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Realistic or Modern Espionage Wars V9: Migration Edition

Denmark, Zealand 21/11/2020

the recent conflict that arose in Denmark became a concern for the GDS government as there are no guarantees that the north sea union will continue to abide by The Copenhagen Convention which makes the danish straights international waters allowing all vessels to freely travel between baltic and Atlantic. The other concerns are north unions potential aggressive expansion in Scandinavia which is against Samogitian interest. These circumstances naturally made the north sea union a potential rival that should be subdued

GDS soldiers landing in Zealand, the current objective is to establish themselves and fortify main isles that are under danish control.

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on 1 PM Eastern European Standard Time. Prime minister Songaila gave a statement informing its citizens about the current GDS government efforts to subdue north sea union. Shortly after the speech, GDS garrison forces in Iceland to be on high alert for potential hostile activities in the area.

The Battle for Scandinavia begins
November 21, 2020
An emergency session of the Great Althing has been called in response to the declaration of war by the Grand Duchy of Samogitia. There, parliament voted by overwhelming majority to promote General Ulrich Nielsen to the rank of "Generalissimus of the Viking Armies," granting him control of all military forces of the North Sea Union.
Generalissimus Nielsen proposing EMA 2020 to the Great Althing, flanked by Norse Prime Minister Alexsander Olsen (left) and Leader of the Opposition Kristin Tryggvasdóttir

Wearing a civilian suit as a sign of humility, Nielsen's first act as Generalissimus was to propose the "Emergency Mobilization Act of 2020" which included the following:
  • Conscription of 30% of the NSU's eligible population for military service
  • Increase in purchases and native construction of warships and military aircraft
EMA 2020 was passed by the Great Althing, though several members of the minority Social Democrats and Socialists voted against the measure.
As for military strategy, NSU forces in Denmark have begun heavily fortifying existing gains, in preparation for Danish and Samogitian counterattacks.
VKH soldiers preparing defences of the island of Møn

Nielsen also directed the Viking Royal Navy to form a blockade of the mouth of the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Germany, stopping all Danish and Samogitian shipping from moving between the North and Baltic Seas, and separating the GDS mainland from Samogitian Iceland. Nielsen has assured all neutral nations in the area that the blockade applies only to Samogitian and Danish vessels, and that other nations' shipping can move freely.

Map of the NSU's Danish territory, with the new blockade marked in red
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(International Private Military Force)

Faction Alignment: Chaotic Good? Chaotic Neutral?
Mission: Stomp Out Corruption, Lower International Crime, Stop Illegal Importation of Drugs, Weapons And More.

IPMF Has Been A Very Minor PMC, However With The Take Down of A Smaller PMC And A Small Gang Within A Week, Local News Channels Took Notice, Headlines Like "PMC Verses Crime?" And "Police Working With Private Security Companies?" Took Off..

IPMF Aka International Private Military Force. Their Weak Comparted To Most of The Other PMCs Out There, But IPMF's Tactics And Ways of Getting Stuff Done Makes It Unique.
Their Goal is To End As Much Corruption And Crime As Humanly Possible.. Which Seems Impossible But, They Are Trying..


With No Flag or Icon Yet, They Use A Blue Lambda As An Unofficial Symbol For IPMF.. Civilian Support For IPMF is there However It's Small..
Due To IPMF Being International, Many A Times It's Operatives Are Left On Their Own For Weeks..
Weaponry is Alright, Training is Great, Pay is Good..

With The Outbreak Of A War. IPMF Support Jumped, As Did Their Numbers.. For Now.. They Watch.. Waiting For The Call..
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just wanna make a quick post to show the LIM isnt dead, like I said ive been learning to do scenebuilds so I'm giving you guys my very first attempt as like a preview image. I'd love any criticism you guys have so I can make the final finished post as good as possible
After a considerable amount of time of disregarding the news of the Venezziolan sent of troops suspected to Denmark to help the GDS against the sublevation of the NSU on Denmark´s territory, a contingent of 3000 soldiers of the recently formed Denmark Venezziolan Expeditionary Force (DVEF) have been sent in an effort to "Support our allies in the exercise of their sovereignty" According to President Berluscan

At near dawn from already days, the Venezziolan troops have been arriving into Denmark, where a contingent of 2500 soldiers are already arriving near Zealand.

More news will be developed soon.

Venezziolan Soldiers from the National Guard 14th Detachment on Iceland, unknown location. According to the Minister of Defense, the task of this 500-men company is to keep an FOB in the island and establish a rearguard near the region.


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December 26, 2020
With the recent arrival of the Denmark Venezziolan Expeditionary Force in Zealand and Iceland, the Norse Defense Ministry has adopted a more defensive policy, focused on reinforcing holdings in Denmark as opposed to offensive landings in Zealand. So far, the Royal Norse Army (which continues to find itself unable to choose a name) has yet to engage with the DVEF, and so far has only engaged in light skirmishes with the Samogitian Grand Ducal Army.
Military conscription and recruitment continues under EMA 2020 regulations. Recruitment from the occupied territories is occurring at slow but acceptable rates; this is due to a combination of decades of pro-Unification propaganda, as well as promises from the North Sea Union of lucrative benefits.
As 2020 comes to a close, many worry that 2021 will bring a long and protracted war with the Baltic Duchy and Venezziola. However, with the apparent efficiency of the Norse Royal Navy's blockade of the Baltic Sea, forcing Samogitian naval units to rely on the time-consuming White Sea Canal route, Generalissimus Nielsen and Prime Minister Olsen have encouraged the Norse populace to remain optimistic and patriotic.
Leopard 2A7 of the 4th Vestfold Uhlan Regiment on patrol in Snoghøj, Jutland
Music: World of Tanks - Minsk (intro)

26 December, 2020...
Transylvania has demobilized to a degree after a build-up of troops on the border with Romania, seemingly ready to take their neighbor in one fell swoop. As life returns to normal for the denizens of the territory, there was a domestic terror attack involving a single gunman that resulted in the death of a couple. First to happen on scene was a paramilitary group of ex-military reactionaries, the Popular Front, who drove off the attacker mearly by showing up.
A few squad cars of the Forțele de Securitate ale Forțelor Terestre would arrive and set up a perimeter around the crime scene. During the investigation, the regular military forces then got involved when it was found that the male of the two dead was found to be a member of the Popular Front, and he and his significant other had the hammer and sickle carved into both of their chests through their clothes. This has necessitated the involvement of the regular military forces, intelligence suggesting that there is a developing radical insurgency within Transylvania's borders.

Above: Two members of the Forțele de Securitate ale Forțelor Terestre speak with a member of the Popular Front who stayed behind to give them a description of the suspect. On the right, two regular military troops help with the perimeter and to be on the look-out for more radicals.
January 4, 2021
As the new year begins, the North Sea Union continues to solidify its defenses in Jutland and the occupied Danish islands and prepare for future offensives.
In addition to conscription from the NSU's original territory, many volunteer from either the mainlands or occupied Jutland. Often this is primarily for economic reasons. A single powerful state controlling vast resources seems to many the best chance for economic prosperity; in addition, the NSU has offered enticing incentives for non-conscripts, including future high-paying work in infrastructure and mercantile programs. Others join due to their belief in the NSU's state religion, Modern Norse Polytheism (MNP).

Members of the Royal Norse Army stationed in Falster pray to Odin for future success in the war, during a combined assault exercise
7 January, 2021...
Transylvania publicly pledges its support for the Grand Duchy of Samogitia over its concerns that the Copenhagen Agreement wouldn't be honored, and as such, has privately offered to send an expeditionary force to partake in the fighting in keeping the flow of free trade from the North Sea into the Baltic Sea uninterrupted. Publicly, president Mihai Georgescu has stated, "The GDS is threatened by another nation over the prospect of losing free trade and the North Sea Union controlling a monopoly of goods flowing into and out of the Baltic Sea. Transylvania is more than willing to dedicate resources to the preservation of trade in the region."
Above: Mihai Georgescu publicly addressing the current conflict between the GDS and NSU, formally pledging his support to the GDS and threatening involvement.

In other news, civilian contractors working with the Forțele Terestre Transilvaniei have advised the higher-ups in the chain-of-command that they need to find a lateral upgrade to its current Main Battle Tank. The TA-72B3, a domestic copy of the T-72B3, while modernized to meet the needs of the modern battlefield, does not meet the standards of more modern, Western tanks. In addition to this, it does not comply well with the Transylvanian military's current defensive posture. As such, contractors were authorized to find sellers of old surplus Western MBTs from countries selling them, preferably between the 1980s-early 2000s.
One of the countries that would be contacted about possible military surplus MBTs would be Brittany, particularly for stock of either Chieftan series MBTs or Challenger 1s.
Above: One of the civilian contractors ordered to search for Western military surplus MBTs. Contractor Andreea Balan pictured above is typing and sending an inquiry about surplus vehicles to Brittany.
Aktobe, Kahzakstan
13th Of May 2020

As the toll of fighting in closed urban centre begun to take an toll on kergikstani forces, So did the brutality of it while veterans of the Battle of Bursa were more or less familiar with digging in and fighting in for an extended amount of time, many of the newly recruited soldiers during the recruitment drive weren't and many began to suffer from shellshock and other mishaps, these soldiers decided to take most of their anger on captured POWs and suspected civilian partisan fighters, With rumors breaking internationally of kergikstan soldiers putting prisoners against firing squads and summary executions. While denied by the government, some citizens began to suspect the government was hiding somthing after war journalists from kergikstan or going through their lines were barred from entry into the warzone.
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Commission officer argues with one of his subordinates over his handling of POW's.

25th June 2020

Despite Kazakhstan throwing everything they have at the kergikstani forces dugged in, none of their forces retreated eventually reinforcements from the 1st Infantry division and 3rd Infantry division and special assets from SAT Special forces and 1st signal reconnaissance corps snipers, arrived to assist command was finally relieved that they arrived as they estimated that their forces won't be able to hold on for another month.
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Kergikstan SAT Operators and members of the 33rd Platoon arrived to nearly leveled aketobe

17th Of August 2020

Kergikstan forces had been steady progress in capturing the aketobe. 1st Recon Sharpshooters have been great assets in anti partisan operations, counter sniper missions, reconnaissance and assisting in taking out high valued targets either behind enemy lines or near the frontlines both urban and in the outskirts of the city. Despite the extra forces however command realized that due to overconfidence on their part and failure to recognize the partisans fighters ability to fight on even with multiple strong blows to their network, they belived that the battle may drag on till December or worst 2021.
Kergikstan 1st recon sniper team in one of the many nests in aktobe

29th, October 2020

The kergikstan army after months of fighting and turning aktobe into essentially one giant wasteland that some would argue looks like the aftermath of fallujah, Kergikstan army forces managed to break through an important defense line that held the Kazakhstani lines in aktobe together managing to punch through the joint militia-army lines resulting the entire defense collapsing marking an end to the prolonged fighting in aktobe with Kazakhstani forces calling an hasty retreat leaving the partisan milita's to slow down the kergikstan army. due to the retreat many equipment and even tanks were left behind along with tons of soldiers who were willing to surrender. While in the outskirts had the same snowball effect when kergikstani tank units also breaching the kahzakstani lines and forcing a hasty retreat.
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Kergikstani forces breaching the defense perimeter.

15th December 2020

Kergikstan forces arrived in full force to assist mopping any remaining stragglers in aktobe most of the militia fighters were being hunted down to the last and slain, The kergikstan army command has finally won the battle and are in the final process of securing aktobe and hopefully using the city as an launch bed for other operations. To not make the same mistake like last time of letting the kahzakstani army get away to regroup, The new commanding officer in charge General Malik Kasimov had ordered the airforce to perform CAS strikes on any targets using the main roads.
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Kergikstani 20th Mechanized Infantry regiment sweeping an residential district in aktobe for the remaining insurgents.

10th January 2021

An month and few days passed since the victory over aktobe the kergikstan army had started to plan out it's operations for the invasion in the meantime kergikstan deployed SAT Special forces JTAC teams to coordinate airstrikes behind enemy lines in the hopes catching the retreating Kazakhstani forces who escaped aktobe. CAS strikes however were very indiscriminate often or not targeting either civilian vehicles, decoys or hitting nothing eventually the order was given for JTAC teams to return to base as it's clear that the Kazakhstani forces had successfully retreated and may or may not be creating an new line of defense.
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Kergikstan JTAC team in the mountains coordinating CAS runs on the main roads.
2 months ago the region of Pomerania in Poland was struck with a plant-borne disease that affected the region's potato crops. Polish farmers began to report a massive loss of crops as the disease seemed to spread faster than anticipated. The Government of Poland pledged quick support to the region but internal disagreements and other complications delayed this response. When support did arrive however it was already too late as Polish scientists soon reported that the disease had mutated and was now capable of spreading to other crops, such as the region's wheat and rye.
With the massive loss in crops only increasing, the region soon began to suffer from food shortages. Farmers soon found themselves sitting in their fields looking at where there once sat a fortune, now only left with overturned dirt.

As the weeks continued the people of the region began to feel abandoned. The government despite its constant promises of support had still not fully delivered. Support came in but it was not enough. People began to take to the streets to announce their discontent gathering and protesting in front of government buildings.
One such protest, taking place outside of a Polish Government building.

The Unrest has only grown over the course of the crisis, with a famine clearly on the horizon for the region, the Polish government needs to act quickly else they will likely see other groups take charge to give the people what they need. Anarchists, Fascists, and other groups have quickly begun to join the protests. One movement in particular, though quite new has taken the interest of many.

Name: The Front of Native Rebirth - [FNR]
Mission: The FNR seeks to create a separatist state within the region of Pomerania, with a social-democrat political leaning and a focus on the rebirth of old Slavic native culture. The FNR sees itself as the only faction capable of providing the people of Pomerania with the help they need in the current crisis.
Leader: Patryk Szostek
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Patryk Szostek [MIDDLE] with his closest lieutenants, Izydor Domian [BACK] and Florian Korch


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The American Worker's Commonwealth

Various Flags of the AWC

Official Map of the AWC

Brief Description & Brief History
"The American Worker's Commonwealth, Informally known as the AWC, Is a Democratic Socialist nation in North America, specifically in the Northeastern & Great Lakes areas. Founded after the great American Decline and the eventual collapse of the United States as a whole, the nations founders, the political party known as the "Democratic Lincolnist League", were inspired by the Pacific States and convinced 18 states to leave the weak Union for many reasons, however, the main two were for it's failure to assist the workers in the former Rust Belt and failing economy. The nation's capital is centered is in New York.
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New York City, the capital city of the AWC.

Ideology & Politics
The AWC's ideology is Syndicalism, more specifically a special kind of Syndicalism known as Lincolnite Syndicalism. It's supreme authority is that of the President, who has supreme executive power over state affairs. The highest legislative body in the country goes to the Central Committee, and is the President's main advisory board. The economic body goes to the Trade Unions, a syndicalist element in the government, and has control over the economy and worker's wages. Each state in the Commonwealth is ruled by a Govenor, a position with extensive power over local media & judicial practices. And finally, control of the Military goes to the Defense Committee, Who controls the American Red Army, American People's Air Force, American People's Navy & the home guard reserves known as the Revolutionary Guard. The Defense Committee also controls a citizen's militia known as the Civil Guard, composed of armed citizens, and is only activated in times of extreme peril & in times of invasion.

"Bernard Sandsfeld" - Current president of the AWC



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January 11th, 2021

Kergikstani-Kazachstani frontline near Aktobe.

The recent Kergikstani victory in Aktobe proved to be a long-awaited triumph for its bogged down forces in the region. However, the Kergikstani high command failed to fully capitalize on their eventual rout of Kazakh defenders. Surviving battalions were consolidated into a coherent enough force and taken beyond the frontline to regroup. In the meantime, Kergikstan unsuccessfully attempted to hit the retreating forces using their CAS assets under the guidance of deployed special force spotters. Needless to say, these attempts were an utter failure due to cleverly utilized decoys, rough terrain, and a far more organized retreat of Kazakhs than their Kergikstani foes ever expected.

Even more, without much room for a much-needed breather, Kergikstani frontline in many places was low on organization and Kazakh army exploited this by probing the frontline near Aktobe with their fresh and refitted armored division, mainly equipped with T-72B obr.1990g MBT's and seasoned mechanized support battalions. The initial strikes were quite successful and left 2 of Kergikstani Leopard 2's in flames and 4 more disabled for a time. Information about infantry casualties on both sides as of yet is unknown.

Pictured - Kazakh T-72 MBT on the move near Aktobe in preparation to engage Kergikstani positions. The sudden attack inflicted moderate damage on Kergikstani positions and raised morale considerably for Kazakh troops.
January 11th, 2021
Szczecin, Poland

The protests continue throughout Szczecin where many groups have begun organizing their own marches. Most of the marches thus far have been quite peaceful with only a few violent scuffles when the groups accidentally misplan their path and run into an opposing party. The Polish authorities have had to ramp up their presence in the region
Officers of the Polish Police on a street corner in Szczecin watching a demostration.
Officers of the Polish Police on a street corner in Szczecin watching a demonstration

Despite seeming peaceful for now tensions have been ramping up between three major groups, The Front of National Rebirth, Social Democracy of Poland, and The Front of Native Rebirth. The members of each group starting to engage in aggressive vocal exchanges and social media interactions. Some members of each group have even started making threats of violence.

The Front of Native Rebirth itself has begun making its own moves in the background of the marches and demonstrations. Members of the Front have begun to blend in with the standard demonstrations and slipping into Far Right-leaning groups to push for further escalation. Front members have even been sighted carrying blunt weapons and other crude tools with them during the marches. Some members of the Polish authorities have taken note of these activities, and have been keeping tabs on known members.
A nationalist march in progress being infiltrated by Front of Native Rebirth members, most wearing large jackets to conceal weapons and other tools for use in possible engagements.
14th of January, North Sea Union

After weeks of diplomacy with the NSU, the Tsardom of Volhynia and the NSU has come to an agreement to send Volhynian weapons and military advisors to the NSU. Volhynia has sent a 120 experienced men from the 102nd Grenadiers, and 60 men from the Air Force to help train the Norse military, alongside with a large amount of weapons including various infantry weapons, BTR-80s and 10 MIG-29 fighter jets, it is estimated to take between 1 and 2 weeks for the order to fully arrive.

Volhynian ship on it's way to the NSU

Volhynian grenadiers training NSU troops in urban combat.

15th of January
Shortly after the arrival of Volhynian troops, a mysterious group also appeared in NSU territory close to the frontline, aiding NSU troops in fighting the Danish government forces and their allies. The supposed mercenaries has been reported speaking the Volhynian language and using Volhynian equipment, though the Volhynian government denies having any troops at the frontline, or any involvement with the fighting going on. On the mercenary patches it says " ChVK Meytus", the companies origins is unknown as there is little to no information about the group.

Meytus mercenaries somewhere near the frontline.

January 16th
Location: Tufanbeyli, Anatolia Region

Over a year and a half has gone by with minor issues for the ERR and it's allies in the ATO. Particularly in Anatolia, where a long lasting insurgency has simmered down for almost two years - however recently exploded. The Anatolian Liberation Campaign (ALC) - one of the largest opposition forces fighting ATO troops in Anatolia has reemerged since the end of the war in Turkey, this group loyal to the Turkish government consists of many former Turkish military who never left the Anatolian region after the war and receives funding and weapons from many abroad and within Turkey itself. With over a year of planning and preparation, the ALC prepares for offensive in the southern region of Anatolia - attacking the city of Tufanbeyli.

However, prior to the attack the information was leaked from the ALC to another group, some in the ALC even though they fight for Turkey had been radicalized from the horrors of the first war and the aftermath. Some sympathetic to extremist elements, those within the Anatolian Mujaheddin Front (AMF). With the attack only hours away the AMF utilizing their extensive tunnel networks throughout the region moved fighters to the border of the DMZ.

Tufanbeyli, a quiet city on the DMZ between the ERR and Turkey, only one conscript garrison guards the city - other regions would see a lot of unrest in these parts, and even though Tufanbeyli is in a red zone the city has been mostly spared from the insurgency, however not for long. Around 11:58 PM on January 15th elements of the ALC blast holes in the DMZ perimeter shaking the ground and buildings in the city - automatically the security system is triggered, all power to the city is shut off, and is diverted to security defenses. Large spot lights on the towers flash on with loud speakers blaring, air raid sirens sound in the city, ALC forces pour into the holes in the fence with their own loud speakers cheering on their fighters - the noise is unbearable and the fighting becomes fierce right away. The conscripts try and hold the perimeter but get pushed back into the city streets, where fighting continues into the morning.

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Turkish ALC fighters observe the fighting along the DMZ from a vantage point.

As morning breaks, the ALC push into Tufanbeyli, the streets become a warzone for the fighting factions - ERR conscript troops begin to setup a inner perimeter in the city trying to hold off the advances from the ALC. However, with the garrison distracted by the ALC, it gave the AMF an opportunity by sending their fighters over the fence also on the east side of the city, while in the early hours bringing in T-62 tanks to support their jihadi forces. While the ALC and AMF have divisions among their beliefs of the conflict, some of the group's fighters began engaging themselves on the streets in the early morning of the 16th, as not all in their ranks agree with each others approach to the insurgency.

So far the ALC and AMF have only breached the DMZ and made it to the first streets in the northern half, and eastern half of the city. With the garrison putting up stiff resistance even if their undermanned. While the battle for Tufanbeyli pushes on only later in the day of the 16th that the ERR high command got communication of the assault - immediately dispatching a division of regular forces to the area, while calling on any nearby detachments of ATO forces to support the garrison.

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Jihadis from the AMF pushing into the city from the east.
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"What to do with the Statue Of Liberty? & Other Artifacts?"

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Somewhere in New York

Ever since 1885, Lady Liberty has graced the New York Harbor with her faded-copper presence for years, but it isn't really fitting for a Syndicalist Nation. Ever since the nation's founding, the AWC has pondered on what to do with the infamous statue, and today they may have finally found a resolution.

Fierce debate was held at the Central Committee Headquarters last night, and it was decided that Lady Liberty, along with other old American Artifacts, would be shipped to the Pacific States Of America. The plan sounds like something out of a superspy movie, but this plan will be sure to arrive in our real world soon. The plan is simple, cut up the Statue, ship it over, and put it back together, easy right? well... Not really. It would take months for the plan to be completed, along with millions of dollars.

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Fort Jefferson Air Base, Ohio Syndicate, AWC

The other artifacts planned on being shipped to the PSA Includes: The Liberty Bell, The U.S Constitution, The Bill Of Rights, Multiple Statues, Pieces of the Boston Trail, Old Revolutionary Artifacts & Paintings. Most artifacts will take longer to ship, such as the U.S.S Constitution and other warships, as they would have to be tugged across the Panama Canal and all the way to the bay of San Francisco. These will take time to execute, however, with PSA Support, they might happen quicker and more efficient.

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President Bernard talking about the plans at a shooting range in the Michigan Syndicate

"Our hopes are up that this will work, if the PSA is willing, because we sure as hell don't want to destroy them, we want to preserve the old American History, but we don't want it here. Overall, I see it more fit for them to have it rather than us. And I know that people don't like the choice, including old-fashioned New Yorkers, and all I can say to that is this: Why even bother? it won't change anything, your acting like we are gonna force you to like this, I'm not ripping your brains out of your skulls, Relax, it's just a statue for god's sake, You won't even miss it."
- President Bernard Sandsfield, American Worker's Commonwealth.


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Kamchatkan Paratroopers commence exercises in the Khabarovsk Federation amidst growing tension between Russia and Kamchatka.
Location: Khabarovsk Krai
Date: Janurary 19th

The Republic of Kamchatka has commenced a series of military excerises abroad in the Khabarovsk Federation today as part of it's new effort to strengthen military ties with his closest ally and trade partner. 6,400 Troops from the Kamchatkan Armed Forces will be spending the new few weeks in the Khabarovsk Krai Region.

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Kamchatkan Paratroopers pictured by a photographer from the Kamchatkan Ministry of Defense.
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Democratic People's Republic of Poland
Our homeland.

Brief Description & Brief History
"The Democratic People's Republic of Poland, Informally known as the DPRP, Is a juche practising nation in South-East Poland. Founded after the Polish Economic Disasters caused by the ruling party the eventual collapse of Poland as a whole, the nation's founders, the political party known as the "Polish Worker's Self-Reliance Party", were inspired by the Balkanization of the USSR and convinced two states to leave weak Poland for many reasons, however, the main two were for its failure to assist the workers in former Poland and failing economy. The nation's capital is only known as "Kołowrzywiec"
Kołowrzyiec, formerly known as Lublin.
Ideology & Politics
The DPRP's ideology is Juche, more specifically a special kind of Juche known as Polish Self Reliance. Its supreme authority is that of the Premier, who has supreme executive power over state affairs. The highest legislative body in the country goes to the Sejm Ludowy and is the Premier's main advisory board. The economic body goes to the Ministry of Economy, a Socialist element in the government, and has control over the economy and worker's wages. two of each state in the Republic is ruled by a Voivode and Marshals, two positions with extensive power over local media & judicial practices. And finally, control of the Military goes to the Ministry of National Defence, Which controls the Polish People's Army, PolishPeople's Air Force and Polish People's Territorial Defense. The Ministry of National Defence also controls a citizen's militia known as the Milicja Obywatelska, composed of armed police officers, and is only heavily militarized in times of extreme peril & in times of invasion.

The country is led by one man known as Stefan Barzyczniuk
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In the middle of the stagnation of clashes between the DVEF and NSU´s Forces, the panorama of the war was looking on a relatively peaceful calm until 6:32 PM 4 days ago, were a group of soldiers of the DVEF´s 5th Platoon of the 2nd Army Division were doing their last patrol before heading to base, near contested territory, when they found themselves colliding against another platoon of the NSU´s doing same patrol tasks, and as the Captain leader of the platoon stated to the BBC correspondents in Denmark "We just standed there for a few moments, looking at each other, kinda even dumbstruck, until I screamed contact, and hell cut loose, both of us started shooting back, and the rest happened, man" and combat soon followed.
In the middle of the fighting, Lance Corporal Manuel Aristimedo, 19 years old, was shot in the stomach and wounded, according to his brothers in arms.

Manuel, laying on the ground, cries in pain as his peers rush to aid him.
Manuel, laying on the ground, is seen crying in pain as his peers rush to aid him and treat his wounds.

According to the medic of the platoon, Mr G, a 28 year old experimented anonymous Sergeant "Them NSU pricks were over the treeline, and when we realized, we were shooting back, in the middle of that, I hear Manuel´s scream "Oh fuck no!" And then I hear they are calling me. "Fuck, motherfuckers got Manuel, no!" So I go and try to aid him, and requested fot a medevac."

Not so far away, another platoon, at another 40 minutes away, another platoon of the same Division engaged with another platoon of NSU´s soldiers, both retreating out of no-knowledge as if they dont know if there were QRF forces nearby. In the midst of that engagement, Private 1st Class Juan Lopez, 17 years old, was shot in the chest alongside his CO, Andres Hernandez, 30 years old.

Both Platoons retreated their men in a Medevac.

Manuel being lifted by airmen of the rescue branch of the 17nd Air Group "Husares del Cielo". Juan can be seen on the stretcher inside the Huey.
Once taken to FOB Miranda, the 3 soldiers were hospitalized, were, sadly, Juan Lopez succumbed to his stomach and chest wounds, and died at the operation table at 7:31 PM.

"It was hard for us, Juan was the smiliest, brightest, smartest and youngest of our platoon" Remarked his CO "He covered me, as he was also the bravest... Damn, I mean, the kid asked to his parents permission to join the Army at this age, and when the war started, he volunteer as soon as he got out of Basic, he wanted to serve this purpose, the only thing we know is that we wont fail him, this war is for him and all the brightest and finest of our country and our allies against the NSU" Said in tears his CO, refusing to talk anymore.

These three men are part of the firs Venezziolan wounded of the war, and thus, making Juan the first casualty of the Venezziolan military in this war. President Berluscan and the King himself decided to give him the medal of the Royal Liberator´s Cross, the maximum condecoration of Venezziola. A state funeral will be given, as millions across the country back home presented flowers and memorials in various Plaza´s of the country.

Due to this resolution and loss, more troops will be sent, to maximize the efforts of the fight against the Norse Army.

The 14th Armored Batallion arriving at Zealand.

Elements of the 8th Airborne Regiment arriving at FOB Miranda. With this last arrival, the number of troops at the DVEF disposal is up to 4500.

With the arrival of more boots to the ground, the Venezziolan army will have to test itself against the Norse army if it is to help Denmark and the GDS in the fight against them.

On the latest news, at around afternoon, an unexpected event appeared in the midst of the Deployment of Venezziolan and GDS forces for the first time, as B Company, of the 12th Mecanized Batallion, found themselves and encountered with GDS soldiers, exchanging greetings and talking for a while, the men of the company ended up exchanging words with the soldiers, joking some time, and even taking some pictures, in a event that has been remarked internationally as the "Second East meets West"

Venezziola meets the GDS.

"We hope this can be a proof of the relationship between brothers in arms, strengthening our ties agains the NSU." Said one of the soldiers present during the moment.
Lublin City Streets, January 28th 2021.
"Welcome, welcome all of you beautiful people to Trelivanian National News Network, I'm Grzegorz Rozpuszczykoniskowki and today I'm your host, now onto the news:
Trelivanian Military has announced a series of military exercises are to take place for the duration of the next two months, along with that miliary parade is in order to celebrate 33th Anniversary of Trelivanian Defense Force's formation, Originally formed January 28th 1989, it became the standing defence against polish aggressions that came in from time to time, anyway as for everyday life, it is going very standard as people go on about their day and sometimes the members of special group Alpha arrest people for a multitude of criminal acts as two are seen, have been reportedly attempting to print masses of money which could have led to inflation, the rest of their criminal buddies remain to be caught."
"Here is the footage of TDF exercising assault against hostile targets, this time the visualization is of insurgents as anti-polish sentiments haven't flared up in year's following the conclusion of most conflicts related to Poland, the insurgents are portrayed as terrorists from various parts of the middle east who have been responsible for a variety of crimes against humanity, it was only fitting for our great nation to use visualization of the dummies and such as an incentive for the troops to put forth all their hatred for these scum of the earth, along with that several tank divisions took part in the exercises as they'll be also participating in the upcoming parade.

A shot of our boy's in action."
"That is all we could share with you my dear comrade's, I hope you enjoyed this afternoons news broadcast and we hope to be seeing you again quite soon, have a good rest your day and tune in for more news from Trelivanian National News Network!

Grzegorsz R. Singing out!"

Thus ends the broadcast, people go about their days and life continues as normal, for now.

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