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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Lol, yeah, I googled it so I figured that out. Still, Leandra hasn't really met a lot of French people in her life and she never even lived in England. She just grew up with British parents and heard the accent all the time so it rubbed off on her.

Anyhow, the point is that it would still look rude if Leandra just wandered off without reacting to the greetings. >.> It's not really like Leandra to come across as rude if she can help it.

It's quiet...too quiet. *suspiciously shifts gaze around*
Um, nobody's actually going to yell at Nyr. You know that, right?

And yeah, I got a little interaction between Leandra and Quincy, but Quincy's more concerned about where Alexander is, which is understandable. :P

Luness doesn't have a lot to really react to at the moment. She's not one for social events and she isn't exactly one to walk up to Elena and try to make her feel better lol.
Well, yeah, Nyr doesn't know that. This is true.

And yeah, she doesn't seem one for idle chatter.
GUYS I'M BACK! I'll interact with Y'all! :) Ethan's on a Nyr warpath and Anya and Alexander just joined Quincy and Leandra! :)
Nyr's hugging people again lol. At least it wasn't Luness. xD

Oh dear, Nyr watch out for Ethan. >.>
Nyr's going to lose a wing or an eye if she does that lol.

@Hel Um, Leandra is depicted as very young in that pic and short for her description and military service.
Lioness075 said:
Nyr's going to lose a wing or an eye if she does that lol.
@Hel Um, Leandra is depicted as very young in that pic and short for her description and military service.
I had no control over that. It was her or Leia who was going to look super young and short. I didn't draw it or anything, I made it on a site, haha. I probably should have switched her and Leia, though, now that I think about the military part.
Hel said:
I had no control over that. It was her or Leia who was going to look super young and short. I didn't draw it or anything, I made it on a site, haha. I probably should have switched her and Leia, though, now that I think about the military part.
That is fantastic! xD Love it!

'Rosbif' is a reference to the British beefeaters, the guards you'll now find at the tower of London. The French have a lot of derogatory names for the English stemming from hundreds of years of war and conflict ^^, how do I know? Because I was born in London, and have as English a heritage as you can possibly get. xD

(and the real reason why the monarch is not there is just because I haven't found a decent picture yet...)
@SkywardSocks Hey, everyone is inside for the court so there may not really be much of a breeze there lol. Also, Nyr is currently mid-embrace with Elena so might want to adjust your post to include Elena. xD
Haha, yeah, no problem.

Goodness, Nyr's bowing so much lol.
T_T help. Met my new boss today, apparently if I pull my fone out while at work I will be terminated :( Malachai will be going Mia on weekends....and become a bit more active during the week.

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Wow, tough boss. What kind of job do you have that's so restricted?
Security at a warehouse. He's new to the company so he's all "I gotta prove myself!! Zero tolerance on cellphones!" I'm all like wtf, I need a new job T_T

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Well, back to jail, err I mean work I go. Sucks I don't even get breaks at my post lol just sneak to the bathroom once or twice a day

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Damn, that really does sound like it sucks. What are you even guarding that's supposedly so important that you can't be on your phone?

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