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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Elena followed Wards order. With her arm hindered, she had to work from memory. She approached the side and heels of the giant demon careful to not be caught. She lifted an arm in command and the ground broke open to allow vines to exit and shoot towards the heel as Banba restricted its movement. The crawled and punctured the skin in places to get a hold, climbing legs and rooted to the earth. Elena was close though. Weakened by the earlier battles she needed to stay a close distance from the demon to have her powers be strong enough to hinder it.

(Sorry. Was sick and busy.)
The carnage and the devastation pleased Urgash who not stopped his attack as he was wearing down in his relentless assault. Kneeling down for a moment to regain his energy. He then saw the fresh blood on his ax from Luness' pack and licked it, devouring the red liquid with joy.

" The first of many! " he roared triumphantly as he charged as he aimed his heavy weapon towards the largest cluster of heroes. It lit up with dark flame here the blood was and he threw it with titanic might, trying to hit them as best as he could.

Even though his gushing wound slowed his movements the lust for battle only grew as he drew his two blade from his back, awaiting the next charge.
Luness hissed at her pack and they converged on her, as she led them in a charge around the demon and away from his reckless charging. Seeing the incoming axe after it was thrown, Luness yowled to redirect her pack, all of them scattering once more to avoid the strike.

Once Luness saw that her pack was clear and safe still, she let out a caterwaul and they split into two groups, one rushed in front of the demon to get its attention while roaring at him. The second group followed Luness, as she led them behind the demon and then silently charged forward with Falarion right on her heels.

Leaping into the air, Luness was boosted up by Falarion and she landed right on the demon's shoulders, raising up her battle claws and then swiftly bringing them down on his exposed upper chest. She felt her claws bury into his skin and muscle, grinning at her success while some of the darkness within her began to surface again, leaking through her battle claws and into the demon's open wounds.

Falarion also leaped onto the demon's back and drove one of his battle claws deep into the wound that Leo had created on the demon earlier. He growled and then began pushing harder, intending to drive his claws straight to the demon's bones.

The other two packmembers with Luness nipped at the demon's ankles, trying to bite at his achilles tendons to further hinder his movements.

(There are demons and devilish creatures invading the city and most of the citizens are in the castle evacuating or getting healed. There isn't going to be a peaceful forest to visit nearby nor will there be any children casually milling about in the streets @JadeWuvsCookies)
Elena moved her vines up the head demons body and sunk them onto its flesh to get a good hold. She then brought out her sword, carefully holding it with her less dominant hand just in case things get out of hand.

Luness also had the idea to go for the feet, so Elena made a clear path to the heel. A root having grown thick enough and in a gradual slope angled at the demons side, Elena sprinted foreword, using it as a pathway to the demons mid section. Stopping, she placed her hand on a root on the skin for a moment, forcing them through the beast. Roots grew inside the creature and punctured through its outside as Elena allowed the branch she stood on to shrink and level out a safer distance from the demon on the ground.
Ward saw Elena's attack and rushed in to help, dispelling the electricity that coursed over his body. He reared up, colliding with the other side of the demon and moving to try and sink his talons into his enemy's weapon arm.

Rain looked out of the window of the castle from the room she stayed in. She slowly got up and ran her hand gently across the wall, she'd never been in a castle so she was curious though she didn't like being cooped up in one place for long and liked to adventure.. Sighing she looked around "I hope I can find a piano.." she said it softly and looked in a few rooms until she spotted one "Aha!" she got excited and looked around the room before entering, shutting the door she walked over to the piano and slowly wiped off the keys and found some music.
(Okay, seriously. We're in the middle of war here. Get your character engaged in the streets with some demons or enemies. Or have her helping in the castle with healing the injured. Or even have her working to help evacuate the citizens in some tunnels leading out of the city. You could even have her come across the group engaged with the demon commander and join in the combat. @JadeWuvsCookies)
Urgash roared in pain and frustration, trying to shake off the attackers from his body. When his arms got entangled by the choking vines he slashed them up relentlessly, but regardless how many he cut down new have taken their place. He kicked with his massive feet, trying to remove the wolves from his knees.

" Is that all you can muster? " he roared, now bleeding from a dozen wounds. His entire body lit up in crimson hellfire, in a desperate attempt to shake off the wolves and the gryphon from him. The fire burned away the vines, allowing him to use his hands and started slicing around with his swords, trying to strike down his opponents. For the first time in forever he felt the fatigue catching up with him...

I can't, I have a limited post time right now and I wanted to be able to get my first post in before getting engaged in something and having them have to wait for me. I go to bed in roughly 2 hrs and I'm working on homework, I can't right this moment.)
Luness' eyes widened in fear, as the flames began engulfing the demon's body. She quickly yowled a warning to Falarion before she yanked her battle claws out of the wounds in the demon's chest and leaped off of his body.

Falarion yanked his battle claw out and jumped away, but not fast enough to avoid one of the swords. He yelped and twisted midair before crashing to the ground and sliding a few feet away from the demon.

Luness rushed forward and grabbed Falarion under his shoulders before dragging him to safety and looking him over. He had a gash wound in one of his legs, but it wasn't anything too serious. She still didn't like how much it was bleeding though, so she quickly called out to Elena, "Leia, Falarion here got wounded! Can your water element help him?"

Falarion scoffed at Luness and said gruffly, "I'm fine, Luness, seriously."

Luness growled at him in response and said, "I already lost a packmember. I'm not taking anymore chances and certainly not with you."

Lioness075 said:
(Okay, seriously. We're in the middle of war here. Get your character engaged in the streets with some demons or enemies. Or have her helping in the castle with healing the injured. Or even have her working to help evacuate the citizens in some tunnels leading out of the city. You could even have her come across the group engaged with the demon commander and join in the combat. @JadeWuvsCookies)
((Lion, I will handle the posting regulation ok? I am speaking to her via notes, you don't need to be involved.))
(@SilverFlight Sorry, had no idea. I was just trying to help her/him out with the fact that their posts made no sense in the moment)
(Ops I wasent getting notifications so I got a little lost...dose anyone need a random dragon?)
Leia heard Luness and immediately sent her water familiar, who enveloped the werewolf, glowing faintly as she stopped the bleeding. When the demon lit himself on fire Leia stumbled back. "Elena! Leo! get back!"

Ward felt the hot flames catch in his feathers and sear the flesh underneath. He loosed his talons and grabbed Elena, shielding her as much as he could from the fire. Ward rolled away, keeping the girl safely tucked to his chest. When he rose again he was smoking, and embers glowed on the tips of his feathers.

Leia whistled for Lee and as soon as she was finished with Falarion she rushed over and tackled the gryphon, catching Elena with water as well.

Ward shook himself, turning back to their foe. He looked at Leia who had the same idea. She charged, wind from Tad giving her speed. Lee rushed to Leia's, coiling about her arm to launch herself in a wave over the aerchdemon.

@Lioness075 @Bea Delaine @DawnAntalios


Lioness075 said:
(@SilverFlight Sorry, had no idea. I was just trying to help her/him out with the fact that their posts made no sense in the moment)
((No problem, I know you were trying to help.))
Elena felt herself hit the ground, covered by the griffin before she even knew what was going on. When it registered that Ward saved her, she rubbed her head in embarrassment.

"Thank you." She said before he took off again.

She noticed the demon slowing. Taking note, she pulled out her book. Since her right arm wouldn't hold or lift a pen, she decided to use the faceless gargoyle she created previously. She activated it, leaning into a wall and closing her eyes so she could safely control and share her consciousness with them.

Iron gates turned to two large gargoyles, almost half the size of the demon each.

They took off galloping at the demon as Leia prepared lee for her wave. The gargoyles slate face split and razor like metal teeth clamped on the demons legs and the claws on the tip of the wings dug into the earth for support.

"He should be restrained!" She shouted, though if her focus is interrupted or should she be attacked, the gargoyles will be lost.
Urgash now faced new enemies... gargoyles, but they seemed to be different, created by some unknown powerful magic. As they tried to pin him down he reached out for the magical creations in an effort to free himself. He was able to grab one gargoyle and crush its head with his fist but the last one successfully pinned him down, leaving him vulnerable to the attacks of two new enemies: a gryphon and a strange creature he could not identify. Trying to slash them with his sword they easily dodged his clumsy attacks - and shattered one of his blades in the process.

Now despair clouded his confidence as he tried to annihilate the pests assaulting him relentlessly - but he was unable to repel their attacks, and now he truly felt that death was closing upon him.

" I... am Urgash! " roared the general in pain and frustration " The general of thousand hells! The right hand of the dark lord! I will not die here by the hands of rabble such as you! "

But even though his words were strong his body failed him. Falling to one knee he felt the world blurring before him as his injuries caught up to him. It was then when a familiar voice intruded his mind.

" It is time. Do what must be done for the glory of the master. "
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Luness, seeing that Falarion was going to be okay now, rushed towards the demon commander and leaped at him, diving with her battle claws outstretched towards his face, intending to drive her battle claws straight into the demon's eyes and face.

Falarion followed after Luness and roared before he lunged at the demon, aiming his battle claws at the demon's chest while the rest of Luness' pack worked to drive away any of the gathering demonic forces so that the heroes could focus on the demon commander.
Leo heard the shouts of his team mates, but couldn't comprehend them. After the whirlwind had stopped, Leo made an attempt to attack with the rest of his party, but suddenly couldn't stand. With being thrown like a rag doll cam the jolting of his body, which had reopened the wound on his back from Luness. Once he hit the ground, he realized that he had been bleeding quite a lot and was now having trouble breathing. The battle-claws must have knicked my lungs, he thought to himself. He backed away from the gargantuan as fast as he could before he burst into flames, clutching his side. after propping himself behind a wall facing away from the monster, Leo placed his hands together and said his prayer. The wounds on his back glowed faintly, but the only healing he could muster was to heal the small abrasions to his lungs. The wound continued to bleed, but at least he wouldn't die from suffocation.
Alexander had been watching the fight, he considered many ways to fight the demon, but all of them ran the risk of injuring his allies as well- fire would hurt everyone down there, claws could cut into another who was trying to attack at the same time, and adding wind from his wings would do little. He was able to successfully avoid getting caught by the gusts that surrounded the demon, and thought to Quincy, 'If you can keep you're aim true, try to shoot at the opening in the demon's armor'

Anya, meanwhile, was about to dive into the action when everyone else did, too. Afraid she would only get in the way with so many attacking one target, she stayed, back. When the gales started pulling her in, however, she found herself closer than she really watned to be and had to dodge out of the way of both the demon's attacks and those of the others. She tried to escape the fray, and managed to. She saw Leo leaving to give himself some time to heal and the dragon circling overhead. Instead of focusing on the fight she tried to focus on what needed to be done, but she was getting mixed signals. She sensed there was at least one other that needed to be defeated, plus there were still all of the other demons and dragons.

Remembering the mouse family still in her pouch, Anya was a little worried that her dodging and falling and what not had harmed them in some way, but she didn't want to take the time to check. She instead focused again on the other commanding general in an attempt to locate him. She had no intentions of taking the general by herself, but maybe she, Alexander, and Quincy could get a head start on finding him, maybe they could even take it down without involving the others. She thought all of this, and Alexander heard.

Hearing Anya's 'plan', Alexander dove towards her, making his moves predictable so that Quincy could fire off a few shots if she chose to. He paused, and landed near Anya, further from the battle with the demon and allowed her to climb onto his back and instruct him where to go.

@DawnAntalios there is another one isn't there? if not I'll edit. If so they're heading his way!)

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