Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

"Water manipulation, nothing fancy." Eva said simply. "What about you Faye? You still haven't mentioned it yet." Eva raising an eyebrow at Leo and Faye. "I'll show you guys mine, if you show me yours."
"You REALLY don't want to see mine" said Faye... "Go on then Leo... show us what you've got" she winked at him flirtaciously
Leo smirked. "okay." he said. "for my first trick I will make my blood change shape." he said. He pulled out a small knife and cut his palm. The blood poured out and lifted off his hand. It shifted into a flower.
"Okay... so maybe you can manipulate blood" Faye said, grudgingly... "But I'm still not demonstrating my power"
Eva nodded. "Yeh, I can't really speak for him, but there's not much you can throw at me that I handle." She said politely. "Or are you not able to control your power yet?"
Dustin shadow-ported in on the conversation "Yeah Faye. Show us your power." He said, smirking and going to stand by Eva.
"Oh, I can control it... but i don''t think you want to see a dead rotting corpse come barging through the window trying to eat you anytime soon" So there, she said it, she could communicate with and raise the dead... "I see dead people"
Eva bursted out laughing. "Wow, I finally meet someone who can actually say that and mean it. That's totally great." She said.
Leo looked at Faye in awe. "that's so cool." he said. "I thought you would have a boring power." he said. He winked at her. "we should hang out some time." he suggested.
Dustin smiled "I see dead people. See that kind of line is what landed me in juvie. But it's okay. I just use shadow's not dead people" Dustin said, smirking. and making a small bunny-ish type thing to hop around everybody. He lazily flicked his finger to make the bunny hop up and down.
"It's really not great" Faye sighed "try waking up one morning with your dead dog drooling blood over you" That was one thing Faye would never forget. It had bitten her brother, and who knew that death was catching?

Clearing her mind, she flashed a mischievous grin at Leo "sure, sounds like a date" .... "so any of you lot know any good places in this dump?"
Leo looked at Faye. "Better then killing the only family you had." he said looking down. "I call this power my sin." he said looking at the dried blood on his hand. "it's my curse." he said. Then he heard Faye say date. "a ate huh?" he asked.
Faye turned on her feet at the question that Leo asked. She started walking down the stairs. "Yeah, a date" she called back to him... "now are you lot going to explore with me or not?"
Dustin shrugged "Gardens are awesome. Very pretty, relaxing, romantic, also pretty good eating if you go down the staircase at the center, some old warehouse or something. Bartley the old hobbit lives down there, he'll make you some good food." Dustin winked at Eva and laughed.
Leo smiled. "yeah." he said following her. He looked around. "this place sucks." he said. "do you know any places here?" he asked. 'wow a date with this girl. She's amazing' he thought. He heard dustin speak. "guardian huh? Sounds nice." he said
Eva chuckled. "Yeah, because who doesn't love to be fed by a Lord of the Rings character." She said to Dustin. "But Dusty's right, the gardens are one of the few good places here." She headed out the door. "Anyone wanna go?" She over her shoulder. She was leaving to get some grub.

((go to go, I'll be back later))
(wow everybody's been busy, but I got caught up. Sorry for the delay)

Luna layed on her bed, floating a pencil above her. Not a very impressive trick, but fun nonetheless. She spun it and flipped it, not even really trying. She heard voices from in the hall and tried to listen, when that broke her concentration the pencil fell and stabbed her in the hand. "Ow!" It didn't puncture her skin, but it left a small mark. Luna got up and walked to the door, she opened it and went into the hall, Oh good, there's actually people here. Thinking she might have imagined the voices out of boredom. She walked over to the cluster of people. "Hey." she murmured, feeling semi-awkward.
Leo saw a new girl. "hello" he said softly. He looked at the mark he saw a small drop of blood. It lifted off of her body. "hehe I love this power." he said.
Dustin turned to Luna "Eva and I are gonna go get something to eat, you wanna come along?" He asked, pointing over his shoulder at Eva's figure going down the staircase.
"Woah! Uh... That's my blood. Sorta need it to live ya know!" Luna jokingly said. Looking at the boy who was making a drop of her blood float in the air.

"Yeah, I could get food." She walked in that direction.
Leo smirked. "don't worry. I can control it." he said. "sides it's only a small amount." he said. Leo turned to Faye. "hey how about we go to the garden?" he asked.
"Sure" Faye replied, she could use some fresh air, and there must be some nice places to explore. "Lets go on an adventure"
Leo smiled. "okay then we'll have our date in the garden." he said walking down the steps. "it should be romantic." he smirked a bit.

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