Exalted Achievements!

DOUBLE RAINBOW!: Be part of a perfect circle of Sidereals whose anima banners have all flared.
That almost makes me want to try a Mercury siddie.

Sadly, while the last games have been very fun there weren't many opportunities to name deeds. The closest one was when my Malefactor decided to terrorize the Imperial City by attacking people at night to shave them.
Deep Under Covers: As a Celestial exalt, sleep with a Dragon Blooded without him/her realizing what you are. Bonus points for sleeping with Dynasts and Immaculates.
Deep Under Covers: As a Celestial exalt' date=' sleep with a Dragon Blooded without him/her realizing what you are. Bonus points for sleeping with Dynasts and Immaculates.[/quote']
What should it be called when you sleep with the Empress? :D
DOUBLE BLIND SURVEY: As a Celestial exalt, sleep with another Celestial exalt without either of you realizing what the other is.

CELESTIAL DYNASTY: As a Celestial exalt, sire a child into a Dynast family.

PRINCE ALI: Sleep with the Empress without her realizing your a Celestial exalt.

Yes, Aladdin is the best I could think of.
Deep Under Covers: As a Celestial exalt' date=' sleep with a Dragon Blooded without him/her realizing what you are. Bonus points for sleeping with Dynasts and Immaculates.[/quote']
I would think Strange Bedfellwow or Stranger/Strangest

And to add to it:

Guaranteed Custody Battle Have issue from whatever mating qualifies for Strange Bedfellows.
The Simple Life - As a Celestial Exalt get married and have children with a normal mortal
Who Wants To Live Forever?: As a Celestial Exalt, marry a mortal and stay with them until they die of old age. (Highlander reference)

Captain Hesperus
MY LITTLE SOLAR: Botch a Sorcery action and turn your circle into Ponies.

GARY MOTHER F***ING OAK: Take the 5 dot Enemy flaw.
Sue me for double posting, but I just thought of a response:

Yakumo said:
Deep Under Covers: As a Celestial exalt' date=' sleep with a Dragon Blooded without him/her realizing what you are. Bonus points for sleeping with Dynasts and Immaculates.[/quote']
I would think Strange Bedfellwow or Stranger/Strangest
Perhaps that could be for the reverse, As a Dragon Blooded sleep with a Celestial exalt without realizing what s/he is.
That's gonna hurt : While playing a heroic mortal, Exalt as a Solar in the Imperial City. (actually happened in the game I ST. Good times...)
Just a tribute: Combine a full-pumped Performance Excellency with Phantom-Conjuring Performance and Heart-Compelling Method with Commanding Presence of Fire.
ONLY IN DEATH DOES DUTY END: Die in direct support of your motivation.

EVEN IN DEATH I STILL SERVE: After the above, continue to support the same motivation as an Abyssal or ghost.
Apologies for the minor threadromancy, but I saw this and had to add a few. No list of achievements is complete without TPB references.

I Am not Left-Handed; Begin a fight voluntarily taking off-hand penalties on your attacks and parries. Switch hands part of the way through. Bonus points for actually winning the fight.

Never Go Up Against A Sicilian; Kill someone with poison while engaged in social combat with them.

I Am The Dread Pirate Roberts; Play for at least six months of in-game time with your character constantly pretending to be someone else.

My Name Is Inigo Montoya; Win a fight in which at least your last five actions were subject to a wound penalty of -4 or worse.
Nysalor said:
Apologies for the minor threadromancy, but I saw this and had to add a few. No list of achievements is complete without TPB references.
(Psst, check page one. made the first two references earlier. Good later ones though.)

And you thought Excalibur was tough to lift! Pick up Islebreaker from Luthe's throne without being of the proper exaltation (requires Strength 50).

You take the 3,000 on the left, I'll take the 4,000 on the right Fight in mass combat as a solo unit vs. a unit of at least Magnitude 6, and win.

The Dailithium crystals cannae' take much more! Make a repair check to fix Dragon-King crystal technology.

They like it when you sing to them Make a repair check to fix Dragon-King vegetative technology.

Clever Girl . . . Survive an ambush made by Dragon-Kings.

Huh, no wonder you went extinct Help a Dragon-King regain his Intelligence and past memories.

Isla Nublar Find a functioning Dragon-King city.

Isla Sorna Find the ruins of a Dragon King city.
Nysalor said:
I Am The Dread Pirate Roberts; Play for at least six months of in-game time with your character constantly pretending to be someone else.
So... play a Sidereal?
Or possibly an Akuma. Just because it's an achievement doesn't mean it has to be hard to get, I guess
Not sure if anyone used this before but:

A MOST TRUSTED STEED: Use a Lunar as a mount in combat.

On that note, in such a case, would Ride charms still work?
(As far as I know, if the errata'd ride charms are not Mundane or Mortal keyworded, they can work on any mount, period, super-smart, PC, or otherwise.)

Roh, Roh, Fight tha Powah!: Gain a truly epic motivation as a Heroic Mortal.

Pierce the Heavens!: Throw down the established heirarchy and take over. Alternatively, gain access to Yu-Shan through brute force.

Lord Genome: Create and lead a Beastman Army.

Lord Genome's Head in a Jar: Have an Alchemical run your giant vehicle. Alternatively just use an Alchemical of Colossus size or larger as a vehicle.

Anti-Spirals: As an Exalted of Creation, become a different form of Exalt by changing your allegiance to the Neverborn or the Yozis. Becoming Akuma does not count.

Gurren Lagann: Combine two warstriders to increase in Magnitude or effective size to create magnitude.

Teppen Toppen Gurren Lagann! Combine two or more Warstriders to create a Magnitude 9(+)sized Warstrider (or larger).
On the question of Ride Charms, I am inclined to agree with Cryoseraph, the Solar Ride Charms will work with any mount. The reason behind this is that in the Errata, there is no mention of any Solar Ride Charms, but there is a specific mention that the Terrestrial Exalted Ride Charms "function on any familiar or non-sentient beast large enough to carry the Exalt" as well as any "vehicles piloted with that Ability". I am not able to find any mention of this for Solars or other Celestial Exalted.
MY LITTLE SOLAR: Botch a Sorcery action and turn your circle into Ponies


A Just Fall: Survive an otherwise fatal drop without any damage by either a parry or dodge

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