Fae Hiding

"Hmm seems very.. cozy." he laughs and his eyes turn a almost white color as he scans the room.. "Hmm seems defensible enough"
Nadya combed her pure white hair back as she sighed, her purple eyes flashing, "If it wasn't do you really think I would be staying here, and don't touch my weapons...they're sharp, and hidden everywhere."
"Just how i like a girl beautiful and dangerous." he winks and drops his pack containing throwing knives and his quiver .
Roarke frowns "Awh why?" he takes out one of his knifes and starts cutting off some of his hair that had grown longer.
Nadya scrunched her nose andflicked her hand at him his hair going a little shorter, "Because this little fae has to focus and defeating my uncle and reclaiming my throne. Oh and the whole I don't date strangers rule comes to mind."
"No i mean not now cause we are strangers and i dont trust you but i mean its not that you arent trustable it.. Im going to shut up now lets go kill some things " he seems flustered
She grinned,"It's not your fault, I just have to focus on my goal, and then on fixing the Seelie kingdom...." *sighing she turns* "And we won't be killing anything, yet."
Kiba followed silent the whole time. When they arrived at their hide out. He smiled. "This is nice." he said. "Anyway so you're uncle is the one we're hunting down?" he asked petting Ookami. "Good boy." he said with a smile.
"damn.." he sits and starts cleaning his many knives. "Well eventually you will need someone.." he laughs
Nadya sighed, "Yeah Kiba but it's something I don't know if I'm going to be able to do...and because of that Roarke, that someone won't be needed for a very long time."
she groaned, "Right now? The plan is to lay low for a bit because uncle's croonies are starting to get on my trail, after they're gone, we train and I see how you will do in helping me." She pulled her bow off her back and hung it up.
Nadya smiled, "I'm sure you will, but still." She sat on what's left of the window sill, "You're sitting on my knife by the way." Pulls the knife from under the blanket.
Kiba walks over and sits in the corner. Draws his ninjato and begins polishing and cleaning it. "So, how long is this gona take?" he asks as he pulls off his hood revealing crimson red eyes
Leans back against the wall, "Yeah, I haven't slept in a while...but don't let me sleep all night wake me up to switch shifts." She wiggles down into the matty chair, and turns.

--- Merged Double Post ---

"This probably will take awhile Kiba and I'm sorry if you're not in for the long run."
Despite trying to sleep she couldn't so she sat with her thoughts, 'These fae are just here for mutual protection, so can I really trust them?' She sighed and got up heading to the roof.
Kiba looked up."Now why should I trust you?" he asked. Then he looked at Ookami."Please watch him." he said to the small wolf. Then he looked back at Raorke.
Kiba watched as Nadya climbed out to the roof. "Okay and no I'm defiantly here for the long run. Believe me when I say you can trust me... The both of you." he said looking at both of them.

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