Exaltred Second Edition

I hope the 4 splats aren't published as far apart as the originals were. It would suck to have to wait 2 years to have all the books.

damn WW... Here I am with an (almost) complete sett of 1st ed. books, and now they're making me want the whole set in 2nd. ed. ... *grumbles*.
Solfi said:
damn WW... Here I am with an (almost) complete sett of 1st ed. books, and now they're making me want the whole set in 2nd. ed. ... *grumbles*.
Well, that's their business model. It works quite well. But the important thing to remember is that the existance of 2nd ed doesn't diminish 1st ed at all. I'm always amazed at how many people can't seem to grasp that.
Never said that it would. So far though, I'm definitely getting the core book and the ST companion... and the Age of Wonders books-thing seem interesting. Not sure about the new fatsplats. I'll decide as more info about them is released.

I really like that guy's hammer too, but it's a total rip-off from a Super Mario game.

OS--I suppose pointing out the Eberron setting' date=' which is essentially Exalted for D20 is just moot then.  That would be a D20 game looking damn hard at trying to emulate what WW does.[/quote']
And succeeding, I think, without really treading much on Exalted or "breaking" the d20 system. Reading Eberron actually made me want to play d20 again.

While we're on the subject...like it or not' date=' the d20 system saved RPGs.[/quote']
Not exactly. Open licensing saved RPGs, nothing intrinsic to the d20 system itself. You're broader points are still valid, though.

...the amazingly well done SS imprint Gamma World Storyteller's Guide which is one of the best supplements to come out for d20 in years.
Really? Huh. I liked the Player's Guide enough to steal from it, but it didn't inspire me to read the rest of the line. I guess I'll give it a shot.

Also, while there has been a bit of whining, thanks to all for not turning this into the fanboy screetching spawned by Shadowrun: Fourth Edition.
I just read the wikipedia entry on Ebberon. It seems the writers are quite the Johnny Depp fanboys, as no less than a full third of the listed setting influences are Depp headliners.

I do have the entire first edition set and I want everything that's coming out for Second Edition already.  More money...  Oh well, I think it's worth it.
wordman said:
Also, while there has been a bit of whining, thanks to all for not turning this into the fanboy screetching spawned by Shadowrun: Fourth Edition.
 I haven't been following the release of 4th Edition--what was the response? People lining up to burn it or hailing it as the best thing since Exalted? =P
I've always thought that Shadowrun looked interesting, but difficult to understand. After it came out I took a look at it. The rules are tighter (but a little difficult at first, especially character creation), and the setting is definately much better. I love the fact that everything is wireless and online (even your toaster!). All in all I'd give it a 7 out of 10.
Heh, the doom-melons are back in action I see.  As is the lame surgeon guy.  Bad plastic surgeons are bad, but are they bad enough to be Abyssals?
Lunars are up. Apparently the 2nd Edition Lunars have "sloppy editing" as a favored Ability.

lol.  Cool pic though.  Looks like it belongs on the cover of Weird Tales or a Howard novel.

Just for kicks, I wonder if 2nd edition books will all have indexes that don't suck?
Kyrn said:
Heh, the doom-melons are back in action I see.  As is the lame surgeon guy.  Bad plastic surgeons are bad, but are they bad enough to be Abyssals?
I can't stand how pale they are. It looks like the cast from a bad vampire movie.
The wonderfully endowed cast of a bad vampire movie.  Great big honking things can come in bad packages.
I disagree.  I can really groove on a chick with milk white skin.  <shrug>  I like redheads though, so...
They did, and they sucked in precisely the same fashion.  The Circle of Life continues.  

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