Exalted Achievements!

magnificentmomo said:
Do you mean A Trust Fall or is there a reference I am missing?
Hence the link doubling as the achievement name... Just Cause 2 allows you to safely land on the ground from no matter how high you were... by grapple hooking the ground. As Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation said "That's right! The best way to survive smacking into concrete at terminal velocity is to smack into it slightly faster"
magnificentmomo said:
Do you mean A Trust Fall or is there a reference I am missing?
Hence the link doubling as the achievement name... Just Cause 2 allows you to safely land on the ground from no matter how high you were... by grapple hooking the ground. As Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation said "That's right! The best way to survive smacking into concrete at terminal velocity is to smack into it slightly faster"
Missed that. Please disregard me.
magnificentmomo said:
Do you mean A Trust Fall or is there a reference I am missing?
Hence the link doubling as the achievement name... Just Cause 2 allows you to safely land on the ground from no matter how high you were... by grapple hooking the ground. As Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation said "That's right! The best way to survive smacking into concrete at terminal velocity is to smack into it slightly faster"
Alternatively, this.
Maybe some tabletop tropes should be added to the achievo list.

And Now For Something Completely Different- Have a campaign end with an entirely different party of characters than which it began.
MY LITTLE SOLAR: Botch a Sorcery action and turn your circle into Ponies
Considering how little Exalted fan art there seems to be in general, I'm surprised by the amount of pony crossovers there is.

Stop hitting yourself: As a Lunar, engage in combat with a person you have taken the form of.
I Meant To Do That!: Kill somebody you have a negative Intimacy towards...as the result of a botch on your part.
I Walk Forty Paces North-Purple- Roll 5 or more successes than needed to succeed navigating a maze of madness (Deep Wyld, Labyrinth, etc.)
[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]
I Walk Forty Paces North-Purple- Roll 5 or more successes than needed to succeed navigating a maze of madness (Deep Wyld, Labyrinth, etc.)

Oh that one's good. And here I was thinking this thread was going to die out...

I'll have to start coming up with a few then, to give back a bit :D
You no mess with Lo Wang: Defeat an enemy of equal Essence score or greater using only charms and weapons from Celestial Martial Arts.

Lock and Load: Store at least 6 weapons in Elsewhere using charms.

No, fuck YOU: Kill an enemy using a counterattack.

Fangs of Vengeance: Master Cobra Style.

Venus in Furs: Master Laughing Wounds Style.

Anger Management Issues: Kill Malfeas.

Operation Desert Storm: Kill Cecelyne.

I'm the Boss: Kill She Who Lives in Her Name.

Land Reclamation: Kill Kimbery.

Kill 'em all and let the Neverborn sort 'em out: Kill all five Yozi of the Reclamation.

I'm from Malfeas, and I say kill 'em all!: Carry out the Lotus Massacre.

Boot Meets Face Forever: Help the Ebon Dragon attain ultimate victory.

Void Meets Boot Forever: Send the Ebon Dragon's world spiraling into Oblivion.

Mirror, Mirror: Gain access to Szoreny's charmset.

CHAERG: Gain access to Isidoros's charmset.

Clear and Concise: Gain access to Elloge's charmset.

Theaterwide Biochemical Warfare: Gain access to Metagaos's charmset.

Determinist: Gain access to Sacheverell's charmset.
A few game themed achievements:

Fox: Have Followers 2 as a Dawn Caste

Foxhound: Have Followers 3 as a Dawn Caste

Militaires Sans Frontieres: Have Followers 4 as a Dawn Caste

Outer Heaven: Have Followers 5 as a Dawn Caste

Dead Cell: Form an perfect Abyssal circle.

The Cobras: Form a perfect Infernal circle.

Beauty and Beast: Reach Appearance 5 with a lunar character

More Dakka!!: Learn Arrow Storm technique

Red uns go fasta: Obtain a red jade warstrider

Legendary Dark Knight: Learn all heresy charms as an infernal

Devil Must Die: Kill 1000 demons

Blackened Angel: Become an akuma as a celestial exalted

Love Freak: Reach compassion 5

Beauty Queen: Reach appearance 5 as an infernal

Can I be the hero, dood ?: Play a game as a 1st circle demon

Dark Hero: Reach Perform 5 as an Infernal

I am a being of solitude: Kill everything you encounter

Devil Survivor: Survive one fight against a demon

Per-So-Na!: Perform your first succesful summon spell

Strange Journey: Have your character visit the Wyld, Malfeas, Yu-Shan and the Underworld.
Fuck.: Through any confluence of events, be in a situation where you cannot use any of your perfect defenses due to conflicting Flaws of Invulnerability.

Good Ash: Succeed on a Compassion roll.

Bad Ash: Fail on a Compassion roll.

#1 Motherfuckin' Survivor: Be the only survivor of your circle.

Some Men Just Want to Watch the World Burn: Liberate the Yozi.

You Need Help: Break the Incarnae's addiction to the Games of Divinity.

Terminator: Repulse the Locust Crusade.

Terminator 2: ...again.
Graceful Badass Stance: Defeat a seemingly vastly superior enemy using only the Graceful Crane Stance Charm.
I'M NOT LISTENING!: Defend yourself through ten or more social attacks in a single social combat only through Your Mental Dodge or Willpower (No counterarguments allowed!)
[QUOTE="Effing Skrakes]
No, fuck YOU: Kill an enemy using a counterattack.

Taking You With Me: Kill an enemy with a counterattack even as they kill you.
imma firin mah lazer !!!!: Use an essence cannon for the first time.

Screw the rules, I have...: Attain ressources 5
Interior Decorator: Put more effort into filling your Manse with furniture looted from First Age ruins than you do actually gaining the Manse itself. Extra points if this includes an epic quest to transport a Desk or Bed through a Shadowland, Bordermarch or other inhospitable location, just to pimp out your Manse.
Welcome to my Parlor...: Kill an NPC with your Manse's traps.

Said the Spider to the Fly: Kill another PC with your manse's traps.

(Did both).

Captain Hesperus
Just found this, and I can't help adding a few more. Some of these have happened in the game I'm currently playing; some of them might happen in the future, given my fellow players' and/or ST's foreshadowing.

Is This What I Think It Is? - Receive the Eye of Autochthon.

It's Mine, Precious! - Get the Eye of Autochthon back after a hostile Exalt or being of similar power took it.

I Call It My Little Friend - Survive using the Eye of Autochthon, without killing anyone in the vicinity.

Fire Dancer - Distract a demon from laying waste to a city by dancing, without using Husband-Seducing Demon Dance.

Perfect Prayer - Summon the Unconquered Sun to Creation with one prayer roll, by yourself, and have him respond favorably.

Perfect Hug - Get a hug from the Unconquered Sun!

Which Campaign Is This, Anyway? - Encounter one or more characters from Keychain of Creation or another Exalted webcomic. (So far: Resonance Ben, Flame, Contagion of Sights, Five Waves Fury, a sighting that might have been Ten Winds, and Eternal Dawn for sale in a pawnshop.)

Rock Is Dead, Long Live Rock - Beat Resonance Ben in Performance-based social combat.

Shark Fin Soup - Beat Five Waves Fury in aquatic combat.

Mr. Bond, I Presume? - Discover an agent of the All-Seeing Eye and live to tell the tale. Bonus points if you do so as a heroic mortal.

You're Exalted, I'm Just Awesome - Beat a Dynast in social combat as a heroic mortal. (The player in question Exalted as an Eclipse by doing so, but he was mortal at the time!)

Leeroy Jenkins - Rush headlong into trouble at least three times, thereby forcing your Circlemates to clean up after you and seriously reconsider your Circle-ship (yeah, you know who you are...)

Corporate Takeover - Buy or otherwise obtain controlling interest in the Guild.

Corporate Restructuring - With controlling interest, restructure the Guild so that it does your bidding.

The Invisible Hand Is Mine - Topple a leader by messing with their nation's economy

Jade Independence Day - Get Autochthon to lift the Great Geas

Glorious Solar Clue-by-Four - Restore a crazy Lunar Elder to sanity (pretty sure this will take at least one Solar Charm, but correct me if other Exalts have sufficiently powerful Clue-by-Fours)

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