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Fandom Fairy Tail Rp! (Always Accepting!)


The Lone Wolf
In a town called Magnolia one of the most powerful guilds lie. Home to the wizards Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Erza Scarlet and many many more. Join us in this epic adventure of magic and action.
Áyila walked through the doors of her guild home, a neutral expression planted onto her face. She makes her way to her usual seat at a table and rests her head on the palm of her left hand.
Amy is walking back to the guild from a mission, holding her reward in her hand as she tosses it up and catching it again "Wonder if there are some more interesting missions" she says and enters Sabertooth, putting the rewards in her pocket and she walks to the board "Magnolia?" she asks and smiles slightly grabbing the request and heading out again, she makes a portal and goes through, arriving just outside Fairy Tail.
Áyila bordly summons a ball of fire into her right hand and tosses it up and down. She summons another element, darkness, as the two twist together to form a red and black orb of energy. She throws it up and down as it spins in the air.
Nai felt an empty hole in his chest. He brought his hand up to hover over the spot for a moment, eyes narrowed softly, before he brought away his hand and stared at the pale skin. His other hand came up and began scratching away the skin. His eyes filled with tears and his throat was choked up with hushed sobs. Behind him was a voice, it repeated the same words. "Break them." The skin on his hand was no longer, but instead black gooey liquid flooded out unnaturally. Nai let out a forced cry and turned around, the tears rushing from his sharpened silver gaze like strong waterfalls. "Stop this!" He screeched, coughing and sputtering himself down to lay on the ground, there he continued to choke on his own breathe.

His eyes opened quickly, yet his body did not move. His hand stung, but was not harmed at all. A few red patches traced here and there, but that was due to the soft scratching the boy had done in his sleep. His vision was cloudy as he glared at the grassy floor beneath him, strands of green tickling at his bared cheeks. He lifted a hand over to his cheek, suddenly realizing something was wrong. He sat up immediately, looking around until he could find the item he had lost for his short two seconds; the mask. The fox mask was sitting by his hand, staring back at Nai. The silver-haired boy sighed, bringing his hand over to pick up the mask and put it on. He was just happy it hadn't broke while he was sleeping. Unlike the other masks he's had in his past, this one was fairly durable when it came to things such as rolling all over it. This mask was his third, the first broke from being cut in half while the second mask had broke when Nai slept on it. Nai had had this mask for a good seven months now. His first mask lasted two years and his second one fair year. He was hoping this mask would beat the record, he actually quite favored it over the others.

He looked around, mask attached to his face. He was in a soft meadow, trees surrounding the area. A few squeaky, playful cries sounded from some of the trees, causing a slight smile to part between the male's lips. A few kids were teeter-tottering around and playing tag, about three of them. Nai kept himself in his spot, watching the kids.

They noticed him fairly quickly, stopping each other to point over at the wizard and mutter a few words to each other. Due to a long distance between them, however, Nai couldn't hear what the kids were whispering to each other. Probably that he was creepy. He wasn't known to come in favor to kids. He brought a hand up to touch at his mask, bringing his hand down once again and standing up, looking at the kids for a moment more before he ambled off to a different direction in the patch of trees. He was in Magnolia, the guild building nearby. He stumbled his way out of the bunches of trees and to the building.

He scampered in quickly, receiving a few looks from a few other guild members. He paid no mind to them. Nai tended to always get into trouble, but now wasn't the time. He trotted himself over to the mission board, staring at it. His expression would have seen blank to anyone looking over at him, but in reality he was smirking. He looked back around, sighing when he realized a few other of the members were already giving him cold expression. Not much needing to be said, Nai wasn't exactly a favorite character in the guild. He took a few steps closer to the band of people and raised a hand as if to say hello. "Hey guys, long time no see, eh? What was it, this morning?" Nai said, voice muffled softly by the mask. The other members sneered. "Whatever, Foxy. You owe us for what happened." One of them growled, gritting his teeth at Nai's reaction. The silver hair boy had turned himself slightly to the side and raised a hand to his chin, as if he was thinking. "Well, seems I forgot what I did. Same with the debt." He waved a hand. "I'd ask you to remind me, but I'm a busy fox, y'know." He said with a taunting tone, giving the weirdest of smirks from behind his mask.

No one in the guild had seen his face except Mirajane and the guild's master, and Nai knew it often bothered people when they couldn't see his face. But do to special circumstances the guild master had let him keep wearing his masks. "I have to go now, catch you later guys!" Nai said, smiling like a Cheshire cat before dashing off in the other direction of the guild. He could feel their gazes on his back. He paused and looked around, sighing. Sometimes the guild was pretty boring.
Áyila grows far to bored and crushes the energy im her hand. It disappears and she walks out of Fairy Tail, it was so boring why couldnt she find something exciting to do. All the jobs were far to easy for her and she really didnt need an extra cash. With a sigh she pulls a box of strawberry pocky from her bag and opens it. She pops the strawberry coated side into her mouth and proceeds to walk down Magnolia.
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Amy happens to be heading the same way as Aliya and she looks around, walking towards the old lady who send it and she listens to the explanation "That sounds easy" she mumbles and flies up heading towards the area she has to go. "Come on Lily!" she calls and her exceed follows her closely "You're eager to do this" the tiger like exceed says and Amy says "Of course, after this I might visit Fairy Tail", she lands and looks around, she already had a huge house all for herself, so she wondered what to do with the reward.
Áyila would realize Lavender wasnt anywhere in sight. Oh she is always wandering off... She summons an orb of fire and shoots it into the air. This acted as a flare signaling for her exceed to come to her. A few minutes later her pastel purple exceed flies towards her landing on her head. "Oi! Sorry Áyila! I got distracted again." She chirps while giggling. "Well lets get going, I need some action." "Ok! Lets go!" Lavender yells happily as Áyila chuckles and begins to walk again.
Lily quickly finishes the request and she heads back, bunping into Aliya "Sorry" she says as she walks on, she was in a bit of a hurry, Amy sweatdrops "Sorry about her" she says and bows slightly before flying of again. Meeting with Amy who finished telling she was done "I might need some new clothes" shw mumbles and looks at Lily "So do you, since I have money we can go shopping, but first a visit to Fairy Tail" she says and runs of, her exceed following her.
Áyila just sighs and continues to walk. "Wonder if she was a dragon slayer too? She had an exceed with her too.. It seems like all dragon slayers have them." Lavender asks. Áyila shrugs and sighs, "maybe but its not my business."
Lily arrives at the guild before Amy and sees Natsu and his team are on a mission "Guess we'll go shopping" she says and Amy says "Then we head back to our house and then we head back to the guild", they head of again and Amy yawns "I might take a nap before returning" she says and stop upon seeing her exceed looking at something so she walks over.
Áyila walks out of Magnolia and down the path. She wasnt aiming to go anywhere she just hoped that she would run into someone who might fight her. Lavender ends up falling asleep on her head and lightly snores. Áyila summons a small sphere of water and tosses it around.
After Amy finishes shopping she teleports to her house "I never get used to portal, what if you have no destination in mind?" Lily asks and Amy says "Not sure, I might stay there until I figure out where to go", she wondered if the girl she bumped into was a dragon slayer, she had an exceed an all dragon slayer had exceeds for some odd reason.
Áyila yawns and continues to walk, her Crimson hair blowing in the light breeze. It was calm and serene though Áyila didn't want that. She needed action she craved it or at least craved for something interesting to happen. Áyila would summon a ball of ice and throw it into the air; it would explode into many tiny snowflakes ans dance around her. A small, yet rare smile creeps its way upon her face as she watches the snowflakes dance around her in the breeze.

Ordel sighed as the sight of Magnolia came into view. He wasn't really looking forward to the idea of visiting another big city, but he had to admit that the idea of a bed and some food that hadn't been prepared over a campfire sounded nice. He pulled on the string of his bag anxiously as he approached the city. Hopefully he could find an inn to stay at for a reasonable price, as he was low on funds currently. Maybe he could find some quick work while he was staying here. "There has to be something that I can do to make some cash," he thought to himself. He continued his walk into the city, avoiding the gaze of as many people as possible.
Amy heads back to Magnolia and she sighs, she was bored out of her mind and still had jewels left, much to her luck, she wanders around while Lily is sitting on her head humming a song making the girl smile slightly.

She loved visiting other cities mostly because she could relax without anyone coming to bother her "Let's get something to eat" Lily says and Amy nods walkibg to a rather small cafe and she enters the place since it's full outside.
Ordel hung his head in dispair as he stepped out from the lowest quality inn in all of magnolia. Apparently he was even tighter on cash that he had initially been aware. "I guess I'm not sleeping tonight," he muttered disappointedly. It was hard enough for him to sleep in a regular bed, let alone on the streets. He moped down the street with his hands in his pockets, playing with the few coins that populated them. After a couple minutes of aimlessly wandering, he came to the conclusion that he might as well blow his last few coins on some food. At least then he wouldn't be tired AND hungry. He ducked into the nearest cafe, and ordered a coffee and some cakes. Slightly girly, but he didn't exactly have much chance at a first impression with anyone either way in his current state. Time alone in the forest didn't do any favours for his looks.

When it came time to pay, Ordel reached into his pockets to produce the coin necessary, and cringed. He was suddenly very aware of the fact that he didn't have enough for the food he had just consumed. The waitress looked very unimpressed with him, and began to yell and threatened to call the authorities on him for theft. Any attempts Ordel made to try and calm her were shot down immediately. He was feeling increasingly embarrassed with the amount of attention his scene was beginning to garner. He hated attention in the first place, and the kind he was currently receiving was especially difficult to stand.
Áyila would hear the shouting and close her hand, making the snowflakes disappear. She'd then make her way towards the shouting and found herself in front of a small cafe. Áyila would enter the cafe and based on what the waitress was shouting about she understood that this guy didn't have enough money. She sighs and walks up to the guy and the waitress. "I got this." She says to the waitress and sticks her hand into her pocket. She pulls out more than enough cash to cover what he got. She hands it to thw waitress and smiles a bit, "keep the change." The waitress would look shocked but nods. Áyila nods to the guy and begins to walk towards the door of the small cafe.

Ordel was extremely surprised by the stranger's kindness, and it took him a moment to regain his bearings. By the time he became fully aware of what was going on, the girl had already started making her way to the door. "Hey, wait," he said as he quickly caught up to her. "Uh, thank you for saving me from getting into too much trouble back there," he said awkwardly. He shifted uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact by staring at the ground.

BlueArrow said:
Ordel was extremely surprised by the stranger's kindness, and it took him a moment to regain his bearings. By the time he became fully aware of what was going on, the girl had already started making her way to the door. "Hey, wait," he said as he quickly caught up to her. "Uh, thank you for saving me from getting into too much trouble back there," he said awkwardly. He shifted uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact by staring at the ground.
Áyila grins, "nah its cool. You needed help and I could help so I did. Though do you have a place to stay?" She asks while slightly cocking her head to the left. Her pastel purple exceed peeks from behind her and lands on her head.

"Well, I mean, I don't necessary have one currently..." Ordel replied. He wasn't exactly proud of his homelessness, and didn't want to declare it outright to a total stranger. The sudden movement of her exceed appearing causes him to look up. His traveling had allowed him the opportunity to meet exceeds before, and so he wasn't as taken aback by the sight of it as the average person probably would be. "Um, hi there," he said in an effort to greet it.

"Hi! Stranger! Im Lavender!" Lavender chirps. Áyila chuckles, "well here," she would grab some cash out of her pocket and grins, "that should be enough for like a montj. Dont worry I got to much.. My last job's reward alone was enough to hold me over for a whole month. Im Áyila by the way, its nice to meet you." She hands it to him.

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"I'm Ordel. It's nice to meet the both of you." He looks at the cash, and then shakes his head. "I'm sorry, but I can't accept your money. You've already done enough for me by paying off that waitress. I can't accept more money on top of that."

"I insist. I dont use it, the most i use is probably 50 a month or less.. Believe me I dont need more. Plus it would help you and im happy to help anytime." She grins.

Sighing, Ordel accepted the money and put it into his pocket. He clearly wasn't going to be able to convince Áyila not to give him the money. "Thank you very much. I feel like I need to pay you back somehow though. Is there anything I can help you with?"


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