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Fantasy ~ FableWood

I'll let @SilverFlight answer your question, but I just wanted to let you know that you don't need to use parenthesis when you're chatting in the OOC-specific thread. ^^
Right, sorry not really use to this site per say. I've been on other rp sights, but they don't have any OOC threads or forums.
I think I owe all of you an apology and an explanation why my posts were so shallow recently.

University has started and it is a new one for me - I have visited a previous one before and this one is vastly different. I had a lot of things to do, a lot more to learn and live up to many expectations even at the beginning. On top of this I have gotten ill and I am still fighting with the disease as my struggle with the studies continues.

I will really try to be active more, I really want to... it is just hard for me due to the current circumstances.

Thank you for the understanding :)
Morgrim said:
Right, sorry not really use to this site per say. I've been on other rp sights, but they don't have any OOC threads or forums.
Anyone who shares the name of the guard captain for the false queen of Narnia is welcome in my thread! I would be happy to review your CS, just post it in the sign up page. Please make sure you have read all the rules (in the rules page) carefully before making a sheet ^^ Most of my experience has come from other sites too, the tabs system threw me initially.


DawnAntalios said:
I think I owe all of you an apology and an explanation why my posts were so shallow recently.
University has started and it is a new one for me - I have visited a previous one before and this one is vastly different. I had a lot of things to do, a lot more to learn and live up to many expectations even at the beginning. On top of this I have gotten ill and I am still fighting with the disease as my struggle with the studies continues.

I will really try to be active more, I really want to... it is just hard for me due to the current circumstances.

Thank you for the understanding :)
RL first Dawn, you heal up. FableWood will be waiting for you when you are better.
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SilverFlight said:
"You be good to her, and she'll be good to you. Though personally I'd take the deck of a ship beneath my feet over a horse anyday."
The land of bad mental health. I don't suggest it, BUT ALAS I AM BACK AND READY FOR ANYTHING! I hope no ones too mad at me. *Scared face*
How could we be mad at you? Real life always comes first. Though, if you haven't already then you should probably talk with Silver to bring Banba back and all.
Lol, no need to prove anything. It was just a friendly suggestion in case you hadn't already. *shrug*
I thought you'd be surprised ^^ wait till Dawn gets here. I'll note Bea too.

Oh oh! @Jecklyn we won rp of the month while you were gone :3
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Also, Luness is no longer as easily angered as before since she confronted her past and most of her fears and such. ^^ And Kallin and Luness have a relationship, which I always find adorable betwene those two. :3 Lastly, while it hasn't been revealed to all of the other characters yet (even though Luness has subtly mentioned it by caling Otto her little brother), Luness, Alta, and Otto are all aware that Otto is Luness' brother-in-law. :3 They both have the same father, but different mothers.
Lioness075 said:
Also, Luness is no longer as easily angered as before since she confronted her past and most of her fears and such. ^^ And Kallin and Luness have a relationship, which I always find adorable betwene those two. :3 Lastly, while it hasn't been revealed to all of the other characters yet (even though Luness has subtly mentioned it by caling Otto her little brother), Luness, Alta, and Otto are all aware that Otto is Luness' brother-in-law. :3 They both have the same father, but different mothers.
half brother. brother-in-law means that they have mutual family that is married. xD


Jecklyn said:
NO WAY. I missed all the cool stuff... wonderland, fountain of youth, roleplay of the month. ugh you guys are so cool.
@SilverFlight @everyone
Leo won Character of the month for August as well :3!! The great thing is that your back for the main event! We are getting very close to ending Caraboss's reign of terror :D
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zCrookedz said:
half brother. brother-in-law means that they have mutual family that is married. xD

Leo won Character of the month for August as well :3!! The great thing is that your back for the main event! We are getting very close to ending Caraboss's reign of terror :D
Whatever, close enough lol. I've never had one so I didn't think twice when I said it. xD
Again, I'm glad to be back. Haven't stopped smiling. ^U^ hopefully Banba will be enough help to the team in the final battles.

And it warms my heart to be welcomed into open arms like this, really. I'm being cheesy but I'm really indescribably happy!

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight @everyone

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