Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

Leo smiles. "Well if you must know. I'm here because I have a very...strange power." he began. "Have you ever heard of the Red Dot incident?" he asked.
"Oh yeah i have herd of that these kids walked into a pet store with lazer lights and made the cats and dogs go crazy that was a good one"
Leo laughed. "No not that one. The one in japan. Any way. there was a huge nuclear explosion. all the people at the epicenter were vaporized. but the other people around the blast were...lets just say not themselves. i was at the blast sight, and well..." he paused. "Do you want to see what i can do?" he asked.
Leo laughed even more. "I'm not gunna explode." he said. "I do however have to bleed." he said as he pulled out a small knife and pricked his finger. The blood came out and lifted of of his hand. it floated there for a moment then moved and shifted. "See. strange." he said smiling. He grabbed his tray and threw it up. "BURST!!" he yelled and the blood shot right through the tray. "Dead center." he said.
Leo looked at him. "I don't feel it." he said kind of happy sounding. "it's kind of part of the power. And I don't really have to do it to myself all i need to do is well...bleed and the power works." he explained. "And it's not just my blood." he said. "I can control other people's blood too." he smiled a bit.
Faye was stood on her balcony, smoking and reading the text message she had received from her parents. 'Going 2 France, Bye' ... No hello, no 'how are you', no kisses... No love. Wow, no wonder she was so f*cked up. She sighed and pulled up her hood. She threw the last, unusable part of her f*g on the floor, stepped on it, and walked towards her door. On the way she dropped her phone... she wouldn't need it, and picked up her door keys. Walking through the door, she noticed two people. One she recognised - Dustin, but one she didn't. "Hello" she said... "I'm Faye... You are?"
Stands up from his table and walks back to his room walking back to his room when he looks up he sees a group of three people standing in the hallway so he turned around and went another way
(( Ella_Mae are you talking about me?))

Eva looked up at the new girl. "Hey I'm Eva. I don't think we've met." She said politely. "Welcome to Ever-Glade. Whatcha in for?" She asked as she examined Faye.
Leo got up and started walking. He saw a group of kids. 'here goes nothing' he thought. He walked up and saw two girls and a boy. 'great a guy' he thought. 'who's he after?' he asked himself. "hello." he said softy.
Eva looked up and saw another guy at the door. "Hi..." She said. When did my room become so popular? She thought absently. "I'm Eva, that Faye and Dustin. Who might you be?" she asked.
Leo smiled. "I'm Leo." he said holding out hid hand. "it's a pleasure to meet you." he said bowing his head slightly. "so what brings you to this hell hole?" he asked.
Faye smiled at the boy, "Hey", she said, "I'm Faye". Holding out her hand she looked him over - Black hair, blue eyes, and a few nice piercings... she thought they would get along just fine
"Awkward family tension, and social exclusion." Eva said in answer to Leo's question. She looked at Faye. "How about you?"
Leo shook her hand. "hello Faye. It's nice to meet you." he said nicely. "what's such a pretty girl like you doing in a such a hell hole like this?" he asked. He turned back to Eva. "I have a...strange power." he said. "have any of you heard of the Red Dot incident?" he asked
"Well, pretty girls usually have sucky parents" she replied to his question. Sucky was an understatement... more like uninterested, preoccupied parents with nothing better to do than send her away. "The red dot incident?" she asked... "as in THE red dot incident"
[MENTION=1569]solarwing123[/MENTION] "Leo... I'm sure you can explain it better" Faye said... "I mean, I'm not good at this kinda thing"
Leo looked at Faye. "so you know." he said. Then he turned back to Eva. "The red dot incident was a nuclear explosion in japan." he began. "everybody in the epicenter was vaporized." he continued. "everybody else well...they changed." he finished.
"What about you Eva?... what can you do??" Faye hoped she didn't seem too rude, asking everyone else and not telling anyone her power.

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