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Fandom ~Fairy Tail {Rogue x Akari and Gray x Sakura}~

Akari Kaya

Once again, Akari was going onstage after Sakura. Minerva and Yukino had put her in a dress that reminded her of a sunset. The skirt was mildly see-through from her knees to her feet, but the material there was so shimmery she barely noticed it. Its bodice had intricate designs with open shoulders and sleeves leading down to her wrists. Minerva had curled her just-longer-than-shoulder-length hair so it fell in waves around her shoulders, and Yukino had clipped gold dangly earrings to her earlobes. Even though the dress was long, it felt light, and Akari admired the way it looked on her. When her name was called, she walked onto the stage with a large smile.

The crowd cheered once again, and Akari turned slowly before blowing a kiss in Rogue’s direction. Then, with a slight bow, she walked offstage to change for the swimsuit portion of the pageant. Her mouth twisted in a grimace. This was going to be the most embarrassing portion of the competition. All those people would see her in a swimsuit, and really, she only wanted Rogue to see her in one. The thought made her blush. She barely noticed when Minerva and Yukino helped her into her swimsuit. However, she noticed completely how their own swimsuits showed off their cleavage. Akari…didn’t really have one. Great. Now she’d be even more humiliated. She glanced over as Sakura’s name was called, hoping she would have better luck in this department.


Gray Fullbuster

Gray waited patiently for the next portion of the pageant to start. He noted Rogue’s reddening face with amusement. It seemed the Shadow Dragon Slayer had a hard time hiding his thoughts when it came to Akari. Gray was able to keep his cool (mind the pun) and hide the fact that he couldn’t wait to see what Sakura’s dress would look like. The stage lights came on again, and Gray smiled as soon as Sakura stepped onto the stage. He barely recognized her with her hair up in a bun, but he couldn’t deny that she looked gorgeous. His smile widened as she curtsied adorably, and he cheered louder than anyone else in the crowd. Whoever had picked that dress for her was a genius.

The announcer declared that the swimsuit portion was next. Gray widened his eyes. Sakura would be in a swimsuit?! In front of all those people?! If he wasn’t so shocked, he would be angry. But as it was, he couldn’t stop imagining Sakura in a swimsuit. And if Erza and Mira were in charge of her outfits, that meant her swimsuit would most likely be very revealing… Gray’s face reddened so much, he had to cover his face with a hand. This pageant was going to kill him. Sting noticed his expression and laughed. “Would you look at that, Rogue! He’s just as bad as you! Wait until I tell Akari and Sakura about this?” Gray glared at him and straightened up when he heard Sakura’s name announced for the swimsuit portion.

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura was backed into a corner the moment she stepped off stage. Her face paled slightly as she saw Mira and Erza hold a different kind of swimsuit up. Oh dear...and after a long while of Erza and Mira fighting for which Sakura would wear, the two females decided on a completely different one that they held just in case something like this happened. She wasn't sure whether she should be glad or not...but upon seeing the swimsuit, Sakura regretted it immediately. Of course they let her wear something so nice for the formal...of course they'd choose something like this for Sakura to wear. Now Sakura may not ever really show off her body, but she was rather well endowed in certain areas...and her guildmates sure knew how to show it off.

Sakura fidgeted behind the scenes until her name was called. She took in a deep breath before stepping out onto stage, wearing a black bikini which showed off her chest and legs and well basically everything, her pale skin contrasting nicely with the dark toned swimsuit. But the most embarrassing part was how there was a red cloth attached to the center of her top half where it resembled that of a school girl uniform and then to make matters even more worse, Sakura was wearing black thigh high socks. She had a red bow in her hair as she merely had a small blush on her cheeks making her look like quite the shy school girl. She spotted Grey in the crowd and can only give him a small smile and wave before rushing off stage. Apparently the crowd loved it and it seemed like Erza and Mira knew exactly how to get the crowd going.


~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue waited rather nervously for Akari's name to be called and when she was, he felt his heart skip a beat. He saw her walk onto the stage and for a moment all Rogue did was stare as it was the first time he saw her dressing so formally...yet it looked gorgeous on her. He didn't really like how the dress was a bit see through on the legs, but seeing her just shine in it made him smile, though his face was quick to turn red as she blew a kiss directly at him. He could feel his entire face heat up, but he was soon glaring at the nearby guys who were catcalling Akari. Once the guys felt Rogue's rather ominous air, they stopped cheering, face paling instead.

He let out a huff and listened to hear what the next section was...only for him to nearly faint. S-swimsuit!? His face burned red as many images of Akari in a swimsuit began to appear in his mind. They haven't really gone to the beach yet or swimming for that matter...but ah he was so curious yet at the same time he didn't want to share Akari in a swimsuit with anyone, heck he would never share Akari with anyone actually. He ignored Sting's comment as he was more focused on the stage, waiting for Akari's name to be called.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Akari Kaya

Thank God Minerva and Yukino weren’t making her wear black thigh high socks. Sakura could pull it off, but Akari would simply die of embarrassment and refuse to even go onstage. It was bad enough she was already showing this much skin. The Sabertooth girls had put her hair into pigtails (as if she didn’t already feel immature with her lack of curves) and clipped a blue flower into her hair. Once her name was called, she slid her feet into a pair of sandals and went onstage. The crowd seemed to think she was adorable, but Akari was looking for only one person’s reaction. As soon as she spotted Rogue, however, she blushed and made as if to cover her chest, which wasn’t too small, but certainly wasn't the size of Erza’s or even Lucy’s. What a way for him to see her like this. Mustering a timid smile, Akari rushed offstage and let out a breath she’d been holding.

None of the contestants had known what the next portion would be. The announcer did, though, so he excitedly declared that the next portion would require all the contestants to pretend to be… brides?! Akari widened her eyes and exchanged a nervous look with Yukino. She hadn’t been expecting that. Apparently some men had been picked for them to walk with already, and while the guy paired with her was nice and all, Akari kind of wished Rogue was here… Her face turned bright red like a tomato as she shook her head and changed into the wedding dress provided. (A wedding dress was just plain embarrassing to wear when you weren’t even engaged.) Minerva and Yukino were doing her hair just as there was a commotion at the door leading outside. Was that… Gray?


Gray Fullbuster

Gray gulped when he heard Sakura’s name called. If he was right, Erza and Mira would not be kind to Sakura in this portion of the competition. But he hadn’t been expecting this. It was better—worse?—than he thought. He couldn’t stop staring at his girlfriend, admiring how cute she looked in that bikini with a bow in her hair. The thigh high socks nearly killed him, though, and it took all his willpower not to explode when she waved at him. She rushed offstage then, and Gray immediately created a block of ice and pressed it to his face. He needed to cool down. That had been too much. Sting gave him a smug look, but Gray just scowled at him. “It’s not my fault my girlfriend’s hot in a bikini.” He snapped his mouth shut as soon as he said it. Gray had always called Sakura beautiful and cute to her face, but he didn’t think he’d ever used the word “hot.” But it was true… She had looked really good in that bikini. They were definitely going swimming after this big competition.

Of course, he heated up again when the announcer told the crowd what the next portion would be. This time, however, the heat was from anger. The girls had to WHAT?! He couldn’t stand for this. Sakura was going to pose with some guy and pretend to be his bride? That was not cool! (Ha.) Looking over at Rogue, Gray snarled, “You’re not going to allow this, are you?” If Rogue loved Akari as much as he loved Sakura, then the Shadow Dragon Slayer really didn’t like this, either. Without waiting for an answer, Gray stormed to the door leading backstage and pounded on the door. Some security guards tried to take him away, but he protested, “Hey! I’m not letting my girlfriend parade around with some guy pretending to be his bride! Let me do it instead! And let me go!” It looked like Gray would have to fight his way out of this one if these stupid guards didn’t let him go…

AiAi AiAi
{I’m either cutting to the chase and forgot a portion or I’m okay! XD }
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~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura hid herself in the corner once she ran off stage. Never was she going to trust Erza or Mira with outfits again...that was just plain embarrassing. Sakura quickly took off the red bow in her hair and was ready to go change into something else when she heard the next theme...a wedding!? Her blue eyes widened slightly as she didn't expect this, though a small frown soon graced her features as she was told that they would be getting a pre-picked partner for this section. She didn't like that one bit and her frown was a clear sign to her partner that she wasn't pleased with him. The guy can only smile nervously over at her though Sakura was quickly ushered to the changing room by Mira and Erza. She emerged out of the changing room in a white wedding dress with blue embroidering. It was a halter style with the front being slightly sheer and a layer of lace over it.

Just as she was putting her hair up into a bun and placing a veil to cover her bun and flow down her back did she hear the commotion at the entrance to the backstage. She stood up and went over to see what was going on, only to see Gray. Sakura looked surprised yet happy at the same time. "Gray!" Sakura called out and the guards stopped holding him back when she approached. She smiled up at him before looking back at the staff members, giving them a sweet smile, Sakura said, "it's alright if he's my partner, right? I mean, as long as I have a partner everything should be fine." Soon enough Rogue's appearance made the staff comply to the two male's requests. Happy that she got Gray to be her partner, Sakura ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his as she smiled up at him, "Gray~! I'm so happy to see you! So, how am I doing so far?" Before she can say anything more, Erza came over and handed Sakura a pair of lace gloves and a sapphire choker while saying, "you forgot these Sakura and good luck you two." Sakura smiled thankfully over at Erza before wearing said given items. She gave a small twirl while saying, "I'm kind of glad they didn't choose a revealing one this time and I quite like this blue...it reminds me of you, Gray hehe." Sakura smiled bashfully up at him. Somehow being in a wedding dress and having Gray as her partner made it almost seem like they're actually getting married...it was making her a bit shy to be honest.


~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue held his breath when he heard Akari's name being called and kept his eyes glued onto the stage where his face exploded into red the moment it landed on Akari's swimsuit clad appearance. It took all his willpower to not go up stage and just cover her from the audiences' view. To top it off she had to give such a cute smile! Rogue glared at the nearby men as they cheered for Akari, as if that smile was for them. He ignored Sting's amused glances as the Sabertooth guild master was quite openly enjoying both Rogue and Gray's obvious distress and reactions to their girlfriends' many different outfits. Rogue never really seen Akari in a swimsuit much less showing that much skin, but he will admit his girlfriend looked very attractive then...to which his entire face and neck went red.

He only snapped out of his blushing moment when he heard the next sections theme. His gaze darkened as he glared at the announcer as if he was the one at fault. Though at Gray's beckoning, Rogue was quick to follow the Ice mage to backstage where Gray was already fighting his way through. Rogue joined in as he stated with finality, "I agree with him, I won't let Akari walk with anyone else but me. I dare anyone to try and walk with her, you'll have to go through me for that." His eyes landed on Akari whereupon his eyes softened considerably before it turned into a harsh glare as he spotted the guy next to her. The guy flinched under Rogue's glare and ran away while shouting something about not dying today. Rogue was quickly admitted after his little threat as no one else was willing to cover for Akari's partner's spot. He changed into a black suit with a white tie. Walking over, Rogue smiled at Akari as he murmured out, "you look beautiful Akari..." though he soon realized their situation and was now blushing slightly. It almost felt like they were getting married...he scratched his cheek embarrassed as he said, "um well we should get ready to go, you're going to be called soon...right?" he held his hand out to her with a soft smile on his lips despite the small blush gracing his cheeks.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
(Sorry for the wait~ And I think there was the showing their skill/magic off? Of course we can end with that xD)
Akari Kaya

It turned out Gray hadn’t liked the idea of Sakura pretending to marry anyone else but him. Security had other ideas for him until Sakura got him out of it. Rogue had come up behind him, and Akari ducked her head, embarrassed that he was just as adamant about walking with her for this portion of the competition. It didn’t take long for her assigned partner to flee. After a few minutes, Rogue joined her, and Akari glanced up at him shyly, noticing how nice he looked in a suit and tie. Her blush faded as she smiled up at him. “And you look very handsome, Rogue.” For once, he was the one who was embarrassed as he offered his hand to her. She took it and laced her fingers through his. She could make it through this pageant if he was by her side like this.

Akari’s name was called after Sakura’s, and Akari gently led Rogue onto the stage. Sting and the Exceeds were cheering a little too loud, but it was understandable. Most of the crowd seemed to like how Akari and Rogue looked together as they oohed and aahed. As Akari paused in the middle of the stage, she wondered how she could make this a little less awkward. Finally, she smiled and wrapped her arms around Rogue’s neck, kissing him soundly on the mouth. That cinched the crowd’s approval, and Akari pulled away grinning. “Too bad this isn’t a real wedding, huh, Rogue?” she said as she led him offstage again. Realizing what she’d said, she stammered, “Ah, um, uh… I mean…” With a sigh, she leaned her head against his shoulder. “One more portion and I can finally take a break.”


Gray Fullbuster

Thank goodness Sakura was there to get him out of this mess. Even with Rogue there, it was doubtful they’d be able to convince the guards to let them pass. As Rogue went to join Akari, Gray wrapped one arm around her to hug her back. “You’re knocking ‘em dead, of course. I’m going to have to beat off these guys with my Ice Hammer after this is over.” He grinned as she gave a little twirl. “It looks great on you, Sakura. I guess I better get changed, then, huh? Don’t wanna make you look bad.” Quickly, he changed into a suit with a blue tie that matched Sakura’s dress. Before he’d rejoined Sakura, the jacket had disappeared. Oh well.

Once Sakura’s name was called, Gray took her hand and led her onstage. Some people in the audience started murmuring. Gray looked down and realized his shirt had come off somehow, but not the tie. Whoops. It certainly made an impression with the crowd. He slipped his arm around Sakura’s waist and pulled him toward her, giving most of the guys in the crowd a glare that said Back off. If anything, that would help her with her score. A protective and caring groom? Hell yes. Once offstage, Gray threw off the tie. “Sorry about that. I have no idea what happened.” Rogue and Akari soon came offstage, and it was time for the final portion of the competition: a showcase of each contestant’s magic. Gray kissed Sakura’s cheek and murmured, “Good luck, Sakura. I know you’ll be awesome.”

AiAi AiAi
{I knew I was forgetting one XD }
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura smiled happily up at Gray before nodding her head and following him out onto stage once he was changed. She quite liked how he looked in a suit as she said, "you look so handsome Gray, even cooler than usual~" she sent him a playful wink on her little joke before placing her hand into his and following him out onto stage. The crowd seemed to be talking about something to which Sakura noticed it was Gray's attire. She held back a giggle as her smile merely widened, it was so Gray-like that she wasn't even mad, if anything she loved that side of Gray too. She blinked a bit when he pulled her against him and she smiled into his chest as she gave a small wave to the crowd as if saying, 'sorry, but I belong to him.'

Sakura giggled once they were backstage. She merely kissed his cheek as she said, "it's fine, I think they enjoyed it. Ah yeah..I'll do my best!" She smiled, happy to be done with this soon. She was quickly dragged off by Erza and Mira, as she blew a kiss to Gray while saying, "I'll be done soon~!" For the next portion, she was rather glad it was their skills since that meant they wouldn't have to wear anything...just kidding. Sakura held back a sigh as an outfit was shoved into her arms before she went to go and change. After changing, Sakura's name was called and she walked onto stage wearing something more Sakura-like than the other outfits of her's was...thankfully. She smiled and waved to the crowd before showcasing her crystal magic by creating some floating crystals up above her and making her signature crystal bow and arrows, Sakura shot the crystals in the air simultaneously which created a shower of shining crystals to rain down on her making the stage light up. The crowd seemed to go wild at that and with that Sakura left the stage after a bow.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue smiled down at Akari as he said in a teasing tone, "well I have to look somewhat good to stand besides a lovely bride such as yourself." Realizing just how embarrassing that sounded, Rogue turned slightly red as he led her out onto stage when her name was called. He walked out besides Akari with his head held high, he was glaring somewhat at the crowd in hopes to get the guys to stop staring at Akari so much. As they stopped at the center, Rogue wasn't sure what to do, but Akari seemed to know exactly what she wanted to do as she kissed him on the lips. He of course responded back, but in the back of his mind, he was a bumbling mess. It was a bit embarrassing to kiss in front of a crowd like that, but he still enjoyed it of course.

As they walked offstage, Rogue glanced down at Akari and blushed at her words. Looking off to the side, Rogue coughed into his hand as he murmured out, "not yet..." in the softest of a tone but he was quick to jump aboard changing topics with her. He wrapped an arm around her waist before kissing the top of her head as he murmured out next to her ear, "you're doing a great job. Later, we can go get something for a job well done?" He smiled down at her in question before lightly pushing her to Minerva and Yukino while saying, "now go on and show them what you can do! I'll be cheering for you in the crowd again." He smirked over at her, knowing fully well that Akari isn't just all about her looks, she was also a skilled mage in his opinion.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Akari Kaya

Akari pretended not to hear Rogue’s murmured words following his fake cough. She also pretended that she wasn’t incredibly pleased as he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her. The pleased feeling faded, however, when she was pushed to Minerva and Yukino, who were once again ready to put her in some cute outfit for the final portion of the competition. This time, she would have to showcase her magic for the crowd to see. That would be difficult for her, considering she had control over multiple forms of Elemental Magic. But as she was pulling on the black gloves that came with her outfit, she had an idea. Similar to her usual outfit of a short-sleeved shirt, vest, and shorts, Akari was now wearing a long white tank top with an off-shoulder blue sweater than hung past her hips. Her shorts were short and black with a blue belt hanging crookedly off her hips and a black band on her left thigh. On her feet was a pair of light blue boots with black socks much cuter than her regular pair of boots.

Once her name was called, Akari took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage. The crowd watched attentively as she made her way to the center. She’d considered this idea very carefully while she’d changed outfits. Spotting Rogue, Sting, and the Exceeds, she smiled. Then she summoned a flame into her hand and shot it into the air. Natsu may have been Fairy Tail’s resident pyromaniac, but Akari had a special control over her fire. Once in the air, it exploded like a firework to spell out Fairy Tail and Sabertooth in spiky letters. Taking a cue from Rogue, she used what little shadow magic she knew to make her shadow turn into the shapes of the guild marks from Fairy Tail and Sabertooth, both of which she had somewhere on her person. Members from both guilds started cheering as Akari curtsied and made the shadows and fire dissipate. Now exhausted from using multiple elements at once, Akari went offstage and collapsed into a chair. “Annnd that’s the most magic I’ll be using today…” She wasn’t weak by any stretch of the imagination, but it was definitely not fun using that much magic after competing in an entire beauty pageant.


Gray Fullbuster

Gray returned to the audience with Rogue, ignoring Sting’s teasing upon their return. He crossed his arms and waited for the last portion of the pageant to start. It had been unreal escorting Sakura onstage in that wedding dress. Almost like a real wedding…not that he’d ever imagined one. Oh, boy. The rest of Fairy Tail probably wouldn’t let him live this down either. Especially with Natsu around. Gray shifted from foot to foot as he waited for Sakura to return to the stage. Once she did, he smiled and started cheering. He loved watching her use her crystal magic—and it helped that she was wearing an outfit that was totally her style this time. (Not that she didn’t look cute in all the other ones.) She smiled and waved at the crowd first before she started showcasing her magic. The smile stayed on his face as she created crystals and shot them down with her crystal bow and arrows. The sparkling crystal bits raining down on her made her look more beautiful than ever. He couldn’t wait to tell her that.

However, Gray had to wait patiently for Akari to showcase her magic before he could go find Sakura again. The stage was still lit up thanks to Sakura’s crystals, so Akari’s fireworks and floating shadow guild marks looked even cooler than they would have. Leave it to Fairy Tail girls to put on a show for everyone. Gray grinned and shook his head. He glanced at Rogue and said, “We’ve got really cool girlfriends, eh, Rogue? What did we ever do to deserve them?” The pageant was basically wrapped up now. The judges would add up the scores and then announce the winner sometime after the other competitions. The next even would be the big fight. Once the girls had finally rejoined him, Rogue, and Sting, Gray slung his arm around Sakura’s shoulders and looked at the Twin Dragons. “What do you guys say? You ready for a rematch against Natsu and Gajeel? I’ve been meaning to see if that pyro would beat you again.” He grinned good-naturedly. Now that the Twin Dragons and Fairy Tail were friends, it would be hard to see them fighting Natsu. But knowing Natsu, he’d see it as fun. Like he always did.

AiAi AiAi
{Back from France and back to replying! Woot! ^^ }
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura cheered loudly as she watched Akari showcase her elemental magic. She loved how Akari used both Fairy Tail and Sabertooth that and she had to give Akari credit for using her crystals effects as part of her show. Sakura didn't mind as she loved the show and was very happy about it. Heck, she was hoping Akari won!....though a certain dark aura from behind her told her that she better win since Akari was technically representing Sabertooth this competition. Sakura didn't turn back to look at Erza and merely waited for the announcement of who won. So when they did finally made the announcement, well Sakura was already besides Gray when she heard it.

Sakura's grip on Gray's waist tightened a little bit as she hid her face for a moment to compose herself...though her shaking shoulders told everyone around her otherwise. Sakura soon looked up at Gray with a wide, amused smile playing on her lips as she merely tip toed and kissed his cheek while saying, "congrats Gray! Hehe, guess the crowd really liked you in the wedding performance." She smiled a bit...before giggling a few. Okay so maybe she was laughing a bit...but it was so funny and cute that she couldn't help herself. It didn't matter who won for her anyways. Holding back her laughter, Sakura smiled up at Gray and hugged him as she said, "but hey! That means Fairy Tail won which means I won, right? After all, I was your bride." She cheekily added the last statement as she snuggled into Gray's arms. She watched with amusement when Rogue looked more than ready to fight. She held back a laugh as she said, "well I'm sure our Dragon is ready for a fight too...speaking of competitions..." she turned to Gray as she tilted her head to the side curiously, "when is your competition Gray? I am definitely going to be there as your number one cheerleader!" Sakura jumped slightly as she imitated herself cheering for him with a wide smile on her lips.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue changed back into his normal clothes and went back out to the crowd, ignoring the smug smirk that was playing on Sting's lips. Sting apparently found it very amusing how the two guys dealt with both Akari and Sakura's possibly growing fanclub. Sting will definitely find a way to tease the four later. Rogue watched as Akari went back onto stage and couldn't help but smile at her little gesture. It was sweet and very Akari-like. Rogue cheered quite loudly and honestly almost every Fairy Tail and Sabertooth members were all cheering rather loudly when they saw their insignias. Everyone was proud of their respective guilds after all.

Rogue felt even more happy when he saw that Akari used shadow magic out of all the elements. He smiled and clapped rather cheerfully, agreeing with Gray wholeheartedly, "I agree, what have we ever done to deserve them..." Soon the crowd got quiet as the announcer began to speak up about who the winner is, "and the winner of this beauty pageant is...two winners actually! From two specific guilds!...The winners are..." The entire crowd held their breath as they waited in silent anticipation...only to hear something they were not expecting at all, at least Rogue was not expecting this. "Fairy Tail's Gray Fullbuster and Sabertooth's Rogue Cheney! Equaling the win of Fairy Tail and Sabertooth!" Rogue stared in complete surprise as he did not understand this at all...how...did...he and...Gray? Rogue slowly turned to Gray, a look of complete confusion and shock on his face as he silently asked Gray what on earth did they do to win a beauty pageant!? Why oh why did he have a feeling that Akari won't let this go...nor Sting for that matter Rogue thought as he sent Sting a silent death glare when he saw the Blonde Guild master's ecstatic smile. Ignoring the commotion, Rogue turned to Gray and nodded his head as he said, "I'm more than ready to fight..." to win back his manliness...he was sure it plummeted somewhere deep down into the ground when he and Gray received tiaras and flowers for winning the beauty pageant. Rogue has pulled Akari to his side, not daring to look down at her in fear of seeing that teasing smile.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

(I hope this was alright how the announcement of the winner went?)
Akari Kaya

Akari went with Sakura to find the boys again after the pageant, now back in her regular, boring outfit. She wrapped her arms around Rogue to hug him, greatly relieved that now she didn’t have to worry about wearing something embarrassing. Soon after the girls rejoined the boys, the winner was announced. Her eyes widened as she heard the boys’ names over the speakers as opposed to any of the competing girls. Digging her teeth into her lower lip, she refrained from laughing too hard. But, like Sakura, she was failing to fully hold back her laughter, as her shoulders began shaking and her eyes teared up. It was much worse when Rogue and Gray received tiaras and flowers for their win. Absolutely priceless. She glanced up at Rogue in time for him to pull her to his side. It seemed he was avoiding having to look at her face.

Since their fight was coming up, Akari wrapped one arm around Rogue and squeezed. “Good luck against our Fairy boys, Rogue.” She went up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek, whispering in his ear, “If you and Sting win, I’ll get you another tiara.” Flashing another teasing smile at him, she turned to Sting, who ran over to her, picking her and spinning her around. Laughing, she smiled up at her Twin Dragons and said, “Do Sabertooth proud, boys! Now, shoo! You have a fight to win!” Lector and Frosch flew over and allowed Akari to hold them like stuffed animals. The fight was about to begin; thankfully, Gray’s competition was after the fight, so Gray would get to watch the four Dragon Slayers fight. “We should probably go and find a seat with a great view! I would hate if we couldn’t see them beat each other up!”

Gray Fullbuster

Well, that was… a shock. Gray hadn’t realized that wanting to walk in a pretend wedding with his girlfriend was reason enough to announce him as a winner of a beauty pageant. At least he got to share the embarrassment with Rogue, who turned to him with a kinda funny look on his face. The tiara and flowers… that was a bit too much. His embarrassed expression started to fade as Sakura kissed his cheek and hugged him. He smiled down at her and said, “Do I look pretty in this tiara? I think it looks better on you.” He took the tiara from his head and put it on her head. Glancing at Rogue, he heard just in time that he was ready to fight the Fairy Tail Dragons. But considering how embarrassed he’d looked moments before, Gray wondered how ready he really was. Keeping one arm around Sakura, he watched as Akari wished the Twin Dragons good luck in their fight and sent them off to get ready.

Gray replied to Sakura, “The art competition is after the Dragon Slayers’ fight. I think I’m going after Lyon. I can’t wait to kick his ass.” He grinned at her impression of being his cheerleader. “You’ll definitely be the cutest cheerleader there.” Turning to Akari, Gray nodded. “Yeah, let’s go find a seat. I wanna see if Pyro’s gonna lose to the Twin Dragons or not.” In the Grand Magic Games, the fight had mattered more, especially since it had been before Sabertooth’s reform into one of Fairy Tail’s closest allies. So Gray wanted to see how the four allies would duke it out this time. Gray led the way to the stadium where the two teams of Dragon Slayers would fight. He found a seat near the back where it would be easier to see everything that was happening. “I think this should give us a good view.”

AiAi AiAi
{It was great XD }[/SIZE]
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura's smile widened when Gray asked her if he looked pretty. She honestly loved how he goes along with things despite it being an embarrassing situation. Smiling widely, Sakura kissed his cheek while replying back, "of course you look pretty Gray~ You look the best!" She held back a giggle as he placed the tiara on top of her head. Wrapping her arm around his waist, Sakura leaned her head against his shoulder as she watched Akari send off the Sabertooth Twin Dragons off for battle. Speaking of battle...she smiled lightly as she mused aloud, "I wonder how our pair of Dragons are doing? Though I heard that this fighting stage is set up quite differently from the usual...?" She tilted her head in question as she glanced curiously over at Gray, wondering if he knew anything about it.

Sakura did a little jump as she said happily, "yay~! Well I'll definitely be cheering you on Gray and I know for sure that you'll win!" She smiled, excited about his upcoming match in the arts competition, but first was to see their Fairies do what they do best...wreck havoc. She chuckled lightly at Gray's question about their set of Dragons. She looked over at the crowd heading to the stadium as she said, "oh I'm sure they're hyped up for this. I can literally see Natsu's fire from here..." to which she can actually. She sweatdropped lightly as she wondered what on earth Natsu was doing. Only one way to find out. As she followed Gray to the stadium, she took a seat next to him happily as she wrapped her arms around his, snuggling into his side as she smiled widely up at him. If she was being honest, she kind of missed being this close to him especially since she was in the competition earlier. "Mmm! I missed sitting with you like this~" Sakura said cheekily before turning her attention to the stage below them. It seems like they were introducing each teams and then putting them up against each other. Sakura cheered when her Fairy boys came out, holding back a chuckle as she saw the grim looks of both Natsu and Gajeel. The two were wearing matching outfits which was the main source of amusement for their guild.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue was avoiding eye contact with Akari for the most part as he felt too embarrassed to look her in the eyes, but upon feeling a soft kiss to the cheek, he finally caved in. Looking down at his girlfriend, Rogue couldn't resist the soft smile to take over his once embarrassed frown as she seemed quite genuinely happy about the win. Though upon hearing her whispered promise of another tiara, he frowned before smirking lightly. Taking the little shiny crown off of his head, Rogue placed it on top of Akari's head while handing her the flowers as well. Leaning down, he kissed her forehead before leaning further to steal a kiss from her lips before whispering into her ear, "but that means you'll get two tiaras, my Princess." Pulling back feeling a bit of his manliness return to him from that little tease, Rogue nodded his head over at Akari as he let her go.

Glancing over at Akari with their exceeds in her arm, Rogue gave her one last smile and wave before being dragged off by Sting to go and get ready for their fight. How it was going to happen, well he wasn't entirely sure, but he knew one thing. Or well several now that he just won a Beauty Pageant. First he must fight against Gajeel again, that was definite and now secondly, he must win back his man pride! Rogue was more than ready to show off his skills and power in a fight, hoping that it will be enough to get Akari to forget about his little win. Though of course upon reaching the waiting area, Sting and Rogue were quickly thrown some clothes by their fellow guildsmate who held cheeky grins while telling Rogue and Sting, "go and get changed, you two need to fight, that includes you, Princess." Rogue sent them a quick warning glare but went to get changed. He walked out of the changing room along with Sting, wearing matching dark outfits that held their guild logo on it. The first part would be them getting onto stage and then getting paired off to fight. Rogue went onto stage when his name was called. His rouge orbs glanced about the stadium in search of fluffy brown hair and bright blue eyes. Upon finding Akari, Rogue sent her a small smile before standing next to Sting.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
(So so so sorrry for the wait! But thank you for waiting <3 :) )
Akari Kaya

Akari was a bit dazed from Rogue kissing her. She was also still blushing from him giving her his tiara and whispering in her ear. There was something about him that seemed to make her go weak without any effort at all. Now she was really tempted to cheer for him in the fight between the Fairy Dragon Slayers and the Sabertooth Dragon Slayers. With the Exceeds in her arms, her decision was even harder. She sighed. Oh, why did she have to be an honorary member of Sabertooth? Sitting beside Gray and Sakura, she set Lector and Frosch on her lap. They immediately started cheering for Sting and Rogue, and Akari laughed. It was too bad they were always with the Twin Dragons; she almost wished she could hug them all the time. No wonder Rogue was so attached to Frosch. She joked, “Looks like Rogue’s going to have to man up to beat our Salamander.”

Finally, Rogue and Sting’s names were called, and Akari cheered as loudly as she could with the Exceeds. Rogue managed to find her in the crowd and smile at her, so she blew him a kiss. With a whistle, she screamed, “Cute matching outfits, boys!” The fight was now about to begin. Akari knew the only way to not make either of her guilds angry was to cheer for both sides. So long as Natsu didn’t nearly kill the Twin Dragons again… She still remembered the fight at the Grand Magic Games, but that was ancient history. And also back when her boys were meaner than they were now. Akari grinned down at the Exceeds. “Let’s wish them all good luck.” Hearing Gray’s musings, she nodded. “This is sure to be an interesting fight, to be sure. Either side could win.”

Gray Fullbuster

Gray raised his eyebrows. “This battle’s set up differently? That can’t be good. If there’s anything moving, none of the four Dragon Slayers will be able to move. As entertaining as that sounds.” Once they reached the seats, Gray squinted in Natsu and Gajeel’s direction. “Eesh, you’re right, Sakura. He’s practically a fireball right now. Where does he get all his energy?” For a brief moment, he was distracted as Sakura snuggled into his side. A goofy smile spread across his face as he wrapped his arm around her. Smirking the slightest bit, he murmured in her ear, “I missed this, too. We should watch Natsu make a fool of himself more often. Those matching outfits are hilarious.”

Speaking of matching outfits, the Twin Dragons were called onto the stage in the center of the arena. Gray covered his mouth to stifle his laugh. There was no way… both teams were wearing matching outfits? This was simply too much. He glanced at Akari, who wasn’t exactly laughing, but she looked like she wanted to. “Looks like Yukino and Minerva strike again. They never quit, do they? I wonder if Erza and Mira were behind Natsu and Gajeel’s matching outfits.” A rematch of the fight in the Grand Magic Games was sure to be interesting. Natsu had ended the fight by suggesting they all do it again sometime. Hopefully Natsu wouldn’t send Gajeel down a mine track this time and let him fight… Crossing his arms, Gray mused, “Now that Sabertooth’s reformed, I can see our Fairy boys and the Twin Dragons being evenly matched. All four of them understand the value of friendship and family, but Natsu’s values are stronger than just about everyone else’s.”

AiAi AiAi
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura smiled widely as she snuggled more into Gray's side. Ah, she loved this feeling, it was so warm yet a hint of coolness emanated from his body. She held back a laugh as she saw Natsu and Gajeel's matching outfits. Oh boy, they looked so...silly. They both looked rather peeved about the outfit which meant that whoever made them wear it was probably...just then Gray mentioned how Mira and Erza were probably behind the matching outfits for their Fairy boys. Sakura nodded her head in agreement as she finally let out a giggle, "yup, it definitely has to be Erza-chan and Mira-chan. Who else would those two boys listen to?" She let out a few more giggles as she saw the Sabertooth twin dragons step onto the stage. Oh now this was even better. The four tough dragon slayers were all wearing matching outfits. "Akari-chan, Rogue-san is wearing a couples outfit with Sting-san ahahaha." Sakura let out a light tease though the same could be said about her Fairy dragons. She smirked lightly as she couldn't wait to tease the two about it.

As the first fight was announced to be a team fight, Sakura's eyes shined as she just knew those two pairs would be called and just like that they were. She smiled up at Gray but before she can say anything, a sudden murmur among the crowd caught her attention. She turned back to see the stage moving, which caused a bit of a shake over for those in the crowd as well. On alert, Sakura thought something was wrong and so her arm tightened slightly around Gray's but it was quickly resolved with the announcer's explanations. Oh? Different settings for each fight? Interesting...and it became even more so when the first stage was announced to be that of a moving one. Sakura laughed as she said, "oh my, this'll definitely be an interesting fight. If they can even stop the stage to begin with." Smirking, Sakura leaned forward as her blue orbs shined with amusement, just how would the four dragon slayers who had an incurable motion sickness be able to stop the moving stage? "I can't wait to see how this'll play out hehe."

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Rogue saw Akari blow a kiss towards his direction to which he responded with a smirk. His attention was soon on the rest of the fighters being called forth from all the different guilds. His eyes shined with slight excitement when he heard of Fairy Tail and he was even more so when he noticed it being Fairy Tail's very own dragons. Oh this will definitely be a fight to remember, now if only they are paired off..."First double team fight would be between Sabertooth's Sting and Rogue versus Fairy Tail's Natsu and Gajeel! A fight between dragon slayers! Which of the two will win!?" Rogue smirked as he shared a look with Sting. Now this was more like it!

As everyone else left the stage, Rogue and Sting turned to face Natsu and Gajeel, looks like the Fairy boys were also given matching outfits. Well at least he won't be alone suffering he supposed...though he recalled Akari's little teasing shout about his matching outfit with Sting. He will definitely have to pay her back for that. Putting aside his thoughts, Rogue nodded his head over at the two Fairies though before he can even say anything, the stage began to move all of a sudden. All four were looking about in complete confusion as they were on high alert. After all, the last time they had such a competition, things weren't the best in situations. The announcer began to speak up cheerfully through the speakers, "as just a simple battle is no fun, we have decided to add in a surprise for each stage! The stages will change for each battle! Now what will this stage be!?...and it seems like it'll be a spinning stage! Oh? What now? I just got news that there are hidden traps on this stage so while you are moving about with this spinning stage, you better watch out! Now then....BEGIN!!!" Rogue's face paled along with the other three dragon slayers at the mention of a moving stage. Natsu's knees were already shaking while Sting was on the floor. Gajeel and Rogue were still standing, but quite wobbly. Rogue sent the announcer a glare as he tried his best to stay standing. How on earth were they supposed to fight?! Though just then another little announcement was made, "oh! I nearly forgot! There is a hidden switch somewhere on the stage! Once pressed, it will stop the movement apparently! So best of luck to all!" Rogue's eyes glinted at the mention of that, he made a mental note to get rid of this forgetful announcer later.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Akari Kaya

Akari watched carefully as the battle of the four Dragon Slayers began. In some sort of cruel twist, the stage underneath their feet began moving. Natsu barely lasted a few seconds before he collapsed, but to her grand surprise, Sting almost lasted even less time. Lector started screaming something at Sting, telling him to get up, but Akari simply glared up at the announcer's stand. What kind of sick joke was this? What kind of fight did they seriously expect with Dragon Slayers and a moving platform?! Worriedly, Akari glanced back at Rogue as the announcer mentioned something about a hidden switch that would stop the stage. To the four Dragon Slayers, she yelled, "Hurry up and find that switch before one of you falls into those traps!" If her friends weren't careful, one of them would get hurt really badly, and they wouldn't be able to do anything about it!

Gray attempted to reassure her and the Exceeds, but that didn't stop Akari from frowning. She hugged Lector and Frosch closer to her and watched the stage with wide eyes. Gajeel was slowly struggling to reach one end of the stage, possibly trying to search for the switch. Meanwhile, Natsu complained about his tummy hurting, and Sting was having a hard time just lifting his head. Akari was this close to finding the people in charge of this thing and having them reverse the whole moving stage thing. The least they could have done was save this stage for some other fighters who did not have easily triggered motion sickness. Her breath caught as Sting slid a few feet away from Rogue and narrowly missed a section of the floor caving in. She nearly had a heart attack watching Sting casually--well, sorta--slide away from the trap. "Please be careful!" she shouted to no one in particular. Almost as soon as the words were out of her mouth, the stage froze in its current weird position. Sting lifted his head and glanced around while Natsu stopped complaining and blinked. Akari's lips turned up in a smile. Gajeel was grinning from ear to ear on the other side of the stage. It seemed like his intuition had come through. Now the real fight could begin! "Come on, boys! Give us a show!"

Gray Fullbuster

Gray couldn't tell whether he should be amused or angry. The moving stage was a bad joke on the organizers' part. Surely they would have known that users of Dragon Slayer magic had awful motion sickness. Natsu was notorious for getting green in the face at the first hint of a moving vehicle--even thinking about them made him sick! Gray crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes as Sakura laughed at the irony. "This isn't much of a fight, is it?" he muttered. He would've been angrier if he hadn't seen the way Natsu's face looked. While Akari looked worried out of her mind, Gray managed a chuckle. "This is so ironic. Who would've thought Natsu's greatest enemy would stop him from his greatest love--fighting? He looks so stupid when he's motion sick." Looking at the worried faces of Lector, Frosch, and Akari, Gray smiled and said, "Don't you three worry. If anyone was likely to make it through without getting hurt, it's the Fairy Dragons and Twin Dragons."

He had to admit, though, at least Gajeel was able to move. Hopefully that side of the stage would have the off switch and the four boys could move on with this fight. Natsu and Sting were looking worse with each passing second. Geez, these guys were wimps. "Sakura, remind me that the next time these four fight, it shouldn't be at some big event. First the Grand Magic Games, and now this circus. Thank God my contest is last." The audience around him was starting to get bored of the novelty of the sick Dragon Slayers. Whatever publicity stunt the organizers were trying to pull, it hadn't worked for very long. Sting narrowly missed falling into some trap on the stage. Gray flinched, but not too long after that, the stage stopped moving. He saw Gajeel's face and knew immediately that Black Steel Gajeel was responsible for pulling the off switch. That should at least make the fight more interesting. Gray grinned. "Knew they'd be okay." Sting was already back on their feet, ready to start fighting. Gray glanced at Rogue. Was he like Natsu, still weak from his motion sickness, or was he already able to fight again?

AiAi AiAi
{Sorry about the wait. I finally typed everything again into Notepad and using the Word Wrap setting.}​
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Sakura looked amused beyond anything. She wasn't quite as worried as Akari was, but that was also due to her knowing just how stubbornly strong these dragon slayers can be. They were monster-like in strength and vitality...it was insane honestly. She did feel bad that their greatest weakness was the cause of such a humiliating show, but Sakura watched silently as she noticed Gajeel moving about. Hearing Akari shout in frustration and anger, Sakura can only smile over at her fellow Fairy as she stated, "now now Akari-chan. As much as we would love to blame them, it was random they did say." Though getting back at the announcer for this can be fun too she supposed. Leaning against Gray, Sakura looked up at him as he spoke. She lifted an eyebrow but was soon laughing lightly as she agreed, "yeah, we'll make sure they get a fair fight without any audience like this." Her eyes sparkled at the thought of such an event always bites the dragon slayers in the most unexpected of ways.

As Gajeel seemed to have found the switch, it seemed like the real fight was going to start. Seeing as Natsu was all fired up and ready, jumping back to full energy in a matter of seconds Sakura chuckled lightly as she said, "looks like the real fight is about to start now." It seems like the crowd noticed it too for they were now cheering for the four dragon slayers. As Natsu started the fight, Sakura watched as the pink haired dragon slayer was seen rushing straight towards Sting while Gajeel was quick to follow but going towards Rogue. Sting was quick to engage with Natsu and the two were seen grinning as they fought hand to hand while Gajeel and Rogue were a bit more strategic in the way they fought. Or at least it seemed like Rogue was making a plan. "Now I wonder who will win, was it the last team standing or the last person standing that chooses the winner?" Sakura asked Gray absentmindedly as her blue hues were glued onto the stage below. She did pause for a moment to glance over at Gray, her eyes twinkling with slight mischief as she leaned up and pecked his cheek while commenting teasingly, "let's just hope nothing happens during your contest hehe."

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Of all random stages that they could have gotten...it was a moving platform! Rogue's face was pale as he did his best to keep from emptying out his stomach onto the stage. He was doing his best to stay on his two feet while he noticed Sting was already down. As he heard the announcer's mention of a switch to stop the movement, Rogue's rub hues glinted. He looked side to side as best as he could while trying to find the damn switch! Just where was it!? It seems like all four were now working together to try and find a way to stop this dreaded machine from moving any further. As Rogue took a step forward, he had to stop as he felt his stomach lurch in an unpleasant way. Though that all went away the moment he noticed Sting sliding towards a trap. He reached out to try and stop the blonde from falling off the stage though it seems like fate was on their side for once. Just when it seemed like everything was going wrong, Sting sliding to his doom while Natsu was seen crumpled to the floor and Gajeel...where was he?

Rogue wondered just how much longer could he survive this when he heard Akari's voice loud and clear from where he stood. How he heard her? He won't go dwelling on the small details, but all he needed to know was that Akari was watching and cheering for him. Feeling a surge of energy, Rogue reached out and caught hold of Sting in time and just as he felt like he was losing his footing, the stage suddenly stopped moving. Rogue blinked a few times before he felt the nauseousness going away. It seemed like Sting was feeling better as well for the blonde was seen standing up, casting Rogue a thankful smile. Hearing a loud roar and a sudden warmth, Rogue looked to his side to see Natsu standing up while breathing fire out. He smirked as he noticed Gajeel standing by what seemed to be a switch. Looks like they can finally get things started. Sting punched his hands together in glee as he murmured out, "finally we can get this going." Rogue nodded his head in agreement as he stood next to Sting, readying himself for whatever was to come. Natsu and Gajeel looked at each other before smirking over at Rogue and Sting, "LETS GET THIS STARTED!" Natsu yelled out while Gajeel added with hidden malice, "and we'll get that guy back later for making us go through this torture gihihi." Rogue couldn't agree more with Gajeel and Natsu. Once this match is over...that announcer will probably be over with as well.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork <3
Akari Kaya

As expected, Natsu was completely fired up for this fight. It didn't take much to excite the pink-haired Dragon Slayer, so that wasn't much of a surprise anyway. Akari sat back with Lector and Frosch and watched the fight unfold. Though they were all friends, unlike the fight during the Grand Magic Games, the two teams of Dragon Slayers gave it all they had. Natsu focused more on Sting, rather than hogging all the glory for himself, and Gajeel faced off with Rogue. Akari mused, "It's probably good that they're keeping the Twin Dragons separate. They have a whole slew of combined attacks they could be using. Natsu and Gajeel usually fight by themselves or with Happy or Lily. But when Rogue and Sting are separated, they're on equal footing." Gray gave her a strange look, and Akari shrugged. "Occupational hazard. I watch a lot of my boys' fighting." Lector and Frosch, oblivious to Akari's analysis of the fight, were cheering as loud as they could. Somewhere, she was sure, Happy and Pantherlily were doing the same. Well. Happy definitely was. Lily was most likely watching the fight silently. The thought made Akari grin and glance affectionately at the Sabertooth Exceeds.

The Fairy boys and Twin Dragons were so evenly matched, they landed blows on each other in equal measure. Akari winced every time Gajeel landed a hit on Rogue or Natsu punched Sting. For some reason, all four were very fond of aiming for faces... At least fifteen minutes had passed since the fight began. This was turning into the Grand Magic Games fight all over again, except this time there was no random surge of power from Natsu. The crowd was still cheering, though, as if they thought the two teams weren't evenly matched. Another few minutes passed before a bell went off somewhere and the announcer declared the match a draw. Lector was not very pleased about this, fully convinced that Sting could've ended the fight if they'd had more time. Frosch was mimicking his angry gestures. Akari, however, was just relieved that the boys would stop fighting. It was one thing if you were enemies, but it was another when you were fighting your friends. There were going to be a few more matches, but Akari was anxious to see Rogue and Sting, so she waved at Gray and Sakura and took the Exceeds to the place where the fighters were leaving. Finding a familiar pair of heads in the crowd, she pushed her way through until she reached her Sabertooth boys. "Are you two okay? I can't believe how evenly matched you and the Fairy Tail boys are!" Looking closely at Rogue's face, she asked, "How are you feeling...after the moving stage, I mean?"

Gray Fullbuster

It didn't take long for all four Dragon Slayers to recover, and soon enough, they were going at it. Similar to their previous fight, they were rather evenly matched. This time, however, Sting and Rogue were well aware of it, too, instead of being convinced of their invincibility. That, at the very least, was a relief. It made the fight more enjoyable, in Gray's opinion. Hearing Akari's analysis of the fight, he glanced over at her, a bit surprised. She didn't seem like the type to sit around watching how people fought. Then again, with friends like theirs... there wasn't really another option. At least analyzing the fight made it less boring. Bringing his attention back to the fight, he noticed how Natsu and Sting used brute force and magic power, but Gajeel and Rogue seemed to have a more tactical approach. At Sakura's question, he shrugged. "I have no idea how they're judging this. But it doesn't look like we'll get our answer very soon." He smiled as she kissed his cheek, rolling his eyes a bit. "Considering all that's happened today, I wouldn't put it past them pulling some crazy stunt during a sculpture contest."

Eventually (what seemed like forever later), the fight was called to a draw. The Fairy Tail and Sabertooth teams were equally beat up and tired, it appeared. They had truly been evenly matched. Gray was impressed. He'd thought Natsu would get his butt kicked or do some butt kicking, but Sting and Rogue hadn't let that happen. This was certainly a step up from their two-on-two fight in the Games. The fight may have had a slow start due to the unfortunate moving stage, but it had ended much differently than anyone in the audience could have predicted. Akari took the Exceeds and went to fight the Sabertooth boys while Gray stayed behind with Sakura to watch a few of the remaining fights. "My contest's coming up soon. I suppose you'll really be able to show me how much of a cheerleader you are, then, Sakura?" Gray teased, leaning over and kissing her cheek. He was glad she was going to be able to watch his contest. From the day he'd been told he was going to be in this sculpture contest, Gray had known what he wanted to make with his ice. Hopefully there would be a lot of members of Fairy Tail in the audience. They especially would like what he was planning.

AiAi AiAi
{Sorry it took me so long to respond! I had to finish some library books and band camp started and ahhhh : (
I hope you don't mind I tried to move us along to closer to Gray's contest XD I couldn't just have one team lose :P }
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

The fight was evenly matched much to Sakura's surprise. It told her just how much the two Sabertooth boys have matured, something she was certain Akari was proud of. She snuggled comfortably into Gray's side as she watched the fight continue on and on and on. She blinked a few times as she wondered just how long this fight will last? If there was no time limit to it, then they would have a problem as Sakura knew just how much of a monstrous stamina each dragon slayer had. They would be stuck here until nightfall. Though thankfully, to avoid such a thing from happening, there seemed to be a time limit to each match and so the two teams were called for a draw. Sakura clapped her hands, knowing very well just how much Natsu will complain to her and Gray about this later. Hopefully, he can just go and complain to Lucy. Sakura waved to Akari as she watched her friend head off to go and see her Sabertooth boys. Sakura won't blame her, she'd probably go straight to see Gray if he was in the match. After watching a few more matches, Sakura glanced up at Gray as he teased her while kissing her softly on the cheek. It always brought sweet flutters to her chest, bringing forth a smile to match her warm feelings.

Smiling up at Gray, Sakura's eyes shined as she said, "oh yes, just you watch~! I'm going to be your number one fan out there hehe." Of course, Sakura had no clue what her fellow Fairies had in store for her as well. After a bit more, Sakura and Gray headed off to the stadium next door which will be holding the art sculpting contest as it was time for Gray to shine. Sakura leaned up and kissed Gray as she murmured out, "good luck Gray, and remember, I'll be out there cheering for you." She winked over at him and turned around to go and find a good seat so she can cheer for Gray. On her way there, Sakura was kidnapped by Erza and Mira who dragged her off to a nearby bathroom and dressed her into an actual cheerleader outfit. It was a blue and white outfit with the neckline low and the skirt a tad too short. She was even given pom poms as the two told Sakura to cheer loudly so Gray will win. Sakura's cheeks were tinted pink as she went to stand near the front of the crowd where she hoped Gray can see her easily. Though honestly, in this outfit she was garnering a bit too much attention to herself and not to the contestants. As each contestant was called forth, Sakura loudly cheered for Gray when it was his turn.

~ Rogue Cheney ~

As Natsu captured Sting's attention, Rogue moved in to help Sting as well as their combined attacks would work well against them, but then, of course, Gajeel had to get in his way. Gajeel smirked over at Rogue to which Rogue returned it as the two became locked in a hand to hand. Though honestly, it was just a fist fight, a brawl to put it simply. Rogue maneuvered around, using his shadows to heighten the strength of his punches, but Gajeel was tough. Quite literally so as the iron dragon slayer formed layers of iron on his skin to protect himself against Rogue's punches. The two continued at it for a while longer, the two landing a blow here and there, mainly aiming for the face to knock the other out. Rogue jumped up in time to avoid a fiery flame from Natsu which only earned a yell from Gajeel. Rogue chuckled as, despite their rather tough fight, both he and Sting were smiling as they fought against the equalling grinning dragon slayers of Fairy Tail. Unlike the Grand Magic Games, the four were having a more fun time going against each other, despite their rather rocky start. Just as they were getting into the fight, more than ready to start their team attacks, the announcer declared a tie as a loud bell rang out. Huh? Natsu was the most vocal about the tie, but the four was eager to leave the stage.

As Rogue and Sting left the stage, parting ways with the two from Fairy Tail, they were soon greeted by their personal cheerleader. Rogue smiled softly over at Akari as Sting was busy getting nagged by Lector. Frosche got comfortable on top of his head as Rogue wrapped an arm around Akari's waist, pulling her closer to his side. He didn't like seeing the worry clouding her usually bright blue orbs and so Rogue pinched her cheek softly as he told her, "I'm fine Akari, it was an unpleasant way to start the fight, but it ended up just fine." He smiled over at her as he leaned over and kissed the top of her head gently. Lifting a brow at her, Rogue couldn't help but ask, "but why are you over here Akari? The matches have only begun, there's plenty of more to see." Though he was happy that she came to see him. Really happy. Sting called out to the two, "hey! Want to go get a seat and watch the matches? Unless you guys' wanted to do something else?" Rogue turned a questioning gaze to Akari as he simply said, "I don't mind either way, what do you want to do, Akari?"

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
{Totally fine by me~! I couldn't decide the winner either way xD}
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Akari Kaya

Akari slid her arms around Rogue as he reassured her. “I’m glad. I was so worried about you, Rogue. Sting, too. Lector and Frosch were losing their minds.” She leaned her head against him, realizing that she had been lonely without him by her side. The Exceeds could never quite fill the space Rogue did. Grinning cheekily up at him, she teased, “Duh, Rogue, I wanted to come see you two straight out of the fight.” Her attention shifted over to Sting as he called over to them, and, looping her arm through Rogue’s, she dragged him over to their best friend. “Of course I want to watch the rest of the fights! But then right after, we have to go see Gray’s competition! It’s only fair, since he came to watch you guys fight!” she replied. Looping her other arm through Sting’s, she dragged both boys through the crowd until they were back in the stands with Gray and Sakura. Plopping down, Akari sat next to Rogue and leaned into him. Finally, she was able to enjoy watching a fight with him. (Not that that was a favorite pastime of hers.)

The final few fights were actually pretty boring now that Sabertooth and Fairy Tail were out of the running, but that was alright. Akari got to spend time with Rogue, and that was all she cared about. Finally, the time came when Gray’s sculpture contest was going to start. Their little group got up and headed over to the stadium set aside especially for the sculpture contest. Gray parted from them with a small wave, and Akari wished him luck. “I wonder what he has in mind for his sculpture,” she murmured. With a shrug, she looked for a space in the crowd where she could see all the contestants, which happened to include Lyon of Lamia Scale, Gray’s old frenemy. (And she thought the relationship between Natsu and Gajeel was weird.) An announcer came on the stage to explain the contest rules. The contestants would have half an hour to complete their magical sculptures, seeing as they were magic, and they could make whatever they wanted, so long as it wasn’t too inappropriate. Their pieces would be judged based on creativity, artistic vision, and some other criteria Akari didn’t really understand, since art wasn’t exactly her forte. “Guess we’re going to have to wait a while. Though I think we already know that Gray’s going to win,” Akari mused with a wink in Sakura’s direction. At some point, she’d changed into a cheerleader outfit, which was cute and all… but how was she in it? Ah well. The crowd waited, chattering, for the contestants to finish their pieces. Once time was up, the contestants came onto the stage, either magically bringing or manually transporting their creations. Gray came onto the stage with a huge cover over his sculpture, which took up most of the space on the stage. And when he unveiled it… Akari gasped. “It… It’s beautiful…”

Gray Fullbuster

It wasn’t long before it was time for the sculpture contest. Gray started to follow Sakura, Akari, and the Twin Dragons to the stadium where the contest was, but he had to separate from them to go backstage. Once he got there, he saw that the backstage area was cordoned off into large spaces for each contestant. He passed by his old senpai, Lyon, who quirked an eyebrow and smirked at him. Rolling his eyes, he continued to the space with his name. Everyone backstage could hear the announcer on the stage as he explained the rules. Gray started to stretch his arms. His sculpture was going to cost him a lot of magic power and energy, so he needed to make sure he was ready for it. One of the other contestants pointed at him and asked why he was shirtless, which caused Gray to look down in surprise. “What the hell?! Seriously?” With a sigh, he turned back to the open space in front of him. He’d have to deal with his mysterious disappearing shirt later. Right now, it was game time.

Gray used up every second of his half hour allotted time. His sculpture took a lot of precise Ice Make magic, with both large and tiny pieces. Some of the other contestants paused in what they were doing to see what he was making, and Lyon even smiled in his direction. But Gray was so focused on his project, he barely noticed. When time was called, he wiped the sweat off his forehead and threw a cover over it. He couldn’t wait for Sakura and the others to see what he’d done. Patiently, he waited for the contestants before him to present their sculptures. Then, finally, it was his turn. He pushed his sculpture onto the stage and turned to face the audience. Meeting Sakura’s gaze (and raising his eyebrows at the sudden change to a cheerleader outfit), he said, “I give you… Fairy Tail!” He yanked the cover off his sculpture, revealing the greatest masterpiece he was probably ever going to make. The sculpture was composed of just about every member of Fairy Tail, doing their thing. Natsu was dancing around and spewing fire; Lucy was laughing with Happy; Cana was drinking straight from the barrel; Ever, Bickslow, and Fried were fawning over Laxus; Gajeel and Levy were laughing with Juvia and Erza; Wendy and Carla were hugging; Akari was leaning her chin on her hands and grinning. At the very center was Gray, with one arm around Sakura as he smiled at the rest of his guildmates. Ice representations of some of the member’s magic hovered above them, including some fire and shadow from Akari and lightning from Laxus. The crowd gasped in awe at the detail of every Fairy Tail member. With a wave of his hand, Gray made the sculpture disappear, but when he opened his hand, he revealed a snow globe version of it. He walked off the stage to massive applause.

AiAi AiAi
{I didn’t quite describe as I thought I would, but I hope you got what I was going for… ^^” }
~ Sakura Sylvia ~

Knowing that her boyfriend was working hard backstage for this contest had Sakura sitting in her seat rather impatiently. She wanted to see Gray as soon as possible and most importantly she was quite curious of what he came up with. Of course, whatever Gray made was sure to be lovely. Forgetting about her sudden change into a cheerleader outfit, Sakura along with most of Fairy Tail were awaiting for Gray's turn rather eagerly. There were many pretty sculptures, Blue Pegasus, of course, made a pegasus and so forth. It made Sakura more and more excited for Gray so when she heard his name being called out, she stood up eagerly while shaking her pom-poms in the air. When her eyes met Gray's, Sakura gave him a wide smile and a wink though when he presented his masterpiece she felt her breath being taken away. Light blue hues widened in awe as her mouth parted open slightly while her heart hammered in her chest...this...this was beautiful! Taking in the entire guild of FairyTail in ice doing what they always do bring forth a warm sensation to fill up her entire being. She could hear the many gasps and murmurs as everyone was quite touched by Gray's presentation. After a moment of awed silence, loud applause erupted filling the entire stadium with cheers.

Smiling even more widely, Sakura was quick to head backstage as she saw Gray head back. He even made it into a snowglobe!? Touched and excited, Sakura was more than eager to see her boyfriend and let him know just how awesome of a job he did. Arriving backstage, she was immediately given entrance since everyone can easily recognize who she is from Gray's sculpture. Spotting her dark-haired lover up ahead, Sakura called out to him happily as she ran straight into his arms giving him a tight hug. Pulling back, she peered up into his face as she beamed up at him, "Gray! That was lovely! So beautiful! I loved it!" Unable to properly express herself with just words alone, standing up on her tiptoes, she leaned up and kissed him sweetly on the lips. Pulling back, Sakura gave him a grin as she told him, "FairyTail has the best of the best, don't they?" She knew that Gray had this competition won, it was as clear as day just from hearing the crowd cheering for him. Resting her cheek against his chest, Sakura murmured out softly, "everyone was there cheering for you...they loved it just as much as I did."

~ Rogue Cheney ~

Smiling down at Akari, he chuckled slightly at how cute she was acting before being dragged off to where Sting stood with Lector. He nodded his head over to Sting and the group headed back down to the seats where they sat down along with Gray and Sakura. Sitting down next to Akari, Rogue happily placed his arm around her and held her close to his side, enjoying the warmth they shared. He leaned over and kissed the top of her head affectionately as he smiled softly. Seeing her cuddle up to his side and that smile, oh that smile. A warmth spread through his chest as he suddenly realized just how cold he has been without her...ah now he was sounding cheesy. Pushing aside his mushy thoughts, he turned his ruby hues back to the stage to see how the other contestants fared. The matches were always a learning experience for Rogue whether he was in there participating himself or just watching from the sidelines. Though now that he was done with his part of the matches, his adrenaline was slowly ebbing away and now he was just sitting there. Not that he minded since he can stay close to Akari, but he was itching to watch something else since all this fighting will only make him want to fight again.

So when Akari mentioned heading over to cheer for Gray's competition, he nodded his head. That sounded like a good idea and it was only fair that he and Sting came to cheer for him since he came to see them, It seemed like Natsu and Gajeel had the same thoughts in mind as they ran into the two on their way to the other stadium. Keeping an arm around Akari, Rogue led the way to their seats, cocking a brow at Sakura's sudden change of clothes. He couldn't help but glance over at Akari and wonder how she would look in a cheerleader outfit cheering for him...the sudden image made his cheeks turn red as he coughed lightly in his hand. Maybe it was better that Akari wasn't dressed like that...it would be too much for the dark-haired mage. Taking a seat, Rogue chatted with Akari and the others until it was time for Gray's turn to show off his sculpture and when Gray did...Rogue was quite impressed. He smiled softly down at Akari as he agreed with her, stroking her cheek gently, Rogue murmured out, "you have a great guildmate...he made an identical looking you, though I must admit, the real you is much better to look at." He gave her a cheeky smirk as he leaned down to kiss her cheek. After Gray's display, the other contestants came forth but nothing left a deeper impression than Gray's that was for sure.

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