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Fantasy FableWood - OOC

Generic Brooding Antihero Generic Brooding Antihero , would Pipers song work on the humans and Fablewoodians? Calming them down? Or is it just meant for animals?

Hmm ... I'd say just animals / non-intelligent (compared to the average human) beast. We could probably lump in very young children to the list, if we stay true to the tale, but definitely no one as old as any of the characters, human or otherwise. Hope that clears it up ^^
Hmm ... I'd say just animals / non-intelligent (compared to the average human) beast. We could probably lump in very young children to the list, if we stay true to the tale, but definitely no one as old as any of the characters, human or otherwise. Hope that clears it up ^^
That's about what I thought. Thanks ^^
So, I have a plan for what I want to do with Wu Kong next, but can’t post until this evening. Could y’all pretty please hold off from posting, so I don’t miss my opportunity? I just need the two at the temple to not post, as well as Cerberus to not do anything else yet.
So, I have a plan for what I want to do with Wu Kong next, but can’t post until this evening. Could y’all pretty please hold off from posting, so I don’t miss my opportunity? I just need the two at the temple to not post, as well as Cerberus to not do anything else yet.
I will not post until you have. :3
I do have some free time this morning before my first class (around half an hour), so I can go ahead and get started on my post, but I cannot guarantee that I will finish it before my class.
I do have some free time this morning before my first class (around half an hour), so I can go ahead and get started on my post, but I cannot guarantee that I will finish it before my class.
Don't rush, the rp won't suffer if I hold off posting for a few hours, I think you'll be ok with the others too.
Eh, I ended up having to respond to some emails and zone out on Facebook because I always am productive, so post will have to be delayed until this evening.
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Um, I posted in here earlier requesting that you would not post before I was able to...Would you mind holding off until I can post later today? I was going to have my character do something pertaining to your character and some others.
SilverFlight SilverFlight
I've been trying to make something like this but have failed about three times and stopped trying. How far this play has gone forth? I wonder if I can still join and adapt to the current.
Lioness075 Lioness075 If you're going to have people delete their posts and wait for you, I'd really like you to post when you say you will.
I shouldn't have promised to write one yesterday. I was running on less than 4 hours of sleep each night this week and had stress sickness because of both how insanely stressful and busy I've been lately. I'm sorry. I won't ask anyone to wait for me anymore. I've clearly got too much going on in my life to ask for that.
Y'all can post whenever you want. I'm not really in the mood to post atm. I'll definitely post today since I can't keep waiting to do so, but just not at this exact moment.
Y'all can post whenever you want. I'm not really in the mood to post atm. I'll definitely post today since I can't keep waiting to do so, but just not at this exact moment.
Its ok this time, the important thing is that you take care of yourself first and think bout the rp second :3 I can keep you updated so you don't fall behind.

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Shame Shame You are clear to post. Same for everyone else.

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