Exalted Achievements!

Master of the Flying Guillotine: Kill someone with the Flying Guillotine Spell.

7 Evil X-Mates: Defeat your lunar mate Solar lover through 7 reincarnations!
Taste the Rainbow: Over the course of one Celestial incarnation, have sex with all five Maidens.

Unfortunate Sunburn: Seduce the Unconquered Sun.

The Difference Between Using a Feather... Seduce Luna...

...and Using the Whole Chicken: ...as a Lunar Exalt and shapeshift at least once during the act.
That should probably get an extra achie... OH.

Robot Unicorn Attack: Achieve Taste the Rainbow as a Lunar Akuma of Autocthon.
Always I want to be with you: While Riding a Lunar with the Robot Unicorn Attack achievement, complete your motivation!
...and you and you and you, Simultaneous: Complete Always I want to be with you with a Motivation of "Sleep with all five Maidens of Destiny at once". (Reference:

My attempt at a few:

The Emperor of Mankind: Create a nation that upsets, if not outright reverses, the socio-political power structure of Creation....

Built in a day: ....and do so in an impossibly short amount of time.

The Emperor Protects: Endow an entire caste of your army with special powers.

Klaatu...: Attempt to banish a slumbering, world-shattering evil....

...Barada *COUGHCOUGH*: ...and only succeed in bringing it to life once more.

The Hercules: As a Heroic Mortal, Exalt, then attain Godhood.

The Gilgamesh: Become so corrupt in your rule that the Gods themselves feel the need to intervene.

The Enkidu: Convince a God-King to give up his corrupt ways.

Parting the Red Sea: Create a physical road between the Blessed Isle and Threshold, without using a bridge.

Because I could: Convince the Gods to live in Creation, and allow Mortals to live in Yu-Shan.
JayTee said:
Klaatu...: Attempt to banish a slumbering, world-shattering evil....

...Barada *COUGHCOUGH*: ...and only succeed in bringing it to life once more.
Good? Bad?: Confront an enemy who has used the charm Black Mirror Shintai to oppose you.

I'm the Guy with the Gun: Kill that enemy.
The Emperor's Sword: Create a Magnitude 5 military unit of Craft Genesis-enhanced superhumans.

The Emperor's Shield: Equip your Magnitude 5 army with customized Dragon Armor.

The Emperor's Hand: Use this army to conquer a vast swathe of Creation.

The Emperor's Bane: Have one of your superhumans betray you and lead more than half your army against you.

The Emperor's Stand: Defeat your superhuman betrayer, but at great personal physical and mental cost.

Captain Hesperus
Unlimited Blade Works: Create multiple weapons with the same Charm.

So Hear Me As I Pray: Say a badass chant during a fight.

Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin: Use any variation of the Terrifying (Element) Dragon Roar.

We Are Celestial Being: Jump into mass combat between two other armies larger than your own. Bonus points if you defeat both of them.

I AM A GUNDAM!: Achieve "We Are Celestial Being" with a Warstrider.

They Always Move to the Right: Attack a mounted enemy with a bow and make them crash into something.

HENSHIN!: Use Golden Solar Plate or any analogue during a fight.

The Avatar: Master the Air, Earth, Fire, and Water Dragon Styles within the same year of in-game play.

The OTHER Avatar: Obtain a value of 5 in all Virtues.

SON OF A BITCH!: Force your enemies to run after one attack.

Bad Company: Join up with Tepet Ejava and the Vermillion Legion.
The OTHER Avatar: Obtain a value of 5 *or higher* in all Virtues.

Fix'd that for you :D Paragon merit and such. Those are good ones.

Feast for the Fae: Obtain a value of 6 or higher in all four Virtues.

Clan Tactics At Their Best: Disperse an opposing mass combat unit via dueling their commander.

Clan Tactics Exploited to Full Effect: Disable or destroy a warstrider or other large war machine or behemoth that fights as a mass combat unit with ranged technological weaponry... that is man-portable. Bonus points if the target is fighting a war machine at the time, and their opponent is specifically serving to act as a distraction so you can take the shot. Half points if the Essence cannon or other weapon you use is only man-portable due to you're being a Full Moon Lunar or using a whole array of carry-boosting Charms.

Mount Up, We're Oscar Mike: Eliminate a credible threat using weapons that are attached to your vehicle. (The threat should be traveling the same medium you are - ground vs. ground, air vs. air, sea vs. sea)

Confirmed Effect on Target: Eliminate a credible ground- or sea-based threat from your aerial vehicle.

Information is Ammunition: End a major physical or mass conflict via social combat or written attacks.

The Hell With Information: Accidentally discover or complete a plot point the ST hadn't really meant to reveal yet due to your unexpected actions.

Ammunition is Ammunition: EITHER A) attack a target at least 30 times in a single flurry, or B) damage at least 100 individuals (or at least 7 different mass combat units) with a single attack.

Duct Tape, Spray Paint, and Prayer: Enter combat in a warstrider with at least five penalties inflicted by missed maintenance or combat damage (stacking applications of the same penalty count for each application).

Death From Above!: Disable or destroy a war machine or behemoth or rout a mass combat unit through landing on it with your own war machine.

Collateral Damage is Unavoidable...: Attack a land-based target with weapons mounted on your seafaring vehicle.

...But Why Would We Try to Avoid It?: Deploy large-area-effect weapons against an enemy structure despite potential civilian casualties.

Flyswatter: Using ground-vehicle-mounted or man-portable weapons, destroy an airborne target.

As far as I know, Ammunition is Ammunition option A is only doable by Solars or Abyssals at Essence 5 or lower, a particular combination of Archery Charms to allow a flurry of 5+ attacks that are each composed of 5+ attacks, but I'm not an expert on Charms, so there could be other ways. Most references are BattleTech, most notably Clan Tactics and Information/Ammunition lines.

EDIT: The post below this is awesome too. Got the Power of Love one, channeled Compassion for SEVEN dice in In Iron Halls. Wishing I had Virtue Specialty Merits so I could theoretically manage effective Compassion 10 ^_^
The Power of LOVE!: Channel Willpower through your Compassion when your Compassion is at least 3 or higher.

Hat Trick: Defeat three enemies in the same combat.

Gordie Howe Hat Trick: Defeat one enemy, help an ally beat another enemy, and then start another fight altogether.
The Breakfast Club: Form a sworn brotherhood at a secondary school, during a detention, having met none of the other members before.

Full Metal Jacket: Survive the Palace of the Tamed Storm.
Army of Darkness: Kill 100 or more zombie extras in a single scene.

The Crying Game: As a Lunar, make someone cry only with the knack "Twin-Faced Hero."

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly: Have a Solar, an Infernal, and an Appearance 1 character in the same circle.

Pulp Fiction: Make an alliance with an old enemy by rescuing him from a sticky situation.
Love is Smiling At Your Troubles: Defeat an opponent passively, using nothing but Dodge charms.
The Masses Against the Classes: Successfully perpetrate a rebellion against your spiritual superiors.
We're Gonna Combine!: Combine two otherwise incompatible warstriders in mid-battle. Bonus points if the fusion actually creates an even stronger warstrider.

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