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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

((Oh man...so not prepared. Ok, I'll try my best, and then I need to sleep.))

They did not have to walk for long until they came to a crooked little cottage, sitting on a peak of stone, overseeing a wide courtyard. It was just a dreary and gray as the rest of the wood, with shutters tightly closed and black, misty ivy running up one side. Stone gargoyles made hideous faces at them from each end of the stone arena, which was cracked and broken, with little black weeds jutting out of the fissures. Ward examined one as they passed it, its grotesque mouth parted in a sneering smile.

Leia stopped for a moment to examine Lee, who looked a bit off colour. Tad wasn't much better, floating limply by her shoulder. Only the earth spirit refused to show symptoms of the ShadowWood's power, but Leia guessed he was probably just hiding it.

"I'm not sure if they'll be able to help us much." She said uneasily.

Kallin swatted at the side of his head as he heard the voice. "My mentors told me never to take things from strangers." He mumbled irritably and tried to shut his channels. Then he realized it must look like he was talking to himself. This entire place made his ethereal body ache, as if something was pressing on the magic that composed it.

Just then a faint sound reached their ears. In the dead silence it sounded like thunder, but it was only a moment after he realized it was the door, slowly creaking open.

Ward, Kallin and Leia held their breath in anticipation watching as the doorway was revealed...and nothing stood behind it.

"You better not be selling anything!" A voice sounded from behind them. The little man sat atop a head of one of the gargoyles. Looking at them with a hungry smile.

"Well...the heroes of FableWood. You have a lot of nerve coming into my abode. Tell me, what can I do for you?"

Ward blinked and suddenly the imp was gone. Now he walked across the court yard in slow, easy steps, a gem-topped staff in one hand.

"I can see so many desires in this group..You must know I have the power to grant quite a bit...so, I know the reason why you came through that portal. Shall we talk about a deal?"

He vanished again and appeared sitting on Ward's back. "Gryphon! You'd like to be rid of your feral nature once and for all yes?" Ward snapped at him, only to close his beak around thin air.

He reappeared in the center of the courtyard, facing them directly. "And werecat...those nightmares do plague you so...wouldn't it be nice if they all just...went away?"

His eyes shifted to Anya. "I could send you home right now if you wished. You could put this all behind you...go back to your normal life...Dread raven, you don't like that darkness inside you do you? Want me to fix that? I can make it so that it never bothers you again."

He twirled the staff excitedly. "I can give you all this and more...all you have to do...is walk away."

He paused in twirling and looked up, his pleasant demeanor melted. "If you choose to stay...well...I can't say it will end very well for you..."

Ward jumped as something to his right jolted to life. Everywhere about them gargoyles leapt off their cracked, stone pedestals, their eyes glowing bright green. they were at least eight feet tall, solid stone with broad bat wings, sweeping tails and vicious claws.

((Last for me tonight. Have fun with those gargoyles :3))
Luness overheard Kallin muttering to himself and raised an eyebrow at him, but dismissed it as the ShadowWood simply getting to him. As long as they weren't here for too long, it wouldn't be too much of a problem anyhow.

Upon seeing the cottage with its shadowy and dark courtyard, Luness narrowed her glowing, golden eyes to see more clearly, as she wondered if the door was going to open to reveal Rumpel himself. Tensing her body, Luness clenched her fists at her side, as she nervously waited for Rumpel to reveal himself.

Yet, when the door opened, only more darkness showed. Where was Rumpel?

Her question was soon answered, as someone shouted out to the group from behind them.

Whipping around swiftly, Luness let out a low growl when she saw Rumpel himself sitting on the head of one of the grotesque gargoyles lining the courtyard around them.

Upon hearing his question of how he could help them, Luness blinked in surprise. She had certainly not expected such a question from someone, who she'd imagined as more twisted and dark in character than Rumpel. Then again, he could very easily be hiding that all behind a mask.

Seeing Rumpel vanish like that, Luness jolted in a surprised manner before she heard his voice near her. Whipping around to face him once more, Luness was surprised to see him sitting on Ward's back, though he was there for only a moment before he vanished yet again.

Hearing herself addressed, Luness turned around for the third time to see Rumpel in the middle of the courtyard.

Yet, upon hearing him giving promise of ridding her of the nightmares that plagued her, Luness snarled at him, shouting, "My nightmares exist so long as my past exists! You can't change that!" She then added in a whisper with a slightly frightened look on her face, "Nobody can..."


Suddenly, the gargoyles came to life all around them, making Luness blink a few times, as she tried to regain her composure and focus for what she assumed would be a fight between the heroes and the gargoyles.

After all, no matter how much she wanted the nightmares gone, Luness knew the cold truth that her past couldn't be altered. She couldn't escape it, nor could she escape the nightmares so easily.
Leo watched the last of the group enter the fowl place of darkness and shadows. As Nyr walked into view, his heart ached as he watched her ribbing her head in pain. He could only imagine what she was going through with the loss of power to keep the portal open. He let the others go before and keept close to her incase he was needed. He continued to send his conciousness out into the Shadow Wood, but each timer he was met with the same I'll intention and disturbing consciousness. The darkness was some what familiar to him, like a much mature version of the darkness that had once plagued his own forest before the others came and helped to liberate it.


Finally the came across the shack in the woods. Leo couldn't help but wonder what kind of creature could actually live in such a disturbing place. As the door slowly began to creek open, Leo grabbed the hilts of his ax's and readied them in both hands. He kept his own eye trained on the woods around them, until finally the little man's voice perked his ears and he spun around to view the little man. He was not that impressive on the outside, but Leo could feel a darkness comming from him that was so powerful Leo's heart began to speed up a bit. He listened to the little man tempt the others with his foul offers and Leo began to growl deep with hin chest "Take you offers back to the foul hole you crawled from. We are hear to stop you and there is nothing you can do about it." At the end of his words he gripped his ax's tighter as the stone beasts before them began to move.

Malachai was the last to follow through the portal. A part of him was stuck in his own anger, in his memories. Once again dealing with the madness that brought about the darkness. Half paying attention he felt the familiar pull of the darkness. he squeezed his fists tighter as he remembered the years of torture, the feeling of the dark power against him. The perverse way it twisted his kin so long ago, and once again now. He was so absorbed in his thoughts he didn't even realize the impish man that popped up behind them until he was almost gone. He hopped back turning when a gargoyle behind him came to life. The stone beast was taller than him even, he grinned toothily glad to have something else to take his frustration out on. He pulled his crystal from his belt and in a flash it grew lengthwise, then broadened at the head into a warhammer. He took it in both hands and let loose a horizontal swing at the gargoyle nearest him. He let loose a feral shout as he swung, the shout sounded extra loud in the quiet darkness, shaking the trees around them. The gargoyle hopped back with an agility not normal for something so heavy and large but it didn't make too much difference. It wasn't fast enough to escape the dragon's wrath as the hammer connected with it's trailing leg. The force of the impact shattering the leg in an explosion of stone and black energy. The other gargoyles closed in jumping at the rest of the party
Elena saw the imp for the first time and expected to want him dead like before. He started making promises. To Luness and Anya and Ward.. She wondered briefly if he could grant her wish. She could possibly leave before anyone figured out she's gone. No, no she was going to stay and fight. This was her terrain, Her upper hand with those gargoyles. Her art could help.. Then when she knew the fight was over she could leave.

Elena cocked her head as the gargoyles approached. She felt empathy and concerns drain and her job become the only thing on her mind. Her hands rose with a sudden surge of energy to expel and she smiled at how it made her feel powerful. She would be apologetic later when it didn't feel so good.

Gargoyles of her own variety formed from growing and morphing balls of what seemed to be metal. Their bodies were intricate but a bit dark. Large boney shoulderblades and long distorted arms held metallic webbed wings with taloned tips. Their spines were severe and sharp looking, back legs long and thin. Elena created a small group of them, and climbed aboard one. Connecting to one and then mentally all of them, she signaled their attack. They ran fast long strides or glided short distances and attack a secluded group of gargoyles as to not hurt the party members. The one she was mounted on was more precise with attacks, slicing at the stone gargoyle with a wing to sever it or flying into it as Elena leapt to stand on its back and have the metal form around, crush, and then release the crumbled stone to return forms. It felt good.. She wanted the part of her mind who hated hurting others dead, and vise versa.
((Is the group splitting up, some to find the eggs and some to find the cure? Or are we doing eggs all together and then the cure?))
((Looks like Anya and Quincy are after the cure together, and possibly Thea as well since she would probably know what the plant looks like. Everyone else is after the eggs))
((Sorry had to do a dress rehearsal then a show, back now though :P ))

Thea shook her head, "Ya I'll come, I bet you need me anyway." she said with a secret smile, people where foreign to her but at the moment, foreign was welcome.

Thea looked around ShadowWood ignoring the chills it gave her she had been to the dreary place quite a few times already so it wasn't to dire. Though it was still uncomforting, "I know you probably wont like like this but the Jamborandi plant is commonly found growing in marshes or swamps. You can find it in places like this but I suggest we find a marsh or swamp." she advised.

Thea jumped as she noticed a crow staring intently at them, instinctively inching closer to the others. She still hated the place seemingly just as much as it hated her but it put the siren at ease knowing she wasn't alone this time.
(The portal let out infront of Rumples house. They spoke of splitting off but hadn't actually done so yet- or at least that sounds like a good enough excuse?)

Anya looked a bit confused, does the landscape in fablewood really change so quickly? From a forest to an actual swamp? She wondered. Just as she did, however, the imp made his appearance, and a very tempting offer. Could he really send her home? That was a deal she would gladly make... Though... Here she could be useful, too. She shook her head to clear her mind, hoping the others would do all of the talking for her so that her weakness didn't show through.

"We should try to leave when the battle starts." Anya murmured to Thea and Quincy nearby.

Alexander, on the other hand, was ready to fight. In one swift motion he was again in dragon form- all of the transforming was beginning to ware on him, though.

He slammed his tail against the gargoyle harshly, ready to fight.

Here's our counter offer, imp, return the what you've stolen and we won't kill you.

(Okay, I'm exhausted, but tomorrow I should actually be here all day, provided there are no more random hospital trips!)
(Good enough for me)

Quincy nodded distantly to Thea, watching the imp closely. She half expected him to speak to her, the weakest of them, but he skipped past her with hardly a glance. And then the fighting started. Seeing so many bodies moving so quickly made her head spin. The kelpie looked down, shifting her blouse to take a look at her wound. It had darkened considerably, despite the dragon's healing. It was almost as if the poison was feeding off the darkness of the ShadowWood. "We should go now." She whispered, touching Anya's arm to draw her attention. It had dawned on her that the smell of the forest was fading in her nose, and what Thea had said earlier raced through her mind. "And hurry." She added in a soft plea.
((Yeah, sorry. I read that debate between Anya and Alex going and for some reason I forgot it was Anya that ended up winning))

Two gargoyles went down under the force of Elena and Malachai and Rumpel grinned. He tapped his staff on the ground and the shattered pieced of his minions began to rise. They reformed just as they had been, completely intact and charged the group. One attempting to lock its spiky arms about the green dragon the other aiming an impossibly strong punch at the construct Elena was riding.

The other gargoyles leapt at the heroes. Ward ducked under one, kicking it off balance with his strong hind legs so its face crashed into the ground. It rose, stone crumbling from its head and turned to attack again.

"I think you need more playmates," Rumpel observed casually. Kallin saw the imp through the chaos and aimed a fireball straight at him. The fire exploded three feet away, engulfing a rounded shield which had been invisible until now. The shield allowed the flames to coil about it, then it flashed, the fire congealed and shot back straight at Kallin, who had to dive out of the way.

"Magic attacks get deflected! I can't hit him!"

Even as he said this an angry hissing issues from seemingly nowhere. Either side of the short imp portal ripped open in mid-air, setting six black dragons loose in the courtyard. These were big, the height of the cottage, each scale on their bodies modified into a vicious-looking spine that dripped with a foul-smelling poison.

"I wouldn't pet them, if I were you...that toxin is quite deadly."

Leia, instead of sending her spirits into battle against the gargoyles decided to try something new. She focused her energy and summoned the earth spirit. With a strong connection to its mind she willed it to obey. Rocks began sliding to her, encasing her body in stony-scale armour. A long spike grew over one arm and past it, condensing into a super-hardened stone. Using this and force granted to her by the spirit she ran forward and plunged the sword into the heart of an attacking gargoyle. The stone about it cracked and out of the corner of her eye she saw a tiny wisp of smoke escape. She watched the gargoyle fall and watched as the wisp crept back into the pieces. The creature began to reform almost immediately.

"They're earth spirits!" She cried. "Attack the smoke coming out of the bodies when they fall apart!"

But she didn't have time to say more as one of the black dragons whipped its tail, sending poisonous barbs scattering across the field. Leia ducked the barbs embedding themselves into her stone armour.

"We have to deal with those dragons!" Ward cried.
Achyls looked on with a dark grin as the gargoyles sprung to life before her. There seemed to be at least one beast for every champion, it was going to take a lot to destroy an army of stone and darkness. She leapt into the air, as did another gargoyle. It seemed to be mimicking her actions, even to the look on her face. Sickened, she sent a blast of dark magic exploding from the palm of her hand, knocking the creature back but not disabling. She smiled at the thought of destroying this beast, watching it crumble to dust beneath her feet.

Before she had the chance to move, another gargoyle leapt from its pedestal, their sharp stone claws tearing through the flesh in her thigh and back. She let out a pained yell as the moss covered gargoyle plucked her from the air, smashing her into the pedestal it was once sat on. More angered than pained at this point, adrenaline pushed Achyls to use what more energy she had. A bombardment of dark energy erupted from her, 'burning' the gargoyle until all that was left was ash, and it's wisp was no where to be seen. The first had too fallen, breaking in two on an empty pedestal. Reaching out for the smoke, a ball of energy engulfed it, before shooting off like a bullet deeper into ShadowWood. With her threat gone, she felt the sharp taste of rust in her mouth, breathing with short, pained breaths. She sank to her knees, hands wrapped around her abdomen as if that would stem the bleeding.
Nyr was too weak to fight back the gargoyles. Even now she struggled to stand but slowly and steadily she called back some of her powers to assist her. The transformation still struggled one another, making her to look rather comical but she could care less about it. Fortunately the lesser creatures were easily dispatched by the others so she turned towards the imp.

To her dismay though it just laughed and summoned shadow dragons to assault them. Worse, the imp seemed to have reached a touchy subject within her and the dread raven paused for a little. Expunging the darkness? Could it be truly possible that she could be free?

She shook her head. Not here, not now - these were only hollow promises. Trying to focus her powers she unleashed a bolt of energy on the dragons.

Or would have, but she felt so weak that the bolt barely hit the creatures and it dissipated.

" Why... " she asked herself and was uncertain. The link with Kallin definitely had not taken such a great toll... but what was it then?
Luness finally regained her composure just in time to be body slammed into a wall of the courtyard by one of the gargoyles.

Yelping, Luness slumped to the ground, as she felt her right shoulder dislocate. Shakily getting back onto her two hind legs, Luness gingerly held her limp right arm against her side, as she turned to face the gargoyle slowly approaching her.

Inhaling sharply, Luness quickly popped her arm back into place, hissing at the sharp pain that follow from doing so.

Snarling at the gargoyle, Luness then sprinted forward, feinting to the right before veering to the left to avoid the gargoyle's reach.

Scrambling up some stones, Luness soon was on a ledge on the gargoyle's left side. Wasting no time, Luness sprinted forward and then leaped onto the gargoyle's back, wrapping her arms around its neck and, as her eyes glowed red, she began to try and break its neck.

The gargoyle reacted instantly, by spreading its wings and taking to the sky.

About twenty or so feet above the courtyard, Luness dug deep for more strength and finally was able to squeeze the earth spirit's stone body so hard that its neck crumbled and its head fell along with its limp body...and Luness.

Plummeting quickly to the courtyard below her, Luness let out a yelp, tumbling through the air towards the ground with seemingly no way to break her fall safely.

@anyone nearby
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((Mini post :3 then I must leave ))

Kallin saw Luness fall. With speed he didn't know he possessed he summoned a powerful wind spell to blow her out of danger and cushion her fall. He dodged around a gargoyle's sweeping tail and made it to the werecat.

"These things are tough." He breathed. "And something tells me that imp's got more up his sleeve. Look Lune...just be careful ok?"

With that he leapt out at one of the dragons, casting its head in ice and following with an upwards swing of his oak staff.

Luness twisted this way and that while falling, hoping she'd manage to catch herself in the end and not sustain any injuries when she finally hit.

Yet, before she hit the ground, a sudden gust of wind pushed her out of the way of the gargoyle's crumbled body below, and cushioned her fall so that she landed on all fours on the ground without fail or injury.

Hearing someone approaching, Luness stood up on her hind legs and then let out a small sigh of relief upon seeing it was Kallin.

Hearing what Kallin said next, Luness nodded grimly at him and then blinked and almost blushed when she heard Kallin's last remark, which sounded sincerely like he was concerned about her wellbeing.

The corner of Luness' mouth twitched at this and then she quickly replied, "Hey, you too, Kal-!" Yet, before she could even finish saying his name, he was leaping at one of the dragons and attacking it head-on.

Knowing better than to take her chances with a dragon, especially when all of them seemed to be heavily coated in poison, Luness sprinted away, deftly climbing up the nearest ledge she could find.

Upon reaching the top of the ledge, she had a decent vantage point and so she began to scan the courtyard for Rumpel. Where was he now?

Leo had slung himself into the closest gargoyle when they began attacking. Striking at the beasts with his ax's, he could chip away at them causing large chunks to fall of, but it took some time. He was squared off against one in particular that he had been able to chip off half its face a good portion of its right leg. The creature hissed at him, Leo however calmly placed the ends of his ax's together and with a click began to swing the deadly blade around. It was then that he heard Leia yelling about spirits. Leo had gathered as much, but now that he had confirmation he smiled at the beast. With his energy reserves he pushed his purifying powers into his blade, which began to glow where his hand met the shaft and then moved up both side and into the blades at the end. The gargoyle was not giving him much time and lunged at him catching his right arm with a nice jagged cut. Leo grit his teeth and with the momentum of the force behind one side of the blade he brought the glowing ax down on top of the gargoyles back, splitting him open. The green light in the blade shot into the beast and began to purify the earth spirit within. The gargoyles shell shuddered for a moment and dropped to the ground, the smoke seeping back into the ground beneath it.

Leo smiled and looked around to the others when he saw the dragons. He watched as Nyr attempted to unleash a bolt of darkness at the creatures but it failed. Leo watched one of the dragons turn towards he and began to slowly make its way towards her. Leo was gone from the remains of the gargoyle in a heart beat and standing between the dragon and Nyr. "Nyr! I am here with you. Keeping his eye trained on the dragon, he steadied himself with his double ax and was ready when the dragon raised itself up and began to attack. Leo drove forward slamming his ax into the dragons outstretched claws. The force of the dragons pushing on the ax pushed Leo backwards, his arms shaking violently trying to hold the dragons body back from reaching Nyr.

The gargoyle Elena rode recieved a hit that knocked it out of it direction. She fell backwards and quickly allowed her ride to disappear and she managed to break her fall with an easy tumble. When she found out how they work and to attack the earth spirit she realized she could not beat the gargoyles. She had no attacks that she knew of to work on an earth spirit. She looked upon remains of a gargoyle in possible reconstruction as the pieces began to move, and the touched the stone. Her body shuddered and wanted to retract as the spirit attempted to kick her out, and Elena attempted to take control. Eventually the spirit would have to be kicked out?

Unsure if she succeeded or not, she left to fight a more apt fight. Poison barbs were scattered across the ground.. Not terrible to dodge but all that easy when in a battlefield.

Elena summoned her sword and released her gargoyle like creations into nothing, except for the one she had been riding. The creation started into a full run or glide at a dragon and began to grow in size as Elena fed it the energy that would have been the other constructs. It guarded the sight of Elena herself who followed behind nearly as quickly. She took her sword and decided the best approach was what the did before. She got close enough to try a stab at it, in hopes to leave the weapon in and have it grow and root out from the inside, but that meant keeping close and a hold on the weapon. Her creation attacked as well, large enough to be a decent distraction, it slashed at the dragon with talons.
Anya looked to quincy and nodded. As soon as the battle field erupted into chaos the trio who intended to find the cure for Quincy were off. Any lead the way through the forest- it was all mostly downhill. Thankfully Rumple and his minions seemed to preoccupied with those fighting to notice those who had left- to any idle bystander, it may look almost as though the three wanted Rumple's reward, thought they had anterior motives for leaving him alone, obviously.

They all but flew down the hills. Anya herself felt no trouble from this place, and wondered if she'd be able to find her way bak. knowing what they were looking for certainly made things easier to find, however.Soon they arrived in the swampland. It was a vile place, and being deeper into fable wood the Fables may find themselves fading faster. The water standing around was murky, and bubble. It was more akin to some kind of oil than true water, and the trees were no prettier here than they were before.

Anya found herself nervous to continue, unsure of what lay below the murky water, but she pointed ahead. "There, I thing... I think it's just on top of that little hill, and around the edges. There are other sources, but that one feels the closest, and the strongest." She said, looking to Quincy and Thea.


Alexander glared when the creatures reformed. He was angry with Rumple, but more than anything he was worried about Quincy. His mind was not truly in the battle, and because of this he was struck hard by two different Gargoyles. Lukily, they aimed for his bulk, and his scales were hearty. However, he felt one of them crack and couldn't help but let out a low whine.

Knowing that he had no way of stopping the earth spirits within the gargoyles, Alexander turned to one of the dragons, and he sprayed fire across the dragon's scales. He hoped to burn the poison away, knowing that any decent dragon would be immune to fire.

After that, he lurched foreword, teeth and claws gnashing away.
Quincy followed Anya as closely as she could, careful not to stumble. The pain was gradually returning, as her sense of smell faded. The kelpie tried not to focus on it, but its hard not to notice when your body is slowly shutting down and you know its only a matter of time before you die. As they reached the swamp, Quincy stopped beside Anya, feeling rather out of breath. "This is a terrible place.." She muttered, panting softly. Her eyes followed Anya's hand, her heart sinking when she pointed out across the disgusting water. "Theres no telling.. what could be in.. that water." Her words were broken by soft gasps for air. The kelpie stared at the little hill she had indicated, doubtfully shaking her head.
Malachai blinked confused at first then he just smiled. 'At least this wouldn't be too easy' He thought to himself as he let loose a flurry of one handed swings with his large ax. Within seconds the black energy was seeping out of the crumbling gargoyle again. With another swing of his hammer he blasted a hole in the middle of the gargoyle's chest exposing an orb of black energy. He pulled back the hammer and spun to stand directly in front of the gargoyle, mid spin the hammer flashed and stretched out into a spear. When he stopped he thrust the spear into the black energy and with a grunt he lit the blade on fire and in turn the energy source was engulfed in flames, the rest of the gargoyle crumbling down around it." Break the stone down and get to the core in the middle!!" He shouted to the rest of the group as he lunged and thrust his spear into the core of the gargoyle Elena had just crumbled and once more incinerating it. His head on a swivel he threw his hammer blasting the head off of a gargoyle that was coming up behind Achyls' bent form. The gargoyle fell over as he ran up to it, with a thought calling the hammer back to him and charging it with fire. Grasping it in both hands he swung down into the chest cavity, chipping and cracking away an opening at the core. With a final swing he incinerated the gargoyle then looked about as a dragon came towards them. "You okay there songbird?" He asked her slightly concerned.


The dragon Elena was facing growled at it's gargoyle opponent moving it's head back avoiding the swipe aimed at it. Countering with a swipe of it's own claws, to crash the stone creature down into the ground, toxin spewing forth and shaking off of it's barbs leaving trails of acrid smoke where the poison splattered. With a snarl the dragon facing Leo reached it's head forward to snap at the Lion man, toxin dripping from it's fangs. Another gargoyle making it's way over to Nyr arms raised to atack

@zCrookedz @DawnAntalios
When the dragon hit Elenas Construct, she quickly changed its form. The body sunk under ground in order to make a connect with a similar material and hold better. The body outside of the ground morphed to coil up around the claw of the dragon and limb. If succeeded, she would constrict and crush and or bind the dragon to its place. Elena still very close to and yet unseen by the dragon lifted her sword to drive it through its hind leg and make the sword branch out inside of the dragon, a tactic saved for bigger opponents. She had to hold the sword in place and stay close though.
Achyls coughed, pulling her hands tighter around her, blood making its way through her fingertips. She smiled painfully as she saw Malachai make his way toward her. She really appreciated his presence, but was not in the shape for speaking, given the severe bleeding and possible breakage.

"N-not especially," she wheezed, her voice cutting out as she bent in pain. Blood gushed from her ribs and began to create a pool by her knees, She physically could not get herself back up from her curled up figure, her back wounds preventing her from straightening up. Instead, she remained kneeling, looking up at Malachai with reddening but wide eyes.

"Yeah, it looks like there's some there." the Siren said walking over to the swampy waters and stepping in. She could remember the first time she came here, the murky water whas Icy cold and she was completely unsure of where the Jamborandi leaf was. She had also been attacked, but that could have been avoided easily. The Siren did as she learned, climbing up onto a log easily then looking back at the others, reassuring them this was safe. She stepped forward watching the water below, there were creatures in there, some unspeakably horrifying. When she first came here she was walking in the water and got bit by a water basilisk, the teen shivered just thinking about the blinding pain that caused. Once she made it to the end of the log she jumped, landing on a mossy area at the bottom of the small hill. She knew it would be hard to find the leaf but that was the least of there concerns. The brunette looked back at the others, "Its leaves are dark green but there are berries on it, blood red berries. There Choke berries, as far as I know they almost try to make you eat it as if you just have to. Whatever you do, do not eat them." she advised.

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