Errors,(Neko asylum RP)

She giggled quietly, waving a little to 22. "Thanks, a lot of people don't like me. Nice to meet you." Rose smiled a little at Sirah. "Please be nice to me as well 22." Rosie said to nothing on her shoulder.
Rocking on his heels, "It's nice to meet you too! Normally people think I'm weird or I still act like a little kid. But.. You're actually nice enough to see that I'm not all that weird!" He said smiling softly. He hoped they'd be friends.
Rosie laughed a little, she ment that to be for 22 but either way she made a new friend. "I act like a child sometimes." She walked back to the table they sat at earlier and sat down. Rose took a deep breath in and started eating, not bothering to chew. The food didn't really need to be chewed anyways.
Plopping back down where he was sitting. He prodded his food with the fork. "This. Is. Terrible." He said over dramatically, his ears laying back against his head. He noticed one of the gaurds staring at him, and stuffed some of the.. whatever it was into his mouth. His tail stiffened as the slop slid down his throat.
Her ears flattened as much as they could, tail straighting and tightening as well. She made a whimper like noise as she gagged down the 'food'. Rosie almost threw up when she was finished. "You got that right." She wiped her tongue on the napkin and made a noise.
"I mean, they could at least put some salt on it." He said disgusted. Glaring at the excuse of food that sat in front of him, he hissed at it. The guard was staring at him again, but he didn't really care anymore.
"Weep not for roads untraveled"

"Weep not for paths left alone"

'"Cause beyond every bend

Is a long blinding end

It's the worst kind of pain

I've known"

Give up your heart left broke--

Her words were suddenly cut off by a furious jab to the head. Seven had been caught by surprise, and would have otherwise lost her balance had it not been for the "guards" structurally withholding her arms from movement. The young Neko already felt the throbbing beginning of a baby-bruise, but she was fine with that; it would just go along her many others.

She would name this one Peter.

"Cut out that singing, scum bucket." Seven didn't know which of the two men had growled that reply, but she didn't care. Nobody could upset her smile today. Nope, not even the mean people. Especially, the mean people.

"And let that mistake pass on

'Cause the love that you lost

Wasn't worth what it cost

And in time you'll be glad it's gone"


Again, right in the direct place of the last injury, Seven was struck with this brutal force. This time it was harder, releasing a pent up fury. "I said: Cut. IT. OUT." Was the fury caused by her actions? It couldn't be.....she hadn't done anything wrong. They weren't still mad about the fire she had started in the lobby, were they?No, no, that couldn't be it. Were they made because she broke one of the nurses legs? No, no, it couldn't be that ether. Maybe they were just having a bad day. Maybe they just needed a person to brighten up this cloudy fog of dullness and anger.

Seven was more then positive that she was just the person for the job.

In order to perform the task she had no set out (the task of making the guards smile. They were the special guards, sent by the police to escort her on her first day. Oh, how she loved being so special! The men might hit her, but she knew they were nice), her own grin spread wider and wider, fangs and teeth exposed with a brilliant whiteness. Her purple ears stuck straight up on the sides of her head, perkily projecting a feeling of excitement. "You know, I think your job is pretty neat. You get to meet new people, you get to make new friends, you get to have new experiences! How long have you been guards? You look about 80, so I'm guessing you guys have been doing it for a lllloooooooonnnnnngggggg time now! Is it fun? I mean, I'm having fun. I always love to get acquainted with people I didn't know before I got acquainted with them. I'm just sure that we'd be great friends if you just gave me the chance. Maybe we can blow up this hospital together! Ooooooooooooohhhh, that'd be amazing! I have, like, endless supplies of dynamite! And theirs no better way to become friends then to bond over FIRE!!!! In one breath, the Neko had released a barrage of words. The men didn't even have the time to reply with a blow to her head by the time she had started and finished. Her large violet eyes brightened with anticipation, darting back and forth to look for a smile on both the faces of her escorts. They merely clenched their teeth and growled an indistinguishable threat. Oh dear, she didn't make them smile yet. Seven's ears flattened in momentary sadness, her grin subsiding. But, of course, it was only momentary sadness. It disappeared as quickly as it had come. Branding her trademark smile and perky ears once more, Seven had a sudden and incredible idea.

Her long tail slowly slinked from the back of her jeans. The unsuspecting mean men would never see this coming. It took all of her willpower to withhold an anxious giggle while her tail lightly touched the nearest guards shoe. Ah, he would love this! It would certainly make him smile!

The next moment, like a snake, it had wrapped around the foot inside of the shoe and pulled with all its might. Caught by surprise, the guard's mouth formed a surprised "O" as he released her arm and fell backwards.

"Bwahahahahaha!" Her laughter poured out in fits of snorting bursts and giggling madness. "I think you require some cha-cha lessons! Dancing can aid in learning how to stabilize those big feet of yours!" In example, her own swift feet began to move to the beat inside of her head, but that beat was disrupted by....guess what?

A jab to the head.

"Son of a-" The guard cursed rapidly as he brought himself to his feet, hat off and hair ruffled by anger. He looked like a very, very, very, very, verrrryyyy upset bird.

How funny.

Still laughing, even after the assault, Seven wiped away an imaginary tear using her now free hand. That had was immediately grabbed by the previously fallen guard, and the grip on her other arm by the man who had remained standing grew even tighter. She would surely have another bruise on each limb, but that was the price you pay for fun. "D@mn, you're lucky as HELL this is your first day, otherwise you'd be getting the "special treatment"." The man to her left hissed. Her large eyes became even larger. "Special treatment? That...that sounds amazing! I want to go! Pick me, pick me!" She began jumping up and down, but of course was pulled back by the both in a synchronized motion. "Oh, I'm sure you'll be there soon enough. Without a doubt, in fact."

She didn't have the time to reply before they actually released her wrists and shoved her forward. With a glance, the neko took in the entire contents of this massive room. Her stomach grumbled as she scanned each and every face within the area. Food. Seven stumbled, just barely able to swivel around in time to see a daunting smirk on each of the guards faces as they turned to abandon her in what she assumed was the lunch-room.

The girl had finally gotten them to smile.





She continued her song in pure happiness, singing at the top of her lungs. She ignored the judgmental glances provided by the other people. She closed her eyes, raising her now-bruised arms in the air for a theatrical approach. The faces and bodies of each being was already imprinted into her memory in a permanent casing of her disintegrating mind. In the darkness beneath her lids, Seven saw large eyes. She saw ears. She saw tails. She

Kids just like her.

What had previously been excitement now evolved into an ecstatic emotion barely ale to be contained by her small stature. Whistling the tune with all her might, Seven regained her composure and opened her eyes to the bright lights of the cafetorium. She stumbled once more, but quickly stood up straight, sporting a smile that would bring a glowing harmony to anybody who actually decided to look. The neko-girl ran forward, bouncing on the nearest bench (much to the astonishment of the people already sitting there), spilling out words that were set too fast for comprehension while simultaneously whistling the song tune.

Jumping from bench to bench, she heard the distant cry of a piercing detainment whistle.

Did she care?

Not. One. Little. Bit.

"Weep not for roads untraveled

Weep not for sights unseen

May your love never end

And if you need a friend

There's a seat here alongside me"

She found an empty table in her leaps, lightly and gracefully pouncing on the wood and metal itself. Cross-legged, the odd girl swayed back in forth with the rhythm of her words, growing quieter and quieter in her joy.




"What a beautiful voice you have"

A soft voice came from behind Seven, it was Saffire, a tall, black haired neko, who's arms were bound up in a straightjacket, but she didn't try to struggle, a very calm expression plastered onto her face.. She licked her teeth, hungry, they only put Saf in here to tease her, because of her straightjacket and she wouldn't let them forcefeed her, she hated that more than anything..

"Do you mind I sit beside you?" She asked, looking down at the purple eared Neko, she was actually pretty cute, her eyes contrasted well with her dark skin and her eyes were short and cute, safire's eyes glittered, waiting for an answer..
Seven gave a tiny peep of bewilderment at the gentle sound behind her. A voice. Instead of turning around, she instead leaned backward, gaining an upside down view of its owner. A tall and elegant female had created the soft words, dark and containing a graceful beauty. But she was bound by a straight jacket. Just thinking about being trapped like that was enough to send shivers up her spine. She grinned. “Oh-thank-you, thank-you-very-much.” Seven was nearly shocked. Nobody had ever complimented her singing was such a good feeling, receiving this kindness, however small others might see it. She then looked the girl up and down, observing her calm and collected expression. The purple-neko tilted her head to the side. Seven wondered what the other girl’s name was. She sure was pretty, and she seemed so nice. Oh joy, oh joy, oh joy! A new friend!! She opened her mouth to speak, but stopped short. A small twinge of pain struck her temple, causing a tiny twitch in her neck. Seven’s pupils dilated, growing larger and darker. Her excited grin flipped to a tiny and charming smirk. “Oh, you can sit with me any time, dear. Seven’s voice had changed in tone. One second, it was bubbly and excited, now it was smooth and almost sensual. She straightened her back, spinning around on her butt to face the beautiful Neko. Propping her chin on her open palms, placing her elbows on her crossed knees, her gaze became dazed and charismatic. “You seem hungry.” She noted, in all obviousness. “But considering you’re currently a bit “tied up” (pardon the pun, darling) would you like me to get you something?” Seven gently patted a spot beside her on the table-top, offering her other hand for the girl to shake. “My name is Seven. A true delight in meeting you, I must say.”
Alvina's ears went straight up as a girl came in singing. She watched the girl for a moment but quickly found her as annoying. She tried to eat her.... food? But as the girl bounced from a table to a table Alvina hissed at her, though, she thought it was a bad idea because of the guards. They looked as annoyed as she felt, so she thought she was fine. When the girl finally settled she went back to the slop they gve them to eat. She could swear it kept moving though.
"No no, you don't have to get me anything, I don't like the food here.. I'm sure it moves" she said, shivering at the thought of it.. Saffire stared at the purple neko, smiling softly.. "That's such a pretty name! Seven, seven,seven" she giggled, sitting back down next to her

"I'm Saffire by the way.. Hey! How cool is that! Our names both have s's!" She said, overjoyed by such a little thing

"That means we should be friends, yup! That's it, you're my best friend now!" Saffire babbled, nuzzling her cheek with her nose..

"You're so pretty too!, and such a great voice! I sing too! Oooh finaly a friend!"
His ears perked up at all the new commotion. 'Does she have.. purple? Purple fur? She can sing too!' He thought to himself in awe. He immediately imagined the perfect outfit to dress her up in, but it didn't suit her very well. Just a dress in general didn't suit the hyper neko. Shrugging to him self he continued to observe her. 'Well she's not straight.' He thought bluntly after he watched her flirt heavily with a black haired girl, bound by a straightjacket. He then saw 45 scurry across the floor, watching it was several nekos almost crushed it.
Rose was now listening to a new conversation going. She noticed Sirah was looking that was also. Her head tilting as she saw imaginary flowers blooming around him. "What's wrong with you? You seem....too happy." Rosie wondered if 22 was still with her.
Snapping back to Rosie, "Oh sorry," He apologized while scratching the back of his head. "I was just observing. She's not really the girly type. I don't think she's straight either. But that's just what I got from watching." He explained. He leaned over to whisper in Rosie's ear, "I think she likes that girl in the straightjacket." He giggled like a little girl as he plopped back onto the bench.
She smiled a little bit and nodded. "Yeah, she defiantly likes the girl in the straight jacket." Her "woman instinct" thing was kicking in a little. "You're good at observing huh? Okay then, what do you think of me? Oh and don't go easy, I'm a tough girl." A big smile made it's way on her face and she giggled slightly.
"Well," He started off a little nervously, "You seem like one of those people that only like a few people and you despise everyone else. No big groups, but a few good friends. When you aren't with your friends, you're a shy and almost scared girl. Running from almost anything you aren't used to." He said shakily. He was normally good at figuring people out but Rosie seemed a little different.
She smiled and nodded slowly. "That's uh, that's correct..." Rose was a little amazed that he knew that much about her, and was right. She didn't like 'friends', all they end up being are complete jerks. Sirah on the other hand, might become her first real friend. Her ears were perked up and her tail was swishing, almost hitting the table.
His ears shot up, "Really?" He asked amazed himself. "I thought I was way off. You're just so.. different. In a good way though." He tilted his head a little a smiled. He saw her tail popping up on either side of her as it swung behind her. "You're taill is so poofy." He said, transfixed on the moving tail, a little out of it.
As fast as the last change had occurred, this time it was even faster. Her voice grew hyper and excited once more, joyful and happy with this communication. "Ha! Would you look at that, both our names do start with an S! S is my favorite letter, you know!" She blinked, looking to the ceiling, her voice growing softer. "Or maybe it was A.....or O......I really just love Z too! Aw, who am I kidding? I think Alllllll of the letters are wonderful! They make such nice words and songs and poems and stories!

So your name is Saffire? Like, as in, Sapphire the gem?" Suddenly, her tone dropped all emotion, like a bucket dumping out its liquid contents. Her gaze became as cold and prying as her voice, returning to a stare at the dark neko girl.

" Did you know that because of the remarkable hardness of sapphires—nine on the Mohs scale—and of aluminium oxide in general, sapphires are used in some non-ornamental applications, including infrared optical components, such as in scientific instruments; high-durability windows; wristwatch crystals and movement bearings; and very thin electronic wafers, which are used as the insulating substrates of very special-purpose solid-state electronics (most of which are integrated circuits)?" Seven blinked.

"Oh, um, you do like it? My name, that is?" She scratched her head, the robotic persona evaporating, leaving in its place an aura of nervous enthusiasm. The purple-tinted female became much more subtle, her manner taking on a kind gentleness. "Nobody has ever said my name was pretty before. I....I think yours is just beautiful. The name suits you, from what I can tell." Seven pushed up on her nose, almost like she was adjusting invisible glasses, attempting to avert attention from her quick blush. At the word "friends", her eyes widened. "F-friends? Oh, oh my. I haven't had a friend in so long now....."She became a bit sad at the notion, but she instantaneously perked up, her ears as well, at the touch of the other girl. Seven's grin spread wider then it had in ages, her eyes shutting as she wrapped her arms around her new friend in an almost crushing embrace.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!!! I have a friend! I bet you'll be the best friend ever. Because friends are always the best, any friend at all! You're so nice! Why would anybody ever want to put you in this place with that awful snuggle jacket? I wish everybody was as amazing as you are, Saffire! I just met you and I think you're so grand! I know that we'll have so many great musical adventures!"

"If that would be, um, okay with you, that is."
She glanced at her tail as it moved back and forth. Rose got up and sat next to Sirah, her ears still up. Her tail swished slowly and tapped Sirah lightly. "You can touch it if you want, I don't bite." A small smile formed and she winked. Her canine teeth slightly showed.
He clapped his hands together like an excited girl. He caught her tail as it swung towards him and pulled it onto his lap. 'Hm.' He thought to himself. "That's it!" He said excitedly. He pulled out various ribbons out of his pocket, separating a light blue one from the bunch. Stuffing the other back into his pocket, he held up the ribbon to Rose. "I knew it. Blue's your color." He said smiling at her. He focused back on her tail and neatly tied a perfect bow around almost the end of her fluffy tail. Grabbing a comb out of his other pocket, he combed the stray fur neatly down. Tucking the comb away in his pocket once again, he looked up at Rose. "I used to dress up like a girl when I was really little." He admitted easily.
Her blue eyes blinked and she started laughing quietly. "I'm...I'm sorry..." She could barely speak between giggles. "I..I wasn't laughing because you dressed as a girl just so you know." Rose swished her tail and the ribbon moved as well. Her ears perked up and she swatted at the ribbons on the table playfully. "And yes, blue is my color as you can see." She pointed to her eyes and hair. A small purr came from her throat as she tangled up one of the ribbons and was playing with another one.
"I wouldn't have minded if you were anyways," He said kind of flatly, "I mean, I'm gay so I'm used to it." He admitted with ease. Watching her swat at the ribbons, he propped himself on one elbow and picked up a dark purple one. "Purple suits me better, it's a mysterious color." He said absent mindedly as he swayed it in front of him. He looked at her playing with the ribbons again, he smiled and let out a little purr too.
Rose stopped and blinked. "You're gay? I wouldn't never guessed...." She sat straight and looked at him, head to toe. "But, uh yeah. Purple does suit you." She shook her head a little and continued to play with the ribbons, wishing she had a ball of yarn right now.
He chuckled, "Really? I've been asked that question my whole life just because of how I looked." He found no shame in saying this, he was confident enough. He pulled his tail onto his lap, combed it a little then wrapped the purple ribbon around it. Holding up his tail, "Now we're matching." He said giggling.

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