Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

That made no sense. -_- '

Plus I stopped getting alerts. Bleh...

Plus I'm not sure if Blur is going to plan on making a post when he gets online...

Haha. I'm loving these. Ah, that's why you're waiting for BLUR. There's no one I have that's even near you :-<
Team earthworm is heading to the center of the city, Ryos ran ahead of the group. So i see why you do not want to post.

for her

you can post for Isanna though You and Sora are currently heading for Pinncle but your not obligated to stay with her. Just say Isanna arrived in the city bah bah, she said she had a mission to do and ran off to the center of the city.

I would even aruge and say you can post that you saw the group, Rei, Lewai, Micheal, and Drake, and Kor... something

I dont know what sora mission is but im sure she does not need Isanna, and if she did, im sure she would have to objection to catching up.
It was just an example of something you could do ...:tongue:

You can post you both have entered the city...:bigsmile:

you can post about the trip on the train:unsure:
?? im confuse... so you are just going to leave Her on the train? forever suffering fromt he motion sickness:question:
I wanted to post, but i feel like it would be a little weird for Ryos to have gone, had an entire battle, and came back even though the rest of the team had just reacted to his leaving and just now gone into the sheriffs office. But if you are waiting on me, I MUST POST!!!! 
Okay after a pathetic 5 minutes of planning, I have decided that my next post will be short!

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