Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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Zuka said:
Valken Truss
The Dark Guild Dungeon

View attachment 311495

Valken had to grin heavily at the idea of some scared, pathetic squealing girl running into Emmerich of all people while being chased and using him as a shield. What were the odds really? "And I'll bet you knocked everyone of them out before you even knew her name or what she had done to provoke them?...One day someone will use your love of fighting against you...What if it was a pretty girl from a Dark Guild who used you to take out some high class mages? A psycopathic killer? I heard rumours of Dark Guilds using pretty girls as Assasins... Doll-look alikes with Scythes... I suppose you just lucked out she really was a ditz this time."

Valken did lift an eyebrow as he watched his expression darken, and that was never a good sign. "Your not thinking of doing anything rash after this mission, right? I'm sure she has enough sense to pick a decent man...." scratching his chin. "...well, maybe. She does seem pretty stupid..."

Here the conversation turned to him, or more namely what he had done with Millie. Now Valken was a Master conversationalist and general smooth talker, however Frosty was always so blunt and to the point that he often times found himself struggling for answers. This was no exception... He quickly spun on his heels and faced forward making his voice aloof. He figured if Frosty saw even a side ways glance or eyebrow raise he'd just enquire further. It was probably Valken's fault for starting the conversation in that direction but even so....

"Ooohhh we've done everything. Yeap. All bases. All night long. Have been for monthsdays really she's always begging for more. I know what I'm doing..." flicking his dark fridge forward almost as if to half hide his face. It wasn't altogether a lie. Of course he knew what he was doing, he'd seen heaps of movies and read books and stuff.......and she seemed to like it? Right?

"So about where this DARK GUILD BASE(realised how gross that sounded before) centre is..." Steps quickening. Now where where all the traps now for a hearty distraction?


(for the threads reference lol)


@Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98 xD
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara - Dungeon - Team Fairies

The Forest Mage let out a squeal as Chris seemed to change into his centaur form almost instantly and once again she found herself riding along his back with her blonde ponytail swaying side to side in an erratic manner. Thighs naturally tightening around his middle to hold herself upright, though she couldn't help but duck as he made a make-shift dirt tunnel to escape. After all, she had been caught multiple times when he would run head long into doors forgetting she was on his shoulders or on one of his Beast Forms and wack her head right into said door frame/ceiling/roof/balcony/pagoda.

After they had all gotten in, she whirled her head just in time to see Adrian duck in after slowing the boulder down considerable with his Arcane Barriers, followed by Ryu who didn't even seemed fazed after running that whole distance. She tapped Chris on the shoulder again just to let him know she was sliding off, and with a loud thud she landed on her own two feet. Despite feeling safer up higher, this tunnel wasn't exactly big and she would have to be constantly bending to stay on his back.

She shot Ryu a glare. "Yes; never panic... That's easy for you to say! There is no Forest here, so the best I can manage is damage control heals! Besides it's dark and crowded and smells funny in here..." wrapping her arms around herself as she glanced to the walls whom she was convincing herself were actually coming in closer to her. Getting a weird sense of claustrophobia in this tunnel, after all Forests were always bright and wide and open. And colorful rather then the gross brown/black of these walls. "Don't suppose anyone can light the way a bit-?... Please-?" She added in a weaker voice now looking visibly shaken and more then a little scared.
Forgetting the tags :3

@Rhodus @Isune @Genon @purplepanda288 @Bolts
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purplepanda288 said:
Well, one of my characters has been completely separated form any groups. Thy could interact with yours
Sounds like a plan. We'll just say my character has been benched on this one.
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Bestest Horsey)

After everyone crowded into the tunnel Chris came galloping back. He lowered his head as he somehow managed to squeeze into the tunnel. Seeing how cramped it was, Chris extended his arms once again to make the tunnel a bit larger so everyone could breathe. He looked over to the entrance and shut it most of the way to make sure that the giant boulder wouldn't find it's way into the entrance.

After taking a short breath, Chris returned to his human form and laid on the ground. He closed his eyes as he finally decided to ask,"
Everyone alright? No one hurt? If you are we got nurse Kelica over there."while simultaneously pointing to Kelica. As a smile fell onto his face, Chris turned his gaze to Kelica as he joked,"Looks like I'm more useful than I originally thought." before looking back to the entrance. Hopefully, the boulder would roll right on through.

@Zuka @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Genon
Why you no tag me?
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I point you to the following post:

Genon said:
Adrian, acting quickly, poured a large portion of his magical power into a tremendous and much stronger than normal Arcane Barrier that glowed its distinctive purple, hopefully aiming to slow or stop the boulder. He also put a few more in the boulder's path. The boulder smashed through the first few barriers, leaving shards of arcane material in its wake that immediately dissolved into the ether, but as it slammed into the last barrier, the ground shook from the impact, but surprisingly it actually held. However, Adrian could feel the barrier struggling to hold the boulder back. But decided to go with Chris' idea and walked through the tunnel with him just in case, asking, "Do you think it's better to go down here or continue down the path out there now that I've stopped the boulder?"
EDIT: He was quickly interrupted by a massive noise coming from the boulder, along with the smell of smoke. He was right. There was a rocket mounted to the side of the boulder. And it smashed right through the last barrier as the glorious and rather funny sight receded into the distance...only for a loud BOOM to make itself known from the end of the passage. So the boulder was explosive and rocket-powered! Adrian stood there openmouthed as he watched the sight, saying after a few moments, "Uh...scratch the latter idea."
Sorry @Rhodus xD

And wait, the boulder blew up? Or did it just force itself past. I thought it wad legit a rock with rocket boosters on it.
Isune said:
Sorry @Rhodus xD
And wait, the boulder blew up? Or did it just force itself past. I thought it wad legit a rock with rocket boosters on it.
It had explosives in the center as well as rockets on the top. It blew up once it hit the end of the passage. :3

I'm weird.
Genon said:
It had explosives in the center as well as rockets on the top. It blew up once it hit the end of the passage. :3
I'm weird.
I had to read your post two time to see if read it right

Zuka said:
So are we still in the tunnel or not? D: I Confused. or did we just use it to hide then step back out?
Ya were still in the tunnel
No, Chris was about to head in when the boulder blew up. When everyone gets out, that's when he closes it up.
Isune said:
No, Chris was about to head in when the boulder blew up. When everyone gets out, that's when he closes it up.
so we aren't waking down the new tunnel he made? D:

@purplepanda288 lol. Throws her straight into grumpy pants Ryu @Rhodus "but seriously why are you wearing a dressing gown?"
Rhodus said:
The first rule of Ryu's kimono is you don't talk about Ryu's kimono.
"Is it like a snuggie? Does it have pockets? Where do you keep your wallet?"
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It wasn't a full tunnel. It was just a tiny one so they could avoid the boulder if the barriers didn't hold.

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