Fae Hiding

Nadya got to the roof and laid on her back watching the stars, flicked her hand up and made the nearby trees blossom and lose the flowers.
Kiba woke up after about two hours and he joined Nadya on the roof keeping his distance. "So why try and get back the throne?" he asked looking up to the night sky.
She growled, "That bastard killed his own brother, which is my fatherr along with my mother and two brothers. And the Seelie kingdom has turned into hell and they are this close to going to war with the Unseelie court." She flicked her wrists and the flowers turned into blood droplets and fell.
Kiba looked over to the flowers. "I know that feeling better then most fae. Only the difference is My brother killed my family." he looked down. "But I'll help you fight and kill your uncle." he looked at Nadya with a faint smile.
She smiled and flicked her wrists again, the blood turning into water and evaporating. "That's sweet but the only one who will have any part in killing my uncle will be me. And I'm sorry about your family."
She looked at him, "I'm a glamour user, and if you call it magic I will slap you...I'm serious, but it's not really real..but it can still kill you, amaing isn't it? It's like an illusion gone wrong." she sat up abruptly, "Check it out." She closed her eyes and put her hands in front of her. Suddenly a whirlwind of flower petals sprung up.
She shrugged and laid back down, "Yeah and Roarke I know is a hand to hand person but I don't know what he can do...I should head back in and get some sleep." Stands up and starts walking to the edge of the roof.
Ookami was curled up in the corner sleeping. He lifted his head sleepily. He yawned slightly and rested his head back down.
Nadeshka grinned and scratched under Ookami's chin, "Heya little guy, you sleeping good?" Shepatted him on the head and went to curl in the matty chair. "Hey Roarke."
Ookami followed her and lied down on her lap and curled up again. "He seems to like you." Kiba said coming back into the room.
Nadeshka smiled, "Most animals do and it's pretty cool." She stroked Ookami as she cuddled into the chair.
Ookami yawned and cuddled into Nadya a bit. "Yeah, he really doesn't take that well to other fae other then me." Kiba said patting Ookami. Ookami turned and licked his hand and he laughed a bit. "Well if Ookami is comfortable with you so am I." he said with a smile.
Nadya smiled, "Well that's good, at least someone I have contact with trusts me." She waved her hand and a bone appeared on her lap, "And that is for you Ookami."
Ookami licked he hand and started gnawing on the bone before he fell asleep. Kiba smiled. "Well I'm glad that I'm here and not running for my life." he said his eyes were warm.
"Well I'm glad too, no one should have to run for their life...and Roarke obviously has some very big problems along that department as well so I get it but still..." She stroked Ookami.
Kiba shot up a bit and placed his hand on the hilt of his ninjato. "What is your problem?" he asked before Roarke ran out.

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