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Fandom Fairy Tail RP (Always open and accepting)

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Alex nodded and sighed " at least stay.. in town and rest. " he said looking at Saxis as he followed him outside.

Saxis nodded and headed towards town to go find a inn to stay in so he could go get some rest. He was still exhausted and was completely drained. He finally reached a small inn and headed inside getting a room. He walked to his room and jumped onto his bed closing his eyes instantly falling asleep.
Fairy Tail Guild Hall - Bar

Imran sighed as he sat at the bar in contemplation. Twice, his guild was attacked now. This could not be allowed to continue, but he had few options to work with. These dark mages might have been easier to track town if they belonged to a dark guild, but their actions didn't indicate that they had anyone helping them. Then there was the thing that the dark mage with black hair said about reclaiming what was his. "How Troublesome."
Fairy Tail Guildhall

Alex made his way to the bar where the master sat down and he sat down next to him on the bar stool. He looked over at him " Master.. What do we do? The Dark mages will return. Let me do your bidding " he looked over at him " let me unleash a storm like no other upon them " he smiled calmly " if not I will stay here to defend Fairy Tail and our friends..
Necr0Danc3r Necr0Danc3r
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Fairy Tail Guild Hall - Bar​
Imran glanced at Alex before smiling. "You're much too serious." He said before patting Alex on the back a bit harder than intended. "These mages have tipped their hand, and now they know we're onto them. They're unlikely to try anything unless a guild member travels alone." He drank from his mug. "Still, until we know how to track them, it might be best if you brats go with partners on quests."
Saxis Bloodborne Saxis Bloodborne
Fairy Tail Guildhall- Bar

Alex smiled and looked at him and grabbed a mug " if that's what you wish master I will honor it.. " he drank from the mug and chuckled a bit " never had anyone with me since.. we lost Jason to the dark mages.. I haven't teamed up with anyone sense, but I will go with the next group of mages that goes out on a job. " he said taking another drink from his mug honoring his friend that got killed by two dark mages in front of him. He stood up and looked towards the master " what of the dark mage that brought back Lily? Does he pose a threat or does can we convince him to join us.. he's independent.. he seems to really care about Lily.. he did a lot to bring her back.
Necr0Danc3r Necr0Danc3r
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Fairy Tail Guildhall - Bar
Mimi watched as the master and Alex rejoined her at the bar. She overheard them, and shook her head "you got to be kidding me, we're not going after the dark mages?" she shook her head "you heard Lily before she said she recognized a dark guild symbol on the girl." she glared at Alex "and youuu" she pointed at Alex, "you want that other mage to join us?" she scoffed "what are we becoming? We are Fairy Tail, we can't just sit back and take this!" she grabbed her barrel, putting it back to her lips started drinking again. Mimi was in a bad mood, she couldn't understand the master's reasoning.

Saxis Bloodborne Saxis Bloodborne Necr0Danc3r Necr0Danc3r @RoxasTheExalted Black Jade Black Jade

((haha Jason lol))
Fairy Tail Guild Hall Bar

Alex looked over at Mimi knowing she was drinking and upset about everything " maybe if you didn't drink all the time and face your pain head on you would be more understanding " he said harshly towards her as he stood up glaring at her and he took a deep sigh " if Saxis.. Joins us he would make an excellent Fairy Tail member.. he saved Lily's life..independent mage don't care for guilds and their members but he did everything he could to save her life.. it wasn't about the debt he owed us it's something more than that..

(( lol you will laugh once I reveal Saxis's adoptive father's dragon name))
Fairy Tail Guildhall - Bar area
Mimi set down the barrel when he spoke, she had been in Fairy Tail most of her life, she was raised by this guild, she grew up here, she was the guild drunk, but she was powerful, and loyal to her comrades. She looked at Alex, he was a fellow S class mage, but she didn't agree with him. "my pain?" she said with a scornful tone. "you know we all have our vices and our own ways of dealing with pain, you go on missions, I stay here and drink, don't lecture me on pain." She shook her head, she lost her parents at a young age, and learned her magic to get them back, but Time Ark doesn't do that, it can't bring back the dead. Mimi turned away from Alex, she drank to forget, she drank to dull the pain, she did what she had to.

((I swear to god is it Michael or Raphael?!))
(( Nope ;) )))

Fairy Tail Guild Hall - Bar

Alex sighed and shook his head as he walked up to Mimi and patted her softly on the back " sorry for my outburst Mimi.. " he headed towards the back of the guild to go practice his magic something he needed to do. He wanted to get stronger and stronger.. even stronger than he was today to always be a step ahead and one day be has powerful as the master to go toe to toe with him not to take over the guild but to be at his level even higher if possible
Fairy Tail Guildhall - Infirmary ---> Main Hall
Lily finished her conversation with the head nurse Asuna, she had a lot to think about, once better she would come back to take a test to learn if she had a lacrima inside her or not. She pushed herself up, hurt but she couldn't rest, she slowly walked making her way out of the infirmary, and back into the main hall. She looked around scanning the room for Saxis, he wasn't here, her face fell, she knew he wasn't a member but she hoped he would have stuck around. She leaned against the wall wondering what there was to do now.

Fairy Tail Guildhall - Bar Area
Mimi looked at Alex, and rolled her eyes turning away, she was in a mood, she needed her drinking buddy because right now she needed a distraction. She watched him walk away, and saw Lily emerge from the infirmary, Mimi smiled at her happy she was okay now. She would tell the independent mage thanks next time, but for now she was going to continue drinking.

Necr0Danc3r Necr0Danc3r @RoxasTheExalted Black Jade Black Jade
((@Oren Mimi is open for interaction, she is a heavy drinker though))
/I can work with that

Fairy tail guild hall-bar​

Odin walked into the guild hall after just getting back from a big job and slowly trudged to the bar his exceed jay flew behind him countering odin's tough cold demimer with his own happy carefree one flying circles around odins head odin sat at the bar next to mimi and ordered a large mug of rum itvwas quickly brought to him and he started to drink jay landed on odins head and waved at mimi "he down there"​

"My Blood runs Black . . . "

The 100 Year Mission
Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall
With: No one
If there was any word in the jumbled up mix of a tornado that Ural called her mind that would be well equipped to describe the feeling of being in Fiore after so many years, it was the word, Elysian. Beautiful, amazing, inspiring, it was just so . . . Incredible. Infact the thought of explaining it with words was now out of the question.

She sighed, removing the drape over her head as the SS Class Mage, the only one in Fairy Tail So far, looked up at the Guild hall with a blank expression. "The White Void is back." she said silently, her introvert like nature stopping her from saying anything past slight emotion. She didn't like it, but that was just her. She was, in a sense, unable to realize emotion. Sure as hell she felt it, but it was harder to comprehend it in her mind.

She opened the Guild Hall doors, looking around with a blank expression. "I',m back." was all that came out of her mouth, her blue eyes scanning the Guild.

coding; allrightsreserved
Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Alex saw Lily and smiled calmly seeing she was moving around. He noticed she was a bit down and he walked towards her and smiled calmly " is everything okay? Lily? How you feeling " he asked as he leaned on the opposite wall and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked over at her and smiled seeing she was real strong able to walk so quickly after her ordeal
Fairy Tail Guildhall - Bar
Mimi looked at Odin, finally a drinking buddy she thought, she slid back off the bartop into her stool. "Yo Odin" she smirked and looked at his exceed, it was still weird to her to see a flying cat, they weren't common, they hardly pass through to this realm. She sighed "please just drink with me and let's forget these last few hours" she shook her head "you missed a lot when you were gone on that mission of yours." she laughed and lifted the barrel but it was now empty, she set it down on the ground next to her, putting her feet up on it, relaxing.
Beelzbub Beelzbub
Fairy Tail Guildhall
Lily looked over towards Alex, who was he? She never met him before, but that wasn't uncommon she hadn't met most of her guildmates. "yeah I'm okay" she crossed her arms over her chest, the bandages around her stomach was helping her stand straighter to heal faster. "I'm sorry but who are you?" she shook her head looking up a him.
Saxis Bloodborne Saxis Bloodborne
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Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Alex looked at her and smiled calmly " I'm Alex and I'm one of the powerful S-Class mage here in Fairy Tail " he said looking a Lily " I've talked to the mage that brought you back to us.. I'm thinking he might Join us in time.. " he chuckled a bit


Saxis woke up and he sat up out of bed. He looked straight ahead at the wall and started to slide off the bed. He sighed spending the last of his money in town and shook his head thinking he needed to do that bandit job still. He made his way out of the lobby and headed back towards the fairy Tail Guild.. wanting to say his good byes until he returned to pay off his debt.

He came up from behind a strange woman that said she was back. He sighed scooting past her walking inside the Fairy Tail Guild Hall " Who are you? " he asked knowing this woman had to be strong. He wasn't apart of the Guild but thought she had to be at least one of their strongest. He looked towards the back of the Guild seeing Lily up he smiled and walked towards her " Seems like your feeling better
Fairy Tail Guild Hall...

Zaquraia sighed softly as she took a sip of her drink as she continued reading up on Slayer Magic. "Why were there so many..." She mumbled to herself, as she read a page describing the abilities of a certain Fire Dragon Slayer. "Dragon slayer magic seems to be the most common type of slayer magic... why?" She mumbled still, as she looked up a bit, smiling softly as she noticed Lily was awake. "Glad to see she's fine... I guess..." She mumbled, closing the book, moving to leave the guild hall.

Scarlet_MCRP Scarlet_MCRP Saxis Bloodborne Saxis Bloodborne
Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Alex saw Zaquraia leaving and he walked towards her and smiled " Stay safe " he then ran to the entrance and hugged Ural happy to see her returned. He lifted her off the ground and put her down smiling happily haven't seen her in a very long time
Fairy Tail Guildhall
Lily smiled at Alex, hearing him say Saxis might join Fairy Tail, it made her happy, she wanted him to stick around. "Well nice to meet you Alex" Lily looked around the guildhall, so many friendly faces, she almost lost her life today and she wanted to be more outgoing in the guild, make friends here, not just be locked up in a library. The library, she wondered how much damage it took, there is no way they had time to fix it all, she wanted to help it was the least she could do, causing the interior damage. She sighed and saw the guildhall doors open and Saxis walk through, her heart leaped, she was excited to see him. Lily nodded "yeah I'm feeling a bit better." she held her side, "still a bit beat up."
Outside the Fairy Tail Guild Hall...

Zaquraia sighed softly as she left the guild hall. "Ugh... why must they be so annoying..." She mumbled softly to herself, shaking her head slowly as she glanced down at the book she was holding. "No matter..." She said softly, looking around the city. "This city prospers because of Fairy Tail... I might have to break out of my icy shell and get along with them." She said, glancing at the mark on her shoulder, which showed that she was a member of Fairy Tail. "Maybe." She said, as she slowly moved towards the small place she called home.
Fairy tail guild hall- bar

He nodded looking up at her "sounds good to me less sad when you have someone to drink with someone especially when they drink more than you so what did I miss while I was gone" he decided to be nice and order her a drink jay hopped onto the bar and snickered at the woman "want to forget something huh bad break up or major drama?"
Fairy Tail Bar area
Mimi shook her head and took the drink he bought her. "breakup? Don't even joke about that, you know that means I'd actually have to find a man first." she sighed "drama and it circles around our newest member" she cocked her head towards the infirmary "the fire mage Lily." she took a sip of the drink "seems she'll fit right in here with the drama she's causing." she faced the door as it opened seeing Saxis again. "him too, some independent mage."
Fairy tail bar

Odin nodded looking at the two "not sure about the independent Mage but the newbie it will probably just take time for us to warm up to her doubt we were easy to deal with either " he took a long sip as jays stickers turned into laughter "how ironic the hot beng drinking women can't even get a one night stand odin zapped jay's tail and the cat jumped into the air "geez I was just kidding "​
Fairy Tail Bar
Mimi watched as Saxis entered and walked over to Lily, she then turned her attention back to Odin. "don't test me cat" she glared at him after he made his comment. "I can get a man, I choose not to even try, it's time I could be here drinking instead." she sighed thinking about getting a man, it's not that she didn't want to, it was she never found someone she really liked, I mean Odin drank with her sure but she didn't see him like that... She took a drink she wouldn't fight with a cat it was a pointless battle.

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