Errors,(Neko asylum RP)

Rose smiled and swatted at the ribbon on her tail making it move away. She somehow got herself tangled up in all of the ribbons. Rosie was purring quietly but was blinking. A slight blush appeared on her face when she realized what she did. Rose tried to untangle herself but ended up failing miserably and making herself more tangled in the ribbons.
He watched her as she progressively got more tangled, giggling the whole time. He turned to face her, straddling the bench. "I'll help you." He said, smiling sweetly. He started with the green one, finishing with the white. He put his hands on his hips triumphantly, "There ya go."
Her tail swished again. "Thanks.....So, uh...what now?" She blinked and waited for a response. Rose took her foot out of her shoe then put it back in. Rosie repeated this again and again until Sirah responded.
"Well breakfast should be over in a little bit.." He honestly didn't know what to do. He then saw 22 hop off of her shoulder and sit in front of her. He smiled a little.
"Before I forget, are we friends or something?" She looked at where Sirah was smiling and guess it was 22 or another number. Rose waved with one finger and smiled. "Oh, and promise not to flirt with me?" She giggled quietly and felt herself get a bit dizzy.
Snapping back to reality, "Of course we're friends!" He said sweetly. He smirked little when she said don't flirt with her. He scooted closer to her, still straddling the bench. "Are you sure? I can be funnn." He whispered in her ear, but then burst out laughing.
Rose felt herself blush lightly at the tone of his voice. She blinked before blushing slightly more. He was kinda cute but he didn't like girls. Rosie felt kind of disappointed and pinched her thigh, digging her nails into her skin. No blood was released but it did hurt a lot. "U-U-Um, y-yeah..." She snapped back, still blushing gently.
The only reason he began laughing so abruptly was because he felt himself blushing. 'But I'm gayyy.' He thought to himself. He shrugged then saw Rose blushing. He smiled, "At least I have an effect on someone." He said happily.
She jumped a little when he spoke and nodded a little. "Well yeah, you're still a guy...." Her ears were perked up and her tail was swishing slowly, sometimes curling on her lap. She wanted to play with the ribbons again but had to restrain herself from doing so.
Laying one ear down, "Good point." He said coming to realization. He saw her staring at the ribbons, "Go for it." He said giggling a little. "Just don't get yourself stuck again."
"I can't promise that." She said before swatting at the ribbons. Rose made a ball of them and her fingers started going through it. After a minute or so, she somehow got herself tangled again. She sighed and waited for Sirah to help. Rosie could feel one being slightly tight on her ear which made it twitch every few seconds.
"Good gosh." He huffed out. "I told you not to tangle yourself again!" He purred out. Once again he started with the green ribbon. When he got to the yellow one, he saw it was around her ear making it twitch awkwardly. He smirked and left it there, and finished with white, leaving the yellow one there.
She blinked and stuck out her tongue slightly. "I'm sorry." Her ear twitched again, making it fall down then perk back up again. "Is there something on my ear? It feels weird..." Rose tried to look up but failed and almost fell backwards. She looked at Sirah like a kitten, her ear twitching again.
He tried to retain a giggle and simply answer, "Nope." Watching her ear twitch was adorable, like a new born kitten. He started mirroring her ear movement with his own unconsciously.
"Are you sure? I think there is something on my ear but I can't....see it." Rose was thinking of taking the object off with her hands but that would ruin the fun. She saw him mimicking her ears and smiled a little, her ear twitching once again.
"Okay I'm sorry." He said laughing, he scooted closer to her and began to remove the ribbon. He really didn't like yellow, he didn't even know why he had it truthfully. Finally getting it off, he put it back on the table.
She grinned as a thought came to mind. "Why would you do that?" Fake tears started forming in her eyes as she flattened her ears and made her tail stop moving. Rosie made the cutest sad face she could make.
Sirah froze, he didn't mean to make her cry. He flattened his ears against his head and quickly hugged her around the waist, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" He kept repeating, scared out of his mind.
She was trying so hard not to laugh but kept with her act. The tears fell and she gripped his shirt. "Why..wh-why would you d-do that....?" Rose quietly 'cried' in between words.
"I was just joking!" He tried to explain but he was too worried. He hugged her tighter, "Please stop crying.." He begged her, almost whispering.
She didn't want to make him mad since he seemed really worried. Rose buried her face into his neck and nodded slowly. "It's fine....I'm..fine.." Her ears were still flat and her tail remained still. She was smiling in her mind, now knowing how to manipulate Sirah.
He rested his head ontop of hers, "Oh thank goodness, I almost started crying myself." He admitted. He blushed when he noticed how close they were. 'Wait. NO. She's a GIRL.' He mentally scolded himself again.
She pulled back and wiped her eyes, laughed a bit. "I would have cried more if you started crying." Rose stayed close to him, but not hugging anymore. She noticed his blush and smiled more. Rosie was about to say something but decided not to.
Saffire nodded her head eagerly, totally in awe of Sevens multiple personalities.. She giggled softly, wanting to hug back so bad, but she just couldn't..

"And that my friends is what we call a classic display of split personality disorder, its such an intresting thing to study, I like to study!" She giggled, her voice going all hyper again.. "I can't wait to have a best friend! Best friends are awesome! Letters are funny you know, because none of them sound the way they look, do they? Or is it.. They don't look the way they sound? Anyway! They confuse me, just like everything else!, everything in this world is funny and confusing, and dosent sound the way it looks!" She said, gasping for air after her announcement, she snuggled up to Seven and carried on giggling..

"I don't like my snuggle-jacket either, but its only fair because I don't like the doctors, and sometimes I'm nasty to them.., I'm sometimes nasty to other nekos too.. But not you! You're my friend now!"
One of his ears stood up at the sound of raven- haired girls voice. She sounded very happy and excited about something. But his focus was on Rose at the moment. He grabbed her shoulders softly, "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked the worry still apparent in his voice.

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