Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

Dustin shadow-ported into the garden "I still win" he says while looking at a sink, knowing that was where Eva would probably come out. he leaned against a wall.
Eva shot through the sink and shook water droplets everywhere, especially in Dustin's direction. "So we'll just have a rematch. Next time in a pool, and then I'll kick your butt."
Dustin rolled his eyes "You know I can't swim. anyway what are we getting again? I remember you saying something about a food coma birthstone shouldn't take much considering I've seen skeletons fatter then you" he smiles
"I don't know about you but I'm getting a huge bowl of spaghetti and I might fall into a food coma, I'm not sure yet. I also said I going to eat a chocolate dessert with ice-cream. And after I eat all of that, then we'll see who's fatter than a skeleton." Eva looked around the garden. "This place looks prettier then last year. I guess Ever-Glade has some redeeming qualities after all."
"I think I'll just get a burger, I'm not that hungry. But I will steal your desert" Dustin also looks around "Yeah, its really pretty"

((Even I'm confused, Dusty and Eva are going out or not.))
((Wait, I thought you said there was a hobbit in the garden that fed people? Is there a place in the garden to eat or is that somewhere else?))

"There is no way your stealing my dessert but I will split it with you." Eva said.
((Yesh, Bartley the helpful highly lol that just cracks me up)) Dustin has to bend his back to get through the door to Bartley's diner. he sits down at a table about half covered in shadows "Is it just me or has this place shrunk from last year?"
"It's just you.Your taller then your were last time." Eva bent slightly to get through the door. "I'm kinda glad I didn't wear heels." Eva looked out the window of the diner. "Didn't there use to be a possum outside looking for scraps of food?"
Dustin looked down and saw that his jeans were way too short for him. "Gah . Now I need to go shopping" Dustin ordered his burger and the asked Eva "Will you uh help me shop? You see, as I go through foster parents like girls go through clothes or in your case heels I never have actually gone shopping." He looked down, ashamed.
Eva frowned. "Yeh sure, but shopping isn't something to be ashamed about Dusty. What I want to know is what went wrong with this foster family." Eva scooted closer. "Are you okay?"
Dustin shrugged "Well... Ok so you see this foster home had like 3 other foster kids in it. 1 other guy and 2 girls. One of the girls, Anna was really cute, and she started crushing on me. We went out one night and there was.... an accident"
"Okay...what kind of accident?" Eva said, raising an eyebrow. Why does this sound familiar? She thought, her pasta forgotten.
Dustin sniffled "I don't even know. That's what's killing me. I don't even ******* know! We were in a resteraunt and she left to go to the bathroom and she was found dead later. Needless to say, the foster parents kicked me out after that."
"That awful! How can they just pin that on you? Your not the only gifted kid running around. Any number of things could have happened." Eva said. "Do they even know for sure if it was one of us who caused her death?"
Dustin smiled "This is the creepy part. We don't know. But they figured that a perfectly healthy 15 year old girl couldn't just drop dead. Everything came back clean. I guess the foster parents think that I made her overdose. But in reality, I was just sitting there." Dustin sighed and looked over his shoulder.
"Well their jerks and your innocent! You have rights Dusty. I don't know what they are yet but I'm sure you have them." Eva huffed. "Until I find out I think those stupid foster parents need ice chips in their showers."
Dustin stopped for a moment then went on "I blacked out right before she died. I had this weird dream. There was this man, made of darkness. He told me his name was Haxdes and he told me to come to him. If I didn't more people would die. This has happened before. and I think it will happen again." Dustin tried to smile but failed "I think I'm either mentally insane or chased after"
Eva paused for a moment. "Dustin there are many things in this world that could make even the best of people insane. What's worse is sometimes those things are very real and very present in our everyday lives. Its because of situations like this that they send people to Ever-Glade." Eva ran her fingers through her hair nervously. "Do you know if there is another shadow man out there trying to get you?"
Dustin's usually grey eyes turned bright blue "If he is I will find him and kill him. Don't worry, I will protect you." With that he stood up and picked up his burger "I'm going to take this and do some detective work. I just got an idea"
Eva looked up. "Detective work with a burger? How does that even work." Eva stood up also. "What are you planning to do?"
Dustin shrugged and bit his burger "I don't know, lurk in the shadows. Go get a hat like Sherlock homes. Find a sidekick named Watson." He turned around and went to leave.
Eva followed him out the door. "Okay sounds good so far. I'll be your Watson and we'll go lurking in the shadows. But loose the hat, it's not your style." Eva started looking around outside. "Also you might want to be weary of hundred pound mutant possums that hang out in the garden."

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