Exaltred Second Edition

I suppose... it just seems like they'd show the 5 Aspect signature characters instead.

Maybe the armored figure in the background holding the scroll is that Scarlet Pimpernel type fella in the Crimson Armor of the Unseen Assassin.  Only they drew his armor totally different.  And then the figure on the right is clearly weraring artifact armor of some sort.  Scope out the shoulder piece with the glowing symbol.  

I dig the locale though.  If I were an ancient scheming bastard, okay a more ancient scheming bastard, that is totally where I'd scheme.  And I'd have a big map I could move weird arcane figures around while I laugh in a deep and threatening manner.  Toss in some fellating harem girls and Yu-Shan really is heaven.
Right, then the guy in the back is clearly not a Sidereal.  I don't know what he is, or why's in a picture that one would guess is supposed to representing the iconic Sidereals.
Kyrn said:
Right, then the guy in the back is clearly not a Sidereal.  I don't know what he is, or why's in a picture that one would guess is supposed to representing the iconic Sidereals.
Those guys seem to be spirits beyond the 3 siddies
On a side note, way cool post markers, the elemental theme is sweet.

It seems the art for the sids is more classic exalted. The other features seemed to be more western in art style. I like the sids because it still has that anime feel.
Nice. So left to right we have:

Spirit, Chejop Kejak (arguing with) Ayesha Ura, then there's the sig. char. that's on the front of the Siddie fatsplat and lastly another spirit (unless that last glowy thing is a piece of equipment...). Not counting extra spirits glimpsed in the background...
Solfi said:
then there's the sig. char. that's on the front of the Siddie fatsplat
(Highly Androgenous) Shepherd of the North?

The Realm

I don't know who they have writing the copy for these 2nd Edition updates, but it's kind of... not great.

I can't say I'm too thrilled with the new Impressionist-style map.

Yeah. Same with me. As with most stuff 2nd ed, I'll reserve judgment until I see the final product, but I liked the old map...
I'm glad they put Celeren on there.  The Marukan Alliance is one of the staunchest supporters of the River Province providing most of its cavalry yet they were hardly mentioned in the 1st edition.

Also, I just took a look at the Realm's map.  Is the Isle of Voices new or has it always been part of the setting?

The predecessor of the Heptagram, where for example Mnemon and Bhagwei learnt their basic goodies. It was destroyed when a unlucky bastard summoned a Second Circle Demon with the Emerald Thurible, killing everyone except Mnemon and a monk (whom Mnemon killed, via demon proxy).

....I need a life. Or maybe not.
Naw, man, don't cut on yourself for knowing that.  Pretty interesting.  What book's that from - Aspect: Earth?

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