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Fandom Fairy Tail Rp! (Always Accepting!)

She slightly pulls her left bottom eye lid down and sticks her tongue out at him. She laughs as Lavender flies from her head and onto the table.
Mikoto looks at Lavender as he was grinning out her "You know grilled bird might be good once and awhile" He said as he grabs Lavender
Another wizard flew across the street, followed by a few more, all falling onto a pile consisting of five other people. "Ha! You loose!" A voice echoed from a dark alley way. "What? D'ya think I was weak because I was a kid? Well, let me tell you something..." A golden eyed boy walked out with a huge smirk on his face. Suddenly, his tone changed from innocent little kid to mental patient. "I can crush your head with a blink of an eye. Now, be a good boy and run and get some more people for me to fight." Fuiji stuck out his tongue and smiled. "Please?" Quickly, four of the people in the pile got up and ran, leaving one behind. "What are you waiting for!" The last person stumbled to his feet and took off in the opposite direction. With a sigh, he stretched and looked at his surroundings. "Where is this place anyway?"
"Lavender is not a bird! She'd an exceed and dont you even think of it." "Hey you cant eat me!" Lavender would glare at him and smack him. "Hey dis you hear that?"

@Pyka the Pikachu
Áyila smirks and grabs the fire from his hand and eats it, "its a bit bitter but its something." She then begins to walk out of the cafe. "Im going to figure out what that was." She then walks out of the cafe.

Lavander Gray

Lavander had finally made it back home to Magnolia. Being an A class Wizard had its perks but also had its downfalls. The quest she had taken on made her use about a day and a half of work and she finally finished the job. Her reward was 100,000 Jewl and she was planning so save that up just like the rest of her Jewl and only use some for food. Taking in a breath, she smiled gently "It is nice to be back home in Magnolia. I am sure my guildmates will me thrilled to see me." Lavander's feet then began to bring her into Magnolia. Along the way she was greeted by some of the citizens and she greeted them back "Hello, Hi there." the warm smile continued to stay upon her face as she walked down one of the streets of Magnolia.​
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Ryoma heard a few people talking, greeting someone back almost. Hmm, interesting. His eyes then settled on a woman, older then him. Everyone seemed to be over the moon at her arrival. "Who are you?" Fuiji asked the woman. "Those weaklings go and get you or something? Man you should have seen their faces! They were so scared of me! Serves them right for judging me due to my age. I beat them in no time." The gravity guy looked the female up and down. "They got an old lady to beat me? Terrific! I would love for the people of wherever this place is to watch you get crushed also!"


Lavander Gray

Lavander had stopped walking when a young boy decided to step in front of her and ask who she was. Before she could answer, he started going on about some weaklings and how they got an old lady to fight the young boy. Raising her eyebrow, she spoke "I'm Lavander Gray. I'm part of the Fairy Tail guild." the old lady comment did bug the young warrior but she tried to ignore that. "I do not know who you may be talking about when you mention these so called "Weaklings". Not too long ago I had just arrived from a mission." Lavander informed the boy. The way she spoke was kind, gentle, smooth and very comforting.​
Fairy Tail guild? "SO, you must be strong!" Ryoma smirked as he finished his sentence in his sarcastic tone. "How comes they let grandmas join guilds as powerful as Fairy Tail? Oh well, it doesn't matter." The boy's smirk turned into an evil smile as he got ready to attack. "Weaklings such as those people you call guild members. They didn't even put up a fight, took me two seconds with each guy. And now that most members are here, I can have some fun destroying your guild one member at a time. The hall itself will be fine, but you'll just be too scared to go on any more missions. I've already started. Care to try and stop it?"

Lavander Gray

Lavander watched the young boy with her golden eyes. With her composed nature, his name calling wasnt something that would piss her off unlike some people. His stance was clear that he was ready to fight "I do not fight children." the warrior said before adding "You destroying our guild would be almost impossible. We have members who have defeated much stronger opponents than you. Though I do Thank you for telling me your plans, Little one." with that, she walked past him without another word. Lavander hated to fight children, she also hated that he was practically demanding she'd fight him. The stupidity of some people.​
That evil grin soon turned into a snarl. "Get back here!" He shouted to the woman as she walked past. "You don't fight children? What, because you think I'll loose or start to cry? GET BACK HERE!" In a fit of rage, Ryoma increased the gravitational pull around the girl, making things fly towards her at a high speed. "You think you can walk past that?" To stop her from moving, he also increased the gravity under the woman, making it hard for her to move. Even if she still could move, it would hard to dodge the items flying towards her. "Still think I'm weak?"

Lavander Gray

She sighed when everything began to happen "Children." she said as she spoke "Solid script: Hole." and thats when she collapsed the ground under her feet only to doge all the flying items that were intended to hit her "I never said you were weak, Little one. All I said was is that I do not fight children. Nor do I plan to." with that she spoke again "Requip- Armadura Fairy Armor!" which had been the strongest armor. This armor would be sure to keep her safe from any objects thrown at her​
This was the first time Ryoma had witnessed someone dodge his attacks. So this guild called Fairy Tail may be interesting. But the members pissed him off. Especially this one. "But you did." He replied. "You said at my current level of power I wouldn't stand a chance, meaning I'm not strong enough or...I'm too weak." Ryoma clenched his fists as he continued to watch the woman requip. "You know I can simply crush you, right? Or make it so your armour crushes you. Really I have a load of ways in which I can win. So, you may have something to protect yourself from projectiles, but nothing can protect you from my magic." Opening his palm, he decreased the gravity surrounding the woman from Fairy Tail. A few seconds in the air and he planned to increase it drastically, smashing her into the ground.

Lavander Gray

Lavander went right into the ground, causing her to wince slightly "I did not say such horrible words. I said Fairy Tail has faced stronger people who are more dangerous." she didnt even challenge this kid and he was just getting his way. But with his magic able to manipulate gravity made things harder on the woman. "I dont know why you keep shoving words into my mouth." Where were her other members when she needed them most? Especially in their own home town! Lavander knew she couldnt do this alone. Her magic was no use for this.​
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Amy appears behind the guy "Yo, stop assuming stuff" she says and looks at Lavender, she walks over and pulls her up "And don't harm people who have done nothing to you" she adds looking at the "And they did face more dangerous opponents then you, you're just too selfish to actually listen to what others tell you" she points out. Lily flies over and she flies to Lavender "You alright?" she asks checking her for injuries.
Ryoma was about to lift the woman in the air and smash her down once more when he heard another girls voice from behind. "Hu?" Turning around, he lost his concentration, meaning the older woman could escape his grasp. "Stronger people who are more dangerous? My idol, my mentor was powerful enough to block Fairy Glitter! Even though he killed my parents and wanted to use me, I learnt everything from him! If you have faced people stronger or more dangerous then me, show me. That's the only reason why I'm in this place. If not, I'll continue on the woman."

Lavander Gray

Lavander nodded softly as she was risen back up to her feet "Thank you, young one." Lavander said to Amy before her attention turned to the Exeed "I am fine, thank you for asking." she then switched back to her normal armor, showing her Fairy Tail mark that was resting on the front of her left shoulder. "Luckily the little boy didnt get too far in his determination to possibly kill me." her golden eyes moved towards the boy "You were raised from a man who murdered your parents, think about that." Lavander said softly "You're no better than him if you are going around and hurting others."
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"To destroy an entire guild?" Amy asks and he looks at Lily who nods and gets the hint "Come on, you should tell the others about him" the exceed says. Amy smirk slightly and says "And hate to disappoint you, but I'm from Sabertooth, but I'd say both Sabertooth and Fairy Tail have the same strength", she looks at him blankly "She never said you're weak, you've never seen Fairy Tail members when they're fighting seriously, I have and if you knew those people you know it's not all about power" she says and gets into fighting position, she had some tricks up her sleeve "If you manage to catch me and hurt me then you're worthy of talking about others like that" she says activating her dragon force.

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