Exaltred Second Edition

sssssz said:
Does WW hate martial arts now? Why are they spewing gayass pictures of Swan doing retarded shit that's supposed to be matial arts forms all over the place? What the hell?
Judging by the stance it looks like Swan is possibly practising Tiger style now rather than Snake style.

Other games have used a system like this for years. I think it will work well for Exalted.

It seems like it may keep action at a fast pace.  It reminds me though of the RPG battle system used on certain RPG computer games.  I take it the speed value is for varies maneovures and weapons?

I take it the speed value is for varies maneovures and weapons?
They'll have to have a system for how many "ticks" a particular action takes. I beleive a weapon's speed, for instance, will reflect the number of ticks it takes to attack with said weapon.

Stillborn said:
They'll have to have a system for how many "ticks" a particular action takes. I beleive a weapon's speed, for instance, will reflect the number of ticks it takes to attack with said weapon.
So the lower the speed, the faster the weapon, I presume?
Ormseitr said:
Stillborn said:
They'll have to have a system for how many "ticks" a particular action takes. I beleive a weapon's speed, for instance, will reflect the number of ticks it takes to attack with said weapon.
So the lower the speed, the faster the weapon, I presume?
That makes sense I suppose.

Looks like today they posted the combat rules for attacks (which are the same) and Defensive Values. Short story is that your DV (Dodge or Parry DV, your choice) is directly subtracted from your opponets attack successes. Hmph, we'll have to check it out.
... they've been saying that for a long time.

Wee! tomorrow it's Mass Combat, and the War ability. But really, if the Mass Combat system is the same as the PG, that'll go straight out the window. Can't be bothered with all the crap about signalists and what not (or was it standardbearers? I forget).

Hmm, maybe need to reread the Mail & Steel rules to see if it really was as bad as I remember...
uh, Ole' is Castilliano. you should say something like....Ariba!

Oh and i hadnt read this thread thoroughly.. WTF Geek? Me, hell fuckin no, i get laid to much to be a geek, and i am too stylish to be a nerd. I just know how to play my RPG's right.
Lotus said:
uh, Ole' is Castilliano. you should say something like....Ariba!
Or, something like, "Go fuck yourself, Lotus"


Stillborn said:
Lotus said:
uh, Ole' is Castilliano. you should say something like....Ariba!
Or, something like, "Go fuck yourself, Lotus"

No "Go fuck yourself, Lotus" is English. You should say something like "Ay caramba, puto!" Or something that makes sense in Spanish, if you spoke it...
Ormseitr said:
No "Go fuck yourself, Lotus" is English. You should say something like "Ay caramba, puto!" Or something that makes sense in Spanish, if you spoke it...
Que te den por culo, capullo. Or words to that effect. Maybe vete al carajo or Me cago en tu puta madre.
Shit, I've just noticed that the Join Battle rating (nee Initiative) is now judged by Wits + Awareness, rather than Dexterity + Wits.  This feel's better to me.

I know, its late in coming, but I have only just noticed after reading the mass combat rules.

wordman said:
Ormseitr said:
No "Go fuck yourself, Lotus" is English. You should say something like "Ay caramba, puto!" Or something that makes sense in Spanish, if you spoke it...
Que te den por culo, capullo. Or words to that effect. Maybe vete al carajo or Me cago en tu puta madre.
Thanks Wordman :)
the new Social Fu system is described on the WW-site.

... it basically works the same way usual combat works ... Gonna be interesting reading through the new rules, as it sounds a bit esoteric.
I'll withhold judgment until I see the final product, but this looks like its trying to replace role-playing with roll-playing.

Yeah. That's what I thought at first glance as well.... then again, there have been instances where some clear guidelines would have helped.

Maybe we'll do something inbetween the two, and reserve the roll-playing for special occasions. Dunno. We'll see.
The problem with role-playing socialising is that players are generally unable to exceed their own limitations... which they should be able to do, since, you know, they're Eclipse Caste Solars, the Demigods of Discussion, the Cuchulainns of Contracts.

I mean if you're a shy guy, normally uninterested in politics, how are you going to roleplay a guy swaying the Deliberative?

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