Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

Luna shook Faye's hand, and blushed when Dustin kissed her other hand. "Um, shooting food at people with my mind?" she blushed more. It was so stupid. She was in the lunchroom in 8th grade, a mean boy called her a freak and she blacked out, when she came-to, she was standing up and the boy was a few feet away on the ground, covered in sphagetti.
"Dude, thats so badas! Wait, let me guess, lost control? First time power sucker?" Dustin smirked. "Yeah, I remember my first time. Dude it was awesome. You saw fluffy? Yeah, my parents living room. Little bro made me mad and guess who popped out!" Dustin laughed "It was scary as heck though, I mean, I was only in the 7th grade." "So whats your power? Besides telekinesis?"
"Nice. I was just an angry child, I was special and even my friends were afraid of me. One day i just snapped and everybody's food splatted everywhere. 8th grade." Luna chuckled, remember the mixture of responses from the kids. "Just telekenisis and whatever comes with it that I haven't found out yet."
Dustin smiled "Sweet. See I have only found one power yet but its a pretty big power so I think thats it for me. But the Telekinesis kids, man they are just freaking loaded, like seriously, 2 or 3 powers! Its insane, but we've pretty much figured out that the smaller your power is the more powers you get. Its like a fail safe to make us play fair. Even though we all still team up to get each other. Make sure to watch your back Faye and Luna. I gotta go now but if you need some help just call into the shadows!" Dustin waved at the 2 girls as he walked away towards his dorm.
Eva's music was blasting in her ears. Huh? Did someone call me? Eva thought distantly before shoving her stuff into her room. She dumped her trolley with all her luggage on the floor, deciding to crash on her bed and take a load off. Later on, instead of unpacking she decided to go out into the halls and take a look around. Eva still had her music blasting, but switched to Katy Perry's "The One That Got Away." With her earphones jammed in her ear she wandered the halls. Eva sighed, "Does this place ever change?" She came across two girls in the hallway. She smiled. "Hey, what's up?"
Dustin went to his dorm and unpacked his stuff. then he got out his iPod and put his earphones in, cranked up HollyWood Undead as loud as it would go and walked into the hallway wanting to go for a run and passing the girls again. this time Eva was with them so he said "Hey Eva. Back for more fun at Academy?"
Eva pulled out her ear phones, and raised an eyebrow. "Fun? Is that what you wanna call it. I was leaning to more of a 'ridiculous torture' situation." She smiled and gave Dustin a big bear hug. "Good to see you again Dust Bunny." She said, wondering if he would let the nickname slide. If he does, I'm using it permanently.
Luna was distracted in her own thoughts, when she looked up she saw another girl hugging Dustin. She leaned over towards Faye and whispered "Think they know each other?" with a little giggle as the girl called him "Dust Bunny". It felt a little odd to just stare at them hugging, and who knows what her mind would do: spontaneous combustion, get them stuck together, give them a liver disease. Luna decided to play it safe and turn her attention to Faye, "So what do you do? If you said it I think I may have been in my room." she asked, really curious but still trying to be polite.
Dustin hugged Eva back and sighed "If you call me Dust Bunny again I'll summon Fluffy to steal your iPod" but then he laughed "Anyway... any new powers I should know about before pranking you?"
"Oh, that's just cruel." Eva said with a gasp before hiding her ipod in her back pocket. "And I don't seem to have any knew powers. I'm still making ice cubes in the palm of my hand. I'm never thirsty. I have to be careful when its too hot or I might turn into a puddle, the usual." She said with a shrug. "I did find out that when I sneeze, water droplets fly everywhere." She said with a chuckle. Eva turned to the other girls. "I'm Eva by the way, and my power is water manipulation."
"Hey, I'm Luna. I'm telekinetic." Luna smiled at Eva "Water manipulation, that's pretty cool. Can you make it rain?" That'd be so cool. Luna thought, she could move clouds and shape them at will, but never could she make it rain.
"Cool. My power still scares people though, my latest foster parents made me go to a psychiatrist. It was pretty fun actually, kinda fun to mess with the poor guy." Dustin said smiling. "Luna meet Eva. We both went here last year so its safe to say that we know more about it then you. If you have any questions, ask me. or Eva. She's nicer. Sometimes." With that Dustin put his headphones back in and set off on his run.
"I am always nice. He just drives me crazy." Eva said with a smile. "And no I can't make it rain. My power doesn't really have anything to do with the weather. I could probably float water droplets to the sky and let them fall all at once and give the illusion of rain." She said though helpfully. "But your telekinetic, that's so cool. Have you ever done the spooky door-close-by-itself trick and make people freakout about ghost?" Eva asked. "The spookiest thing I've ever done was freeze my finger, break it off, and drop it into my ice water."
"That's still pretty cool. And no, I haven't really pranked anybody, just made everyone's lunch explode in the 8th grade." Luna chuckled at herself, it seemed really stupid now. In response to the prank, "Haha! That's pretty crazy. I'm just not that much of a prankster." Maybe pranking would be fun. She thought about trying it.
Dustin ran around the 100 acre grounds. Which he and the other students called the Hundred Acre Woods. (Its a whinny the poo refrence. If you don't get it you had no childhood) while collecting his thoughts. There were a few animals around but not much else. Dustin was still kind of shaken from earlier. Could it be? No, He wouldn't come here. Not here. Not Now. Not while he was happy. Either way Dustin went back to his dorm and sat down on his bed to take a nap. (If anyone wants to come annoy me, feel free. I'm bored as crap)
(I'll take you up on that offer)

Eva smiled. "Oh thats fine. I'll totally teach you. Besides pranks are the best way to pass the time here." She wagged her eyebrows. "As a matter of fact, lets start now!" Eva said before running back to her room to get her ipod speakers. She came back and set them up in front of Dustin's room. "Here's your first lesson. If it's loud and annoying, your on the right track." Eva said, putting her hand on the door knob. She liquified it and melted her hand through the door jam and froze it there. Breaking off her wrist, she smiled wickedly. "If they can't get away, that's even better!"

Regenerating her hand, she turned the speakers to max and pressed the start button. She ran back to the girls with some ear plugs. "Cover your ears!!!!" Eva said, right before MC Hammer's "Can't Touch This" blasted through the hallway. She was pretty sure Dusty heard it, it was loud enough to wake the dead.
Luna laughed as Eva turned on the music, "THIS IS INSANE!!!" she yelled. Even wearing the earplugs she still put her hands over her ears, it was loud. Getting pranking lessons was pretty fun so ar, Luna couldn't lie-she was having fun. Poor Dustin, hope he has earplugs of his own! She laughed again, picturing him with a pillow over his ears. "Won't we get in trouble?" She yelled, not sure if this was appropriate first day behavior.
"By the time that creepy old lady with no name gets here from the Student Office it'll be over." Eva yelled, grinning. She did the running man in the hallway, while MC Hammer blasted through the walls, "I told you homeboy! Can't touch this!" Eva started laughing. "Man I wish I had this on tape!"
Dustin smiles as he hears the obscenely loud music coming from the hall. he whispered "Fluffy, come on boy. lets have fun" Dustin turns in fluffy and shadow ports out into the hallway behind the girls. then he roars as loud as he can "CANT TOUCH THIS MY ASS" as he picks up Eva and holds her above the ground. "Boo"
Eva shrieked. "Bad Fluffy!!! This was not how this was suppose to go! This is totally unfair!!!" She yelled trying to balance herself. She was laughing so hard she couldn't breathe. "For the record, I am not unfreezing your door anytime soon!" She was able to gasp out between breaths. MC Hammer was still sings, "Stop...Hammer time!" Eva looked up and belatedly remembered her music. "Oh crap, someone save my ipod before it gets kidnapped!"
Dustin leaves fluffy holding up Eva and runs to her iPod "Oh you mean this thing?" He asked holding up the iPod innocently
"No! Not my baby! She's so young! Give her back!" Eva said in horror as she tried to wiggle out of Fluffy's grip. "Let me go you overgrown ghost-thingie!" She yelled. "Don't touch Princess P! I need her to live! I won't survive in this place without her!" Eva started making water balls in her hands. "If she gets one scratch on her, I will totally soak you!"
Dustin laughed "Try me" Then he shadow ported behind Eva and fluffy "I can move so fast" then he snapped his. fingers and his form became whispy "I can literally become shadows, I don't think a littler water will hurt me" then he strolled over back.in front of Eva "Now, if you would kindly unfreeze my door lock, you can have your precious iPod back, maybe " Dustin smiled evily
Eva started sniffing and made a sad face that could compete with a kicked puppy. "Your so mean. Why would you blackmail someone with something so sacred as an ipod!" She said pouting.
Dustin sighed "First off, its not blackmail. secondly, you started it. thirdly, unfreeze my lock. fourth, I'm sorry" Fluffy brings Eva closer to Dustin and drops her into his arms. "Forgive me?"

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