Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

  • No, gtfo.

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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[QUOTE="Angeliquie Perry](I'm Prepared.....MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

Primary Magic:Sound Mulation

Secondary Magic: NA

Caster or Holder: Caster

Description: This Magic allows the users to perceive, generate and manipulate any type of sound, attacking the opponents with sounds of various intensity. The caster can create powerful sound waves from any part of their body or anywhere in the nearby surroundings, making it effective for mid-range to long-range combat. Depending on how much sound is generated, and the pressure in it, Sound magic can easily deafen the caster's opponents. In addition, the sound waves can even be strong enough to destroy buildings with ease and can kill multiple people. These sound waves can cause large vibrations depending on strength of it that make the things above happen.


  • Damage to eardrums (deafening the opponent)
  • Vibrations that can physical damage to materials such as buildings or weapons.
  • Singing can allow depending on what spell can cause small barriers to be put up with those whom don't have Ear/hearing damage from previous attacks.
  • Damaging Shields and Barriers
  • Can make invisible instruments with Sound Make with these they can play as though do have one but it's materially not there such as an air guitar; it leaves magic circle bracelets on the casters wrist and then while playing that sound of it comes out.
  • Can not be canceled out by gravity and can be used under a binding spell.


  • Needs a Source from The castor or team mate such as their voice and only their voice or music being played.
  • If source sound is eliminated then so isn’t the spell/magic
  • Wind and Fire magic are strong against it.
  • Poison Magic comes in contact while using a sound spell especially when the caster is using their own voice
  • If casters is hit during Spell it is also canceled.
  • Caster can not move while in the use of a sound magic spell enless they are in use of sound make.


Beast Pride:

Description: In human evolution there were genetic mutations that eventually lead to the creation of new species. All other human species, apart from the modern human, were thought to have all been eradicated. However, back in the days when humans still lived very close to nature, a genetic mutation took place that would stay unnoticed for millennia. Humans with these genes could understand animals and communicate on a more sophisticated level than speech. When these humans mastered magic, their unique genes allowed them to take on specific traits of animals with which they had bonded. As these humans continued to mix with those who did not posses these genes the gifts that came along with them grew weaker. Only those in which the genes are present and strong enough can still use these abilities.

Ability: The user can communicate with animals telepathically. When they share a bond with a creature ( must be a pet ) they can use a weaker version of their pet's abilities once.

Usage: Depends on the pet's abilities. The rank is automatically 1 rank lower than the rank of the pet's ability. The cooldown is increased by 1 and the duration can be anywhere from instant to 2 posts maximum. Passive Abilities can be used 3 times per thread and only last 3 posts, Active Abilities can be used 2 times per thread.

Unique Abilities:

  • Ability to play any musical piece or interiment (such as piano, harp, flute, ect.)
  • Extreme Good Hearing for long distance aprox. 80 meters.
  • Ability to break the sound barrier in speed once activating any music or sound from magic item.


Spell Template

Name: Howl

Rank: D

Type: Sound, Offensive


Cooldown: 3 posts

Description: The user sends forward several musical notes that match the pitch of the set sound or music that emit a loud screeching noise from direct sound, causing the opponent great damage to their ears. Mid Ranged and must come from a smaller sound or music coming from caster as as using headphones with loud music coming from them or their voice. The sound must be in direct contact with cast and is only amplifying the sound that which it came from. So if it where a scream , it would be a deafening scream or say music or song, then blaring music causing large vibrations if done at a high ranking.


  • Breaking weak weapons.
  • Ear Damage causing opponent to be deaf for next three posts.
  • Weak Structures can give way
  • Balance may be lost.


  • If source of sound is blocked the spell is interrupted immediately.
  • If caster can not speak or any device ,as stated above, spell can not be used.
  • The Vibrations of the sound waves can also harm the castor.
  • Can not protect themselves (castor) or move otherwise its canceled.
  • If wind magic is louder then or has taken hold of the pressure of the area the spell may fail.

Name: Sound Make

Rank: D

Type: Sound, Supportive and Offensive.

Duration: 4 posts

Cooldown: 6 posts


Creates magic bracelets on the users wrists causing them to create or MAKE any sound from imitating an instrument with the exception of a piano or large instruments or headphones/voice (mic). Player must know how to play that instrument and a song from that instrument to use. This creates sound to be used for any other sound magic spell except ones where pressure is directed by a body part. also certain instruments that control bass can cause large sound waves and vibrations dealing 10% Damage to the enemy alone; add another spell, its the percentage of the ranking plus 5% more damage.If the right song is played (certain songs are spells including this one mentioned) it can put the opposing person or beast to sleep but only when adding using lullabys and it can last up to four posts depending on the opponents damage; more hp left the more likely the longer the sleep will last. This sleep can not be woken up from enless the oppent is will to injure thy selves with 15% damage .Team mates and only team mates, this includes pets, can be healed if by 5% for each post the spell stays up regardless of the song if it's played by a harp or a shell flute only. Speed and distance varies on on what the caster wants but can not go past castor's ranking statistics of 17.8816 mps and 13.7 meters (D rank).


  • To create sound from thin air.
  • Can help make other spells stronger.
  • Can create its own damage and hard to interrupt.


  • If wrist are cut or damaged during spell the spell can not be used again till they are healed.
  • If done as above the spell is terminated..
  • If hit the user has to restart both and all spells they have casted after this one to have the same effects.
  • Depending on the interment, like a guitar or drums, they can not move elses they are playing.
  • If they want a different instrument they have to redo this spell.

Name: Sound Break

Rank: Levels with class level of the castor.

Type: Defensive and Offensive, Sound

Duration:Next Attack of Opponent (within two posts before the attack)

Cooldown: 3 posts


Blocks damage of any spell once for one post in a small shield around the caster; all damage is reflected back to the opponent. It can only be used four times in each mission. It can only block and reflect the spell if if it's equal to the casters class or below; if above it keeps getting divided by 50% worth of damaged blocked and reflected. Say it's an c spell attacks, it does 50 % to each user, 25% to caster of an A class spell and 75% to the castor of this spell. And so on and so on. Also it restores mana by class rank % of the opponents spelling thats attacking such as D would knock it out, meaning no mana restored, then C would be 10% and so on. But mana is only gained if the shield is attacked


-Heals Mana

-Blocks out some damage.

- Levels with the castor


-All higher ranking spells cause more damage to the castor of this spell then the opponent

- Has to be done within two attacks before the opponent's attack not after.

- This is not a counter and does nothing to the spell of the opponent previously only the next one coming up.

- Can only be used four times on a mission.

(She has a bio tooooooo. XDD I have too much time.)

Wrong tab. Very, very wrong tab. ._.
Kayzo said:
Post. Ily
Got it~

[QUOTE="Angeliquie Perry]opps sorry.

It's fine. You've only joined today, haven't you? Just copy what you put in the post, paste it in the Character Sign Up tab, and delete the one you made in the IC tab.

Also, I used the most generic and uncreative way to introduce Conway. That burning I feel? That is shame.
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Angeliquie Perry]can you give me a link please. im sorry i didn't mean to put it there. [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/threads/fairy-tail-a-fandom-always-accepting.180164/page-3 said:
Fairy Tail: A Fandom(Always Accepting!)[/URL]

I've already said it's okay...

What was the purpose of that post...?

Edit: Oh! You accidentally put your post in with your quote. Yeah, poor Ren. First Gilad, then Alicia, and now his love interest?
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Salt Lord] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/28096-drakerus/ said:
What was the purpose of that post...?
I put the message inside the quote on accident. I'm on my phone . I just edited it.
Drakerus said:
I put the message inside the quote on accident. I'm on my phone . I just edited it.
Yeah, I saw it. I edited my post as well. Poor Ren. And soon to come, the pink-and-purple deadly duo...
Mitchs98 said:
Waiting on u btw, no rush doe :>
Passive aggressiveness detected.

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Yeah, I saw it. I edited my post as well. Poor Ren. And soon to come, the pink-and-purple deadly duo...

Is Conway the guy you mentioned making earlier?
Drakerus said:
Is Conway the guy you mentioned making earlier?
Yep. While he isn't the hulking bodybuilder I said he'd be, it was quite a lot easier to create his bio. And I'd say he still looks good.
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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Yep. While he isn't the hulking bodybuilder I said he'd be, it was quite a lot easier to create his bio. And I'd say he still looks good.

At least make it so Ren isn't 5 inches taller than him. That's kinda awkward lol.
Drakerus said:
At least make it so Ren isn't 5 inches taller than him. That's kinda awkward lol.
I... hadn't been using Ren's CS when Conway was being made. I'll go change that. Sorry. D:

Edit: Conway is now two inches taller. c:
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Salt Lord]I... hadn't been using Ren's CS when Conway was being made. I'll go change that. Sorry. D: Edit: Conway is now two inches taller. c: [/QUOTE] I guess 5"4 is tall in your eyes xD . [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:
@Mitchs98[/URL] I'll do the post soon. I'm a slow mobile typer.

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