Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Kazehana said:
True, I will admit that was just me taking a petty stab at Mitch hehe
And the whole 6 am thing was me being confused how this world's time zones work; most people wouldn't even dare try to wake up at such an ungodly hour lmao
I have to get up at 4am for stocktake days, 5am for working days and 6am(if in lucky) for days off because offspring decides "It's morning time mummy and I want some breakfast now! "
Zuka said:
I have to get up at 4am for stocktake days, 5am for working days and 6am(if in lucky) for days off because offspring decides "It's morning time mummy and I want some breakfast now! "
I am so sorry this is a thing
Zuka said:
oh I pulled out a spare mattress to break the fall. But yes. I forwent bed because I'd become beached like a turtle on there back yelling "helap!" so I either stayed on couch or crawled on all fours haha
LOL! I'm dying trying to picture this. xD I really hope I never get that big of a tummy that I'm that helpless like a beached whale. Zuka mastered doing the crab. Hue!
Kyuubey said:
LOL! I'm dying trying to picture this. xD I really hope I never get that big of a tummy that I'm that helpless like a beached whale. Zuka mastered doing the crab. Hue!
40 weeks plus 10days... 10 pound baby. Yeah, I was uncomfortable. If only I'd though to bring a pillow into the toilet to nap as well haha
Zuka said:
40 weeks plus 10days... 10 pound baby. Yeah, I was uncomfortable. If only I'd though to bring a pillow into the toilet to nap as well haha
Awh. xD Some days you just want to sleep on the bathroom floor so the toilet is right there for easy access. I've been tempted.
Kyuubey said:
Awh. xD Some days you just want to sleep on the bathroom floor so the toilet is right there for easy access. I've been tempted.
I'd do it if I had those issues, tbh. And had more than one bathroom. With my luck I'd get trampled.
Kayzo said:
Tfw Kyuubey hates her Kouhais and left the conversation
I don't hate anyone, I just have so many PM's open lol. @~@ And you guys are talking about your own stuff~ I don't want to intrude!

Mitchs98 said:
I'd do it if I had those issues, tbh. And had more than one bathroom. With my luck I'd get trampled.
Oh.... I never thought of that. My animals would probably trample all over me. QQ;
Kyuubey said:
I don't hate anyone, I just have so many PM's open lol. @~@ And you guys are talking about your own stuff~ I don't want to intrude!
Oh.... I never thought of that. My animals would probably trample all over me. QQ;
Yea. You'd wake up to claw marks all over you, lmao.
Kazehana said:
Ew that means they wake up at like 6 how disgusting
Also, homeschooling for the win lmao
Ya!¡!¡ go homeschooling!¡!¡ I did barely anything today cuz my moms sick hehe ;)
purplepanda288 said:
Hehe, I had the entire day full of testing.
Ap algebra Ip gov and conseptial and theoretical physics
I've been doing second half gen chem (acid/base, thermo, electro, kinetics, etc), developmental structure and function of animals and plants, and french D:

I'd rather stab myself in the eye lol

Good luck with your AP exams though d:

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