Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

  • No, gtfo.

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Are you... okay? :o

Mizuki's pocket dimension should drop him off by Mizuki's group ;) )))))
Kayzo said:
Mizuki's pocket dimension should drop him off by Mizuki's group ;) )))))
Since when did Mizuki have a pocket dimension?

Also, as long as it gives me something to do, sure!
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Since when did Mizuki have a pocket dimension?
Also, as long as it gives me something to do, sure!

I meant Aflie. He could rescue her from the tons of people around her.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]If that's true, then the magic that lets him walk as a corpse shouldn't affect his body because it lacks the ability to change. To be affected by things. Right?

Well he is using Necromancy which is made to effect the dead in order to keep his soul within his body. In regards to effecting his body he primarily uses the manipulation of flesh aspect of necromancy, so it effects his physical body not any of the body's chemical reactions, as it is what is keeping his body from rotting, the only case he effects his senses is when he is healed or manipulates his own flesh which enables his nervous system during it causing extreme pain but that mainly due to keeping the character balanced for combat and to explain healing magic being his weakness. So unless the magic drugs effects his physical body as in mutation it can't really effect him.
Kayzo said:
I meant Aflie. He could rescue her from the tons of people around her.
Alrighty. I'll have the post up as soon as I can. :D

[QUOTE="Unknown Falling]Well he is using Necromancy which is made to effect the dead in order to keep his soul within his body. In regards to effecting his body he primarily uses the manipulation of flesh aspect of necromancy, so it effects his physical body not any of the body's chemical reactions, as it is what is keeping his body from rotting, the only case he effects his senses is when he is healed or manipulates his own flesh which enables his nervous system during it causing extreme pain but that mainly due to keeping the character balanced for combat and to explain healing magic being his weakness. So unless the magic drugs effects his physical body as in mutation it can't really effect him.

And if the corndog affects his soul directly?
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]And if the corndog affects his soul directly?

I am amused that you're getting technical about food poisoning xD
[QUOTE="Unknown Falling]That would probably work, what exactly would it do?

It'd either make him hallucinate about space and give him the ability to restore something back to normal just once, or make him feel sick.
Kayzo said:
If he doesn't post today tbh I'd go ahead and post.
It's the fact that he's said he's going to edit it. I can't really post until it's edited tbh.

Technically I can't post until he makes the necessary edits, because if I ended up posting and he makes the edits after it'd just be wasted xD

I'd also be pissed because my post would be wasted too

Nonetheless I'll make that post for Hibiki for you soon~
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[QUOTE="Unknown Falling]

Unknown Falling

Location: Outside the Milkshake Shop

After everyone's reactions to what he had said he personally thought it went quite well. After Valken's threat Unknown simply raised his hand and flicked his nose saying "Down boy." before chuckling to himself, "It was the condition for losing a bet not a "dare". Despite what you might think I am a man of my word." Looking back at Sora and Lysander, "Sorry again, I assumed you were aware of each others ages." before letting out a sigh, "People always only hear the bad things I say even when I apologize in advance and explain myself. Can't blame a guy for trying to be polite when doing something he never would normally do and not be a complete jerk about it." he shrugged, before looking at Sora, "I will say though, your quite the feisty one aren't you? I must say I can respect that."

He then waved and began walking towards the door. "I'll see you kids later." walking out the door he approached Clair. "I think that went well... for me anyway. You might want to change your name and skip town." he chuckled, "She told me to tell you, her lovely teammate that you "Will receive a lecture later and that she doesn't need to send a zombified man to do her bidding." So good luck with that." he patted her on the shoulder and had a big grin of his face. Unable to determine if he was going to be beaten to a literal pulp or not by the group in the milkshake shop now or at a later date.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo

[QUOTE="Unknown Falling]

Unknown Falling

Location: Magnolia Streets

Unknown narrowed his eye at Mizuki's snarky response wondering if he annoyed some witch that cursed him to explain why everyone was so mean to him, after everything today he is starting to lose his patience "Well for your first point you could have just said "I'm not from around her too so I wouldn't know, sorry." like a polite individual and with the second point because I assumed you weren't a huge jerk."

He then turned his attention to Ophelia, "Well of course the fighting doesn't appeal to me, I just said that?" why was she annoyed at him when she wasn't even paying attention? Then he heard Alicia's suggestion, he knew she was planning something, he had dealt with these types before and being undead made him more sensitive to peoples true intentions and emotions, he was mainly just surprised she was so young with that mindset.

Unknown decided he would make a point and said "I'll try a corndog why not." and went over and bought a corndog, returned to the group and eat it in front of Alicia. Luckily for Unknown being undead meant he was unable to be effected by drugs due to a lack of chemical reactions in his body, not including the fact he didn't even have the blood for it to travel around his body in the first place. He then spoke to Alicia "By the way kid, if you want to trick people you might want to avoid looking "too" innocent, overdoing it is the worse way to lie. Doesn't make it believable and comes across as fake." he then threw the stick into a nearby bin when he had finished his corndog, "Also "never" underestimate your opponents."


  1. Insults someone
  2. Is surprised and offended when person gets mad
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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]It'd either make him hallucinate about space and give him the ability to restore something back to normal just once, or make him feel sick.

But that's not really effecting his soul is it? Because in order to hallucinate you stimuli have to be effected, which he lacks functioning ones, same with feeling nauseous. That is how his body detects, reacts and feels things which it can't do.

Sure if it doesn't effect him we can still do a funny scene. Your character could get so angry at the way he acts and she could beat him up, he has only a little bit of magical energy left so he can't do anything to really fight back, it doesn't help how he wouldn't dare hit a child. In another RP he lost to a three year old so a ten year old would be a big improvement. So I don't mind. xD
[QUOTE="Unknown Falling]But that's not really effecting his soul is it? Because in order to hallucinate you stimuli have to be effected, which he lacks functioning ones, same with feeling nauseous. That is how his body detects, reacts and feels things which it can't do.
Sure if it doesn't effect him we can still do a funny scene. Your character could get so angry at the way he acts and she could beat him up, he has only a little bit of magical energy left so he can't do anything to really fight back, it doesn't help how he wouldn't dare hit a child. In another RP he lost to a three year old so a ten year old would be a big improvement. So I don't mind. xD

Too late. :P
Rhodus said:
  1. Insults someone
  2. Is surprised and offended when person gets mad
Well in a few cases for example when he called Sora a "Flat Chested Pipsqueak" he apologized in advanced stating he didn't want to say it and explained why he wouldn't normally and apologized again. Then part of it is due to his lack of most senses and being dead, making it difficult for him to fully understand interactions with people and what would annoy or anger them. As back to the Flat Chested comment he explained how he didn't even understand why people cared about there chests.
[QUOTE="Unknown Falling]Well in a few cases for example when he called Sora a "Flat Chested Pipsqueak" he apologized in advanced stating he didn't want to say it and explained why he wouldn't normally and apologized again. Then part of it is due to his lack of most senses and being dead, making it difficult for him to fully understand interactions with people and what would annoy or anger them. As back to the Flat Chested comment he explained how he didn't even understand why people cared about their chests.

Question: If I slap you in the face, but apologize before hand, does it still hurt?

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