ESCAPE: Experimental Special Containment Act of Protecting Earth.


Jōnin of Silence
Sign-up Sheet:


Hi, my name is Kai, yes I'm a guy (And my rhymes are fly xD ). You must be one of the new arrivals here at ESCAPE, the Experimental Special Containment Act of Protecting Earth. Let me tell you what this is all about. It's the year 2030, and 10 years go, in 2020, scientists started experimenting on human subjects. 5 years into the test, in 2025, one of the subjects successfully escaped their containment, and not only that, but he set all the other test subjects free in the process. Ever since then, these things that got out have been hunted down and put into ESCAPE. ESCAPE is a facility that the scientists made to continue testing on these enhanced humans. It is exactly like the last one, but they put a couple more million dollars in security. Oh, and it's about 2000 feet underground and the only way up or down is one elevator (Which is big, but some people just don't like elevators, right?). I'm tired of this place, and trust me, you will be too if you stay to long. They'll be easy on you at first, but then they'll get worse and worse.

So, what do you say?

Want to escape ESCAPE today?

Rolplay start:

The alarm started going off around the facility, all the metal doors on all the cages slid shut, so no one inside a cage could see anything. Gunshots were heard, followed by the hiss of metal on metal, that followed by the sound of people drawing their final breaths. Footsteps were the next sound, it was important to listen because no one could see what was going on. The first voice emerged: "Irota! Down the hallway! Get as many cages as you can while you're at it!" It said, (This next part goes to anyone who it want to, as it can be for multiple people) then multiple cages were picked up as the young kid ran by them, the kid not stopping to even lay a finger on them, the cages just lifted off the ground and followed the child.

The kid got to the end of the hallway and turned to corner, for now, this was the safest they would get for a while. Since his powers were no longer restrained, the kid ripped off the metal doors and the metal bars holding each altered human in their cages, ultimately setting each one free. The eight year old kid stood in front of them, behind him, from around the corner came four guards with Assault Rifles. They each aimed their guns at the things in the cage, along with the eight year old standing in front of the cage. None of them even had time to pull the trigger, all 4 guards had knives in their heads and they fell over. Another boy ran around the corner, he was older. He looked about sixteen with dark blue hair, his skin color was changing from the grey of the metal back to a humans as he rounded the corner and started to speak.

"Irota, the security door!" He yelled at the eight year old. Normally, this would be insane, a sixteen year old telling an eight year old to close a security door that was locked in place by four locks that costed about $1,000 each, but the kid simply looked at the door and it slammed shut, it jammed as it slammed into place to hard. The sixteen year old looked at the people inside the cages and began to speak again.

"If you want to escape this hell-hole, come with me. If not, I'm sure those thousand-sum guards would enjoy having a nice pleasant talk with you guys," he said as he pulled the knives out of the dead guards' heads.
George inched his way out of the broken cage. He didn't know what exactly was going on, the fact that he had been disturbed in his sleep had him a bit grumpy. But until he noticed the bars on his doors ripped open, and the others climbing out stealthily, he realized what was happening. Suddenly, he heard,"If you want to escape this hell-hole, come with me. If not, I'm sure those thousand-sum guards would enjoy having a nice pleasant talk with you guys," George, a.k.a. Georgie, looked around, and stepped out. He then raised his hand silently, and said with a small, quiet voice,"I want to.. mister!" This gave him the attention of all the others, making the poor child cower and look away as he covered his face with his hands.
Catotengo looked out from his cage, and then dashed across the hall, running fast. He grabbed his bow off of a wall, and a quiver. He now had all he needed. He then looked at the man who had broken them out, now his task was simple. Follow the man, and he'd most likely live. Not that he hasn't been at near death before.
Venndale calmly got up from the cold concrete floor that he had been happily resting on. As he stood tall you could see he was about five foot eight inches with a slight muscular build that could be seen moving under his new long-sleeved shirt. The scientists had caused him to completely scorch his most favorite tee shirt and shorts so as an 'apology' gift they gave him the itchy sweater and tight jeans instead. It wasn't really an apology gift it was more of a 'we can't allow you too run around naked' gift, Venn did not complain though, they kept him covered and that was all that mattered. His hands patted some excess dirt that had flung up from the ground and which was now sticking too his jeans. Suddenly, he looked up and could see straight through the his cell, not just through small metal bars, but a big gaping hole. As he stepped out he heard the teen shout too those who were now exiting their own cells. There was only two roads Venn could pick: Go with the teen and most likely escape this god forsaken place or stay and explain too the guards what went down. Without a second thought the elder teen planted both his feet outside his cell and took deep breath of freedom, then he jogged over too the younger teen and his small accomplice. "I knew this place was due for another escaping quest. I'm in," he shoved his hands in his front jean pockets and smiled politely to those around him.
I have my eyes in my arms, crying again. Saying over and over that I didn't want to die in here. Then I hear yelling, and suddenly my door is open. I stumble back onto my feet, whipping my face off with my white sleeve. I stepped out, my bare feet felt good on the cold, concreate floor. I saw others as well, walking out to the end of the hallway, where the screaming was, I figured I better go too, I wasn't going to stay here by choice. I had to make sure I was in control this time though, I don't want my bones to rip my cloths again, I didn' want to go naked again.
Georgie cowered at the teenagers exiting their cells. Luckily no-one noticed him. He decided to maybe tag along. With every step towards the group of newly free experiments, Georgie grew tired. He needed sunlight, and in this god-forsaken place, he wasn't going to be able to find any without looking for the device the scientists had used to keep him alive and energized to a green core. What did he call that device again? No matter, maybe the older ones could help him find it. Since they were in one of the lowest floors in this highly deep prison, no windows showed on the walls. He finally cought up to the small group and said in his squeaky, quiet, voice,"I-I-I-I.... I'd l-like to go... please." His innocence showing so strongly amongst the others. He looked like a frail and young dandelion, getting pushed around so furiously by the devastating wind, ironically speaking.
Siv walked out of his cage,his eyes were covered by a band but he still knew where he was. He heard someone speaking as he went out and heard others also getting out of there cages,he agreed to go with him but couldn't say so so he simply showed he was going to follow by walking to where he heard his voice. He was used to having this thing over his eyes so he new how to find his way around with it.
Kai nodded, this might just be enough to get out of here. This was one disadvantage the scientists knew all to well. By experimenting on us, he bottled in hatred. We were much stronger than them 1 on 1, 2 on 1, 3 on 1 even, some of us more powerful ones could pull of a couple dozens on one. Kai looked at the ones that were already out of the cage, one stood out in particular, he looked weak. Kai knew to well of the test subjects that require special needs to survive. If this was one of them they needed to get these needed ASAP. Kai decided now was the best time to say something about it.

"Listen up! Before any of us even try to escape, I need to know if any of you have special needs. I know some subjects that need water, even fire, to survive. If you need something, speak up NOW because this is our only chance to get anything. We are NOT turning back."
Evelynn quickly got out of her cage, and stretched before looking around. What was going on? Something about escaping. She could see the sky once again, so vast and endless. She smiled and ran over to the group. "Take me with you!" She had said this a bit louder than she intended, and clamped her mouth shut, covering it with her hands. She looked at everyone nervously before opening her mouth again. "Please," she whispered. She had no idea how they could escape, but assumed that someone had a plan. She would agree with any crazy idea they had if it meant she would no longer have to be experimented on.
Trisha rested quietly in her heavily insulated glass tube. It had been filled with a special water-like liquid to keep her trapped inside while they fed upon her. She often wondered how long it would be until they made a mistake, some critical error that would again allow her the chance to look out at a landscape other than the myriad of bubbles that often rose up around her.

Through the tube and dense fluid, after what seemed like an eternity in her dimly lit prison, were the muted bangs of what sounded like heavy metal.

"Just what is going on" She thought to herself before suddenly becoming dazed by a sudden drastic increase in light. The external cage wall had been ripped away, affording her the sight of the gruesomely slain guards.

"A prison break?! How was this even possible from such a well funded place?"

She watched as one of the older assailant's seemed to shimmer out of the wall after changing from it's grey into his own fleshy tones.

"OVER HERE" she tried to shout out though her mouth just filled with liquid. Coughing and wheezing, she desperately pulled back at her breathing device and started to bang along the tube with all of her might, hoping to attract their attention.
I looked up at the man, still with some faint tears rolling down my eyes. He was here to help, but I need to know WHY. I guess that will need to wait for later. Staring at him I realized my bones hurt from all these test. "Hey it's kind of a weird request but, but I NEED milk. My bones are so weak after these test, I need the calcium please......" I didn't think he would have anything, but I needed some. The doctors would make me excessively use my bones, and they would rub chemicals 24 to see what would happen. I guess it would give me some piece of mind to have milk.
Georgie nodded at this older one's statement. He needed his sun treatment sooner or later, since he was scheduled to have it around the time of the break out. He said once more,"I-I.... I need my Flashy Thingy, It's in-" Only to be interrupted by the loud, ominous banging from a cage not too far from the group. Georgie jumped slightly, and scurried behind the so-called leader's back, peering from behind him with wide, frightened eyes. He surely was afraid and shy.
Trisha continued to pound away for dear life, throwing all of the strength she had left to muster into it.

"Damn it, somebody notice me." She thought to herself in frustration. She looked around the room she had not seen in years. "I'm not that far from them, was the rubber so thick that they couldn't hear me from up here. Was it no good after all? No, can't have doubts now"

Her eye's desperately scanned for loose debris that she might be able to control with magnetism. They inevitably came to rest upon the very door that had previously served to seal her own cage to the outside world. Stretching out her hand in an unnecessary but somehow easing gesture, she tried to extend her reach to it.

Her cell responded to her increased electrical activity almost immediately as the numerous diodes that had been partially embedded into her skin sapped at her reserves even more harshly than they always did. The entirety of the tube flared brilliantly sending a blinding flash out into the immediate vicinity around her.

The pain of the drain wracked at her body intensely before leaving her floating vacantly inside her. "Damn it..."
Kai was interrupted by a series of loud bangs. At first he thought it was guards trying to get through a door, then he realized it was a woman in a large glass tube filled with liquid.

"I really, f***ing hope, you don't depend on that stuff," he said running up to it and slamming a knife into it. Once this was done he flipped over and kicked the knife, busting the glass open and setting the woman inside free. Kai waited to see if there was anything she needed. The tubed subjects sometimes are very weak when they came out of their tubes. He looked at his group. He had a weird way of telling who was better at what. He analyzed who was agile and who wasn't, these agile people, like himself, were the ones who were going back to get anything any of the other subjects might need.
The tube burst open under it's own pressure after being punctured by Kai's knife. Psuedo water burst out and around, the area, causing Trisha to spill out along with it. The wires snapped and dangled inside what remained of the tube as a now exhausted Trisha panted up her first breaths of outside air in years.

"Than...thanks" she struggled to get out, her voice sounding heavily horse as it hadn't actually been used for so very long.

Trisha rose slowly, trying to assure her balance on what now felt like legs made of rubber. Her jacket, which had been infirmed with her dripped heavily as the liquid slightly thicker than water slid off of it.

"Thanks" she tried again more firmly before willing herself back to a more normal appearance. She absolutely refused to be seen as 'the weak one holding everyone back'. She started forward towards the others headless of the glass-like shards along the floor, nearly losing her balance on a couple of steps. Her bare feet leaving a thin line of blood floating along with the psuedo-water as it poured away.

"What now?" She again said firmly, her voice only slightly cracking this time.
Siv slightly jumped at the sound of breaking glass as his body color turned white,he sighed after trying to calm himself down as the color came back. He wondered what was going on,he heard them talking about what they needed but he didn't remember anything he needed at the time. Then he remembered and went back to his cage,he kneeled down on the ground feeling around until he felt and grabbed his notebook and pencil on the floor. He needed these though he couldn't use them now but they'd come in major handy,he got up after and had gone right back where he was and waited.
Catotengo had watched all this happen, through his hair. It was always in front of his eyes. Saying as he was the only one with a true, very deadly, mulit-use weapon, he had decided to make sure no guards made their way in. The one that did run in, got an arrow through his heart. It wasn't pretty, watching the man claw at the arrow, but, he was evil, and evil deserves it. He sighed, and leaped onto a cage, scanning everything. They needed out of there, now, the bad thing is, he couldn't say a word to tell them just how badly.
"Oh goodness. What an unexpected raid," Esmion thought to himself, thinking this is perhaps the best time for anyone to make a break for it. "Evidently, I should join in. I'm just about done with this wretched place." "Now how do I get out of this cage?"
Evelynn jumped at the bright flash, and was relieved to see when someone went over to a tube and broke it, letting the person inside free. She smiled at her, and watched as they made their way back. Then she noticed the blood trail and quickly ran over to the woman, squatting down to examine her feet. "I'm sorry, but could I take a quick look at those? It would be horrible if they were to get infected." She could have just healed them right there, but it did sting the first few times, and she didn't want to alarm the woman. Plus, she didn't want to risk sealing any broken glass shards in her flesh. She looked up and smiled reassuringly. "It will only sting for a little bit, I promise."
Trisha gazed at this unknown women that had offered her aid. She fought back hard at the urge to leave them all, recognizing that as it was, she would have a very hard time trying to defend herself, let alone find a way back to the surface.

"...It will only sting for a little bit, I promise." she heard moments after, snapping her free of her private contemplation and surprising her a bit.

"Ah.." she started before remembering her entry into their group. "Don't sound so soft" she chastised herself before continuing firmly. "Yeah, thanks. These too?"

She fingered lightly at one of the holes in her arm created by the diodes that had been embedded into them not too long ago. They didn't bleed, but if she was captured again, she didn't want it to be too easy to reconnect her to one of their machines.

"Your name...?" Trisha asked in what she hoped was a firm tone before realizing how rude she was in not offering her's first, though she made no efforts to correct her mistake.

(((OOC: I thought I read that these threads auto-refreshed themselves every ten second or so T-T Mine refuses to do so >_>)))
I scanned over the group, puzzled by what was happening. Where these people like me? Did they have something 'off' about themselves? There was so many questions but not so much time, this was an escape after all. The person helping that girls feet, could she also take these chemicals off my bones, they tainted my blood,making my bones do weird thugs to show results. "Excuse me um miss, but could you possibly help me as well. To put it bluntly I need my.. be cleaned of this chemical they put on me please." I didn't expect her to help, but I needed treatment for me to gain some control over my bones.
Evelynn gasped when she saw her arms, and quickly rose to her feet. "Never mind. I'll take care of these first." She lightly put a hand on her arm, and concentrated, feeling the familiar, yet still strange tingling in her fingers as the holes filled back up with flesh and skin. "I'm Evelynn, Evelynn Pierce. As you can see, I heal. It's not the most pleasant of feelings, is it?" She smiled in satisfaction once all the holes healed up, and squatted once again. "We should get all the glass out first. What should I call you?" She gently pulled on the woman's arm to signal that she should sit.

She jumped slightly when a guy approached her, but her expression softened at his request. "I could try, but I mainly just regenerate cells...I could try to clean out your blood and strengthen your organs and bones, but I can't just make the chemical disappear. I can still do all the things I mentioned if you are willing to try." She smiled apologetically, hoping that he would understand.
(A few things that you guys might want to know: all alterations grow and develop over time, becoming more powerful. Also, subjects may develop new alterations over time too, but it won't be till later in the roleplay that I should see any new alterations.)

Kai looked at the force they'd assembled. He looked at everyone there, then his eyes snapped to the guy with the bow. There were other speedy people, but it looked like Kai and this guy were the only two who could pull off a full out get-in get-out operation in time. He walked up to the guy and talked to him one-on-one.

"Hey, listen, some of these people need things to survive. We need to get these things, and fast. From the looks of it, me and you are the fastest on our feet, and we need to get in, get out, and get out. So, what do ya say, help me get this milk and flashy-thingy?" He didn't say it out loud, but Kai thought he knew that this flashy-thingy is. He didn't know that Catotengo was mute, so he was expecting a vocal response.
Finally free, Esmion jumped out his cell with 5 knives in his right hand and quietly rushed over to Evelynn and the others. "Thank you so much for busting me out," Esmion whispered smiling. "I'm Esmion. Esmion D'auveille. It seems you guys could use some help."

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