Fairy Tail: A New Beginning


Apliphee your that fly that keeps buzzing around my house.

Im always on my toes waiting for you to land

I can only guess where you been, and the secert poops you might have landed on before walking on my food

Sunshine means happy and rain means sad

So you make me happy when you leave, and you make me sad when you land on my food.

I get pleasure from swatting you and i feel pain when i miss and break my moms vase.

You drive me insane with your constant buzzing and force me to spend my energy chasing you

I see what happens when i let you be free. Your buzz was meant to annoy me, you freely fly around not bound by my house rules

but the truth is I SHALL SMASH YOU >.>

you evil fly
Thesmashbro said:
I'm thinking about joining this RP but I think I might need some help with my character sheet and stuff.
Sorry, sorry. My notifications weren't working! What did you need help with?
We really aren't? O.o Hes talking about swatting me in words that don't even rhyme. O.o Can't you see this is an attempt to kill a poor little fly? O.o  
Someone get the fly police. ; _ ;

Okay, I'm all caught up. Nice to meet you Alice. Welcome to the site as well. I really hope you enjoy your time here. I do poetry myself. When I have a moment(-.-), I'll share a piece.


I find listening to Baroque music or meditation songs help when you're stuck. I never believed that mumbo jumbo but...it does something :sweat:
Hey I wouldn't need to swat u if u didn't land on my pizza, leave ur babies in my trash can, or buzz around my ear making me think there is a bee or wasp near by
I happen to be a nutty rap lyricist. :P  
(Thoughts: Like they didn't already know Alice, you goof.) 
Someone get me the fly police!! O.o I'm a poor little fly about to be swatted! O.o
-Unyielding has killed wild fly-

-What? Unyielding is evolving!- 
-Congratulations, your Unyielding has evolved into a pizza!- 
Yum! *Eats pizza*

*Muffled voice as I talk with my mouth full* What?!?! I got bored!!
Well for you to be an angel... you would have to be human... And even if we allowed that, angels are Soilders go god who have no need to eat. They are emotionless and only act when ordered by the lord. Like a robot. There for you would never have eaten me if you where an angel.
We're weirdos and we know it... ._. *Proceeds to break into a spontaneous break dance* 
Score one for magic!! *Proceeds to turn into a frog, then kiss myself so I become a prince.*

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