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Fantasy FableWood - OOC

The post above the one you just made. Yo-lai explains FableWood in depth.
My apologies. When I first started writing the post, I went under the assumption that Kiara and Ashley were having a one on one before they group gets a move-on. I will go fix that immediately.
My apologies. When I first started writing the post, I went under the assumption that Kiara and Ashley were having a one on one before they group gets a move-on. I will go fix that immediately.
You should really try to read all the posts, at least the ones you are directly tagged in.
I’m on the back of wus horse, should I post or wait as I don’t want to get behind, I understand irl comes first but...yeah.
I’m on the back of wus horse, should I post or wait as I don’t want to get behind, I understand irl comes first but...yeah.
I think its safe to say that Wu is going to be going with the group. So If you made it sound like you merely arrived when Wu did, I doubt that would be a problem.
SilverFlight SilverFlight
Azovka was talking to Dantalion in Russian. Does Yo-lai know Russian too? Cause that would make her very happy
I actually didn't register that, I suppose he could. He's studied languages, I was going to have him know ASL too.
For future though, it might be less complicated if your character sticks to a language everyone speaks, unless they specifically do not want to be understood by all.
Bolts Bolts accepted :3 welcome aboard!
Just a quick question: It's 'they, them' for everything but the last 2 sentences of the description, there its 'she/her', is that on purpose or?
Also, non-binary right? Not gender fluid?
Bolts Bolts accepted :3 welcome aboard!
Just a quick question: It's 'they, them' for everything but the last 2 sentences of the description, there its 'she/her', is that on purpose or?
Also, non-binary right? Not gender fluid?
yeah, NB. They are more female presenting so most who don't know would use she/her right away.
I actually didn't register that, I suppose he could. He's studied languages, I was going to have him know ASL too.
For future though, it might be less complicated if your character sticks to a language everyone speaks, unless they specifically do not want to be understood by all.
But she was only speaking to Dantalion who was speaking to Russian to her so she answered in kind.
But, in the future, if she is speaking in Russian, I will put it in italics unless it actually is in Russian.
Yeah, sorry, my post is officially backlogged until later tomorrow. Today has become an absolutely insane kind of day and I'm bound to get very, very little sleep tonight. :/
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Cool character, personality and bio are much too short. The main issue however is that I am not currently accepting second characters. This will change down the line, but not for a bit. So keep her in reserve. I'll make a formal call when I will accept them.
Ridge Ridge Hey, so I'm working on my post finally and noticed in your most recent post that you had Lira give Wu a peck on the cheek. You had her get off his horse first, though, and there's no way she can reach his cheek like that if he's still on his horse.

Don't get me wrong, it's a cute thing to do and I would be all for it otherwise, but it just doesn't make sense because I haven't gotten to post recently and so it's to be assumed that Wu is still on his horse for the time being.
Tbh, I'm just writing this as a long drawn-out attempt by Wu Kong to ask Lira for her name, only to constantly be thwarted by events unfolding around him and people talking before he can lol.
Ridge Ridge Hey, so I'm working on my post finally and noticed in your most recent post that you had Lira give Wu a peck on the cheek. You had her get off his horse first, though, and there's no way she can reach his cheek like that if he's still on his horse.

Don't get me wrong, it's a cute thing to do and I would be all for it otherwise, but it just doesn't make sense because I haven't gotten to post recently and so it's to be assumed that Wu is still on his horse for the time being.
Wu has an admirer <3
Okay, I had a lot of catching up to do, so I just nit picked important events and conversations for Wu Kong to react to.
Ridge Ridge Hey, so I'm working on my post finally and noticed in your most recent post that you had Lira give Wu a peck on the cheek. You had her get off his horse first, though, and there's no way she can reach his cheek like that if he's still on his horse.

Don't get me wrong, it's a cute thing to do and I would be all for it otherwise, but it just doesn't make sense because I haven't gotten to post recently and so it's to be assumed that Wu is still on his horse for the time being.

Oops sorry! I was in a rush trying to get a post out at the time, I can change it so it would be when he gets off if you’d like or before she gets off the horse?

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