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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

"I don't need to hear it, I need to see it." She told him frowning, finishing her cigarette and stood on her tiptoes to kiss his jaw "I'm going for a shower before we have to hit the road." She told him, sighing heavily as she walked away, Nick soon taking her place outside and he frowned over at him, "Talk... Cause I know that face and I'm not gonna try and read your mind." He told him, lighting up a joint.

He shrugged, lighting up a cigarette and held her close "I got a few hours. It was really fuckin' loud last night though. Could hear all of them over my headphones." He mumbled, rubbing at his face. "And you snore real bad when you've been drinking." He mumbled that last bit, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands.
Noah sighed heavily and ran a hand over his face "She's scared, but I don't know how to get this shit under control. Its been so long since they've been this bad. I don't think its going to get as bad as before, but I dunno how to convince her." He muttered

Max frowned having caught what he said about her "Oh...I'm sorry about that. Maybe you can get a nap in later." She muttered before pulling away a bit from him.
Be shrugged a little and watched her. “It’s fine.” He promised, “You wanna go get dinner on our own tonight or just join the guys?” He asked yawning a little and stretching.

Nick shrugged a little. “Just keep going… we’ll get you there.” He assured him. “I think you’ve both been through a shit time recently and it’s taken its toll.” He said. “But we’ll be home in a week. And then it’s break time.” He grinned.
Max gave a small smile as she watched him "Depending on how you are feeling." She murmured kissing him gently "But if you're up to it lets go have dinner together." She said as she leaned against the bus.

Noah gave a small smile and nodded some "Right, home in a week." He said before yawning "Alright I'm headed back in." He muttered before getting back on the bus.
He nodded and frowned. “Alright…. At least we get a hotel in the next city.” He mumbled, not feeling great right now and put out his cigarette, “right. I’m going in.” He told her, reaching for her hand, making grabby hands towards her. “Come on… I’m gonna microwave you a pop tart.” He smiled a little.

Carmen was sat on the couch, looking over her computer and sighing a little. “I’m debating renting a car and driving back to LA tomorrow.” She told him, frowning when he started to argue. “Not cause I’m mad about last night…. I don’t really want to fly from New York… that’s a long flight.” She pointed out. She’d never liked flying which was partially why she’d never joined the tours in Europe.
Max gave a small sigh and took his hand as she followed him in "Mmm poptarts, gotta love em." She said happily before sitting down in the front area with Justin.

Noah frowned softly but gave a small nod "If thats what you want to do then I won't stop you." He said softly before kissing her gently and pressing his forehead to hers "I love you."
She frowned and sighed a little. “I’ll decide once we get to the next city.” She murmured, cupping his cheek “I love you too. It’s the only reason I’m getting so worked up with this. It’s because I’m worried about you.” She told him, kissing him again and moved to lay back against him as the bus pulled out.

Ricky chuckled a little and went to get her something to eat, starting to feel a little off as they started peeling out of the venues lot. “It’s so gross that we play Scranton and then have to leave for another few days before we can go home.” He muttered, shaking his head.
Noah nodded and held her close to him "I know, and after this tour is done we'll take that vacation to Tahoe and just relax." He murmured softly while he traced patterns on her shoulder.

Max gave a small laugh and nodded "Right? Very unfair....for us atleast. Justin and Ryan don't have those problems." She said and nudged Justin a bit.
She nodded slowly, yawning some and eventually got up “I’m gonna go lay down, wake me up when we get there.@ she yawned again, going to lay in his bunk.

Ricky nodded slowly, not trying to ignore her but he went to get his computer out and work on some stuff, hoping to get his mind off things for now.
The ride was another 9 hours before they finally stopped in the next town. She sighed softly seeing Ricky emerge from their bunk finally "Hey, you get any sleep?" She asked softly

Noah groaned as he woke up from a nap when the bus came to a stop. He smiled some as he saw Carmen sitting beside him working on her computer "What are you working on?"
She turned to look at him and smiled a little “I’m working super duper hard on my stardew valleg farm.” She told him.you were having nightmares again.”

He nodded slowly, feeling much worse than he had that morning but trying to push it away so that he didn’t let people down again. “Few hours I think.” He mumbled, stretching out and going over to sit with her, pulling her in close to his side.
Noah chuckled softly seeing her game pulled up. He frowned a bit when she mentioned the nightmares "Was I? Shit..." he muttered before cuddling her a bit.

Max cuddled into him a bit and smiled "Thats good to hear." She murmured before kissing him gently "We've just stopped, you hungry at all?"
She smiled a little and ran her fingers through his hair, scratching his head with her acrylics, putting an ear bud in for him and exited out of her game, pulling up a demo she’d been working on. “Somethings funky with this but I can’t put my finger on it.” She told him, pressing play

He frowned a little, not answering until she nudged him. “Hold on I’m trying to think if I’m hungry or not…. I’m feeling really nauseous right now.” He told her. “I’ll come but I’ll probably just get something to go.” He told her, getting up to go find his shoes, only finding a note from Vinny where he usually kept them. “Vin where are my goddamn shoes?!” He called to him
Noah smiled and relaxed into her touch. He listened intently when she started playing the song she had been working on "Holy shit...babe that is different, but in a great way." He told her truthfully giving a big smile.

Max rolled her eyes when she heard Vinny cackling from the back area "Vinny give the man his shoes!" She scolded him watching as he came out pouting with Ricky's shoes at hand
Ricky snatched them off him and put them on, heading outside for a smoke, while he waited for the others, grumbling a little.

She nodded and smiled a little. “I like the direction it’s taking I just can’t put my finger on what it’s missing.” She told him. “Have a think for me, get back to me.” She told him, taking her earbud back but emailed him a copy of it. “It’s in your inbox.” She murmured, getting up to go get dressed for leaving the bus.
Max sighed heavily giving Vin a worried look "I'm worried Vin..." she said quietly before heading out to join Ricky for some fresh air.

Noah gave a small nod and smiled at her "I'll check it out more later, I promise." He murmured kissing her gently "You want to get some food?"
She nodded and yawned a bit, stretching out. “Starving.” She told him. “Change your trousers though cause you look like you escaped an asylum right now.” She teased him a little.

Ricky frowned and glanced over when she came out, shivering a little despite it being almost 90 degrees “I think I might just stay here to be honest…. You should go though, stretch your legs. Get a break from me.l he smiled
Noah gave her a playful glare and smiled some "Fine fine. Make me uncomfy why don't ya." He murmured before getting up and going to change in the bathroom.

Max frowned softly and gave a small nod "Alright...I'll bring you something back incase you get hungry." She murmured before kissing his cheek gently "I love you babe." She said softly before going back on the bus to get ready to go.
She waited patiently for him to be ready to go, smiling when Nick asked to join them “Just like old times.” She grinned. “And just like old times, dinners on me boys.” She laughed a little, taking Noah’s hand while they walked.

He smiled a little, watching her go and just tried to get his head on straight but waited til they had all left and he went to Justin’s wine fridge, grabbing a bottle and taking it for a walk. By the time the others had returned and they were getting ready to go on he was getting to the point he couldn’t really see straight. At least he’d managed to take a shower to get the smell off of himself and he’d had max to help with getting his makeup on.
Noah rolled his eyes and laughed with them before keeping Carmen's hand in his swinging them gently as they walked. It was another good show again for them and Noah was feeling better than he had the past few days thankfully. He smiled happily as he saw Carmen chatting with Max while she waited for the cues to go on stage "Hey babe, I'm gonna head back for a shower but after you wanna cut out of here and grab some mcdonalds from across the street?"

Max sat backstage talking with Carmen trying to keep her worry down "I think he's been drinking while we were gone. He had me do his makeup, usually I have to ask to do it but today he asked me first." She explained before sighing heavily "I don't know what to do anymore. He needs help but he won't get any."
She gave him a thumbs up. “I’ll be here when you’re ready.” She told him, turning back to max and frowned. “Chris was saying he keeps spacing out at the minute when they’re working.” She muttered. “I’ll catch you tomorrow though, I better go if he’s hungry. He gets grumpier than I do.” She smiled, going to wait by the showers instead, waiting til he came out and started walking with him. “I’ve decided I’ll fly back with you.” She told him

Ricky was struggling more and more by the time they were halfway through their fifth song, stumbling a little and trying to catch himself but the world was spinning a little faster now and he just about managed to get his guitar off of him, barely noticing Chris looking at him confused before he stumbled another couple steps and collapsed halfway across the stage.
Max gave a small nod and said her goodbyes to her new friend before she got ready to get on the stage. By their fifth song she was stood side stage with Logan just watching the guys and getting ready to go out for the next song. She frowned deeply when she noticed Ricky stumble across the stage "Logan call the medics now." She said seriously turning her attention back to the stave when they heard loud gasps and saw Ricky on the floor. She rushed out without hesitation and quickly got by his side "Ricky? Babe can you hear me?" She asked as she tried to get him to stop moving his head around.

Noah got out of the shower and smiled throwing an arm around her shoulders "Oh yeah? Well thank you, it'll be nice having you there." He said happily before he grabbed his phone and wallet "How've the fans been? They finally put together that we are a thing again?"
Chris frowned at all the phones in the air, people videoing the whole thing and rushed off the stage to help bring some screens on to give a little privacy as he had started seizing.

Carmen smiled and nodded, wrapping an arm around his waist while they headed away from the venue, “a few of them are but I haven’t actually posted you to my page yet… but I got a good couple of photos of you from tonight so they’re going up tomorrow…. Bryce got a really nice one of both of us too.” She smiled,
Max went wide eyed as he started to seize on stage. She looked at the guys terrified as the medics rushed over moving out of the way and near Vinny as they worked on him.

Noah nodded smiling a bit "Oh yeah? You'll have to show me them." He said happily holding the door for her as they got to the restaurant frowning though when he heard the sirens coming down the way and saw an ambulance pull up behind the venue.
She smiled a little. “I got other things to show you in the hotel tonight.” She smiled, going up to get their food and brought it to a table he had found in a corner. “You look really suspicious back here til you’re hood up.” She giggled.

Vinny called to Logan to get the light guys to turn the lights on cause it was a little hard to see for the medics, hearing them ask if anyone was going to go with them and Vinny nodded, “yeah. Max hey go on, we’ll meet you there.” He told her,

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