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Fantasy ~ FableWood

I have gathered that Lucid is a new RP Silver is working on. I know I'd love to join another roleplay with you guys if you would allow it, but I aggree with

Aldur, the final choice is up to silver.
Jecklyn said:
I have gathered that Lucid is a new RP Silver is working on. I know I'd love to join another roleplay with you guys if you would allow it, but I aggree with
Aldur, the final choice is up to silver.
Its an rp based on dreams. We'd be dream guardians existing only in the dreamscape and a physical place in the collective unconscious. We would go into people's dreams and protect them from evil beings bent on corrupting their minds through nightmares...basically.
I'm totally up for that. 0U0 but Again, its up to silver how long he waits. In the meantime, we have lovely Fablewood to keep us happy.
Yeah, I know there's plans for a FableWood sequel so that's just another immensely fun RP to look forward to from Silver. :)
I speak no lies when I say that basicly anything Silver comes out with from here on out I will be in for. Period. He has proven himself a loyal GM, imaginitive, and just fun to RPwith. As have the rest of you guys. I will RPwith ANY of you guys. :D
I'm not sure about Lucid, but if there's ever a Fablewood sequel I'll be all over that.
Okay, just a question... whats non threatening that can cause a giant noise that shook the house and caused a police car to move in the direction it came from? o.0

Its was a lone police car... it wasn't thunder...am I in any immediate danger? should I evacuate?
Uh, if it is cause for evac, the police would have told you. Might have been a method lab exsploding. If you smell smoke and here more sirens, I would check it out.
I read Crooked's response and thought, "Why would a meth lab exploding be a big deal?"

And thats when I realized there is something seriously wrong with the area that I live.
I can assure you none of the farmers that way have meth labs. there has been no sign of any more trouble, so I think I'm good. cars have been headed both directions down my street. I'll have to see if there is any news on it tomorrow, as we're too small a town to have any fast acting news teams.
Lucid? O_o sounds interesting. If you would have me I would apply whenever it is ready =O admittedly I do need to work on being able to post more. Also I second what @zCrookedz said. Anything that @SilverFlight is even remotely involved in leading I would probably want a piece of =)
zCrookedz said:
Oh thank god, there are people still around. I was begining to worry. :D
Im still super pumped for Lucid. How much longer you gonna keep us waiting @SilverFlight?
As long as I am unsure I can actually contribute the time to GMing another rp. :P

Lucid is complex and it will be a lot of work, and I don't want FableWood to suffer.


Lioness075 said:
Yeah, I know there's plans for a FableWood sequel so that's just another immensely fun RP to look forward to from Silver. :)
I've decided to restructure that one a bit, instead of staying solely with shinto myth I've decided to rename it:

FableWood: Trickster Tales

It will feature what the title says, we'll meet all the trickster characters from every culture: from the fox to the Monkey King to Ananzi, as many as I can research. If you want to play a trickster, then I'll make you study up ;)


zCrookedz said:
Uh, if it is cause for evac, the police would have told you. Might have been a method lab exsploding. If you smell smoke and here more sirens, I would check it out.
'Check it out'?! You know, my first instinct on advice would be to say you should move away from potential threats. And evolution agrees with me. xD


Flutterby said:
I read Crooked's response and thought, "Why would a meth lab exploding be a big deal?"
And thats when I realized there is something seriously wrong with the area that I live.
...should I be worried for you?


andujarprime said:
Lucid? O_o sounds interesting. If you would have me I would apply whenever it is ready =O admittedly I do need to work on being able to post more. Also I second what @zCrookedz said. Anything that @SilverFlight is even remotely involved in leading I would probably want a piece of =)
Awww!!! Made my month! xD

I do have aspirations for Lucid, I want to see if it can win us some more keys, speaking of, don't you get a key for character of the month @zCrookedz ?.

@Morgrim Should have mentioned this; we're not in the city, we are camped at a small oasis about a day's ride into the dunes.

While I'm describing the setting:

Its night, and ruddy cold. Most of us are gathered around a campfire not three hundred paces from a set of high stone cliffs with a narrow pass (where we'll be going tomorrow).

Sinbad is a supporting character I am writing and he is our guide through the desert. Your character should come find out camp, but I would like to time skip soon so its your choice whether he finds us now or in the morning.
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Let's say what I posted earlier was taken place just after the group of heroes had left the city, and meets the princess who informs him about the group of heroes, which he is in pursuit of. He travels by night most of the time, because he prefers the cover it provides.))

Morgrim hadn't been given many answers from the city, but he did get a lead. After the whole incident with the guard, and freaking him the hell out with his appearance, he was greeted into city. The lead was a group of adventuring heroes who also seemed to be looking into the necromancy mess mucking the world about. He ventured after the heroes, and while they travelled the same speed as him they did eventually stop to make up a camp, and after a few short hours he would be able to meet up with the group. While it looks like most of them may be asleep at the moment there appears to be one or two that are still awake. Well there was no real good way to introduce himself, especially given the fact that by appearances alone it looks as if he was the one responsible for the undead roaming the lands. Thankfully they have never been an actual problem to him, more of a scientific curiosity. "Hello there, adventurers, mind if I take a seat by the flames?"
Morgrim said:
Let's say what I posted earlier was taken place just after the group of heroes had left the city, and meets the princess who informs him about the group of heroes, which he is in pursuit of. He travels by night most of the time, because he prefers the cover it provides.))
Morgrim hadn't been given many answers from the city, but he did get a lead. After the whole incident with the guard, and freaking him the hell out with his appearance, he was greeted into city. The lead was a group of adventuring heroes who also seemed to be looking into the necromancy mess mucking the world about. He ventured after the heroes, and while they travelled the same speed as him they did eventually stop to make up a camp, and after a few short hours he would be able to meet up with the group. While it looks like most of them may be asleep at the moment there appears to be one or two that are still awake. Well there was no real good way to introduce himself, especially given the fact that by appearances alone it looks as if he was the one responsible for the undead roaming the lands. Thankfully they have never been an actual problem to him, more of a scientific curiosity. "Hello there, adventurers, mind if I take a seat by the flames?"
That's perfect, Leia's got a thing against zombies, you'll freak her right out. It will be hilarious!
Yes it's always hilarious for Morgrim to meet characters that hate undead, there will be no shortage of feuds and chaos!
Do you mean in the RP itself? We're all a bit busy IRL and won't respond in a timely manner everyday.
Morgrim said:
Hopefully that isn't too much to ask, this is an rp site after all.
The way you worded that is interesting.

If you feel you can handle it you can always join multiple roleplays.
Yep, I'm in multiple rp's, it just seems around this time most of the people in the world are asleep or busy.
Yeah, it happens all the time. RL always comes first. The weekends tend to be really slow for most, if not all RPs.
Seems ironic, I would imagine the weekends being more of a free time for everybody, but I guess it's different where you rp. Some rp sites are more for younger people, most likely still in school, so weekends are probably busy there.

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