Exaltred Second Edition

I dunno about Excellencies for MA specifically.  However, there are "natural" martial arts styles.  For example, Solars are naturals at the Solar Hero style (formerly Brawl's Charms).  A character can extend the style he's a natural at, adding new Charms as he wishes.  Others can learn the style as normal (if eligible to do so), but cannot expand it.
I am totally psyched! I just got my copy in the mail today! woohoo! sorry not really adding to the thread, just had to tell someone.   :D
I got my copy about a half hour ago.  I got the Storyteller's guide and the Tomb of Five Corners adventure and the pen and the dice too.  I'm excited.
I am getting less and less thrilled with what I hear about 2nd edition.  I have all of the Exalted books up until Bastions of the North, and I really don't want to have to rework all of my characters, I'll keep to 1st edition, thank you very much.
Now if 2nd edition actually allows heroic mortals to be something other than target practice for the Exalted, then I might be willing to buy it.  Until then, I will work with my fixes to the 1st edition.
I am getting less and less thrilled with what I hear about 2nd edition.  I have all of the Exalted books up until Bastions of the North' date=' and I really don't want to have to rework all of my characters, I'll keep to 1st edition, thank you very much.[/quote']
Would you rather that they had discontinued Exalted?  I'm guessing that you would rather that they had continued on with First Edition, but remember, you don't have to use any of the new materials in your games if you don't like them.
Went down to my local game shop and picked up their last copy, along with the Storyteller's Companion, and to my surprise, I found that I was the first to get the whole package together, with the Tomb, and got their first nifty t-shirt.  

I weep for the geeks in the Happy Valley.  What two weeks late in picking it up, get the last copy of the book, and find out I'm the first to pick up the whole package?  

Sad, sad, sad day for geekdom...

Getting ready to head into work, so I won't be able to do much for reading until this weekend.
Well-constructed mortals can do quite well in 2nd ed thanks to the DV rules, and Coordinated attacks make mortals in large numbers a threat to even Solars, who can no longer just stacked-persistent-defense their way out of hundreds of attackers with overwhelming dice pools.  Certainly a pack of mortals has good odds of taking down a Dragon-Blooded fighter.
The books have started popping up in stores in Sweden as well. And by "stores" I mean the one store in Stockholm, and a certain webstore I use from time to time.

... but of course they managed to sell them all off before I got the chance to reserve a copy.

What was that appropriate response you people have been using lately?...

... oh yes:

LoL, I use one icon, lowguppy says it and now everyone's doing it. The wonders of Star Trek and geekdom.  :lol:
I'd use the word "embarassing" for the 1st Ed screen. This new one looks pretty good, though. The map is a good idea.
I have to say that the 2nd Edition looks a damn sight better than the old BWB.  Seems better organized.  The color illustrations put it on par with the WotC production values--bumped up the cost too, but that's the way games seem to be heading nowadays.  

Got to actually sit down and read through the thing though, before I pop wise on it.
LoL' date=' I use one icon, lowguppy says it and now everyone's doing it. The wonders of Star Trek and geekdom.  :lol:[/quote']
I never realised I had such power... I think this calls for a new (stolen) avatar.

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