Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

1100 out of 1600 (which got me a full scholar ship)

The max score you can get in a subject is 800

and im not smart... im just a GREAT test taker, i learn a bunch of tricks that allow me to guess properly
I hate test, if Thu just let you explain it then I would be golden. The say my IQ at the lowest is 113. I bet unyielding is like 120
Really? Gosh times sure have changed. You need at least a 2000 out of 2400 to even get into a good college, let alone get a scholarship, although a ton of other variables come into play as well. I don't think the SAT is a difficult test, but to get a really good score you need very few mistakes, so that makes it challenging 
I for one was aiming for 2200+ but came up short :'(
No blur your crazy... or applying for Howard or something... 2000 would include all 3 scores (800 is the max for a score) and that a CRAZY HIGH NUMER... i mean 2400 is a PERFECT... and that is pretty rare... 
Like if you score a 2400 im sure you could get a free ride anywhere... seriously...

(while im at it)

@Traceless come back...

Rei's arm is getting tired from holding that Big heavy shield...
Lol I got rejected from my top 2 schools of USC and UCLA with a score of 2160, but again other variables come into play

I don't really even WANT to go to college _-_

I have no motivation for it what-so-ever
Lol but think of it this way, in high school i was stuck in school for 9 hours, and had to wake up at 6:30 am to go.

In my current college schedule, on any given day I don't have a class that starts before noon, and besides wednesday I never have school for more than 2 hours!

it's paradise i tell you
I just have no desire or wish to go. The career I WANT I technically don't even need to go to college FOR. But it's recommended that people still do go to college, but still...Ugh.
I promise you... what ever you do at home... your gonna do at college, on only difference is... YOU GET TO MAKE FRIENDS who do what you do. Really...
I get it, my math teacher said the same thing to me last year but still. Out everything I hear, I GET it, I really do. But there's no motivation to look forward to it, a want to think about it, nothing. -_-
English is like my easiest subject =3

Which is a pretty good thing since I want to be an author x3
here your motivation, do you live with your parents??

if yes...

do you like living with your parents???

If no

Go to college and enjoy your next 4 years scott free


Im sure your SAT was high enough. You probably didn't have the extra curricular activity, go to the right events, or make the right connects. Or you just didnt apply early enough. Or that school is an IVY league school like Harvert in which good luck 
Yea infi, go to college, make a cult, become rich and famous, then marry me... that order.
Kinesthetics said:
Sorry, sorry. My notifications weren't working! What did you need help with?
boy, leave for an afternoon and there are 100 more OoC posts. Anyway, I need help with filling out the sheet and inserting the character into the roleplay.

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