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Fandom Fairy Tail RP (Always open and accepting)

Fairy Tail Guild Hall...

Zaquraia blinked a bit, as someone interrupted her concentration. "And what the bloody hell are you doing?" She asked, annoyed. "It's rude to interrupt someone." She said, moving to push them aside, again focusing on the front of the guild hall, planning on leaving regardless. "I am trying to leave, so can you leave me alone?"

Saxis Bloodborne Saxis Bloodborne
Limbo Library
Shiro closed her eyes a little longer than usual, she leaned into his head. "I won't leave you Zequel." she smiled "if Zeref takes control, he you, no he tries to hurt me I will kiss you, I will ground you and bring you back to me. You said you never felt anything more until you kissed me, so I know I can keep you in control." She bit her lip looking into his eyes, they were softer than normal, not the evil blank abyss they normally let off. "you could never hurt me, and I will never hurt you."​
Black Jade Black Jade
Fairy Tail Guildhall - Infirmary
Lily was laying in the infirmary, she was taken there by the master, she was still unconscious, the infirmary staff was taking care of her. The head nurse, Asuna was a mage, she pulled up Lily's shirt to reveal her stomach and the massive bruise still there. Asuna had long purple hair pulled back into a ponytail, she pushed her glasses up her nose looking down at Lily. She examined her, noticing the dark circles under her eyes, she forced opened Lily's eyes looking at her pupils, seeing what else was affecting her. There was terror in her eyes, Asuna could see it, she then looked over the rest of her body, it was obvious she needed rest, and she was almost out of magic energy, but the terror is what concerned her. "there is dark magic at work here" Asuna said, "something scared her down to the bone." Asuna walked to a table behind her, grabbing a vile out of a cabinet, it was a small purple vial, she took it walking back to Lily's bedside she opened Lily's mouth using a dropper, she dropped 3 drops into her mouth, forcing her to swallow it, It was a Magic Power-restoring Medicine. "give her some time, rest and she should be okay."
Necr0Danc3r Necr0Danc3r
Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Alex git pushed aside from her and he shook his head didn't say a word to her nor try to explain why he tried to stop her from leaving. Maybe he tried to tell her that he should be here for one of their fallen members before leaving. " you should stay " he spoke softly and quietly. He rarely spoke even when he did it was like it made everyone quiet shocked to even hear him speak. He then turned and looked towards Lily and then back at Zaquaraia
Zaquraia glared at him softly, sighing a bit softly, before glancing at Lily. "She'll be fine." She said, before turning to leave again. "Why should I stay here? I feel no comradery with anyone here." She said, glaring at him again. "I only return here to get a new job, nothing more." She said a bit coldly. "You should know that about me," She said softly, but still monotonous. "When have I ever shown care for anyone? Hm? The missions we get are all that is important. The people pay us for results, not for sappy things like friendship." She said softly, once again glancing over at Lily, sighing softly. "You may be an S-class wizard, or really powerful, or what ever it is that your title is... But that doesn't mean you have the right to boss me around." She said, though made no further move to leave, still watching Lily.

Saxis Bloodborne Saxis Bloodborne Scarlet_MCRP Scarlet_MCRP
The master looked down at Lily with intense, but curious eyes. 'What sort of magic could hae put her in this state?' he thought. This was the second attack in a month, and now his hand was being forced. He needed answers, and he knew where to start. He walked out of the infirmary, and outside the hall, finding Saxis. "Thank you for bringing her back." He started. "But I have to ask, what kind of mage was the one that put Lily in that state?"

Saxis Bloodborne Saxis Bloodborne Scarlet_MCRP Scarlet_MCRP


《《Ivory Rae Scarlet》》
Location - Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Ivory sighed, taking out a cigarette and lighting it, taking in a breath, only to let out the smoke in a puff of air. "That's the thing . . . I should, but I can't. I'm the guy who helps you when your crying. I can't heal anything physical . . . kinda useless really." He blinked as the Guild Master walked out, and smiled, "Hey Master. What's up? How's the Red head?"
Necr0Danc3r Necr0Danc3r
Saxis Bloodborne Saxis Bloodborne
(Fairy Tail)


《《Zequel Ether Dragneel》》
Location - Limbo Library

Zequel smiled, holding her hands. "Thank you . . . Thank you Shiro." He muttered, "I promise, you and I . . . we're going to rule. I'm going to take over this world, and you're going to be my queen."

Scarlet_MCRP Scarlet_MCRP

Fairy Tail Guildhall - Infirmary
Lily was lying in bed, Asuna the head nurse, bandaged up her stomach, and gave her medicine, every so often her eyes would flutter, but never actually opened. The darkness, the void, the cold, she felt it, down to her core, she thought she was still there. She looked around all she saw was darkness, how long had she been there, why was she alone, wasn't she doing something? Lily closed her eyes, the dark it was driving her mad, where was the light, where was...? What's his name, wasn't someone else here with her? The magic was coming back to her slowly thanks to the medicine, but she wasn't aware of that. Lily opened her eyes, in the void, she started running, she wasn't moving, everything was black, nothing beneath her feet, nothing above her or in front of her, where was he, where was the way out? Then she remembered, bones, there was bones, and fire, man could she use fire at the moment. "Saxis" she mumbled the name even though she was still unconscious. That was his name, she remembered, the bones, Saxis using his power to set her free, she wasn't in the void she got out. But Saxis, he was still in the void....
Saxis Bloodborne Saxis Bloodborne Necr0Danc3r Necr0Danc3r ZeiruliousMakavar ZeiruliousMakavar
Limbo Library
Shiro smiled and took his hands in hers, it was nice, she loved the power, she loved having him close. Shiro looked around the library "so why exactly take me here to tell me everything?" she shook her head "couldn't you ave told me in the forest? you told me you did something, you weren't sure if you were right to do so." she tilted her head as she turned back to look at him confused and intrigued. "what did you do?"
Black Jade Black Jade
Inside Fairy Tail Guild hall

Alex looked at her he listened to her words. He still smiled even when she spoke such harsh words. In his thoughts she cared deep down even if she didn't show it. He turned walking towards the request board. Grabbing a Job he didn't even look. He then walked back and looked back at her " I'm not strong without.. my friends " he said softly towards her
ZeiruliousMakavar ZeiruliousMakavar

Outside Fairy Tail guild

Saxis looked over at the guy with the cane and shook his head when looking over at him noticed the master was walking out he nodded, but still felt like he didn't help much. " it was that Dark mage.. that guy the one I spammed into the library hall.. he did all this.. I told Lily to come back she didn't listen so I let he follow then he came out of no where.. but us in the shadow realm managed to get her out and later got out myself " he sighed " soon as I got free I started to head through the forest found her uncouncious
Necr0Danc3r Necr0Danc3r
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Remus Xerxes Borealis
Location: Fairy Tail Guildhall

Remus went over to the bar after he answered Mimiru, saying a small thanks after she fixed the library he loved so much. Sitting down on a bar stool that was next to James, then he went ahead and ordered himself a large glasses of booze and a bowl of nothing but ice. Taking off his surgical mask again, and casually eating his ice to replenish the bit of magic he used up when he fought against Lily and just drinking as if it was gonna be his last. Ordering more drinks after he finished a glass of his booze, slowly getting himself drunker and drunker.

James Gold Peverell
Location: Fairy Tail Guildhall

James didn't bother much with the things going on around him, he really couldn't care less about all of it. It didn't exactly involve him after all, though the news that Lily was apparently one of those slayer type magic users did intrigue him. But not enough that he was gonna actually care about it. He only kept on drinking and drinking, noticing Remus sat himself next to him. And as usual, Remus was drinking like no tomorrow. Something he didn't really care much about. James was still contemplating on what he should be doing today. And since that Remus was now near him, he decided to go and ask if he wanted to go and do a mission together like they would before James became an S-Class. To which, Remus happily agreed to doing. Finding themselves the job with the highest amount of jewels on the normal request board and doing that one. The two of them immediately left to do it.

Remus Xerxes Borealis & James Gold Peverell
Location: Fairy Tail Guildhall, Bar

Hours later, the two of them return to the guildhall after finishing up that mission. It wasn't all that hard, with two very strong guild mages. One being an S-Class and one being strong enough to be one and all. "That request was real easy wasn't it, James? Shit took us just some hours to do." Remus said to James who then just replied with, "Of course it was gonna be easy. It's the two of us working together on a request after all, we're pretty damn strong together. Now, wanna go grab a drink or something?" To which Remus nodded and the two went over to the bar, oblivious to what's happened as they just returned.

After ordering themselves a couple of drinks, the two notice Mimiru and how she was sitting on the bar and just drinking out a barrel now. She appeared to be drinking a hell of a lot, and Remus then asked a question. "Hey, Mimi. What's happened while the two of us we're gone?"

Scarlet_MCRP Scarlet_MCRP
Fairy Tail Guildhall - Bar area.
Mimi was on the bar, a giant barrel the size of herself to her lips. She heard her name and set the barrel down, looking around she noticed it was Remus talking to her. "Well the douche who broke the guild broke Lily, that new fire mage back unconscious." she wiped her lip getting any excess beer off her mouth. "he said a dark mage put them in the shadow realm and he saved them." she scoffed "she is hurt and hasn't woken up, I don't believe a word out of his mouth." she glared towards the front door. "master is outside speaking with him now, and she's in the infirmary."
Roxasarass Roxasarass


《《Zequel Ether Dragneel》》
Location - Limbo Library

Zequel nodded, "Right . . . This place, the Limbo, was created by me - I mean, Zeref. These walls, hold Demons he'd made, Devils, failed experiments . . . And his Memories." He lifted his hand, the darkness surfacing, and changing into a book. The word Z E D were printed in black letters on it's surface. "The Books of Devils, this is mine." He handed it to her, "It's my life force, my body, we are the same, it and I."

Scarlet_MCRP Scarlet_MCRP

Fairy Tail Guild Hall...

Zaquraia sighed softly, shaking her head slowly. She was slightly glad that Lily seemed to be okay, but she was still worried about her still, especially after hearing about how she apparently was one of those slayers that they talk about in the history books of the guild. She sighed softly, sitting at one of the tables a bit away from the others, holding a drink in her hand as she continued reading one of the books she borrowed from the Guild's library, about the past S-class wizards of the guild.
Limbo Library
Shiro looked around, as he spoke, so these were mere memories, she noted how all his memories of people were Fairy Tail members. She looked back at him as he made the darkness in his hand pull a book out of thin air. Z.E.D. she looked at it curiously, a book a Zeref, demon books, she was very intrigued. She took the book, stroking the cover, turning it over in her hand looking at it. "so if anything were to happened to this book, it would also happen to you?" she looked at him curiously. "why haven't you told me any of this before?"
Black Jade Black Jade


《《Zequel Ether Dragneel》》
Location - Limbo Library

Zequel thought, "I . . . I didn't trust you." He turned, it felt harsh, like it was betraying her. "I'm sorry Shiro, but that thing, that's my soul. If it were to be destroyed, to be hurt, I'd die. I couldn't risk that back then. And also, I was . . . Disconnected, I didn't feel much, I didn't fear, I didn't feel, I didn't know . . . " he looked down, not sure what to say.

"And . . . I thought you'd be afraid of me. If you found out what I was."

Scarlet_MCRP Scarlet_MCRP

Outside Fairy Tail Guildhall

Saxis stood up and looked at both the Master of Fairy Tail and Ivory. He sighed and shook his head " I'm going to go See how Lily is doing. " he said to them both walking past them both opening the gate ahead of him walking inside. He walked past all the other members of Fairy Tail and towards the infirmary. He finally reached the door and walked inside and saw Lily laying on the bed. He walked up seeing the head nurse and stood by the bed " is Lily going to be okay

Fairy tail guild hall

Alex watched as Saxis walked back inside and he headed towards the front entrance knowing what he was going to do. He was going after the dark mage he made his way outside and past the Master of the guild. Lightning at his finger tips dancing around both his left and right hands
Limbo Library
Shiro heard his words, he didn't trust her? She smirked, he was right not to trust her, she loves power, and will do anything for it, and he was a major source of power. She shook her head "I understand it's okay" she gave him a small smile, "I don't trust easy either, I understand why you did what you did, you don't need to feel guilty about it" she laughed "hell you think I trust my guildmates?" she shook her head thinking about it "I don't trust the likes of them, not really,she held the book out giving it back to him, she was tempted to take it, to steal it, it could be good use to her later, instead she gave it back to him willingly. "well it's good you keep it here in limbo then" she rubbed his hand, "hey I could never be afraid of you, even when we first met, I was never afraid of you.
Black Jade Black Jade

Fairy Tail Guildhall - Infirmary
Asuna, the head nurse watched as Saxis entered, he wasn't a member of the guild so he must be the mage who brought her back. "I gave her medicine to restore her magic power, but looking into her eyes, she is terrified, I don't know what could have caused such things." she shook her head and looked down at Lily "her physical injuries are minimal, her stomach is the most injured but nothing internal." she pushed the glasses up her nose. "it's up to her to wake up now"
Saxis Bloodborne Saxis Bloodborne
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Fairy Tail Infirmary

Saxis looked at Asuna and nodded then looked towards Lily and walked up to the side of the bed looking down at her. He kept a straight face " Lily you need to wake up.. " he said softly and placed his hand on top of hers. " Please wake up " he said while turning around and sat down on a chair near the bed she was laying on
Fairy Tail - Infirmary
Lily was still unconscious, she remembered she was no longer in the void, but Saxis was, she didn't know he was free. She heard a familiar voice, looking around she didn't see anyone, then what was that weird feeling like someone was talking? She sighed, was Saxis trying to break free of the void, trying to call out to her? She tried to start fire, but couldn't call upon her magic power, she looked at her hands confused, what was going on? She tried again, but couldn't do magic. Lily started to scream, her eyes in the waking world were darting back and forth under her eyelids. Finally as Saxis touched her, she roared fire escaping her mouth, and with that Lily awoke. Her eyes slowly opening, her vision a little blurred, where was she? She looked around seeing walls, and realized she was in the infirmary at her guild, she looked over seeing Saxis next to her and she smiled, knowing he was safe, but how? "S-Saxis? how did we get here?"
Saxis Bloodborne Saxis Bloodborne
Fairy Tail Infirmary

Saxis eyes went wide seeing that she woke up and he smiled calmly. He looked at her " I carried you here.. I got you free and we'll I was trapped inside I managed to get put out myself. After that I found you unconcious and carried you all the way here.. " he stood up and crosses his arms " your safe.. " he smiled looking at her stand next to her bed side " get some rest..
Fairy Tail Infirmary
Lily pushed herself to a sitting position, it hurt her stomach, but grabbing her stomach she realized she was all bandaged up. She looked over at Asuna the head nurse and gave her a slight nod of respect and thanks. She shook her head trying to remember everything, but she was confused, she saw many things she couldn't remember what was real and what were visions in her mind. She looked at Saxis and tried to make out words but it was hard. She had pride, and saying thank you was something that wasn't an easy task. She lowered her head brushing her hair from her face. "thank you for bringing me back Saxis" she gave a small smile, but couldn't even look him in the face, she felt guilty, she didn't trust this man before and now here he was saving her life.
Saxis Bloodborne Saxis Bloodborne
Fairy Tail Guild Infirmary

Saxis nodded and smiled " no problem Lily.. I'm just glad your okay. " he said as he placed his hand on top of hers reassuring her that she will be fine " get some rest.. " he smiled and started to head out of the infirmary. He made his way to the main guild hall and towards the front exit. He saw Alex heading out and followed slowly behind him

Alex stopped and turned to face Saxis and he smiled knowing Lily was okay from the beginning " You Leaving?

Saxis nodded " yeah just wanted to make sure Lily was okay.. I'm not a Fairy Tail Guild member.. I'm a independent mage.. corrupted by Dark magic.. I should go she's safe and that's what matters.. " Saxis continued to head out but was stopped by Alex placing his hand on his shoulder "

Alex spoke again " your no Dark mage no Dark Mage would of done what you did today.. You saved her.. you should not be alone.. you should join us

Saxis sighed " no I like it where I'm at right now..
Fairy Tail Guildhall - Infirmary
Lily looked down after he placed his hand on hers, she wasn't used to that, she looked up at him smiling down at her. She wanted to say stay, but she didn't have the right, he already saved her, what more could she ask for. She watched him leave, regretting she didn't say anything, she leaned her head back laying down on the pillow. She turned away from the entrance looking at the wall, she was trying to piece fragments of memories together. She remembered seeing her parents, and a lacrima, and being tortured? She closed her eyes thinking, what was it she was thinking about? was any of it real? She sighed and turned to face the nurse. "Hey can I ask you a favor?" she shook her head, Lily and Asuna went into a conversation about Lacrima, and if there was anyway to tell if you had one inside you, the conversation went on she didn't want anyone else to know about her questions, or theory, she didn't even tell Asuna everything, just enough to get information.

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