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Fantasy FableWood - OOC

Life loves to throw me curveballs. All that free time I was supposed to have today was taken away from me, which is always lovely. Now I have to go to bed crazy early because I have to get up at 3:30AM for a 12-mile ruck march because cadet life is great. There's no way I can write a post tonight without sacrificing valuable sleep time. I'll have to try again tomorrow and hope no more curveballs are thrown at me before the weekend. If there are any tomorrow, I'll have all Saturday to compose my post.

Sorry again for the post delay, feel free to move on without me for the time being.
Life loves to throw me curveballs. All that free time I was supposed to have today was taken away from me, which is always lovely. Now I have to go to bed crazy early because I have to get up at 3:30AM for a 12-mile ruck march because cadet life is great. There's no way I can write a post tonight without sacrificing valuable sleep time. I'll have to try again tomorrow and hope no more curveballs are thrown at me before the weekend. If there are any tomorrow, I'll have all Saturday to compose my post.

Sorry again for the post delay, feel free to move on without me for the time being.
I'll do that, no worries, make sure you get enough everything :)
MJ ._. MJ ._. I can't accept your CS, it is not half as fleshed out as I asked for in the guidelines. Please work on it a little more.
I think you may have difficulty getting this character to fit in well with our current group, please read the CSs already posted to get a better idea.
I am not getting any notifications. I'm sorry if I've been pretty silent! Also, with Cerberus out of the way, what to do now
My feet are so swollen...I have blisters on my feet...and even managed to get one on the palm of my left hand. The ruck march took so long this morning, I couldn't even get to my class on time. T.T My only respites for the day are finally getting to write a post for this RP and the fact that I get to attend the super dorky club at my uni, Guild of Tabletop Gaming. *heavy sigh*
Not one of my flashiest posts, but now Wu Kong is back with the group. ^^'
St. Boethius St. Boethius character accepted.

We can have that lamp sitting on one of the temple ruins where our characters are currently gathered . If no one picks it up in their next post I will have Jace find it in mine.
Any particular way you want the lamp to look?
I do, I'm thinking tha it's a Silver lamp with etchings of a great tragedy. On one side the etchings told the tale of a powerful fire wielding being burning down cities and stealing the books that were held within. You could plainly see the pleasure on the beings face as it took the knowledge as its own. On the other side of the lamp it showed that same being tricked and trapped inside a lamp while being surrounded by many of the races that inhabit FableWood.

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