Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Colt556 said:
So you could fuck over Kelica by throwing a tarp over her or something?
Also you can pretty much fuck over Kelica by punching her outright. She's weak as a wallflower
Colt556 said:
Sora's an S-rank healer, if Wendy can do the healing she did while not being S-rank I'm sure Sora can manage on her own.
@Zuka I agree with this. It'll surely tire Sora out a bit but she can do it without compromising her own health. Plus, Hibiki @LeSoraAmari can just carry Sora around if it exhausts her too much. Show even more teamwork from Fairy Tail!
Kyuubey said:
@Zuka I agree with this. It'll surely tire Sora out a bit but she can do it without compromising her own health. Plus, Hibiki @LeSoraAmari can just carry Sora around if it exhausts her too much. Show even more teamwork from Fairy Tail!
Or buy them time while they both recover, there are many things Sora and Hibiki could team up and do together.

But yes, that can also happen.
Kyuubey said:
@Zuka I agree with this. It'll surely tire Sora out a bit but she can do it without compromising her own health. Plus, Hibiki @LeSoraAmari can just carry Sora around if it exhausts her too much. Show even more teamwork from Fairy Tail!
;_; But I wanna pretty flower scene.

She only has weak powers and I gotta exploit her pretty magic when I can.
Ya'll talking about fairytail teamwork when one of the members almost killed the other and another is willing to kill anyone who gets in his way, including guild members.
LeSoraAmari said:
She'll have all of spring to do that :3

Plus she has might actually be a B-rank by then and somewhat formidable xD

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So Fairy Tail has psychopaths who freely and willingly teamkill. Lamia Scale has psychopaths who revel in murder and bloodshed. Meanwhile Sabertooth is a normal, healthy light guild. The worst Sabertooth has is some gloomy chick.
Colt556 said:
So Fairy Tail has psychopaths who freely and willingly teamkill. Lamia Scale has psychopaths who revel in murder and bloodshed. Meanwhile Sabertooth is a normal, healthy light guild. The worst Sabertooth has is some gloomy chick.
And she's beginning to open up, so soon it won't have anything bad.
Zuka said:
Draneri - The Siren

Draneri was in a state similar to an emotional high as she clutched at her cheeks, watching as Mizuki had turned to her side and was her Prey alone. In the distance she heard a high pitched scream which only raised her eyebrow in a confused manner, after all she had made much higher and louder pitches of tone then that blonde girl seemed to be capable of. The blood running down her neck made an almost Sadist grin spread across her red lips. She was dead. She had minutes at most, and judging by this crowd of fighters there didn't seem to be a single person here capable to save her. One mage down! And that beast of a man was cradling and crying so he would be out of commission as well. While this was slightly annoying, and gladly she still had bound Mizuki to her will....

Before she knew it that smug Arcane Mage Adrian had covered himself head to toe in magical armor with a shield and sword, and had dashed behind her with the full intent to stab her through and cover her mouth.


Did he really assume no one had tried to physically get in close to her and behind her? Sharp bird-like eyes following him similar to a hawk as she allowed him nearby. After all if she could make it look like he was attacking her surely her new Prey Mizuki would take care of the smug mage first? So with a strange agility the Siren lifted up a wing to distract him so that his sword torn through her feathers rather then her flesh with no damage to herself. That was when she felt a weird force hit her, a chaotic energy that was making her entire body and differing limbs react in strange ways, burning, freezing, electrocuted stone. For every limb that was being affected, her natural passive regeneration was draining her precious and delicious life force to keep it at bay. Taking off years of her life in seconds. Forcing her to feed sooner. A nuisance.

She heard a screech and whirled her vision to the side to see Mizuki firing a huge dark death beam but she was so focused on Adrian she completely failed to notice that Draneri herself was partially in the way. The Siren's teeth became gritted and her face became one of an absolute terrifying fury, suddenly snapping like a dragon to bite angrily into Adrian's hand to free her mouth, however she only had enough time to twist her body as the beam torn her very right wing and clashed hard into his Arcane Shield. Black feathers were sent flying in all directions as her wing joint cracked and lowered at a sickening dislocation, having half been blown away in the process.

Not even a moment after Adrian had rolled away did three massive boulder's come hurling at her in quick succession causing The Siren's one good wing spread out in an aggressive manner as she tilted her head back for a moment taking in a huge breath of air as she did. Then she screeched in a pitch much higher and more forceful then anyone up till that point had used, causing a massive Sonic Boom to hit and destroy the three huge boulders, turning it to crumbles on the dirt ground. Although she failed to notice the very roof and walls were shaking and shuddering, a testament to the unsafe structural integrity of the corridor itself.

Eric decided to try attacking her as well, only to end with the Grimoire Heart boy to kick him away, which was good and left the odds slightly less against her. As she stood there half hunched over she watched her first and best suitor suddenly bend to hug into that cute girl from earlier....

Both prey WEAK.

Both prey USELESS.

Her dream of acquiring high end prey turning into something of a nightmare as they just kept coming. She had lost all sense of adorableness, of motherly love or soothing expression. It was a haunting sight of something close to a monster now with teeth bared and her pupils fully dilated to slits. She threw her hands out as she arched her chest forward, both wings spreading out far, despite it being agony for the right wing which was half blown away. But with a sickening creak and groan, snap and whirl, that very wing was realigning, rejoining, feathers bursting over it to look as good as new in less then seconds.

More precious years she was wasting on this prey. She was the Predator!

That was when she turned to the red haired Samurai with the earlier death threat as he shouted some nonsense about disposing of her. The notion laughable!! She, a Siren for over 300 years, meet with countless men, women, children she fed, mages and innocents alike. All had fallen to her, all she had stolen their very life force to increase her own. Every single one! He was dashing towards to her with a look of pure fury and the same was etched in on her once beautiful face. Even her voice was breaking into something of a screech, hissing angrily. "I will kill you just as I have killed the rest! If I can not drink from you, I shall end your life and take pleasure in it! Just as I have the men, women and children who have come before you! You are nothing but PREY! But FODDER! FOOD to eat and then discarded like trash!!"

He had closed the distance in record time, and before she knew it he was before her with weapon drawn, her hands before her like imitation claws. Feet spread a fraction and her very wings tensed as if ready to pounce at any time.

Barely noticing a barrier had sprung up to isolate the two. The earlier notice of running away now a thing of the past as she intended to tear this man limb by limb and tear his heart from his very chest as some sort of trophy!

The siren watched in slow motion as he thrust his blade forward and aimed straight for her heart, barely managing to dodge it as it scrapped her shoulder and she hissed as it burned as well, tearing through her dress. Being in close proximity she let out a high pitched Sonic Boom right before his face, using the distraction to slash with nails almost as hard as steel.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Zareh

Isune said:
Ya'll talking about fairytail teamwork when one of the members almost killed the other and another is willing to kill anyone who gets in his way, including guild members.
Chris and Ryu can be moody in the corner together.

Chris: So why does the guild hate you?

Ryu: Killed a Siren bitch in cold blood, you?

Chris: Mauled my gf and it isn't the first time I've hurt her.

Ryu:...... *gets up and walks away*

You know Chris is gonna be heartbroken. He'll be in bed all day everyday and ponder if he is worthy of his guildmark
Zuka said:
Chris and Ryu can be moody in the corner together.
Chris: So why does the guild hate you?

Ryu: Killed a Siren bitch in cold blood, you?

Chris: Mauled my gf and it isn't the first time I've hurt her.

Ryu:...... *gets up and walks away*

Even Ryu can't tolerate domestic abuse
Isune said:
You know Chris is gonna be heartbroken. He'll be in bed all day everyday and ponder if he is worthy of his guildmark
All Chris needs is a good slap across the face and someone to tell him that the Siren hurt Kelica :3
Isune said:
You know Chris is gonna be heartbroken. He'll be in bed all day everyday and ponder if he is worthy of his guildmark
He could join my new characters guild. Currently she's the only one in it and is a D class loser lmao.
Isune said:
Ya'll talking about fairytail teamwork when one of the members almost killed the other and another is willing to kill anyone who gets in his way, including guild members.
And while another team member recognizes that Ryu is a living nuke right now and simply kept everyone away in order to let him do his thing.
Jackaboi said:
All Chris needs is a good slap across the face and someone to tell him that the Siren hurt Kelica :3
Yes it wasnt really Chris' fault that he attacked Kelica, but it isn't an isolated incident. This is a "straw that broke the camel's back" situation
I kinda like the idea of Chris going rogue. I wonder what Kelica would do if she found out that Chris up and vanished. She'd probably be like "Ain't my problem."

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