Exaltred Second Edition

I was thinking, since Alchemicals and Infernals came up as the series went on, they would be perfectly canon from the beginning in the Second Edition. But no. White Wolf hates me. :(
Safim said:
I think the twilight anima needs an overhaul desperatedly' date=' too. Especially with powercombat it is completely useless... I wish it would give hardiness instead... or *gosh* something actually fitting a battlefield sorcerer.[/quote']
 Say what?

 5 motes to roll your Essence in dice (plus dice from channeling a Virtue and/or stunting) to reduce damage inflicted!?

 How is that not the best anima power for combat among Exalts?
Sure it's a good anima power for a combat oriented exalt. But IMO an anima power should express the core of a caste. Dawns are about battling, Zenith about demons and standing against the darkness, Nights about sneaking around and Eclipses about diplomacy. They all have anima powers that, more or less successfully, revolve around those themes. Twilights are about sorcery, craft, healing and knowledge of all kinds and still they have an anima banner that says nothing of that. Is it only me, that think it doesn't make any sense? It's the only caste that have an anima banner without any relation to their theme what so ever!
Ormseitr said:
Twilights are about sorcery, craft, healing and knowledge of all kinds and still they have an anima banner that says nothing of that. Is it only me, that think it doesn't make any sense? It's the only caste that have an anima banner without any relation to their theme what so ever!
You have a better idea?
I had thought that it would be cool if they gave each caste two or three options for any given exalts anima effect. Not all Twilight are combat sorcerers, or geomancers, or healers, or _______.
memesis said:
Ormseitr said:
Twilights are about sorcery, craft, healing and knowledge of all kinds and still they have an anima banner that says nothing of that. Is it only me, that think it doesn't make any sense? It's the only caste that have an anima banner without any relation to their theme what so ever!
You have a better idea?
I have thought about a lore gathering power. Something along going into a trance and tapping into Creations database of collective knowledge. Getting the answer to a single question with a number of hours of meditation equalling the exalt's Essence. Or maybe just a bonus to a dice roll. I haven't figured it out yet as I don't have any of my players playing Twilights, but something along those lines.
Something along going into a trance and tapping into Creations database of collective knowledge.
:shock: Holy Overpowering Pants of Lytek Batman!

... the Lore skill: sort of redundant (at least in the short-term)

... the Investigation skill: redundant

... given that "Creation's database" include the Salinan Working and/or other sorcerous material: All Twilights would be a font of frightening sorcerous power; without the need of trekking the world (or at least shortening any such endeavor) to find the tomes of old.
Solfi said:
:shock: Holy Overpowering Pants of Lytek Batman!

Solfi said:
... the Lore skill: sort of redundant (at least in the short-term)
... the Investigation skill: redundant

... given that "Creation's database" include the Salinan Working and/or other sorcerous material: All Twilights would be a font of frightening sorcerous power; without the need of trekking the world (or at least shortening any such endeavor) to find the tomes of old.
Ok, I see your point. To power it down it should not just provide knowledge, but help gather it. The Dawn caste power doesn't do their job for them, but it still helps them being what they are in an appropriate manner.
sssssz said:
"Five Exalted types."

No Alchemicals and Infernals for the Second Edition?
Kajata said:
I'd guess they're going for the obvious ones that were always going to be canon playable, apart from the ones they've made part of the series as it went on.  I think the alchems/infernals will come back... if you wanna wait all that time... again...
sssssz said:
I was thinking, since Alchemicals and Infernals came up as the series went on, they would be perfectly canon from the beginning in the Second Edition. But no. White Wolf hates me.
... just thought I'd point out that Fair Folk, are not Exalts ...

Solar, Dragon Blooded Lunars, Abyssals, Sidereals, Alchemicals and Infernals are.

Solars are in the main book, so it's likely they're not discussed in the STC. Dragon-Bloods, Lunars, Abyssals and Sidereals are a given. That still leaves one type.

It has been stated by WW employees that Infernals aren't going to get a supplement any time soon (if at all). So, in other words, the fifth should be the Alchemicals (besides, their overwhelming popularity should basically guarantee their appearance...).
Well, let's see who's on the cover. Now, the lady with the spear is definetely a Lunar, and I dare say the ninja behind her is a Sidereal or maybe an Abyssal. The guy at the top looks like a DB, so that leaves green-spear girl and... let's call him Evil-Raiden.

Evil-Raiden has some sort of rib-things on his shirt, so he could be an Abyssal. That leaves green-spear, and I have no clue what she is unless she's an Alchemical, which I'm unfamiliar with, or another DB.

Actually, the three people along the top and right could all be DBs, while Lunar and Ninja are defending against them. Which throws out any attempt to guess based on the cover.
Jukashi said:
Evil-Raiden has some sort of rib-things on his shirt, so he could be an Abyssal.
I'd say Evil-Raiden is definitely an Abyssal. His necklace looks like it's made of bones.

I'd assume Grean-Spear is a DB, only because it's probably jade-green.

I'm not so sure about Red-Sword... his right arms looks vaguely mechanical... and his sword looks kind of glowy.

Edit: The Ninja is certainly a Sidereal, not a DB. He's glowing Violet.

My two cents:

The ninja is definitely a siderial. the chosen of endings who made his first appearance in the sid splat book.

The first lady with the green spear is most certainly a wood aspect, I guess she is the rogue general whose name I forgot.

The silvery lady is most certainly lilith herself, owl feathers etc. a lunar, the guy she is fighting could be swan, or an abyssal.

Not sure about the bearded guy, I think I have seen that picture before somewhere, well not exactly that picture but a picture of him.

For the anima power, I always thought that the no moon anima power might fit the twilight just fine, perhaps making it more potent. while this is a bit boring it would most certainly make me happy.
I haven't had any contact with Alchemicals, I'm afraid. If red-sword is an Alchemical, though, then green-spear is a DB and it all works out neatly.

I never suggested that Ninja was a DB, I suggested he might be an Abyssal. But Sidereal is far more likely.
Jukashi said:
I haven't had any contact with Alchemicals, I'm afraid. If red-sword is an Alchemical, though, then green-spear is a DB and it all works out neatly.
That's the thing... while he looks like he might be partially mechanical, maybe, the rest of his appearance doesn't really jibe with the style of all the previous Alchemical art.

I figured that big dude was Yuren Kaneko... but then again, I only looked for a second.  Had to go look at the core-book cover again & stare at Harmonious Jade (who gets hotter every time somebody draws her).
Harmonious Jade (who gets hotter every time somebody draws her).
I'm just happy that the bowstring is on the INSIDE of her arm, this time.

Safim said:
The first lady with the green spear is most certainly a wood aspect, I guess she is the rogue general whose name I forgot.
Tepet Ejava. The Roseblack. But as far as I remember, she's always depicted with a green Jade Daiklave, not a spear.
On a sidenote. I managed to get out of Conrad Hubbard that the STC will be a 160 page softcover (page count was excluded from the product description for some reason).
At first I assumed Evil-Raiden to be an Air aspect DB, the green spear woman a Deathknight (due to the bony shoulderpads, don't leave home without them), the violet ninja a Siddy (from the Sidereal book actually), the silver lady a Lunar and Beardy-glowing sword a Solar.  

I think you've got:

Red-Sword - Fire aspect DB (he doesn't look like an alchem at ALL :( )

Purple Ninja - the abyssalish endings sid in the siddy book

Green Spear - Wood aspect DB

Evil Raiden - I'd say an abyssal using water style (confusing drawings ftw!)

Silver Spear - A lunar... I dunno whether it's Lilith though... she could hand all of those guys their asses at once :S

That's what I think at least
... the problem with that being that it destroys the symmetry of having five character on the front and five Exalt-types included in the write-up.
Solfi said:
Solars are in the main book, so it's likely they're not discussed in the STC. Dragon-Bloods, Lunars, Abyssals and Sidereals are a given. That still leaves one type.
I don't think so. The blurb says "the five Exalt types". This strongly suggests (to me), that they're talking about the 5 standard ones, which means Solars would be among them.

Yeah, I thought about that too. Another thing that might speak for the fifth being the Solars, is that the Alchemicals has been stressed as being an *optional* addition to the Exalted mythos.

I'm not as big a fan of the children of the Alchemicals as everyone on the net seem to be, but still, I must say that in my heart of hearts, I'm hoping the fifth is the Alchemicals, and not the Solars.
Solfi said:
Solars are in the main book, so it's likely they're not discussed in the STC. Dragon-Bloods, Lunars, Abyssals and Sidereals are a given. That still leaves one type.
 Whether the STC describes more aspects and powers of the Solars or not, they still remain an Exalt type. To claim that they're not, for the purposes of a single supplement...even Jesuits would have trouble slicing logic that thinly.
never said that they were not an Exalt type, just that I thought/hoped they would not be one of the five that are said to be covered in the STC.

(->) (->) (<-)

... Oh well.

Perhaps the main book will be mostly for players, but the STC will talk about use of Solars as NPCs?

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