Exaltred Second Edition

I think it was just a bit of confusion on one of the authors parts in the development of the Primordials maybe. Too many ideas' date=' maybe someone got all confused and they tried to fix it with the Neverborn title. As you said, hopefully they'll change it.[/quote']
 When was the last time a WW editor saw an opportunity for confusion...and failed to capitalize on it?
As I said before: having a scene length Charm in a combo seem excessive, as it just ups the cost of the Combo, and allow you to whip out more Charms in the same round the Combo is activated...

... as for scene-length Charm stacking through Combos, they could be limiting that by saying "only one scene-length Charm per Combo". We'll just have to wait and see what's what.
only *some* scene long charms will be comboable. One will hope carefully chosen ones.

The combo rules are changing, it seems, from "Charm must be of instant duration" to "Charm must have the Combo-OK keyword". NOT EVERY CHARM HAS THIS KEYWORD.

Chill, already.

An example of a non-instant duration charm they've revealed that is comboable is the Sail charm that lets you keep your ship together despite it taking damage that would destroy it - You need to keep the motes committed for as long as you want the ship together, so the duration is non-instant. It is, infact "indefinate". But it is totally a charm that should go into combos.
Well comboing of scene long charms can have its benefits, Surprise anticipation method + some scene long defenses can greatly minimize the time a solar needs to get ready... and probably make the fights a hell lot of more exciting as the usual few "power up rounds" can be skipped that way.
There are several examples of Charms that are obviously NOT truly Instant in duration, but were fudged so that they could be comboable. I think the "Combo-OK" system is more reasonable.

I was looking at the new releases and saw this.  What interested me was the copy of 'Return to the Tomb of 5 Corners'.  Sorry, but to me that sounds very D&D-esque.

from what im seeing the exalted second edition is just like the D&D 3rd editon revised... as in the same damn thing thats been xeroxed and had a few minor changes added in that a bloody post it note would accomplish...

just a new way to get people to pay $30 for books they already own
from what im seeing the exalted second edition is just like the D&D 3rd editon revised... as in the same damn thing thats been xeroxed and had a few minor changes added in that a bloody post it note would accomplish...
From the looks of it, they're actually publishing entirely new Charm trees, adding two new Abilities, and a HEAVILY modified combat system... so, basically, no.

couldent Errata acomplish most of that? with a new book for new ways of combat being printed rather then just overhaul the whole thing?
Thing is though, 1st edition has kinda run its course.  A change is a good thing and when erratas are brought in, that can cause more confusion because people may not get hold of it.  A new start is refreshing.  Hell, take a look at how this site came into fruition.

couldent Errata acomplish most of that? with a new book for new ways of combat being printed rather then just overhaul the whole thing?
That would be a huge errata document. Personally, I'd rather have a book with a consistent set of rules, not a book with a set of rules I have to cross reference with some massive set of changes.

Besides, the originaly book is, by the developer's own admission, a somewhat sloppy and rushed product. It needs a re-do.

To be honest, though, your underlying objection seems to be financial, rather than practical.

For WW to remain a viable business, which continues to provide us with this game we love so much, they need to do stuff like this periodically. There's simply no profit in errata.

Just be thankful that you're involved in a relatively cheap hobby, compared to some. My other obsessions cost me WAY more than pen-and-paper role-playing ever possibly could.

Cheapskate ;)

i have been bowed by the might and logic of the mighty Forn and Stillborn

still, its always kinda sucky when you need to get a whole set of books all over again, hopfully it wont be too much of re-printing
At least when WW comes out with a new edition they do it right.  When WoTC was at GenCon with the 3.5 release it was just an announcement like  "here's the books, now buy 'em."  

The WW annoucemnt for NWoD was like " The world is ending, buy the new books.   Free beer!"

It's that last part that makes a truely great company.   :D   And the ladies in tight leather at the bar were nice also.  :shock:
the new world of darkness sucks though, thats the problem, i miss being able to change a hord of my foes into toothbrushs... and explod from the paradox
the new world of darkness sucks though' date=' thats the problem, i miss being able to change a hord of my foes into toothbrushs... and explod from the paradox[/quote']
What does stop you from doing so, it is not like the white wolf integrity team kicked down your door and shredded your old books.
the new world of darkness sucks though' date=' thats the problem, i miss being able to change a hord of my foes into toothbrushs... and explod from the paradox[/quote']
I thought you still could  :?

everything ive seen from the new WoD keeps me from pulling that stunt...

and i like making my enemys into toothbrushs!!! kill of a danger and fight plauge all at once!

and they kicked in the door the other night when one of my new players asked if he could make a Dragon Blooded Abyssal who has had graces opened and leaned fae powers...

i think i am cursed at times
I was looking at the new releases and saw this.  What interested me was the copy of 'Return to the Tomb of 5 Corners'.  Sorry, but to me that sounds very D&D-esque.
Yeah, but who don't want that poster map...  

Anyone? Thought so.

(Keep telling yourself you get to have fun with some of the tax return...)
FC--While I can understand some hesitancy about E-Bay, and other scam related fears, have you just thought about mail order?  Seriously.  

While I know that dental hygine is still an odd concept in some places, the UK is a modern nation, with first rate shipping and communications.  You take your bank card, and you type into the glowing box thingie, and you order it, and the magic elves ship the fucker right to your doorstep.  

You pay for the service, yes, but you don't have to wait to see if it gets released, and while there is some debate about how far our respective versions of English have diverged, we are still mutually intelligble.  

OK, maybe not those Cockney fuckers, or a couple of Boston Southies, but for the most part, we share English.  Why wait?

Yes, those others in Europe want to wait, what with their wanting something spoon fed and translated into their barbarian tongues, but you are a Brit.  There's no excuse for you waiting, save for it to clear the ocean.
Jakk, don't get me wrong, I can pick up Exalted easy as fuck over here, but I would just like to get my grubby little paws on that specific package is all.


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