Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

"Eh, sure why not." Eva dropped the sad act, swiped her ipod, and put in her ear-plugs. She pointed to Dustin's room. "To the door!"
(Got to go, not sure when I will be back tomorrow)

Eva smiled. "Because I'm awesome. And because I keep you from infinite boredom, while stuck here in Ever-Glade prison." She reached out her hand and absorbed all the excess water frozen around Dustin's door. "All done!" She said before she maneuvered out of his arms. "Now I'm going to unpack my luggage in my jail cell." She said before playing Party Rock Anthem and heading down the hallway. She waved. "Thank you ladies and gentleman, I'll be here all week. Bye!"
Dustin yelled after her "Same cell as last year?" And before she could answer he went into his room. she knew how to contact him (Just say my name into the shadows) ((gotta go. bai!))
Dustin woke up and sent an... interesting alarm clock to Eva then went to take a shower. (Alarm clock = Giant Fluffy appearing at the foot of your bed)
Eva rolled over in her bed to see what was bothering her. She freaked out and sat up when she saw Fluffy. "Dude! You are so not the first thing I wanna see when I wake up. Your like the freak'N Grimm Reaper hovering over my bed!!!" She groused, before shoving back the covers. Eva was wide awake now and went to her closet to pick out a change of clothes. She passed her mirror, saw her awful bedhead and gasped. "Fluffy, you better not tell anyone what I look like when I wake up!" Eva yelled before going into the bathroom. She heard rushing water and decided to pay Dusty back for the morning scare. She reached her hand down the drain and sent him a little wake up call of her own. "Hey Fluffy, a friend of yours should be getting ice chips in his shower right about now." Eva said politely before brushing her teeth.
Dustin started jumping like crap when the ice chips came. He decided to recall fluffy and try to get some clothes on before he went across the hall to see Eva about these nasty cuts she gave him. He looked in the mirror. "****. My face just looks like it went through the cheese grater." And it did, there were cuts on his face, arms, torso, and other unmentionable places. He should seriously learn not to take showers while he was in the midst of pranking Eva.
(whoa! they weren't meant to be sharp! lol! When did my charry become dangerous X D))

Eva took a quick shower, blew out her hair and went back to picking out her clothes. She decide on wearing her "Save Ferris" t-shirt and some faded jeans.

((Sorry, have to leave again. I'll be back in 3 hours.!)))
(Ice shards... shards...... my dear friend. shards.lolz)

Dustin got on a tank top and shirt and knocked on Eva's door. "Eva. Open the freaking door"
((Ice chips....chips dear friend...like the ones in a Sonic Slushy Drink, thats totally different))

Eva raised an eyebrow. "Good morning to you too." She said before getting the door. "Ya know Fluffy kinda looks like a Dementor in the mor...Whoa! What happened to you?!" She said when she saw Dustin's face. "Did you cut yourself shaving?"
Dustin smiled "First of all, I don't shave. The chicks dig the stubble" He laughed "But seriously, ice? In the shower? That's just cruel" He stepped inside and plopped down on a chair.
"I meant for you to be cold, not cut up." Eva said sheepishly."I'm sooo sorry." She went to the bathroom to get bandaids, cotton balls, and triple antiseptic. " I would say put some ice on it, but I think you've had enough of that." She said examining his face. Note to self, ice chips are dangerous...She felt bad now. "If you stay still and wear your band-aids, I'll give you a lollipop."
Dustin smiled "Will it be cherry? Because any other flavor sucks." He laughs and swirls some mist around the room out of boredom.
"I think I can accommodate cherry, but green apple is way better." Eva picked up a bag of Blow Pops from her desk and tossed it to Dustin. "Get my ipod and play something to entertain yourself. If shadows fill up my room to the point I can't see, I might shove a cotton ball up your nose. "She said before taking triple antiseptic and applying it to his face.
Dustin looked around in the bag until he found a cherry suck and then took Eva's iPod "Got any Flobots or Hollywood Undead?" He asked while browsing through the music. He made a small shadow bunny to entertain himself as it started hopping around like mad
"I got a little of everything." Eva said, smearing antiseptic all around his face. I wonder if I'm doing this right....She thought absently. "So how many times did you scare people with Fluffy while you were back home?" She asked. "And how many people did you send to the mental hospital."
Dustin smiled but the got antiseptic in his mouth and spit it out. "Nobody actually, I got kicked out by my newest foster parents so I was living on the streets and really too busy to send people to the mental intuition . I don't know if that's good or bad" Dustin smiled and looked up songs "Only 3 Hollywood undead songs? I am ashamed of you Eva. very ashamed"
"Sorry, dude. I must have let the other ones with the 40 in my Ford Fiesta." Eva said sarcastically. She started putting band-aids all over Dustin's face. "Ya know your probably gonna be looking like a zombie when I'm done."
Eva muzzled his hair. "You sure are hun!" She said in her baby voice. She moved off the bed and put on some flip flops. "I''m hungry, lets go eat. And then you can tell me all about how you got kicked out of another foster home." ((bye!))
Brady was in the cafe waiting in line to get his food with his tray in hand. As soon as he reached the salads he got two and some dressings and went to go sit down.
Leo walked into the cafe. "another day of crap" he said looking at the food. He grabbed a burger and sat down alone...like always. He looked at all the other students. He wanted to have friends. But his power freaked everybody out. he sighed a bit and started to eat. He saw a new kid. He got up and sat down. "Hey." he said looking at the boy. "I'm Leo." he said smiling.
Leo laughed a bit. "yeah I know the feeling." he looked down. "I have no friends in this hell hole of a school." he said looking around. "So, what brings you to hell?" he asked.

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