Fairy Tail: A New Beginning


Alyssa will definitely act like a bitch, don't get me wrong x3

Good job, that was funny! 
Oh and Team Earthworm (@Refaulted @BLUR )

I shall post tomorrow! x3
@Infinities Lover Yeah, I was waiting for you to make a post for Alyssa, which you said you would post today. And why are we Team Earthworm?
Refaulted said:
@Infinities Lover Yeah, I was waiting for you to make a post for Alyssa, which you said you would post today. And why are we Team Earthworm?
If you cant figure out why jacob is in team earthworm... then i have failed you as a narrator... :wink:

But im sure it has nothing to do with the use of Virgo to travel the city...
Lol I'm gonna try starting to type it up on the notepad I have on my ipod
#That-Moment-When-The-Author-Of-This-Resource-Asks-You-To-Come-Talk-On-Out-Of-Role-Play-Chat Since you were so kind as to invite me, I have decided to come straight to you. Call me Alice if you will. My profile information page is probably useful here, but since I've said it once, I'll say it again. I am more than the sum of my actions, and I cannot be held down under a label. I'm the type to believe in strength of self regardless of anyone's opinion. Hello, and it's a pleasure to be invited to just hangout, especially considering the fact that I'm a new member to this site.

Additionally, I like to think that writers inspire one another, and I'd be more than happy if anyone on this page had a look, maybe even got back to me with feedback on the role play I'm writing myself. I would very much like to share my own creativity with the community, and I duly enjoy such formally energetic events! This place is like an ultra violet life ray, and I'm already feeling charged by it! I can't imagine how a role play on this site will be for the first time. I've been a role player in multiple places, but never here before. Hopefully I'm welcome in the community.


As you've stated, I've come if you wish to talk Kinesthetics, to OOC.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Alipheese.jpg.72d3d36d9bcc2e30422ba3dd063521a4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27156" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Alipheese.jpg.72d3d36d9bcc2e30422ba3dd063521a4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I the Unyielding, believe that this person (who is gender neutral) is trying to introduce its self. Because it was asked to do so.

and from my resources, it is trying to be fun so instead of intro through message, it introduce its self on the OOC from cause it would be fun. :wink:

I the master of Unyielding shall break away at this thing call confusion with the power of LEARNING
I will never be boring

I will never be fun

I will always keep you guessing

I will keep you on the run

You will not know everything

Everything I have in store

And just when you think I'm done

I will prove that there's still more

Thanks for the complement Alipheese, i but i do not know everything. Like for example your gender. judging from your name and that pic you posted... I can assume play a certain Japanese game. I would put my money on guy because im sure few girls play the game. Also the girls who play it would surely bring up the all mighty Hora. but i could be wrong. and as such, You shall remain an it until that information is given.

And as for being unknown... That only makes life the fun for us knowledge seekers. I WILL CRACK YOU for i am UNYIELDING... YOU IT... hora hora
For the purpose of entertaining this chat I will do something that can be considered entertaining as follows.

I will keep you on your toes

You can guess, but never know

All the things that I keep close

My dark secrets hide down low

I'm your sunshine and your rain

I'm your pleasure and your pain

I'm bound to drive you insane

With a concentrated brain

You will see what I can do

Words from me, they're meant for you

Speech is free, it's not haiku

Don't you see this is the truth

Alice Comes With Warning - (Warning: This fool is entertaining. Play with at your own risk.) 
(Your chat now has an insane rap lyricist, congratulations!)
Morning! I'm new to this chat, and new to this site, but I'm more than happy to speak to people where I'm welcomed! They call me Alice, mate! Hope I can be a good part of your day! ^_^ Feel free to check out my writing too, if you wish!!


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