey you…. What’s going on?” He mumbled, a little confused still and looking around as he tried to get his bearings.

She sighed quietly and shook her head, getting ready for bed and turning the lights out completely to go to sleep in bed alone.

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