Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Glad ya'll don't see the romance I have going with a certain Muscle bound Saiyan thug hue.

It is the definition of a love hate relationship. They love to hate one another xD It's adorable, they do nothing but fight and scream at one another xD
Refaulted said:
;-; Is the bet a life or death situation? If so, I just dug myself a hole, huh...?
Maybe * evil face* lets just say that a caffeinated adhd gay person can find so many way to beat the crap out if someone.
SO! Angel of Mercy has changed, same arc in theory but different title and overview. For those of you that give half a shit head over to the Overview tab to read it. Thanks and junk. :P

I'll also be adding 2 new arcs(the one I thought of recently and the snowman arc) as well as the Grand Magic Games to the Spare Arcs tab as well. I also still eventually intend on going back and reading the first arc and writing a summary of it.
Also @Zuka as soon as I get more information for the other arc thought out I'll tottally PM you if you want to make the main villain. 0:
Hue. Hot

Zuka said:
Eve stood along with her raid party under the direction of their Commander and Sub-Commander. As per usual she took her spot with Karas on her right and Raze on her left, slightly behind the two in charge. Her sky blue eyes drifting over their two new foe's. One seemed to be pulling away from the fight while the second woman was goating them with back turned. This sent an angry scrowl to cover to her face. Her arrogance and complete disregard of a Squad of Saiyan Warriors reminded her of a certain Mo-hawk Saiyan who had her hackles raised.
How dare he disrespect them so! I mean she...it...Eve shook her head to try and calm her thoughts. Zarytto was rubbing seemingly every member of the squad the wrong way, she had been the only one to try and save his hide and yet all she got was a dismissal from the Commander! The memory still sent waves of shame and anger through her. Just why did the fool stay with them anyway? If he was so displeased why didn't he simply leave and do his own thing? She visibly tensed now as the creature goaded them with a hand and the comment on being an inferior race...

Eve's eyes simply slipped closed as her head lifted up in an asperated manner. Of course. Of course...And like she had some physic powers she predicted the first person to respond. Like clockwork...at least he was predictable. She lowered her head as she jogged up to worm her way between the Commander and Urod the second he blasted off, her eyes pleading with Korvaiis. She would never dare to overstep him again but... She needed confirmation and he delivered when him and the rest of the longest serving members flew forward.

The second they intervened Eve was right behind Kendra and Nei, only when they were focused on the bug creature, Eve's response went straight to the mo-hawk Saiyan she detested.

She slid against the ground as she got near like a baseball player between the creatures legs, low to the ground, that she could reach in and hook a hand at the back of his battle armour near his neck and suddenly reef him with surprising strength, dragging him with a burst of power away from that insect and a few paces away. Her eyes focused in on the woman's sharp points on it's legs, it could have skewered Zarytto but didn't...why?

She broke her gaze from it for a second as she reached down and placed a soft hand on the cracked armour at his abdomen with a concerned look on her face. It hadn't broken through so that was good...Again she shook her head, why did she even care? Her eyes narrowed down as she leant over him, gaze returning to his face. She started her sentence with a hissing curse.

"One day I'll get bored of saving your tail, maybe for once in your life you hold back so you can help everyone else rather then being the first in and first out of the battle..."

Oh his Saiyan pride. She'd pay later for that statement though it didn't cross her mind now. Not only did she save him, again, she mentioned his weakness, and requested for him to not fight, all in one foul swoop. If that didn't initiate a full fledged fight later then nothing would. With that she stood up and turned her back on him blasting off away from him.

Here she returned to the battle just as Era and Sil had finished their blasts, and charged straight at the creature. The distraction of the insect woman flinging the blasts away enough that Eve could get right up to her front, not even an inch from her. Anyone else would have never gotten so close to her but that is where Eve excelled in close combat, and with a smirk she curled her body up tight as her Ki soared, before throwing her arms out with a scream.

"Avalanche Strike!" Here Eve's chaotic energy explode out in a dome shape, with the same impact of a semi-trailer full force, knocking the creature back. Well, Eve thought so at least. It didn't even occur to the girl if the technique didn't work she was in such close proximity the woman could kill her in an instant if she did chose.

@Kyero @Lord Zanicus @Genon @Anime King Kaleb
Zuka said:
*Smirks* Beg for my forgiveness

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