Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara

Kelica blinked momentarily as the weasel on her shoulder nudged her and squeaked at her. To be honest she has almost forgotten the little (normally very big) guy, so she reached up and scratched his chin. "Of course you can! We are inside the Guild Hall, no one will hurt you here... "

She turned and only blinked more stupidly as Mizuki was still hell bent on trying Kelica's magic for herself to which the girl threw her hands up with an awkward laugh. Then Alfie and the adorable little girl Alicia stepped in and suggested food.

Kelica put a finger to her chin in thought. "Well, we might continue to hang around here, Chris might just be reaching his limit of control now and being squished up in such a tiny form will probably give him a back ache... " Not very well aware on just how his transformations worked.

"Just grab us something on the go, if you don't mind Alfie! We owe you one!" Stepping up to kiss the pink-haired mage on the cheek and ruffle his hair before bowing to Mizuki and bending down to slip her hand into Alicia's to give it a gentle, friendly squeeze. "Catch ya on the flip side, homies! " Doing probably the world's worse interpretation of a fly girl one had ever heard in their life.

Kelica lifted Chris up and off her shoulder in case he wanted to transform back, before she heard a panicked voice nearby the doorway. She glanced over seeing it was Adrian, she hadn't really talked to him but she recognised him from Fairytail. (Really if the girl was smarter she should just assume everyone here was from Fairytail until proven otherwise.)

So the blonde jogged on over and put a hand onto his shoulder as he tried to call someone. "Hey, what's the matter-"

Glancing as she saw the crumpled heap of a person on the floor, immediately gasping and dropping to her knees before her and scooping the girl up into her arms gently, brushing the hair from her forehead to study her better.

"Hey sweety? Can you hear me?"

The words soft, non-threatening, but more importantly she was focusing on the girl's reactions if there were any. Eye movements under eyelids, eyelashes fluttering, body twitches. As she brushed her forehead feeling her body temperature, any bruises or weirdly placed limbs due to breaks.

Kelica for all her ditzy nature could read body language better then anyone else. She really was the Mother Hen of Fairytail (aside from Sora that is).

She looked to Adrian then. "A bowl of cold water and a cloth, now!" She said in a no-nonense tone she always used with her Forest Guardian magic.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Isune @PeteTSs


I edited my post and forgot to tag, incase you Missed it (because @Genon tagged ya to help but Kelica is already on it :)
Rhodus said:
I was excited because it looked like our characters would finally be able to interact, but I guess we must wait further
No. I'm going to have Sora come help! So we will get to have them interact. I just have to try not to get carried away writing too long of a post, haha.
Kyuubey said:
So I'm going to help anyways but thanks! ^_~
Well now that Kelica showed up Adrian hung up the phone before Sora could answer. So she'll just have a missed call from Adrian, but no other information.
Genon said:
Well now that Kelica showed up Adrian hung up the phone before Sora could answer. So she'll just have a missed call from Adrian, but no other information.
Oh it's okay love! I already had a reason to go to the Fairy Tail hall. xD
Metaphysics said:
Raa: So I went to the gym the other day and there was a line. Funny because I came to lose weight not gain wait.
That one was actually funny. Or should I say...punny.

I thought it was suspicious that I hadn't gotten an alert from here in a while

I literally don't have time to read all these long ass posts

Would there be any way I could get like a short summary so I'm not totally lost? D:

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